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Science Midwifery
ISSN : 20867689     EISSN : 27219453     DOI : -
Core Subject : Health,
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Articles 17 Documents
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Benefits of IUD Family Planning for Mothers' Participation at Hana Kasih Clinic in 2019 Dwi Ris Hasanah; Arva Rochmawati
Science Midwifery Vol 7 No 2, April (2019): Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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The purpose of this study was to increase the knowledge and insight of mothers of IUD family planning acceptors about reproductive health and family planning, that the IUD is the most effective long-term contraceptive for spacing pregnancies or terminating pregnancies. And the activities carried out to increase the knowledge of IUD acceptor mothers that this contraceptive is a long-term contraceptive method that can space the number of children, or stop pregnancy. Increasing the knowledge of IUD family planning acceptors also has advantages and disadvantages for its users. The types and forms of activities of this activity are the provision of material to mothers of IUD family planning acceptors about the meaning, types of IUDs, benefits, advantages, disadvantages of using contraceptives, and side effects of using IUDs. Health checks, such as measuring maternal blood pressure and others. Results To achieve the objectives of the above activities, activities were carried out, including providing material to mothers of IUD family planning acceptors about the meaning, types of IUDs, benefits, advantages, disadvantages of using contraceptives, and side effects of using IUDs. And explain to the mother that the IUD is the most effective contraceptive method for spacing pregnancies and terminating pregnancy
Basic Immunization Counseling for Babies in the New Village of Ladang Bambu, Medan Tuntungan District in 2019 Helena Fransysca; Dwi Ris Hasanah
Science Midwifery Vol 7 No 2, April (2019): Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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The purpose of this study was to determine whether mothers understand the prevention of stunting in infants. And the activities carried out to increase maternal knowledge to obtain complete basic immunizations increase maternal knowledge about the side effects of each basic immunization vaccine. The type and form of activity of this activity is the provision of material to mothers regarding basic immunization, giving immunizations to infants. Results To achieve the objectives of the above activities, activities were carried out, including the delivery of material on basic immunization for infants.
Mother's Knowledge About Nutritional Needs About Weight Gain During Pregnancy at Manda Clinic Rizky Andriani Bakara
Science Midwifery Vol 7 No 2, April (2019): Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Mother's Knowledge of Nutritional Needs Regarding Weight Gain During Pregnancy, it is necessary to know that for this reason, there is an activity to deliver material on contraceptives which is an effort to help with Nutritional Needs and Weight Loss During Pregnancy. Energy requirements for a normal pregnancy require an additional 80,000 calories over a period of approximately 280 days. This means that you need an extra 300 calories per day during pregnancy. The results of the activity still need to be developed so that pregnant women pay more attention to weight gain during pregnancy.
Premenstrual Syndrome on Reproductive Health of Adolescent Girls in the Baru Ladang Bambu Village, Medan Tuntungan District in 2018 Suriati Lubis; Sari Rahma Fitri
Science Midwifery Vol 7 No 2, April (2019): Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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The purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge and insight of young women about reproductive health and premenstrual syndrome, so that young women can find out how to prevent and deal with menstruation (menstruation/menstruation) to female students/adolescents in Ladang Bambu Village, Medan Tuntungan District. . And the activities Increasing the knowledge of female students/adolescents about reproductive health and premenstrual syndrome, so that young women can know how to prevent and handle menstruation (menstruation/menstruation) in Ladang Bambu Village, Medan Tuntunga District. Increasing the knowledge of young women on the prevention and treatment of premenstrual syndrome.The type and form of activity of this activity is to provide material to female students/adolescents about reproductive health and premenstrual syndrome, so that young women can know how to prevent and treat when facing menstruation (menstruation/menstruation). To achieve the objectives of the above activities, activities were carried out, among others, providing counseling on reproductive health and premenstrual syndrome, so that young women can know how to prevent and deal with menstruation (menstruation/menstruation) in Ladang Bambu Village, Medan Tuntungan District.
Provision of Complementary Foods for Breastfeeding (MP-ASI) on the Growth of 0-6 Months Babies at Hanna Kasih Clinic in 2019 Nurdiana Manurung
Science Midwifery Vol 7 No 2, April (2019): Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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The provision of supplementary food to infants in Indonesia is still not appropriate for their age, especially in rural areas. Infants 0-6 months are only given breast milk (ASI), while additional food is given over the age of 6 months. Information about the importance of breastfeeding needs to be developed so that mothers understand and understand the relationship between complementary feeding (MP-ASI) on the growth of infants 0-6 months.
Use of Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) in Young Women in Neighborhood III Baru Ladang Bambu Village, Medan Tuntungan District, 2018 Sari Rahma Fitri
Science Midwifery Vol 7 No 2, April (2019): Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Menarche or Menstruation is a period of bleeding that occurs in women regularly every month during their fertile period unless pregnancy occurs. Menstruation period is called menses, menstruation, or menstruation. The presence of menstruation is a sign of sexual maturity in adolescent girls. Some women who feel unbearable pain during menstruation can affect 50% of daily activities in women of reproductive age, and 85% in teenage girls. In fact, this condition really needs to be done further by a doctor. This is because this can indicate abnormalities in the reproductive organs, such as uterine infections, cysts or polyps, tumors around the uterus, or it could be due to permanent abnormalities in the position of the uterus.
Midwifery Care for Pregnant Women Mrs. A G1p0a0 With Abortion Imminens At Siti Kholijah Clinic, Medan Marelan in 2019 Devi Susana Pinem; Putri Ramadani; Nurainun; Intan Agustin
Science Midwifery Vol 7 No 2, April (2019): Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/midwifery.v7i2, April.668


The main causes of maternal death in Indonesia have not changed much, namely bleeding, eclampsia, complications of abortion, obstructed labor and sepsis. Bleeding, which is responsible for about 28% of maternal deaths, is often unpredictable and occurs suddenly. Most bleeding occurs postpartum, either due to uterine atony or retained placenta. This shows that the handling of the third stage is less than optimal and the failure of the health care system to handle obstetric and neonatal emergencies quickly and accurately.Carry out midwifery care for pregnant women withabortion imminenswhich uses Varney's 7-step management process. The author is able to analyze the gap between theory and real cases in the field. The author is able to provide alternative solutions to problems. Type of case study report with descriptive method, location in Sisti Kholijah Maternity Clinic. The subject of the case study Mrs. A pregnant withabortion imminens, the time of the case study on March 10-13, 2015. Data collection techniques include primary data, including physical examination, interviews and observations and secondary data, including documentation studies and literature studies. Mrs. A, G1 P0 A0 30 years pregnant 13 weeks 2 days withabortion imminens. Drug therapy Preabor 50 mg 3 x 1, Mefenamic acid 500 mg 3 x 1, Folic acid 400 mg 2 x 1 and RL 20 infusion. The mother's general condition is good, composmentis consciousness, the mother does not feel anxious anymore, discharge brown spots has stopped, no potential occursabortion insipiensas well asabortiondoes not continue and the mother's pregnancy can still be maintained.In the case of Mrs. There is a gap between theory and practice, namely in the planning and implementation steps, namely in practice it is recommended to eat nutritious food and personal hygiene.

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