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Articles 34 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 3 No 2 (2022): June 2022" : 34 Documents clear
Analisis Perubahan Rasio Profitabilitas Sebelum dan Pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19 dan Hubungannya Terhadap Pertumbuhan Laba Angrawit Kusumawardani
Journal of Business and Economics Research (JBE) Vol 3 No 2 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/jbe.v3i2.1745


Performing an analysis is very important for an investor and the company itself to find out what are the important points in increasing profit growth. The COVID-19 pandemic conditions have forced banks to make effective and efficient strategies so that banks remain in a stable condition with limited social restrictions imposed by the government. In this study, the authors analyze changes in profitability ratios before and during the COVID-19 pandemic and their relationship to profit growth. The object of this research is the quarterly financial statements of state-owned banks 2018-2021. The result is that simultaneously profitability affects profit growth, while partially ROA, ROE, and BOPO ratios affect profit growth but the NIM ratio has no significant effect on profit growth.
Apakah Teori Perilaku Terencana Relevan Mengukur Perilaku Mahasiswa Dalam Mengelola Keuangan di Tahun Kedua Era Pandemi Covid-19? Jarot Prasetyo; Anis Marjukah; Rismanto Gatot Trisilo; Cahaya Nugrahani; Syska Lady Sulistyowati; Anna Febrianty S
Journal of Business and Economics Research (JBE) Vol 3 No 2 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/jbe.v3i2.1748


This study aims to test the model whether age, academic ability, working experence in the theory of Planned Behavior have a positive financial literacy and financial behavior of the students of Widya Dharma University during second year pandemi Covid-19. The research design was carried out using a quantitative method which explains the causal relationship between one dependent variable which is influenced by three independent variables and one mediating variable. Hypothesis testing is formulated in the model using the SEM analysist. The population in the research were all university students in the Unwidha Klaten in 6 faculties and 16 programmes of study. The sampling technique was carried out by purposive sampling as 140 respondents. The final result of the quantitative model test using AMOS stastical package shows that there is a positive influence on academic ability, working experience and financial literacy towards financial behaviors. Meanwhile, one variable in the age does not significantly influence it. Future research can expand the model through testing the students’s intellligence financial by developing research designs through experimental research.
Level Of Effectiveness And Contribution Of Rural And Urban Land And Building Taxes To Regional Original Income Abid Imanul Akmal; Galih Wicaksono; Boedijono Boedijono
Journal of Business and Economics Research (JBE) Vol 3 No 2 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/jbe.v3i2.1749


The Rural and Urban Land and Building Tax (PBB-P2) is one of the strategic taxes for local governments, including the Jember Regency Government. This is because PBB-P2 revenue contributes to Regional Original Income (PAD), so it is necessary to know the level of effectiveness on PAD, as the purpose of this study. This type of research is descriptive, which explains the conditions based on the results of the analysis, with the data source in the form of secondary data. In general, this study resulted in the findings that the effectiveness of PBB-P2 in the less effective category, and its contribution to PAD at the very low level or category. The recommendation from the results of this study is that the Jember Regency Government should always strive to increase the target and realization of PBB-P2 revenue in accordance with its potential, so that it can contribute maximally to PAD.
Pengaruh Leverage sebagai Pemoderasi Hubungan GCG, CSR dan Agresivitas Pajak terhadap Financial Disstress pada Perusahaan Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia Kusumaningdiah Retno Setiorini; Fitri Fidayanti; Nawang Kalbuana; Pandu Adi Cakranegara
Journal of Business and Economics Research (JBE) Vol 3 No 2 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/jbe.v3i2.1750


This study aims to see the effect of GCG, CSR and Tax Aggressiveness on Financial Distress with Leverage as Moderation in Islamic Banking Companies in Indonesia listed on the IDX from 2015-2019. The sampling technique used in this research is purposive sampling technique and for data analysis using multiple linear analysis techniques. This study reveals that GCG has no significant effect on Financial Distress, CSR has a positive and significant effect on Financial Distress, Tax Aggressiveness has no significant effect on Financial Distress, Leverage has no significant effect on the effect of GCG on Financial Distress, Leverage has a positive effect on the effect of CSR on Financial Distress, Leverage has no effect on the effect of tax aggressiveness on financial distress
Pengaruh Financial Distress, Pertumbuhan Perusahaan dan Pergantian Manajemen Terhadap Auditor Switching Ismyatun Mahdatila; Endang Kartini; Rusdi Rusdi; Ida Ayu Nursanty
Journal of Business and Economics Research (JBE) Vol 3 No 2 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/jbe.v3i2.1751


The purpose of this research is to analyse the effect of financial distress, company growth and management turnover of the switching auditor at open manufacturing companies listed on the BEI year 2016-2020. So that this research variable consists of 4 (four) variables, the independent variable is financial distress (X1), company growth (X2) and management turnover (X3) and auditor switching as the dependent variable (Y). Population of this study are manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2016-2020 period, totaling 193 companies. Data obtained the processed by using logistic regression analysis method. The criteria are based on (1) companies that are included in manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2016-2020; (2) companies that issue financial statements consecutively from the 2016-2020 period; (3) companies that perform auditor switching during the 2016-2020 period. Of the 193 listed companies there are 35 companies that meet the sample criteria with a study period of 5 years, so the number of sample observations used is 175. The data were obtaine using documentation tehniques in the form of financial statements of manufacturing companies for 2016-2020. The test results of this tudy indicate that the variables of financial distress, company growth and management turnover do not ave a positive effect on auditor switching.
Analisis Rencana Implementasi dengan Metode EOQ Pada Manajemen Persediaan Material Fajar Mustafa Tiloly; Resista Vikaliana; Irwansyah Irwansyah
Journal of Business and Economics Research (JBE) Vol 3 No 2 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/jbe.v3i2.1753


Inventory of raw materials or materials at PT. PGP has not been planned properly so that one time the raw materials run out during the production process. Inventory management applied by the company has not paid attention to the economical order quantity, and also the point of reordering the raw materials. This of course has an impact on additional costs that should not be needed, in other words it is not effective and efficient, so that PT. PGP sees the need to apply the EOQ method in managing raw materials. This study aims to determine the application of the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) method to the control of raw material inventory at PT PGP. This study uses quantitative methods with the object of research at PT. PGP. The sample of this study used company inventory data in 2019 – 2020, which was taken using the purposive sampling method. The results showed a 59% reduction in costs. Initially, with the company's current policy, the total cost is Rp. 14,389,750.00 and when using the EOQ method it drops to Rp. 5,842,587.60. The presence of safety stock, reorder point, is also taken into account in this study. The results of the study prove that the EOQ method plays an important role in controlling raw material inventory at PT PGP.
Analisis Komparasi Pendapatan Usahatani Sayuran Organik dan Sayuran Anorganik La Iwe; Supiani Supiani; Sudarnice Sudarnice; Karlin Karlin
Journal of Business and Economics Research (JBE) Vol 3 No 2 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/jbe.v3i2.1755


The purpose of this study was to determine the comparison of organic vegetable farming income with inorganic vegetables in Wawesa Village, Batalaiworu District, Muna Regency. The total population of this study were all organic vegetable farmers and inorganic vegetables in Wawesa Village, Batalaiworu District, Muna Regency, namely as many as 20 vegetable farmers. Of these, 10 organic vegetable farmers and 10 organic vegetable farmers were selected purposively. The data obtained were analyzed using quantitative analysis using t-test through Smart SPSS software. The results showed that there were differences in the income of organic vegetable farming and inorganic vegetables, where the income of inorganic vegetable farming was greater than the income of organic vegetable farming. This can be proven by the value of t-count < t-table (-10.398 < -2.262).
Pengaruh Kebijakan Moneter Terhadap Inflasi di Indonesia M. Rasyidin; M. Saleh; Hakim Muttaqim; Nova Nova; Cut Khairani
Journal of Business and Economics Research (JBE) Vol 3 No 2 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/jbe.v3i2.1761


Monetary policy is a factor that affects of economic activities of a country. Monetary policy refers to the use of monetary indiactors suc as interest rates, money supply, and exchage rate under the control of the central bank in order to achieve economic stability. Economic stability serves to maintain a balance of costs or prices, so that excessive inflation occurs. This study examines the effect of monetary policy indicators on inflation. Time series data using the analysis model equation of the multiple linear regression analysis method. The study used a time series yearly data spanning 1991 t0 2020. The results showed that interest rates and money supply had a negative and significant effect on inflation, while the exchange rate had a positive and significant effect on inflation
Prioritas Strategi Pemasaran Berdasarkan Persepsi Konsumen Dalam Keputusan Pembelian Smartphone Xiaomi Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Ariska Dian Novarianti; Gustian Djuanda
Journal of Business and Economics Research (JBE) Vol 3 No 2 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/jbe.v3i2.1762


Smartphones have become one of the primary goods in almost everything we do which has an impact on the increasing needs of consumers. These conditions make many companies create smartphone products that are more up-to-date according to consumer needs. To support all the needs of consumers, many smartphone companies continue to develop their smartphone products and Xiaomi is one of the smartphone companies from China that takes part in enlivening the smartphone market. This research was conducted to find out what factors and sub-factors are the main priorities in the marketing mix strategy towards the purchase decision of Xiaomi smartphones, so that they can be used as input in the preparation of Marketing Strategies in the future. This respondent is a smartphone buyer based on the opinion that consumer perceptions are able to influence consumer decisions and produce purchases. For this reason, the priority of marketing strategy should be based on the perception of consumers who are real buyers of a product. Data processing uses the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The results of this study indicate that the factors in the priority elements of the marketing strategy that are the top priority for the decision to purchase Xiaomi smartphones in a row include promotions with a percentage value of 32%, prices with a percentage value of 31%, products with a percentage value of 25% and places with a value of 25%. the percentage of 12%. The product sub-factor that becomes the main priority is product quality (0.35). The sub-factor on the price that becomes the main priority is discount (0.39). The sub-factor in promotion that becomes the main priority is advertising (0.32). The subfactor for the product that becomes the main priority is the logistics channel (0.41).
Effect of Electronic Word of Mouth, Perceived Service Quality and Perceived Usefulness on Alibaba's Customer Commitment Rizwan Ali; Fiqh Rifqi Mahisah Wahyu; Didit Darmawan; Eli Retnowati; Utami Puji Lestari
Journal of Business and Economics Research (JBE) Vol 3 No 2 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/jbe.v3i2.1763


Consumer behavior to do online shopping is growing with technological advances. To meet consumer needs for online shopping various e-commerce began to develop. Alibaba is one of the e-commerce services in the world that has emerged in the current digital era that provides various attractive offers and attractive sales products. Alibaba can be reached anywhere and anytime. This study aims to determine how the influence of electronic word of mouth, perceived service quality and perceived usefulness on Alibaba's customer commitment. The population used in this study were Alibaba users. This study used 100 respondents as the research sample. The data will be analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The results show that electronic word of mouth, perceived service quality and price perception can have a significant effect on Alibaba's customer commitment.

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