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Mukhamad Faeshol Umam
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Jurnal Nasional Pengelolaan Energi MigasZoom
ISSN : 26851342     EISSN : 26851350     DOI : 10.37525/ath
Jurnal nasional pengelolaan energi MigasZoom mempunyai visi untuk menjadi media komunikasi ilmiah antar instansi di kementerian ESDM, perguruan tinggi, pengajar, peneliti dan stakeholder untuk mewujudkan masyarakat yang memiliki wawasan berpikir dan pengetahuan tentang pengelolaan energi pada umumnya dan minyak dan gas bumi pada khususnya.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 46 Documents
Keunggulan, Tantangan, dan Rekomendasi Kebijakan akan Pengembangan Energi Panas Bumi di Indonesia Salma Zafirah Wisriansyah; Dorman Purba; Arnaldo Napitu
Jurnal Nasional Pengelolaan Energi MigasZoom Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020): Evaluasi Pemanfaatan Teknologi untuk Energi Berkelanjutan
Publisher : Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Minyak dan Gas Bumi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37525/mz/2020-2/263


As a country that sits on the Pacific Ring of Fire, Indonesia has become the second largest geothermal power producer in the world. Geothermal energy is a clean-renewable energy that can help the country in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and secure its electricity supply in the future. Through Rencana Umum Energi Nasional (RUEN), government of Indonesia has set the target of building 7200 geothermal power plant capacity by 2025. However, per 2020, Indonesia has only built roughly about 2100 MW geothermal power plant capacity. This study aims to highlight geothermal’s advantages compared to other renewable energies and to discuss the biggest obstacle that had caused the sluggish development of geothermal power plant. This study is also expected to give strategic recommendations to the government to solve the biggest obstacle in developing geothermal power plant. The advantages of geothermal energy are environtmentally friendly, not intermittent, capable to be the base load, and doesn’t need a large area. This study argues that the biggest obstacle in developing geothermal power plant lies the exploration phase. Some actions had been taken by the government of Indonesia to support the exploration phase but this study believes that there are still some solutions that the government can take in order to be more supportive of geothermal exploration phase in Indonesia such as establishing geothermal-exploration entity, implementing depletion premium, and removing fossil fuel subsidy. These recommendations are expected to be capable in helping the government to achieve 7200 MW by 2025.
Pentingnya Manajemen Data Pengeboran Untuk Meningkatkan Operasi Pengeboran Panas Bumi Daniel Adityatama; Rizky Mahardhika; Dorman Purba; Farhan Muhammad; Riviani Kusumawardani; Ribka Asokawaty
Jurnal Nasional Pengelolaan Energi MigasZoom Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020): Evaluasi Pemanfaatan Teknologi untuk Energi Berkelanjutan
Publisher : Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Minyak dan Gas Bumi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37525/mz/2020-2/264


Drilling is one of the major cost components in geothermal exploration and development. Effective and cost-efficient drilling significantly contribute to the success of geothermal development. Key factors in reducing drilling costs are optimising operations, utilising manpower to its fullest potential, and also benchmarking with other drilling activities to evaluate one’s performance objectively. This is possible if the information regarding the previous drilling activities is stored and easily gathered and analysed before making plans for the drilling campaign. The importance of drilling data analysis and drilling data management have been a subject of study and discussion since the 1980s, but it is still not that common in geothermal drilling, especially in Indonesia. The purpose of this paper is to summarise the definition and examples of drilling data management in a more well-established industry such as oil and gas from various studies in the past, assess the advantages of having a proper drilling database or data management system, and how can the data be used for potentially improving future drilling operation. A case study of converting legacy data from previous drilling campaign of two geothermal fields in Java into a database is also discussed to demonstrate how legacy drilling data can be used to evaluate drilling performance.
Analisis aliran Beban pada Sistem Tenaga Listrik di PT XYZ Pujianto; Astrie Kusuma Dewi; Anton Mulyono
Jurnal Nasional Pengelolaan Energi MigasZoom Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): Evaluasi berkelanjutan untuk penghematan energi
Publisher : Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Minyak dan Gas Bumi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37525/mz/2021-1/262


Dalam sistem tenaga listrik, studi aliran beban sangat diperlukan dalam perhitungan maupun simulasi sebagai acuan dalam perbaikan sistem agar lebih optimal. Analisis aliran beban dapat dilakukan dalam berbagai metode, antara lain dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak, salah satunya ETAP Power Station yang mendukung dalam hal studi aliran beban. Untuk proses pembangkitan listrik di PT.XYZ ditemukan beberapa pengaturan yang kurang tepat sehingga beberapa titik ditemukan adanya over voltage, under voltage, dan overload pada jaringan distribusi listrik. Selain itu, rencana pemindahan Generator D3512B2 untuk area X menjadi pembahasan utama, solusi yang diambil dengan penyambungan jalur 20kV dari PLN diharapkan dapat menyalurkan tanpa ada gangguan pada distribusi listrik seperti yang sudah disimulasikan. Berdasarkan perhitungan keekonomian diprediksi dapat menghemat biaya operasi sampai dengan 50% dan mendapatkan Pay Back Period dalam jangka waktu 78 hari.
Dampak pH Terhadap Laju Korosi pada Aplikasi Electrical Assisted Oil Recovery (EAOR) Anthony Jaya
Jurnal Nasional Pengelolaan Energi MigasZoom Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): Evaluasi berkelanjutan untuk penghematan energi
Publisher : Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Minyak dan Gas Bumi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37525/mz/2021-1/267


Corrosion is a common problem that occured in oil and gas field. In operating the well, the possibilities for pH changes is very high that could give a very dangerous impact to the corrosion. In the conventional well, pH will give an impact to the corrosion rate in a specific trend. As one of the new method in enhancing the oil production, Electrical Assisted Oil Recovery (EAOR) could give a promising result. However, the existence of electricity in this method could worsen the corrosion condition in a well. Therefore, this paper will make a research to determine the impact of pH in an EAOR well. This study is supported by a case study on oil field that use EAOR method in Indonesia. The case is having 8 pair wells which contains of 8 cathodes and 5 anodes. To observe the effect of pH, a sensitivity analysis is conducted with pH values ranging between 6.5 – 8.0. The result shows that there also an impact from pH to the corrosion rate in EAOR well but it shows a different pattern.
Pengembangan Model Gas Conditioning Unit dalam Sistem Seal Gas di Kompresor Sentrifugal: Studi Kasus Kerusakan Dry Gas Seal Riswan Saputra
Jurnal Nasional Pengelolaan Energi MigasZoom Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): Evaluasi berkelanjutan untuk penghematan energi
Publisher : Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Minyak dan Gas Bumi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37525/mz/2021-1/272


Dry gas seal merupakan komponen penting dalam sistem sealing di kompresor sentrifugal. Suplai seal gas yang masuk ke dalam dry gas seal harus memenuhi spesifikasi yang telah ditetukan berdasarkan API 692. Namun dalam kenyataan dilapangan kerusakan dry gas seal sering terjadi salah satunya akibat kontaminasi dari suplai seal gas yang akan masuk ke dalam dry gas seal. Kontaminasi sulfur dalam process gas yang bersifat korosif menjadikan umur dan keandalan dari dry gas seal berkurang. Di tambah dengan pemilihan model gas conditioning unit yang kurang tepat akan menghasilkan kualitas suplai seal gas di luar spesifkasi yang telah ditetapkan. Dalam penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan kualitas suplai seal gas yang baik dilakukan pengembangan dalam gas conditioning unit yang ada yaitu desain seal gas strainer menggunakan tipe dupleks dan penggantian tipe strainer, pergantian ukuran seal gas filter dari 0,3 micron ke 0,1 micron dan penggunaan coalescing filter, perbaikan seal gas heater dan pemasangan heat tracing di jalur pipa suplai seal gas, dan pergantian komponen seal gas booster. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dengan studi literatur dari berbagai referensi dan penelitian sebelumnya, pengambilan data di lapangan dan analisa hasil temuan menggunakan PROACT method. Dari hasil analisa dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan model gas conditioning unit dalam sistem seal gas memberikan dampak yang positif terhadap keandalan dari dry gas seal di kompresor sentrifugal ini.
Strategi Penentuan Potensi Penghematan Energi Unit Heat Exchanger Kilang PPSDM Migas Menggunakan Analisis Metoda Pinch Bambang Priandoko
Jurnal Nasional Pengelolaan Energi MigasZoom Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): Evaluasi berkelanjutan untuk penghematan energi
Publisher : Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Minyak dan Gas Bumi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37525/mz/2021-1/275


ABSTRAK Banyak hal yang dapat dilakukan efisiensi energi di proses pengolahan minyak, salah satunya adalah efisiensi energi pada proses pembakaran (Sistem furnace) crude oil. Optimalisasi pembakaran di Furnace ini dapat dilakukan dengan cara menaikan temperature crude oil agar penggunaan bahan bakar menjadi lebih efisien. Dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan strategi penentuan potensi penghematan energi pada proses pengolahan minyak menggunakan metoda analisis pinch. Pada metoda analisis pinch ini didasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip thermodinamika dalam mengurangi pemakaian energi pada keseluruhan proses, baik itu memaksimalkan energi panas (heat recovery) yang dibutuhkan proses,maupun mengurangi panas pada proses tersebut. Analisis potensi penghematan energi dilakukan pada sistem Heat Exchanger proses pengolahan Kilang di PPSDM Migas Cepu. Pada Heat Exchanger tersebut dihasilkan Energi panas yang ditransfer produk ke crude oil sebesar 103.2 KW sedangkan berdasarkan analysis pinch, energi minimum yang harus dimiliki unit utliiti tersebut sebesar 248.58 KW sehingga energi yang dapat dihemat sebesar 3490 KWh per hari. Kemudian energi panas yang diterima crude oil sebesar 84 KW, berdasarkan analisis pinch energi maksimum yang harus dimiliki unit utiliti tersebut sebesar 36.38 KW sehingga energi yang dapat dihemat sebesar 1142.88 KWh per hari. Temperatur crude oil tersebut dapat ditingkatkan dari 950C menjadi 1040C dan temperatur produk dapat diturunkan dari 1450C menjadi 124.20C. Kata kunci: analisis pinch, crude oil, efisiensi energi, Heat Exchanger, residu. ABSTRACT Many things can be done energy efficiency in the oil processing process, one of which is energy efficiency in the combustion process (furnace system) crude oil. The combustion optimization in the furnace could be done by increasing the crude oil temperature so that fuel use more efficiency. In the research, the Strategy to determine the potential for energy savings in oil processing was developed using the pinch analysis method. In this pinch analysis method is based on thermodynamic principles in reducing energy consumption in the whole process, either maximizing heat energy (heat recovery) required by the process, or reducing heat in the process. Analysis of the potential for energy savings was carried out on the Heat Exchanger system for the refinery processing process at PPSDM Migas Cepu. In the Heat Exchanger, heat energy is produced which is transferred to crude oil of 103.2 KW, while based on the pinch analysis, the minimum energy that the utility unit must have is 248.58 KW so that the energy that can be saved is 3490 KWh per day. Then the heat energy received by Crude Oil is 84 KW, based on the pinch analysis of the maximum energy that the utility unit must have is 36.38 KW so that the energy that can be saved is 1142.88 KWh per day. The temperature of the crude oil can be increased from 950C to 1040C and the product temperature can be reduced from 1450C to 124.20C. Keywords: crude oil, energy efficiency, heat exchanger, pinch analysis, residu
Evaluasi Penerapan Metode Uji ASTM D-86 untuk Penentuan Sifat Volatility Solar B30 Arluky Novandy
Jurnal Nasional Pengelolaan Energi MigasZoom Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): Evaluasi berkelanjutan untuk penghematan energi
Publisher : Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Minyak dan Gas Bumi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37525/mz/2021-1/277


Abstract The distillation test is one of the important test parameters in determining the quality of fuel, especially in determining the volatility characteristic. In the domestic market for diesel fuel types, the distillation method used is ASTM D86-17. This study discusses the analysis of the application of the ASTM D86-17 distillation method on Biosolar B30. The F test shows that the ASTM D86-17 method can be used for the distillation of Biosolar B30, while the t test shows that the mean (mean) of refinery diesel and biodiesel B30 distillation data are not the same so there is a significant difference.
Analisis Pengaruh Temperature terhadap Density Crude Oil Kilang PPSDM MIGAS dengan Pendekatan Metode Theil pada Analisis Regresi Linier Non-Parametrik Mohammad Hasan Syukur
Jurnal Nasional Pengelolaan Energi MigasZoom Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Nasional Pengelolaan Energi MigasZoom
Publisher : Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Minyak dan Gas Bumi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37525/mz/2021-2/278


Densitas merupakan salah satu faktor yang memengaruhi kualitas dari minyak mentah. Pada proses pengukuran density of crude oil juga dilakukan pengukuran temperature crude oil tersebut. Oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu analisis guna mengetahui pengaruh temperature pada rentang 30 – 35oC terhadap density crude oil. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis akan membahas dan menganalisis mengenai pengaruh temperature terhadap density crude oil pada unit kilang dan utilitas dengan menggunakan pendekatan metode Theil pada analisis regresi linier non-parametrik. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh model regresi liner sederhana non parametrik dengan metode Theil pada data pengaruh temperature terhadap density crude oil PPSDM Migas Cepu bulan Desember 2020 adalah: , dengan  adalah nilai dugaan variable dependen  dan  adalah variable independen (temperature crude oil). Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa pada taraf nyata 0,05 temperature berpengaruh terhadap density crude oil. Korelasi antara temperature dengan density crude oil memiliki korelasi yang sangat kuat dengan nilai korelasi Kendall-Tau sebesar -0,810 dan hubungan kedua variable tersebut bersifat berlawanan arah, yang dapat diartikan bahwa semakin meningkat temperature maka density crude oil akan menurun. Selang kepercayaan 0,95 koefisien slope berada pada selang  artinya dengan keyakinan 95% disimpulkan bahwa density crude oil akan berkurang hingga 2,298 atau bertambah hingga 0,007 kg/m3 untuk setiap pertambahan 1°C temperature. Densitas merupakan salah satu faktor yang memengaruhi kualitas dari minyak mentah. Pada proses pengukuran density of crude oil juga dilakukan pengukuran temperature crude oil tersebut. Oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu analisis guna mengetahui pengaruh temperature pada rentang 30 – 35oC terhadap density crude oil. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis akan membahas dan menganalisis mengenai pengaruh temperature terhadap density crude oil pada unit kilang dan utilitas dengan menggunakan pendekatan metode Theil pada analisis regresi linier non-parametrik. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh model regresi liner sederhana non parametrik dengan metode Theil pada data pengaruh temperature terhadap density crude oil PPSDM Migas Cepu bulan Desember 2020 adalah: , dengan  adalah nilai dugaan variable dependen  dan  adalah variable independen (temperature crude oil). Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa pada taraf nyata 0,05 temperature berpengaruh terhadap density crude oil. Korelasi antara temperature dengan density crude oil memiliki korelasi yang sangat kuat dengan nilai korelasi Kendall-Tau sebesar -0,810 dan hubungan kedua variable tersebut bersifat berlawanan arah, yang dapat diartikan bahwa semakin meningkat temperature maka density crude oil akan menurun. Selang kepercayaan 0,95 koefisien slope berada pada selang  artinya dengan keyakinan 95% disimpulkan bahwa density crude oil akan berkurang hingga 2,298 atau bertambah hingga 0,007 kg/m3 untuk setiap pertambahan 1°C temperature.
Analisis Air Sungai Penerima Air Limbah Penambangan Minyak Bumi secara Tradisional pada Sumur Tua di Desa Wonocolo Kabupaten Bojonegoro: Indonesia Yusran Hedar
Jurnal Nasional Pengelolaan Energi MigasZoom Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Nasional Pengelolaan Energi MigasZoom
Publisher : Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Minyak dan Gas Bumi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37525/mz/2021-2/279


Sumur tua minyak bumi yang ada di Indonesia mencapai 13.824 sumur dan 745 sumur masih aktif. Di beberapa tempat sumur tua ini di eksploitasi dengan cara tradisional salah satunya lapangan minyak di desa Wonocolo. Penambangan minyak yang dilakukan masyarakat masih menggunakan peralatan sederhana. Penambangan tradisional minyak bumi selain memberi dampak positif dalam peningkatan produksi minyak bumi nasional dan pendapatan masyarakat, tetapi juga memiliki dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan yakni pencemaran lingkungan. Limbah utama yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan penambangan minyak adalah air terproduksi, terutama pada sumur tua yang memiliki water cut diatas 90%. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kualitas air sungai penerima air limbah kegiatan penambangan tradisional minyak bumi di Desa Wonocolo berdasaran PP Nomor 82 Tahun 2001 dengan fokus pembahasan parameter DO, COD, BOD dan minyak dan lemak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kualitas air sungai pada daerah hulu kondisinya masih baik, sedangkan pada daerah hilir beberapa parameter nilainya diatas baku mutu air kelas II.
Microfacies, Depositional Model and Reservoir Characterization of Upper Cretaceous Kawagarh Formation, Qamar Mela Section, Nizampur Basin, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Salman Ahmad Khattak; Samiullah Khan; Muhammad Salman
Jurnal Nasional Pengelolaan Energi MigasZoom Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Nasional Pengelolaan Energi MigasZoom
Publisher : Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Minyak dan Gas Bumi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37525/mz/2021-2/286


The present study main focused on reservoir Characterization of the Upper Cretaceous Kawagarh Formation from Qamar Mela Section, Nizampur Basin. The samples were collected from the field by using standard procedures involving section measurement, lithological logging and photography. The collected samples were used to prepare the thin sections followed by petrographic analysis using Optika microscope in the laboratory. To explore the reservoir potential, we studied the impact of diagenesis on reservoir potential, supplemented by plug porosity and permeability, and SEM analysis. The outcrop is mainly composed of limestone and marl. Fifteen samples were studied from 45m thick section and two main microfacies were identified. The microfacies includes; (1). Mudstone microfacies (planktonic foraminiferal mudstone and dolomitic mudstone sub-microfacies), (2). Radiolarian bioclastic planktonic foraminiferal wackestone microfacies. The environment of deposition interpreted on the basis of microfacies for Kawagarh Formation is inner ramp to outer ramp and deep basinal settings. The Kawagarh Formation is also modified by various diagenetic features including compaction, dolomitization, dissolution, pyrite precipitation, cementation and spar filled fractures representing meteoric to marine phreatic with mixing zone and burial diagenetic environments. Dissolution, fracturing and dolomitization are the diagenetic processes which enhanced the porosity while cementation, pyrite precipitation and compaction decreased the porosity. Plug porosity and permeability of four rock samples averages 1.69% and 0.267 Ka/md, respectively. SEM analysis shows different types of porosity includes vuggy, shelter and intergranular. The low porosity and permeability levels of Kawagarh Formation suggest only a modest reservoir potential. The present study main focused on reservoir Characterization of the Upper Cretaceous Kawagarh Formation from Qamar Mela Section, Nizampur Basin. The samples were collected from the field by using standard procedures involving section measurement, lithological logging and photography. The collected samples were used to prepare the thin sections followed by petrographic analysis using Optika microscope in the laboratory. To explore the reservoir potential, we studied the impact of diagenesis on reservoir potential, supplemented by plug porosity and permeability, and SEM analysis. The outcrop is mainly composed of limestone and marl. Fifteen samples were studied from 45m thick section and two main microfacies were identified. The microfacies includes; (1). Mudstone microfacies (planktonic foraminiferal mudstone and dolomitic mudstone sub-microfacies), (2). Radiolarian bioclastic planktonic foraminiferal wackestone microfacies. The environment of deposition interpreted on the basis of microfacies for Kawagarh Formation is inner ramp to outer ramp and deep basinal settings. The Kawagarh Formation is also modified by various diagenetic features including compaction, dolomitization, dissolution, pyrite precipitation, cementation and spar filled fractures representing meteoric to marine phreatic with mixing zone and burial diagenetic environments. Dissolution, fracturing and dolomitization are the diagenetic processes which enhanced the porosity while cementation, pyrite precipitation and compaction decreased the porosity. Plug porosity and permeability of four rock samples averages 1.69% and 0.267 Ka/md, respectively. SEM analysis shows different types of porosity includes vuggy, shelter and intergranular. The low porosity and permeability levels of Kawagarh Formation suggest only a modest reservoir potential.