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Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial
ISSN : 18296300     EISSN : 25273205     DOI : 10.21580/wa.v6i2
Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial, is a journal published by Kopertais Wilayah X Jawa Tengah. Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial is an academic journal published twice a year (every six months, ie April and October). Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi islam dan Sosial, focusing on social sciences, religious studies, education and management. Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi islam dan Sosial is open to the contributions of experts from related disciplines.
Articles 336 Documents
Merasakan Tasawuf Anieg, Mukhamad
Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 3, No 1 (2016): Wahana Akademika
Publisher : Kopertais Wilayah X Jawa Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/wa.v3i1.870


AbstractAwareness has inspired humans to feel Sufi sm. Various kinds of questions lie about mutasawifi n, including Who am I? Where am I? For what I created? How do I fi ll out alive? What am I looking for? What kind of life I want to pick up after death? If I could go back to my native place safely? And other fundamental questions in human beings. Religion deifying vehicle, Iman deifying fuel, and the man who drove, the religion with the contents of the sentences noble in heart, it was the straight path. Th e way of approaching Him is to continue to multiply zikrullah. Zikir is the parent of worship, then where is the zikir when penetrating into the heart of a clean then it will feel the souls kesufi an true. Hearts (qolbu) can also be likened to building a house. He was surrounded by walls and secured with a gate or gate locked. Only family members and guests who comes who may enter it. While the heart of the deeper (lubb) is a locked room that holds valuable heirlooms belonging to the family. Only a few family members who have the key. So when the door was open means opened the doors of Sufi sm in human beings and to feel the pleasure that can perform worship and all the good deeds that will save people in the world and the hereafter.Keyword: Sufi sm, qolbu, zikir
Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 4, No 2 (2017): Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial
Publisher : Kopertais Wilayah X Jawa Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/wa.v4i2.2077


This research aims to know the influence of the media learning through speaking skills students in Indonesia language subjects MI An-Nur Deyangan Magelang Regency. The population in this research is the student's MI An-Nur Deyangan totaling 142 students. As for the sample of the study amounted to 18 students are determined by means of the purposive sampling technique. The method of data collection in this research method using question form for either variable or variable learning media speaking skills. The technique of data analysis in this study uses the analysis of product moment. To know the influence of the media against learning speaking skills students use computer-assisted program of IBM SPSS Statistics 21.The results showed that the use of the media learning in MI An-Nur Deyangan in the category quite nicely. This is evidenced by the views of the average value of 18.66 or 19 are included in this category is good enough. Speaking skills fall into the category is good enough, it is seen from the average value of an or 21 20.72 entered in that category pretty well. the analysis of the product moment gleaned value rxy count of 0.782. Those results showed Ho denied and Ha was accepted, that there is influence by learning media use speaking skills on the Indonesia language subjects in MI An-Nur Deyangan Magelang Regency.
Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 14, No 1 (2012): Wahana Akademika
Publisher : Kopertais Wilayah X Jawa Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/wa.v14i1.347


Jilbab merupakan persoalan yang menarik untuk didiskusikan khususnya bagi para aktifis gender. Persoalannya karena sandaran normatif yang dijadikan referensi utamanya dalam khazanah Islam masih debatable. Diantara sumber normatif yang dijadikan referensi bagi seorang muslimah yang  wajib mengenakan jilbab adalahsurat an Nur ayat 31. Ayat tersebut jika ditelaah secara kritis ternyata masih membutuhkan perangkat lain untuk memahaminya. Secara substantif ayat tersebut tidak menjelaskan secara rinci batasan  jilbab  yang dapat dijadikan patokan dalam berbusana.. Aurat merupakan anggota badan yang harus ditutup dan tidak boleh dilihat oleh orang lain. Aurat dibedakan menjadi dua kategori yakni bagi kaum adam dan bagi kaum Hawa. Bagi kaum Adam aurat adalah seluruh anggota badan antara pusat sampai lutut. Sedangkan aurat bagi kaum hawa adalah seluruh anggota badan kecuali muka dan kedua telapak tangan. Bagi perempuan menutup seluruh anggota badan merupakan keniscayaan karena merupakan perintah agama Islam. Seiring dengan ketentuan menutup aurat  ayat 31 dari surat an-Nur merupakan perintah dari Allah SWT agar permpuan menutup kepala yang dalam bahasa populernya memakai jilbab. Jilbab merupakan salah satu wahana menutup aurat bagi kaum perempuan. Kepala perempuan harus ditutup sedemikian rupa agar tidak bebas dipandang oleh orang lain yang tidak mahromnya. Persoalan mau pakai penutup kepala model apa saja tergantung kepada selera pemakainya asalkan smart bagi pemakainya dan menutupi kepala. Rambut yang menjadi mahota perempuan tidak boleh teurai liar dipandang oleh siapa saja, elainkan harus ditutup rapat agar tidak mengundang fitnah   Seiring dengan ketenntuan asasi dalam memahami perintah mengenakan jilbab,  ayat 31 dari surat an-Nur haruslah dipahami secara utuh asbabun nuzulnya disertai dengan uraian komprehensif dengan ayat-ayat lain yang berkenaan dengan perintah menutup auratmaupun sumber dari as-Sunah al mutawatirah, sehingga spirit ayat tersebut dapat ditangkap secara gamblang.  Disinilah menariknya persoalan jilbab untuk dibahas dan diformulasikan dalam format dan setting yang semestinya sesuai ketentuan syari'at islam. Kata Kunci: auarat, mahkota, smart
Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 6, No 1 (2019): Vol. 6, No. 1, April 2019
Publisher : Kopertais Wilayah X Jawa Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/wa.v6i1.4143


Educators are human resources who contribute in the exploration of students at an educational institution. In general, educators should have four competencies such as professional competence, paedagogik competence, personality competence, and social competence.As an educator who has the task of developing the potential of learners, it is clear that a teacher should improve his ability with various efforts, including by writing, discussing, following scientific activities, following seminars, and other activities that are able to hone his noble duty as an educator. Because some competencies to be developed are social competence, competence, pedagogy, and professional competence. A good teacher is those who meet the requirements of professional skills either as educators. Herein lies the importance of teachers' professional quality standards to ensure the quality of teaching and learning process.In addition to being a professional educator, with the certification of teachers is expected to be an economically prosperous educator. In addition to the economic welfare it will obviously increase the motivation of teachers to develop their professional tasks through several activities such as delegation of subject teachers work (MGMP), KKG, seminars, discussion activities and even motivation to continue higher education. Because of the cost of functional allowance to teachers who have passed a certified teacher can really focus on the task of becoming an educator in an effort to educate the nation by no longer thinking about the family economy that has been the burden of teachers in Indonesia. Because we know there are still many teachers who are still far from welfare. Many who have a double profession other than to be a teacher like a buyer of used goods, public transportation drivers, newspaper delivery, fried sellers, and so forth. So ultimately the dignity of a teacher can occupy at the highest social stratification through this certification program.                   Methods of data collection in this study using literature study. In this stage, the researchers try to select the data (books) that have relevance to the professional policy of madrasah teachers through certification program in improving the quality of Islamic education. Then the authors also use the synthesis analysis that is by handling of certain scientific objects by combining the understanding of one with another understanding, which ultimately can be obtained by the new knowledge of professional policy of madrasah teachers through certification program in improving the quality of Islamic education. The author also uses content analysis that is research conducted on the information documented in the recording, good pictures, sounds, writings and others.                    With this method will be done data analysis and processing scientifically about the content of writing policy of the profession of madrasah teachers through certification program in improving the quality of Islamic education research results indicate that the government certification to teachers intended as an effort to project teachers into educators who are actually able to do their duties with good and professional who have a predetermined standard of competence. Specifically, the objectives of teacher certification are: To improve the competence of madrasah teachers in their field of knowledge, to strengthen the teaching ability of madrasah teachers, to develop madrasah teacher competence holistically so as to be able to act professionally and improve the ability of Madrasah teachers in scientific research and activity activities, information communication technology for learning purposes Keywords: Profession Policy of Madrasah Teachers, Certification, Quality of Islamic Education 
Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 14, No 2 (2012): Wahana Akademika
Publisher : Kopertais Wilayah X Jawa Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/wa.v14i2.551


Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 1, No 2 (2014): Wahana Akademika
Publisher : Kopertais Wilayah X Jawa Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/wa.v1i2.817


-Amin M Rarori “Islam dan Kebudayaan Jawa “ Gama Media YogyakartaAzizy Qodri A “Melawan Glabalisasi Deinterprestasi Ajaran Islam Persiapan Sumber  Daya Manusia dan terciptanya Masyarakat madani“ Pustaka Pelajar 2003 Damami Muhammad ”Makna Agama Dalam Masyarakat Jawa” LESEL Yogyakarta Daradjat Zakiah “Ilmu Pendidikan Islam”Bumi Aksara jawa 2000            Darori M Amin “ Islam dan Kebudayaan Jawa” Yogyakarta : Gama Media 2002 Depdikbud “Aneka Ragam Khasanah Budaya Nusantara (Proyek Pengembangan Media Kebudayaan)” Dhavamony, Mariasusai “Fenomenologi Agama Terj Hartono Jakarta PT Pustaka LP3ES 1991Gunawan Ari H “ Sosiogi Pendidikan Suatu Analisis Sosiologi Tentang Berbagai Problem Pendidikan “ Jakarta Rinela Cipta 2000Hadistrisno Budiono” Islam Kejawen” eule bookHadiwijono, harun “ Agama Hindu dan Budha” Gunung Mulia Jakarta 2009Harsono Andi “ Tafsir Serat Wulangreh” YogyakartaHidayati Faridah Nur “Nilai-nilai Pendidikan Islam dalam kebudayaan Masyarakat Kejawen di Desa Binangun Kecamatan Bantarsari” Institut Agama Islam Imam Ghozali (IAIIG) CilacapKuncaraningrat “Kebudayaan Mentalisasi dan Pembangunan” Gramedia Jakarta-------------------“Sejarah Teori Antropologi” Universitas Indonesia PressLanggalung Hasan ”Manusia Pendidikan Suatu Analisis Psikologis Filsafat Pendidikan” Pustaka Al-Husna Baru 2004Ma’rifah “ Peribadatan Himpunan Penganut Kepercayaan di Desa Pesanggrahan Kecamatan Kroya Kabupaten Islam” Institut Agama Islam Imam Ghozali (IAIIG) Cilacap 2012Nasr, Sayyed Hossein “ntelegensi dan Spiritual Agama-agama” terj Jakarta Inisiasi Press Intelegens,i 2004Pengalaman dan motivasi  Beragama” Jakarta Lembaga Penunjang Pembangunan Nasional (Lappenas) 1982 Setiawam, Leo “ Unsur Budaya Dalam Tradisi Slametan di Gereja Hati Kudus Tuhan Yesus Ganjuran “Yogyakarta UIN Sunan Kalijaga, 2011Simuh “Mistik Islam Kejawen Raden Ngabehi  Rangga warsito Suatu Studi Terhadap Serat Hidayat Jati” Jakarta UI Press 1988---------“Islam dan Pergumulan Budaya Jawa” Bandung Tarsito 1982Widyadara Resta Tri “Tradisi Nyadran Himpunan Penghayat Kepercayaan di Desa Pekuncen Kecamatan Kroya Kabupaten Cilacap”  UIN Kalijaga 2013
Peran Forum Pemuda Kerukunan Umat Beragama Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dalam Memperkuat Paradigma Inklusif Kaum Muda Ahmadi, Makhrus
Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Wahana Akademika
Publisher : Kopertais Wilayah X Jawa Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/wa.v4i1.1482


AbstractReligious life in Yogyakarta (DIY) has its own style and culture. It is based on the existence of DIY as a student town, travel, and education, resulting in DIY is seen as civil of tolerance due to DIY into a meeting place for differences of race, culture and religion. Thus, the existence of this study want to study on the role, community leaders and the government's response to the Youth Forum for Religious Harmony Special Region of Yogyakarta (FPKUB DIY) in strengthening the inclusive paradigm among young people in Yogyakarta.This study used descriptive qualitative approach. While data collection techniques using the documentation, observation and interviews. Analysis of the data used in this research is data obtained and presented descriptively, begins by describing that has been expressed by the respondents either in person, in writing or direct observation. The process of data analysis is done by starting to examine all the data collected from various sources that had been predetermined.This study shows that DIY FPKUB role in strengthening the inclusive paradigm of youth done with emphasis on inter-religious dialogue and national harmony. Form of program activities carried out by FPKUB DIY using participatory-dialogical that program activities runs are varied and well targeted, it is shown by the responses of participants who stated that 25% strongly agree, 60% agree, 15% disagree, 0% no agree, while the expectations of participants towards FPKUB DIY activities are in accordance with the expectations and desires of the participants with the response indicated 5% strongly agree, 85% agree, 10% disagree, 0% disagreed. Response to the role of community leaders FPKUB DIY done by inserting a board representative FPKUB DIY into management FKUB DIY that became the highest forum forum inter-religious harmony that already exist in each district and town in the province. Moreover, historically the birth of an initiative FPKUB DIY community leaders to encourage their mutual awareness among young people about religious harmony, so hope the presence of a pilot program DIY FPKUB other regions in Indonesia regarding inter-religious harmony forum based youth. The government's role Yogyakarta Special Region in strengthening the paradigm of inclusive youth conducted by FPKUB DIY done by providing facilities and infrastructures for use in a variety of activities by FPKUB DIY, though related forms penyelediaan facilities on grants and funding programs could not be implemented due to the lack of legal protection FPKUB overshadow the existence of DIY.Keywords: paradigm, inclusive, youth, religious groups
Budaya Menghafal Al-Qur’ān: Studi Living Qur’ān Masyarakat Benda Brebes Jawa Tengah Irfan, Agus
Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 5, No 2 (2018): Wahan Akademika
Publisher : Kopertais Wilayah X Jawa Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/wa.v5i2.3224


One of the phenomena of “Living Qur’ān” found in Benda, Central Java is the tradition of memorizing the Qur’ān. This paper presents an elaboration of the question “how the contextualization step for the taḥfīẓ al-Qur’ān education as a solution for taḥfīẓ al-Qur’ān exist in Benda Bumiayu Brebes? As formulated in three Sub Question: 1. How the taḥfīẓ al-Qur’ān culture for Benda society can be construct as long time exist? 2. What factors that supported the taḥfīẓ al-Qur’ān culture exist ? 3. What factors that reduced the taḥfīẓ al-Qur’ān culture exist?This research is a descriptive qualitative nature, employing historical and sosiological approaches. The qualitative data are obtained through observation, interview and documentation. The data collected are then selected and arranged in a sequence with argumentative presentation.The result of this research reveal that Benda village is good known by Dā al- Qur’ān, because he has more than 7 (seven) Islamic Boarding School for memorizing Qur’ān. This village used to create memorizing Qur’ān culture for the society and arround him. This culture is effected by KH. Khalīl Ibn Maḥallī dan KH. Suḥaimi Ibn Abdul Ghānī, and in the second generation he has great memorizing culture. But in the third generation he gets bad value that less. As  observation data, a writter has seen some fundamen factors which influence reducing the taḥfiẓ al-Qur’ān culture in that village. So that needed the contextualization of taḥfīẓ al- Qur’ān education that switable with modernity.
Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 15, No 2 (2013): Wahana Akademika
Publisher : Kopertais Wilayah X Jawa Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/wa.v15i2.534


AbstractThis article is the result of fundamental  research conducted  in 2011. It is intended to see how far the ideas of pluralism can be understood and accepted by public who are often involved in violance on the behalf of religion.The method applied in this research is indepth interview, news paper documentation, discourse analysis.Based on the analysis result, it is found that  there are three opinions about religious pluralism. First, formalitistic tradisionalist opinion, that is: there is only one true religion, it is the religion that he/she belongs to. second, the unconcerned attitude or apathy to the religious reality of religion in Indonesia.. Third, a radical opinion, they think that the followers of other religion –out side of the religion that they belong to, must be have enough, and if it is needed by using violance and force.Keyword:  pluralitas, kekerasan, konflik agama
Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 1, No 1 (2014): Wahana Akademika
Publisher : Kopertais Wilayah X Jawa Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/wa.v1i1.806


AbstractThe use of criminal sanctions as the main sanction has indicated the extent towhich the level of understanding of the legislators to the problem of "crime andpunishment". At least show that the limited understanding of the use of criminalsanctions also affect the determination of criminal sanctions in administrativelaw. "Errors" in the formulation of the implications for the difficulty andconfusion in the law enforcement, because there is a gap of two disciplines,namely the criminal law on the one hand and on the other hand administrativelaw, which has its own procedural law. This confusion will lead to ambiguity inthe resolution of cases of violation of administrative law contains criminalsanctions, whether enforcement will be carried out by law enforcement agencieswithin the criminal justice sisitem or whether officials of the state administrationin the sphere of administration? Such circumstances, of course, will lead to theexistence of legal uncertainty for the community.Kata Kunci: sanksi pidana, hukum pidana, hukum administrasi

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