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Ekomaks : Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Akuntansi
ISSN : 23024747     EISSN : 25800043     DOI :
Core Subject : Economy,
Jurnal EKOMAKS adalah salah satu jurnal publikasi ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Merdeka Madiun. Terbit dua kali setahun pada bulan Maret dan September. Tujuan Jurnal EKOMAKS adalah untuk membangun saluran komunikasi yang efektif antara para pemangku kepentingan termasuk akademisi dan lembaga penelitian, dunia usaha, pemerintah dan masyarakat. Selain itu juga untuk mempromosikan dan menyebarluaskan hasil penelitian dalam perkembangan teori dan praktek manajemen khususnya di Indonesia. Jurnal EKOMAKS menerima artikel empiris dan teoritis yang membahas strategi dan kebijakan bisnis, Manajemen, Ekonomi Kreatif.
Articles 112 Documents
JURNAL EKOMAKS : Jurnal Manajemen, Ekonomi Kreatif dan Bisnis Vol 8, No 1 (2019): JURNAL EKOMAKS, Edisi Maret 2019
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33319/jeko.v8i1.35


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui fenomena Wajib Pajak (WP) dalam membayar pajak orang pribadi. Fokus pada penelitian  ini pada penyampaian Surat Pemberitahuan (SPT) Pajak menurut peraturan perpajakan. Peraturan perpajakan dalam hal ini adalah PMK No. 9/PMK.03/2018, yaitu adanya perubahan terkait penyampaian SPT wajib pajak pada tahun 2018. Penelitian   ini   dilakukan   dengan   melibatkan   wajib   pajak   orang pribadi yang melaporkan SPT. Partisipan pada penelitian ini adalah Konsultan Pajak, Pengelola Brevet Pajak, dan Pegawai Politeknik Negeri Madiun. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, yaitu dengan fenomenologi transedental. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi referensi dalam pelaporan pajak oleh wajib pajak orang pribadi. Peraturan perpajakan baru, yaitu PMK No. 9/PMK.03/2018 mengubah ketentuan PMK No. 243/PMK.03/2014 tentang Surat Pemberitahuan. Salah satu perubahan yang terkandung adalah pelaporan SPT Masa Nihil. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa WPOP di Lingkungan Politeknik Negeri Madiun sebagian besar memiliki penghasilan pokok dibawah PTKP, namun pegawai di PNM masih menerima penghasilan lainnya. Sehingga, atas penghasilan tersebut Bendaharawan memotongkan PPh 21-nya lalu disetorkan. Namun untuk SPT pegawai pada penelitian ini, dilaporkan sendiri (Self Assesment) oleh WPOP disertai bukti potong dari Bendaharawan Institusi. Kehadiran peraturan perpajakan tersebut lebih memudahkan bagi WPOP maupun Bendaharawan Institusi dalam hal penyampaian SPT.
Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan Mahasiswa Pengguna Jasa Perpustakaan Pusat Universitas Merdeka Madiun Indartini, Mintarti
JURNAL EKOMAKS : Jurnal Manajemen, Ekonomi Kreatif dan Bisnis Vol 7, No 2 (2018): JURNAL EKOMAKS
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33319/jeko.v7i2.9


Higher education institutions such as universities in the era of technology and information required to improve services in the field of education by using information technology quickly and precisely, so the college can improve its performance. Especially in terms of services in the academic field and as motivate colleges to transform the structure and strategy of development of educational facilities and prerequisites in order to become a superior higher education institutions, making progress, able to compete and trusted by stackholder.The purpose of this study were (1) To analyze the influence of tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy variable partially on student satisfaction of library service user of Universitas Merdeka Madiun. (2) To analyze the influence of tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy variable simultaneously toward student satisfaction of library service user of Universitas Merdeka Madiun. The result of research show that (1) Tangible partially affect the satisfaction of students of central library user of Universitas Merdeka Madiun. (3) Partial responsiveness affects student satisfaction of library user of University of Merdeka Madiun University (4) Assurance partially has no effect on student satisfaction of library user of University of Merdeka Madiun. (5) Emphaty partially affect student satisfaction of library user of University of Merdeka Madiun and (6) Tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and emphaty simultaneously influence student satisfaction of library user of University of Merdeka Madiun. Keywords: Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Emphaty, Satisfaction
Dampak Pengembangan Pariwisata Terhadap Perkembangan Usaha Mikro, Kecil Dan Menengah Di Kabupaten Magetan Suyono, Bambang
JURNAL EKOMAKS : Jurnal Manajemen, Ekonomi Kreatif dan Bisnis Vol 9, No 2 (2020): JURNAL EKOMAKS
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33319/jeko.v9i2.65


Abstract— The objectives of this research are (1) to know the process of tourism development in Magetan Regency, especially the Sarangan Lake tourism area; (2) knowing the development of UMKM in the Sarangan Lake Tourism Area and the factors that influence it; and (3) knowing the impact of tourism development on the development of MSE seen from the increase in turnover and growth of MSE in Magetan Regency.The population in this study was the head and staff of the tourism office of Magetan Regency, amounting to 5 people and the micro and small entrepreneurs in Magetan Regency, amounting to 30 people. Data collection techniques in this study include interviews, observation and documentation. The analysis used is qualitative analysis, while the method used is descriptive qualitative.The findings of this study are (1) tourism development in Magetan Regency, especially Sarangan Lake tourism, is well managed, improvements in tourist objects are continuously carried out and new tourism potentials are explored to increase tourist visits; (2) the development of MSE in tourist areas, especially Sarangan Lake, is influenced by various factors including low human resources and an old mindset that still chooses to be a farmer compared to providing tourism services, limited capital which is only taken from private funds of business actors, offered monotony and minimal innovation and (3) successful tourism development resulting in increased tourist visits to Sarangan Lake in particular and other tourism objects in general, this has a positive impact on MSE. MSE as a means of tourism are able to develop along with the tourism development process. Keywords—: Tourism; Micro; Small and medium enterprises.
Pengaruh Keputusan Investasi Dan Keputusan Pendanaan Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Bakri Katti, Siti Wardani
JURNAL EKOMAKS : Jurnal Manajemen, Ekonomi Kreatif dan Bisnis Vol 9, No 1 (2020): JURNAL EKOMAKS
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33319/jeko.v9i1.51


This research is aimed to know the influence of invesment decision and funding decision partially and simultaneously toward company value at property and real estate companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2014 to 2017. The sample uses the method of purposive sampling. The populations of this research are all companies of property and real estate. The population of 48 companies obtained by 27 companies is as research sample. The analysis data uses the multiple linier regression analysis. Based on the analysis data can be concluded that the investment decision influences significantly toward the company value. The funding decision influences significantly toward the company value. The test result of model suitability shows the investment decision and funding decision influence significantly toward the company value. The value of determination of coefficient  (R2) about 0.511 shows that the influence of investment decision and funding decision toward company value about 51,1%, and the remains are 48,9% are influenced by other variability outside of the research. Keywords—: Investment Decision; Funding Decision; Company Value; Property and Real Estate.
Kecanggihan Information And Communications Technology (ICT) Dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar Mutmainah, Mutmainah
JURNAL EKOMAKS : Jurnal Manajemen, Ekonomi Kreatif dan Bisnis Vol 8, No 2 (2019): JURNALEKOMAKS
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33319/jeko.v8i2.45


The development of information and communications technology makes easy to find information needed from the world. Included in the student learning process. ICT has an important role in education ICT sophistication facilitate student-centered learning (SCL). However, can ICT create an effective and efficient learning process? What does the negative and positive effect of sophistication information and communications technology (ICT) in learning process? How effect on personal ethics? How should the role of government to solve that negative effect? This research uses a qualitative method with a phenomenology approach. This approach is a research-based on observations of phenomenology that occur in Merdeka University of Madiun. The data analysis uses descriptive techniques. It’s the result of the data collection from some informants were concluded. The results of research show that negative effects of development ICT; 1) decreasing student ethics, 2) learning process not effective, 3) student doesn’t ready to study in the classroom, 4) and delay next job. The positive effect is easy to get course material and reach communications quickly. The government role to solve negative effect are 1) socialization about ICT usage, 2) limit user age from government, 3) blocking web that no match with user age and 4) socialization about controlling child.
JURNAL EKOMAKS : Jurnal Manajemen, Ekonomi Kreatif dan Bisnis Vol 8, No 1 (2019): JURNAL EKOMAKS, Edisi Maret 2019
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33319/jeko.v8i1.28


Basicly, the employee performance are the result of a complex processes, which are come from the employees itself (internal factor), company situation (external factor), and the company strategic efforts. A good performance is certainly being expected all company and institution who employ the employees, because the employee performance finally expected to increase the company performance totality. This research is aimed to examine the impact of communication competence, emotional intelligence, and organizational culture to employee performance. The problem raised in this study are (1) The influence of communication competence on employee, (2) The influence of emotional intelligence on employee performance, (3) The influence of organizational culture on employee performance.This research has been conducted in PT Bangun Jaya Alam Permai I District of Kotawaringin Barat, Province of Central Kalimantan. As many as 40 employees are taken as respondent using disproportionate stratified sampling. Questionnaires were used as a tool in data collection method. Data analysis techniques in this research SPSS 20 for Windows.This research gets some important conclusion. Firstly, all hypotheses were proved to be significant. Secondly, all of variables communication competence, emotional intelligence and organizational culture impact on employee performance. The implies that communication competence, emotional intelligence and organizational culture played as important role in developing employee performance
Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi PAD Pada Pemerintah Daerah Se-Bakorwil Madiun Wibisono, Nurharibnu
JURNAL EKOMAKS : Jurnal Manajemen, Ekonomi Kreatif dan Bisnis Vol 9, No 2 (2020): JURNAL EKOMAKS
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33319/jeko.v9i2.56


This research aims to analizying influencing Local Original Revenue to the regional government in the Madiun Regional Coordinating Board in 2010 - 2018. The independent variabels are the Local Tax, Local Retribution, the Result of Separted Regional Wealth Management, Other Legimate Local Original Revenue. The dependent variable is Local Original Revenue. This study uses secondary data Realized Local Government Budget from  The observation period from 2010- 2018 is carried out to the regional government in the Madiun Regional Coordinating Boardwhich includes Madiun Regency, Magetan Regency, Ponorogo Regency, Ngawi Regency, Trenggalek Regency, Tulungagung Regency, Pacitan Regency, Kediri Regency, Madiun City and Kediri City. The method of analysis used is multiple regression analysis with SPSS 20. The researsch result shows that the Local Tax influence to Local Original Revenue to the regional government of Madiun Regional Coordinating Board. Local Retribution influence to Local Original Revenue to the regional governmentof Madiun Regional Coordinating Board. The result of Separted Regional Wealth Management no  influence to Local Original Revenue to the regional governmentof Madiun Regional Coordinating Board. Other Legimate Local Original Revenue significant influence to Local Original Revenue to the regional governmentof Madiun Regional Coordinating Board.Keyword: Local Original Revenue, Local Tax, Local Retribution, The result of Separted Regional Wealth Management, Other Legimate Local Original Revenue.
Identifikasi Produk Unggulan Dan Kontribusi Sektor Tersier Di Kabupaten Madiun Indartini, Mintarti Indartini; Pratiwi, Dian; Rahayu, ML Endang Edi
JURNAL EKOMAKS : Jurnal Manajemen, Ekonomi Kreatif dan Bisnis Vol 9, No 1 (2020): JURNAL EKOMAKS
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33319/jeko.v9i1.47


Madiun Regency is one of the districts in the western part of East Java which has a very strategic location as a transit city. Then the tertiary sector has a big role / contribution to Gross Regional Domestic Product / PDRB which certainly affects economic growth. This research was carried out in order to: (1) Identify the leading sectors of the tertiary sector in Madiun Regency. (2) Reviewing the contribution of tertiary sector to PDRB of Madiun Regency. and (3) Assessing the base sector which can be used as a mainstay for economic development in Madiun Regency, especially the tertiary sector in 2019 and in the future. The results of research using the analysis of Location Quotient (LQ) are (1) The tertiary sector of Madiun Regency is included in mainstay, superior and prospective criteria. (2) The superior potential of tertiary sector Madiun Regency are the information and communication sector, real estate, education services and health services and social activities. Based on analysis of contribution to the Gross Regional Domestic Product / PDRB of tertiary sector that has largest contribution is the financial and insurance services sector; second is the information and communication sector; and third is government administration, defense and social security is mandatory. Keywords—: Tertiary; Superior Product; Location Quotient (LQ); Contribution; Madiun Regency.
Pengaruh Kecerdasan Emosional Dan Komitmen Kerja Terhadap Semangat Kerja Pegawai Pada Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Lawu Tirta Kabupaten Magetan Sulaksono, Hari
JURNAL EKOMAKS : Jurnal Manajemen, Ekonomi Kreatif dan Bisnis Vol 8, No 1 (2019): JURNAL EKOMAKS, Edisi Maret 2019
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33319/jeko.v8i1.38


This study aimed (1) to analyze the influence of emotional intelligence on employee morale PDAM Tirta Lawu Magetan; (2) to analyze the influence of the work commitment to employee morale PDAM Tirta Lawu Magetan; and (3) to analyze the influence of emotional intelligence and commitment to work simultaneously on employee morale PDAM Tirta Lawu Magetan. Respondents in this study were employees of the Regional Water Company Lawu Tirta Magetan which amounted to 57 people. The data collection technique using questionnaires and the analysis of data using multiple linear regression analysis, an analysis of the determinants, t test and F test The findings showed that (1) there is the influence of emotional intelligence on employee morale PDAM Tirta Lawu Magetan; (2) there are significant commitment to work towards employee morale PDAM Tirta Lawu Magetan; and (3) there is the influence of emotional intelligence and commitment to work simultaneously on employee morale PDAM Tirta Lawu Magetan.
Pengaruh Karakteristik Bintang Iklan dan E-Commerce terhadap Minat Beli Ulang Produk Fashion di Kota Madya Madiun Rahayu, Endang Edi
JURNAL EKOMAKS : Jurnal Manajemen, Ekonomi Kreatif dan Bisnis Vol 7, No 2 (2018): JURNAL EKOMAKS
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33319/jeko.v7i2.10


The number of internet users is increasing, thus causing the rise of people buying online. Marketing via online is considered more practical and more attractive consumer.Online shopping is a relatively new thing in Indonesia.Konsumen feel the need to find information about the product offered.One product offered is a fashion product.Pemilihan celebrities as endoser is considered will affect the interest of purchase . Then the company must really understand the characteristics of celebrities that are used as advertising stars. The results show that partially and simultaneously, the characteristics of advertising and e-commerce stars have a significant effect on the interest of buy back of fashion products. And the dominant factor is e-commerce.Keyword: Advertising Star Characteristics, E-Commerce, Interest Of Buy Back of Fashion Product.

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