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Shaut Al-Maktabah: Jurnal Perpustakaan, Arsip dan Dokumentasi
ISSN : 23391456     EISSN : 26143801     DOI : -
Shaut Al-Maktabah : Jurnal Perpustakaan, Arsip dan Dokumentasi adalah jurnal yang dikhususkan untuk penelitian-penelitian yang termasuk dalam bidang ilmu perpustakaan dan informasi serta bidang serumpun seperti arsip, dokumentasi dan museum ISSN: 2339-1456, e-ISSN: 2614-3801
Articles 120 Documents
Analisis sitiran dan pemetaan deskriptor terhadap disertasi Program Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Muntashir Muntashir; Erida Erida
Shaut Al-Maktabah : Jurnal Perpustakaan, Arsip dan Dokumentasi Vol. 10 No. 1 (2018): Shaut Al-Maktabah
Publisher : Program Studi Diploma Tiga Ilmu Perpustakaan Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2246.574 KB) | DOI: 10.15548/shaut.v10i1.2


This study aims create a bibliometrics profile of the dissertation of postgraduate program Imam Bonjol State Islamic University. The dissertation consists of two doctoral programs namely Islamic education and Islamic law. Bibliometrics studies related to characteristics citation analysis, half life calculation and bibliometrics mapping of dissertation. This research uses bibliometrics method with quantitative approach. As for the unit of analysis is the whole dissertation of 67. Analysis of citation analyzed frequency and percentage calculation and mapping is built using VosViewer software.The resultant, The citation pattern of the most cited author in the dissertation of Islamic education with the four highest levels is Abuddin Nata, Ramayulis, Ministry of Religious Affairs and Azyumardi Azra. Next to Islamic law are Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Amir Syarifuddin, Mustafa al-Zuhaili and Muhammad Abu Zahrah. The most cited literature type in book form in the dissertation of Islamic Education reaches 88.15% and Islamic law 94.97%. Based on the pattern of the literature language cited for the dissertation of Islamic education is still dominated by the Indonesian language with 83%, then there is a significant difference with the citation of the Islamic law dissertation where Indonesian language reaches 45% and Arabic language reaches 52%. Related to the obsolescence of literature based on the living part of the age of getting for the dissertation of Islamic education is 24 years and 32 years of Islamic law. Based on the map descriptor can be explained trends of research topics from dissertation of Islamic education, more research topics on curriculum development research, madrasah management model including college. Clusters of topics related to the thoughts of Muslim scholars and Islamic educational leaders. The next cluster is the implementation of management in the madrasah. The research topic trends contained in the dissertation of Islamic law programs, namely renewal, jurisprudence, and customary law related to marriage include inheritance.
Bibliotheraphy: Layanan bimbingan konseling di perpustakaan Dian Hasfera
Shaut Al-Maktabah : Jurnal Perpustakaan, Arsip dan Dokumentasi Vol. 10 No. 1 (2018): Shaut Al-Maktabah
Publisher : Program Studi Diploma Tiga Ilmu Perpustakaan Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3221.697 KB) | DOI: 10.15548/shaut.v10i1.3


Biblioteraphy is one of the treatment in helping the client to overcome the trauma or their problems. Bibliotherapy is seen as a cost-effective treatment. Can be used in various social groups and age groups, as well as effective for healthy people who want to share useful literature for personal growth and development or character. Knowledge or personal experience of most clients is very limited about the problems they face, because the client only refers to the experience themselves. Bibliotherapy can provide useful feedback for clients to address these problems. Much information can be obtained through reading activities. Bibliotherapy makes one learn new facts, has different ways of looking at / approaching problems and has the ability to alternate in solving problems. As one of the information institutions that are rich in reference and reading sources, the library can be the location where the biblioteraphy is implemented. Exposure in this paper is the result of a study from various sources that discusses the basic concepts of bibliotherapy as a counseling guidance service implemented in the library. The results of this study are very useful for counselors, psychologists, librarians, and teachers who are interested in learning about how books can be used as a therapeutic tool for users / clients / learners who have psychological disorders.
Implementasi automasi perpustakaan: Studi kasus di Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Sefri Doni
Shaut Al-Maktabah : Jurnal Perpustakaan, Arsip dan Dokumentasi Vol. 10 No. 1 (2018): Shaut Al-Maktabah
Publisher : Program Studi Diploma Tiga Ilmu Perpustakaan Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3288.846 KB) | DOI: 10.15548/shaut.v10i1.4


Adab Faculty Library and Humanities are the only of 6 faculties and postgraduate libraries in Imam Bonjol Padang UIN that succeed in developing library services based on information and communication technology. The results showed that this success was achieved thanks to the solid collaboration of various parties, including leaders, educators, students and librarians. In addition to solid cooperation the next thing that affects the success of the implementation of library automation in the faculty of adab and humanities is the spirit of learning and the power of a high librarian.
Kebutuhan informasi dari ibu menyusui dalam program “Perbaikan Gizi: ASI Eksklusif” Fadhila Nurul Husna Zalmi
Shaut Al-Maktabah : Jurnal Perpustakaan, Arsip dan Dokumentasi Vol. 10 No. 1 (2018): Shaut Al-Maktabah
Publisher : Program Studi Diploma Tiga Ilmu Perpustakaan Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1679.825 KB) | DOI: 10.15548/shaut.v10i1.5


This study refers to the results of previous studies that have been conducted that aims to determine the response to health information needs of breastfeeding mothers in nutrition improvement programs: exclusive breastfeeding consisting of cognitive information needs, affective needs, personal integration needs, social integration needs, and imaginary needs. The theory used in this study is the SOR theory (stimulus-organism-response). The method used in this research is literature research method. Where this article discusses more in the health information needs of breastfeeding mothers who attend a nutrition improvement program at the Thursday Thursday West Sumatra Health Center. Cognitive information needs and affective information needs for breastfeeding mothers are good. In addition, the fulfillment of personal integration information needs and the fulfillment of social integration needs for breastfeeding mothers are already very good and for imaginary needs is good for breastfeeding mothers. It can be concluded that the information needs for breastfeeding mothers who participate in nutrition improvement counseling programs: this exclusive breastfeeding has been fulfilled.
Kepemimpinan dan birokrasi perpustakaan dalam perspektif Islam: Sebuah tinjauan teoritis untuk masa depan Lailatur Rahmi; Johari Jamal
Shaut Al-Maktabah : Jurnal Perpustakaan, Arsip dan Dokumentasi Vol. 10 No. 1 (2018): Shaut Al-Maktabah
Publisher : Program Studi Diploma Tiga Ilmu Perpustakaan Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2326.432 KB) | DOI: 10.15548/shaut.v10i1.6


Library is an organization whose existence cannot be separated from the influence of environmental changes, especially the rapid development of information technology. The human resources in it are very important elements to keep in mind, especially the figure of a leader. Leaders are an important foundation for the sustainability of an organization, so that the ultimate goal of an institution can be achieved well. In the study of Islam, leadership is a human nature according to the mandate of Allah Almighty for humans to be the vicegerent of Allah on earth. The leader becomes a very important figure and is closely related to the organization and organizational structure, structuring, bureaucracy and leadership concepts in an organization.
Popularitas WhatsApp sebagai media komunikasi dan berbagi informasi akademik mahasiswa Zakirman Zakirman; Chichi Rahayu
Shaut Al-Maktabah : Jurnal Perpustakaan, Arsip dan Dokumentasi Vol. 10 No. 1 (2018): Shaut Al-Maktabah
Publisher : Program Studi Diploma Tiga Ilmu Perpustakaan Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3660.202 KB) | DOI: 10.15548/shaut.v10i1.7


Changes in human needs in recent years have been influenced by the rapid development of technology and information delivery. The widespread use of smartphones by individuals in the community is one of the real forms of changing human needs due to the rapid development of technology and information. Based on the survey, 99.2% of students are active users of smartphones. This proves the high consumptive power among students towards the smart phone. This condition is undeniable because of the many features offered by smartphones in facilitating the academic activities of every student, ranging from task searches to sharing information and communicating with all people in the campus world. Communication and information sharing can be done using several applications including: BlackBerry Mesangger (BBM, WhatsApp (WA), Line, Telegram, Email, Twitter, Facebook (FB) etc. Based on the questionnaire that has been distributed, 96.4% of students choose WA as an application that is most often used to communicate and share academic information, followed by the second place is BBM with a percentage of 0.79% of users.This finding is a clear evidence that there has been a significant shift and changes in the number of users from BBM to WA, especially for Millennials like students, supported by a number of reasons including sophisticated protection features, practicality of use and completeness of WA features that make it increasingly excellent and increasingly popular among students.Based on the findings obtained during the research activities, it can be concluded that whatsapp application is the most popular application which is used seb communication media and sharing of student academic information.
Shaut Al-Maktabah : Jurnal Perpustakaan, Arsip dan Dokumentasi Vol. 10 No. 2 (2018): Shaut Al-Maktabah
Publisher : Program Studi Diploma Tiga Ilmu Perpustakaan Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2358.589 KB) | DOI: 10.15548/shaut.v10i2.77


Literacy is a form of programs and activities that currently exist in developing the culture of reading Indonesian society. This is very much supported by the government, seen from the national literacy program and the enactment of Undang-undang No. 3 of 2017 concerning the Bookkeeping System. The incessant literacy movement is related to the increasing number of literacy activists and the growth of Community Reading Parks (TBM), literacy villages and reading rooms in the community. Tanah Ombak is one of the reading rooms in the fishing village of Purus 3 in the coastal area of Padang. Officially established since the end of 2014 and later notarized in 2015 where Syuhendri was the founder and supported by Yusrizal KW. Tanah Ombak is in a poor and alarming condition of the community, where children are very close to the world of evil and speak harshly. This research uses descriptive method, namely by describing the role of Tanah Ombak for the community, what achievements have been achieved, and what programs will be formulated by Tanah Ombak in increasing literacy activities in the community.
PERPUSTAKAAN DIGITAL “ISU PRESERVASI DIGITAL” Alasan, Proses dan Tantangan Ke depan Sumarni Sumarni; Lailatur Rahmi
Shaut Al-Maktabah : Jurnal Perpustakaan, Arsip dan Dokumentasi Vol. 10 No. 2 (2018): Shaut Al-Maktabah
Publisher : Program Studi Diploma Tiga Ilmu Perpustakaan Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3029.648 KB) | DOI: 10.15548/shaut.v10i2.78


Preservation of traditional materials became more successful and systematic after libraries and archives integrated preservation into overall planning and resource allocation. Digital preservation is largely experimental and replete with the risks associated with untested Digital preservation strategies are shaped by the needs and constraints of repositories with little consideration for the requirements of current and future users of digital scholarly resources. Archives contain millions of documents like manuscripts, rare books, paintings, photographs, and historical records. All these constitute human heritage. Paper manuscripts, with the passage of time, are getting fragile and brittle because of various reasons. Lamination does not seem to be a permanent solution of preservation this cultural heritage for posterity. Digitization technology brings with it untold benefits for heritage preservation access. Once a document has been properly digitized, it become immortal and can remain accessible long after the original has ceased to exist. The option of digital access further aids in preservation of originals through reduced need for physical handling. This paper states about need for digital preservation with its objectives in Library environment.
Shaut Al-Maktabah : Jurnal Perpustakaan, Arsip dan Dokumentasi Vol. 10 No. 2 (2018): Shaut Al-Maktabah
Publisher : Program Studi Diploma Tiga Ilmu Perpustakaan Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (7256.451 KB) | DOI: 10.15548/shaut.v10i2.79


The big challenge facing the library to be known by the millennial generation is the rapid development of information and communication technology. This rapid development makes the millennial generation very easy to obtain information, regardless of the information are fact or hoaxes. This makes the millennial generation lazy to use library facilities because they think, all the information they need can be obtained through the internet. However, using the internet without knowledge can lead to false information. Therefore, they must utilize the services provided by the library to obtain information that is correct and in accordance with their needs. In order for the millennial generation to know about the existence of libraries, special marketing tactics like Guerilla Marketing are needed to attract their interest in utilizing library services.
Shaut Al-Maktabah : Jurnal Perpustakaan, Arsip dan Dokumentasi Vol. 10 No. 2 (2018): Shaut Al-Maktabah
Publisher : Program Studi Diploma Tiga Ilmu Perpustakaan Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2233.352 KB) | DOI: 10.15548/shaut.v10i2.80


Communication Management is basically a process of communication activities between individuals in an organization that must be done with rational ways of thinking to achieve the goals set through cooperation with others. In libraries, a librarian can build relationships both inside and outside the library if it can carry out communication and self-assessment management. With the management of librarians communication can carry out organizational communication between individual librarians, supervisors and users. The management of librarian communication and librarian's self-assessment are likened to Russian Matouschka dolls which have 4 layers of dolls, which cause (orientation) the interaction in a library. The process of fostering and developing reading interest in readers is well and effective, if the librarian must first be able to recognize and understand himself in communicating.

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