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Eldha Sampepana
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Jurnal Riset Teknologi Industri
ISSN : 19786891     EISSN : 25415905     DOI : 10.26578
Jurnal Riset Teknologi Industri (JRTI) adalah jurnal ilmiah yang terbit secara berkala dua kali setahun pada bulan Juni dan Desember. Memuat informasi bidang riset Teknologi Industri berupa hasil riset dan Ulasan Ilmiah bidang Perekayasaan Mesin, Pangan, Kimia Industri, Lingkungan dan Teknik Industri. Akreditasi Kemenristekdikti Akreditasi S2 Vol.10 No.1 Tahun 2016 samapi dengan Vol.14 No.2 tahun 2020. p-ISSN : 1978-6891, e-ISSN : 2541-5905.
Articles 306 Documents
Kontrol Konsistensi Mutu dan Kandungan Aflatoksin Produk Kacang Tanah Sangrai Melalui Standardisasi Proses Produksi Umi Laila; Yuniar Khasanah; Rifa Nurhayati; Dini Ariani; Lusty Istiqomah; Wiwin Widiastuti; Muhamad Kurniadi
Jurnal Riset Teknologi Industri Vol.13 No.2 Desember 2019
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (9.214 KB) | DOI: 10.26578/jrti.v13i2.5095


Kacang tanah diolah oleh Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) BIMARAM menjadi kacang tanah sangrai tanpa kulit. Proses produksi kacang sangrai belum merujuk pada suatu Prosedur Operasional Baku (POB). Hal tersebut sangat kontradiktif terhadap keinginan konsumen untuk mendapatkan produk yang konsisten dan stabil dari segi mutu dan keamanan produk. Melalui penelitian ini, disusun POB untuk produksi kacang sangrai. Karakteristik mutu yang meliputi kadar air dan sifat sensoris produk (rasa, aroma, kekerasan) serta titik kritis keamanan produk kacang yang berupa kandungan aflatoksin B1 dievaluasi. POB yang telah disusun diaplikasikan ke UKM BIMARAM, yang mencakup alur produksi beserta detail tiap titik prosesnya, spesifikasi bahan dan peralatan, serta sasaran hasil tiap titik proses. Dari penelitian ini, didapatkan bahwa POB yang disusun tidak merubah prosedur produksi yang selama ini dilakukan oleh UKM, POB hanya mencatat prosedur produksi dan menyajikannya lebih sistematis dan terukur standar. Hal ini didukung oleh data kadar air yang didapat pada kacang sangrai sebelum dan setelah diterapkannya POB yang tidak berbeda nyata (p>0,05), berturut-turut sebesar 4,31% dan 4,58%. Penerapan POB meningkatkan karakteristik sensoris produk kacang sangrai untuk rasa dan kekerasan walaupun tidak signifikan (p>0,05), kecuali aroma yang peningkatannya signifikan (p<0,05). Uji korelasi yang menggambarkan hubungan kadar air dan sifat sensoris terhadap penerapan POB menunjukkan hasil yang serupa. Sementara itu, kandungan aflatoksin B1 pada komoditas kacang mentah, kacang setengah kering, dan kacang sangrai setelah penerapan POB berada di bawah ambang batas yang dipersyaratkan BPOM dan US Food and Drug Administration, yang masing-masing adalah 4,68 ; 2,78 ; 4,42 ppb. Kata kunci: kacang tanah sangrai, prosedur operasional baku, kadar air, sensoris, aflatoksin B1
Karakterisasi Komponen Aktif Asap Cair Cangkang Sawit Hasil Pemurnian Fauziati Fauziati; Eldha Sampepana
Jurnal Riset Teknologi Industri Vol 9 No 1 Juni 2015
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (8151.309 KB) | DOI: 10.26578/jrti.v9i1.1705


Palm shell liquid smoke obtained by pyrolysis and redestilasi still produce a pungent smoke flavor and color of yellow to brownish yellow so that the necessary research purification of smoke that can be used as ingredients other than preservatives, such as antiseptic hand wash. The research objective is to reduce the stinging liquid smoke aroma, color is tawny and to identify the characterization of the active components of liquid smoke shell oil refining results in Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). The purification process of liquid smoke with redistilled at a temperature of 2000C and by adding 4.5% zeolite adsorbent made three (3) times the resulting liquid smoke of distillate and residue. Liquid smoke produced from distillate and residue are added activated charcoal as much as 9%, 10.5% and 12%, then stirred with a shaker subsequently allowed to stand for 6 days and 10 days The results of the study showed that liquid smoke purification results of the residue by the addition of activated charcoal as 12% and the time saved for 10 days (A2B2C3) gives flavor and color by 1.94 of 1.84 is odorless, yellowish white color and clarity. While the characteristics of the active components of purification results are predominantly acetic acid and phenol compounds of residues that serve as preservatives, antibacterial and antioxidant compounds while PAH (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon), namely tar, benzoperen, gualakol and siringoll (aroma causes) undetectedABSTRAKAsap cair cangkang sawit yang diperoleh melalui proses pirolisis dan redestilasi masih menghasilkan aroma asap menyengat dan warna kuning hingga kuning kecoklatan sehingga diperlukan penelitian pemurnian asap yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan lain selain pengawet, seperti antiseptik pencuci tangan. Tujuan penelitian adalah  untuk mengurangi aroma asap cair yang menyengat, warna yang masih kuning kecoklatan dan untuk  mengidentifikasi karakterisasi komponen aktif asap cair cangkang sawit hasil pemurnian secara Kromatografi Gas Spektrometri Massa (GC-MS). Proses  pemurnian asap cair dengan  redistilasi pada suhu 2000C dan dengan menambahkan adsorben zeolit 4,5% yang dilakukan sebanyak 3 (tiga) kali  dihasilkan asap cair dari Destilat dan Residu . Asap cair  yang dihasilkan dari destilat dan residu ditambahkan arang aktif sebanyak 9%,10,5% dan 12%  kemudian diaduk dengan shaker selanjutnya didiamkan selama 6 hari dan 10 hari .Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa asap cair hasil pemurnian dari residu dengan penambahan arang aktif sebanyak 12% dan waktu simpan selama 10 hari ( A2B2C3 ) memberikan aroma sebesar 1,94 dan warna sebesar 1,84 adalah tidak berbau ,  warna putih kekuningan dan jernih . Sedangkan  karakteristik  komponen aktif hasil pemurnian yang paling dominan  adalah  senyawa acetic acid dan phenol  dari residu yang berfungsi sebagai bahan pengawet, antibakteri dan antioksidan sedangkan senyawa PAH (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon) yaitu tar, benzoperen,  gualakol  dan siringoll ( penyebab aroma ) tidak terdeteksi . Kata kunci : asap cair, cangkang sawit, komponen aktif, pemurnian, redestilasi 
Analisa Sifat Fisiko Kimia Dan Anti Bakteri Asap Cair Cangkang Kelapa Sawit Untuk Pengawet Pangan Titiek Pujilestari
Jurnal Riset Teknologi Industri Vol 4 No 8 Desember 2010
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1320.132 KB) | DOI: 10.26578/jrti.v4i8.1465


Physico-chemical properties  and enti-becterial agent of liquid smoke palm shell  for food preservation has been performed.  The liquid smoke  was made by dry distillation method, and then partially purified by precipitation­ filtration and distillation. Chemical components were assayed using GC-MS and  anti  bacteria.  capacity  was  assayed  using agar  diffusion  method. Results showed that differences in purification treatment leads to a different physico-chemical  properties  and  anti bacterial  capacity of liquid  smoke produced.  Partially purified  of pure  liquid smoke produced  followed by distillation process have characteristic of clear, impurities of 0.09% and pH of 3.07 .Dominant chemical compounds found in the various treatments were cyclopentanone, 2-furancarboxaldehyde. acetic acid. and acid propanoate.  Partial purified liquid smoke by precipitation-filtration showed inhibition on bacterial growth of E. Coli and S. aureus. but could not inhibit the  growth  of  Salmonella,  whereas partial  purified  of  liquid  smoke  by distillation did not have inhibitory effect on the growth of E. Coli, S aureus and Salmonella.
Preparation Process Of Curcuminoid Powder from Turmeric Rhizome (Curcuma longa domestica, Vahl) and Its Characteristic as Food Ingredients Agus Sudibyo; Tiurlan Farida Hutajulu; Maman Sukiman
Jurnal Riset Teknologi Industri Vol. 12 No.1 Juni 2018
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (371.262 KB) | DOI: 10.26578/jrti.v12i1.2676


Study on the preparation proces of curcuminoid from turmeric root (Curcuma longa domestica Vahl) and its characteristics as food ingredient was conducted. The results revealed that the type of solvent, the solid-liquid ratio and extraction temperature were affected to the yield of curcuminoid content. The yield of curcuminoid content ranged from 11.96% to 14.01% (for ethanolic 60% solvent extraction), ranged from 12.91% to 15.20% (ethanolic 80% solvent extraction), and ranged from 3.85% to 7.19% (ethanolic : water 1 : 1  extraction). Results showed that the highest value of total phenolic content was recorded in ethanolic extract (S/L ratio 1 : 50 and extraction temperature 60oC) with value 146.25 mg GAE/100 g; while the lowest for a mixture of ethanol and water 1 : 1 extract (S/L ratio 1 : 30) and extraction temperature 30oC with value 101.43 mg GAE/100 g.  Results also showed that the highest  value antioxidant activities was recorded in ethanolic 80% extract and 15.00 g ground dry turmeric used with value 47.65% ; while the lowest  value from a mixture of ethanolic and water 1 : 1  extract and 1.50 g ground dry turmeric used with value 20.04%.                                                                     ABSTRAK Studi pada proses pembuatan bubuk curcuminoid dari akar kunyit (Curcuma longa domestica Vahl dan karakteristiknya sebagai bahan pangan telah dilakukan. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa jenis pelarut, perbandingan antara padatan - larutan dan suhu ekstrasi yang digunakan berpengaruh terhadap rendemen kandungan curcuminoid. Kandungan curcumnoid berkisar antara 11,96% hingga 14,01% (untuk ekstrasi dengan pelarut ethanol 60%), berkisar antara 12,91% hingga 15,20% (ekstrasi dengan pelarut ethanol 80%), dan berkisar antara 3,85 hingga 7,19% (ekstrasi dengan pelarut ethanol 50 %). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai ter tinggi dan terbaik kandungan total senyawa fenol tercatat pada ekstrasi dengan ethanol (perbandingan S/L 1 : 50 dan suhu ekstrasi 60o C)  dengan nilai 148,99 mg GAE/100 g sedang nilai terendah tercatat untuk ekstrasi menggunakan pelarut 50% (perbandingan S/L 1 : 30) dan suhu ekstrasi 30 o C dengan nilai 101,43 mg GAE/100 g. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa nilai  tertinggi aktifitas antioksidan tercatat pada ekstraksi menggunakan ethanol 80% dan menggunakan bahan kunyit kerin g sebanyak 15,0 g dengan nilai 47,65% ; sedang nilai terendah sebagai aktifitas antioksidan pada ekstrasi menggunakan ethanol 50% dan menggunakan bahan kunyit kering sebanyak 1,50 g dengan nilai 20,04% . Kata kunci : Rimpang kunyit (Curcuma longa domestica Vahl), kurkuminoid, proses ekstrasi, sifat karakteristik, ingredien pangan . 
Pengaruh Tekanan Pemasakan dan Penggunaan Rak Penyusun Terhadap Mutu dan Kekerasan Tulang Ayam Presto Rizal Alamsyah
Jurnal Riset Teknologi Industri Vol 7 No 14 Desember 2013
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (10972.629 KB) | DOI: 10.26578/jrti.v7i14.1538


 Problems encountered in the production of chicken presto is bones which it is rapidly destroyed while cooking spices still does not penetrate properly  into the meat and rancidity is still felt. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of vapor pressure cooking and the influence of position rack storage of raw chicken in aoutoclave on quality and tenderness of chicken bones  of chicken presto. The study consisted of two phases, namely the production of chicken presto, and storage for 8 weeks. Steam pressure treatment used were 10, 15 and 20 psi. These treatment were conducted with rack storage (shelf dividers) and without rack storage (stacked as usual). Tests were conducted on the product organoleptic and bone hardness test. Presto chicken products with the highest organoleptic acceptance is the treatment T2, which was the process of cooking presto with a pressure of 15 psi and processed without the use rack storage. Rack storage did not affect the organoleptic score increase on the product. Organoleptic test results showed presto chicken products accepted by the panelists with the average value of A between 3.3 to 3.6. The bone hardness test shows hardness values varying between 22.44 gf / mm to 60,46 gf / mm
Potensi Sludge dari Industri Kertas Sebagai Bahan Baku Chipboard Henggar Hardiani; Rina Masriani
Jurnal Riset Teknologi Industri Vol 9 No 1 Juni 2015
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (11710.349 KB) | DOI: 10.26578/jrti.v9i1.1635


From the regulatory perspectives, pulp and paper mill sludge management as a environmental issue is significant. The restricted of imported recycle paper is a problem for the pulp and paper industry. Therefore a research was conducted to determine utilization potential of the WWTP sludge from paper industry in Indonesia as raw material for chipboard based on the characteristics of the sludge. The environmental aspects evaluation also has been cundected TCLP test and toxicology LD50 to determine whether the sludge waste category B3. The test results showed that the levels of alpha cellulose sludge is high (45-84%). Primary Sludge from virgin pulp contains high alpha cellulose (76-84%), ash content (3-14%), and the fines are quite low (30-34%). Potential of primary and final sludge to be used as raw material for chipboard. However, the primary sludge is generally recycled so that the final sludge are more preferable to be utilized. The results of FT-IR spectra analysis showed that the dominant chemical components in the sludge are cellulose. Fiber and fines content in line with the observation using SEM. Based on the results of the TCLP test and LD50, it is known that the sludge contains heavy metals, inorganic and organic are stable, so it is safe for the environment and can be utilized. Thus sludge has potential as a raw material for chipboard.ABSTRAKPengelolaan limbah sebagai isu lingkungan penting untuk dilakukan, terutama dari perspektif regulasi.  Adanya larangan impor kertas daur ulang, merupakan masalah bagi industri pulp dan kertas.  Oleh karena itu dilakukan penelitian untuk meneliti potensi pemanfaatan sludge IPAL dari industri kertas di Indonesia sebagai bahan baku pembuatan chipboard berdasarkan karakteristik sludge. Evaluasi terhadap aspek lingkungan berdasarkan uji karakteristik beracun TCLP dan uji toksikologi LD50 untuk mengetahui apakah sludge termasuk kategori limbah B3 juga dilakukan. Hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa  kadar alfa selulosa sludge relatif cukup tinggi (45-84%). Sludge primer pulp virgin mengandung kadar alfa selulosa yang tinggi (76-84 %), kadar abu (3-14 %), dan kadar fines yang cukup rendah (30-34 %). Sludge primer maupun sludge  final berpotensi untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan chipboard. Akan tetapi sludge primer pada umumnya didaur ulang sehingga sludge final lebih berpotensi untuk dimanfaatkan. Hasil analisa spektra FT-IR sludge menunjukkan bahwa komponen kimia yang dominan dalam sludge adalah selulosa. Data kandungan serat dan kandungan fines sejalan dengan pengamatan menggunakan SEM. Berdasarkan hasil uji TCLP dan LD50, diketahui bahwa sludge mengandung logam berat, inorganik dan organik yang bersifat stabil, sehingga aman terhadap lingkungan dan dapat dimanfaatkan. Dengan demikian sludge mempunyai potensi sebagai bahan baku pada industri karton chipboard. Kata kunci : Chipboard, industri kertas, LD50, sludge IPAL, TCLP
Produksi Kitosan Berbasis Limbah Udang Delta Mahakam : Tinjauan Proses Deasetilasi Zainal Arifin; Dedy Irawan; Marinda Rahim; Lalang Dwiyoga Sakti
Jurnal Riset Teknologi Industri Vol 6 No 11 Juni 2012
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (7351.078 KB) | DOI: 10.26578/jrti.v6i11.1504


Frozen shrimp activities of many companies in the Mahakam Delta region leaving the potential of shrimp waste that has not been maximally utilized. Application of appropriate technology capable to transforming shrimp waste into products of high economic value such as chitosan. Chitosan is produced through a sequence of processes, namely the extraction of chitin and deacetylation. In this research was review to deacetylation process as the function of temperature and concentration of alkali by measuring the degree of deacetylation. This research was used design of experiment of completely randomized design (CRD)-single factor. Chitin powder introduced into a reactor together with concentrated solution of alkali (50-80% w/w) on 1:20 ratio. The mixture was heated (80-120oC) with stirring. After that, the mixture was filtered and the solids neutralized and dried it. Degree of deacetylation of chitosan was analyzed using FTIR. The results showed that the optimum conditions of deacetylation process is achieved at a temperature of 100°C, alkali 70% (w/v) and a ratio 1:20 (w/v) with the degree of deacetylation 80.59%. Chitosan analysis with the parameters of ash content, moisture, and viscosity were found to be 0.01%, 6.99% and 3.6 cP, respectively. The chitosan product is suitable for industrial applications. 
Pengaruh Jenis Pelarut terhadap Kandungan Total Fenolik, Aktifitas Antioksidan dan Toksisitas Ekstrak Buah Ciplukan (Physalis angulata L) Wahidiyanti Putri Julianti; Yusep Ikrawan; Ade Chandra Iwansyah
Jurnal Riset Teknologi Industri Vol.13. No.1 JUNI 2019
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (236.067 KB) | DOI: 10.26578/jrti.v13i1.5032


In Indonesia, most people have used herbal products to maintain their health. Ciplukan plant is one of the local wisdom that is believed to be able to retain and treat various diseases, such as Diabetes mellitus.its has potential as a functional food. Ciplukan contains bioactive components, where the extraction process and the use of solvent types play an important role. This study aims to determine the effect of solvent on total phenolics, antioxidant activities and toxicity of ciplukan (Physalis angulata L.)fruit. The experimental design used a completely randomized design (CRD) with three different solvents, namely: 70% ethanol (a1), ethyl acetate (a2), and n-hexane (a3), six replications. Total phenolic content, total flavonoids, antioxidant activity (DPPH method), and toxicity (Method of Brine Shrimp Lethality Test) of mature ciplukan fruit extract were analyzed. The results showed that the ethanol extract of ciplukan fruit (a1) had the highest total phenolic content (140.50 mg GAE / g extract) and total flavonoids (100.46 mg QE / g) followed by a2> a3. Antioxidant activity showed that a1 had the lowest IC50 (321.02 μg / mL), and had the highest antioxidant activity, compared to a2 and a3. Based on toxicity test, LC50 value of ethanolic extract of ciplukan (a1) (886,1 μg / mL) as cytotoxic. This study can conclude that the type of solvent affects the total phenolics, antioxidant activitiesand toxicity of ciplukan fruit extract.ABSTRAKDi Indonesia, produk herbal telah digunakan sebagian besar masyarakat untuk menjaga kesehatan. Tanaman ciplukan merupakan salah satu kearifan lokal yang dipercaya dapat menjaga dan mengobati berbagai penyakit, sepertiDiabetes mellitus dan memiliki potensi sebagai pangan fungsional.Ciplukan mengandung komponen bioaktif, dimana proses ekstraksi dan penggunaan jenis pelarut memainkan peranan penting.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh jenis pelarut terhadap kandungan total fenolik, aktifitas antioksidan dan toksisitas ekstrakbuahciplukan (Physalis angulata L.). Desain eksperimental menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan menggunakan3 pelarut yang berbeda, yaitu: etanol 70% (a1), etil asetat (a2), dan n-heksana (a3), dengan6 replikasi. Kandungan total fenolik, total flavonoid, aktifitas antioksidan (metode DPPH), dan toksisitas (Metode Brine Shrimp Lethality Test) ekstrak buah ciplukan diteliti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol buah ciplukan (a1) memiliki kandungan total fenolik tertinggi (140,50 mg GAE/g ekstrak) dan total flavonoid(100,46 mg QE/g) diikuti olehekstrak etil asetat buah ciplukan(a2) >ekstrak n-heksana buah ciplukan (a3). Aktifitas antioksidan menunjukkan a1 memiliki IC50 terendah (321,02 μg/mL), memiliki aktifitas antioksidan tertinggi, dibandingkan a2 dan a3. Uji toksisitas menunjukkan bahwa nilai LC50 ekstrak etanol buah ciplukan (a1) (886,1μg/mL) bersifat sitotoksik dibandingkan a2 dan a3.Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa jenis pelarut yang digunakan dalam mengekstrak buah ciplukan dapat mempengaruhi kandungantotal fenolik, aktifitas antioksidandan toksisitas.Kata kunci:aktifitas antioksidan, ciplukan, Physalis angulata, fitokimia, toksisitas.
Kemampuan Gelatin Kulit Ikan Menggantikan Gelatin Mamalia Berdasarkan Sifat Fisika-Kimianya untuk Industri Pangan Sugihartono Sugihartono
Jurnal Riset Teknologi Industri Vol 8 No 16 Desember 2014
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (11816.686 KB) | DOI: 10.26578/jrti.v8i16.1631


The major source  of gelatin in the world is derived from pigskin, bovine hide and also  pigs and cattle bone, of which 29,4% from bovine hides, 46% from pigskin, 23,1% from bones, and 1,5 % from others. Fish gelatin is one of the  alternative sources of food gelatine, which can be accepted for various religious groups such as muslims, jews and hindus. The yield of gelatin from fish skin are varies, depending on the species and its processing method, able to match and even exceed the yield of mammalian gelatin. Physico-chemical properties of fish gelatin varies among species. Protein content of fish gelatin is lower than mammalian gelatin. The number of amino acids of fish gelatin and mammalian gelatin were similar, but defferent composition  especially for glisine, proline and arginine. Fish gelatin melting point is lower than mammalian gelatin, some types of which has a gel strength and viscosity  are able to match and even exceed the mammalian gelatine. Specifically of fish gelatine could replace the role of the mammalian gelatin as food gelatine, after considering suitability innate characteristic of fish gelatin for food product,ABSTRAKSumber Utama gelatin dunia berasal dari kulit dan tulang sapi serta babi; dimana  dari kulit sapi (29,4%), kulit babi (46%), tulang (23,1%), dan sisanya dari bahan lain (1,5%). Gelatin dari kulit ikan merupakan salah satu sumber alternatif gelatin pangan, yang dapat diterima oleh berbagai kelompok religi, seperti muslim, jews dan hindu. Rendemen gelatin kulit ikan bervariasi, tergantung spesies dan cara pengolahannya,  mampu menyamai dan bahkan melebihi rendemen gelatin mamalia. Sifat fisik-kimia gelatin ikan bervariasi diantara species ikan. Kandungan  proteinnya lebih rendah dibanding protein gelatin mamalia.  Jenis asam amino penyusun gelatin ikan mirip dengan gelatin mamalia, namun komposisinya berbeda terutama kandungan glisine, proline dan arginin. Titik leleh gelatin ikan lebih rendah, beberapa jenis diantaranya memiliki kekuatan gel dan viskositas yang mampu menyamai dan bahkan melebihi gelatin mamalia.  Secara spesifik gelatin ikan mampu menggantikan peran  gelatin mamalia  sebagai gelatin pangan setelah mempertimbangkan karakteristik innate dari gelatin ikan dengan kesesuaian produk pangan. Kata kunci : gelatin, ikan, mamalia, pangan
Analisis Senyawa Kimia pada Tiga Jenis Jahe dan Penggunaannya untuk Keperluan Industri Titiek Pujilestari
Jurnal Riset Teknologi Industri Vol 3 No 6 Desember 2009
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1220.211 KB) | DOI: 10.26578/jrti.v3i6.1424


The Essential Oil Distillation Of Local Gingers ( Emprit Ginger, Red Ginger And Elephant Ginger) From East Borneo Make In Two Condition; I.E Freh And Dry Condition Was Carry Out. The Essential Oil Produce From Fresh Ginger Having Much Amount Of Chemical Compound Than The Dry Condition. In Tile  (Resh Condition. Elephantginger Have 81 Kindof Compounds.Red Ginger Have 59kind Of Compounds, Emprit Ginger Have 56 Kind Of Compounds, Mean While In Dry Condition The Amount Of Gingercompound Is Decrease. The Elephant Ginger Became 76 Kind Of Compounds, Red Ginger 46 Kind Of Compounds, Emprit Ginger 40 Kind Of Compounds. The Ginger 'Compoundcan Use As Perfume Flavor, Insecticide. Analytical Reagent, Indicator, Food Flavor. Coloring Matters, Cosmetic, Anti Cancer' Material And Anti Oxidant. Three Kind Of Ginger In The Fresh Or Dry Condition Having Three Same Compound, They Are C-Citral, Ar­ Curcumene,And Beta Sesquipphellandrene.

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