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International Journal Reglement & Society (IJRS) published by BUNDA MEDIA GRUP, is to disseminate information on scientific papers to academics and practitioners who are interested in the field of Law and Social Affairs to accept articles written in English. The determination of the articles to be published is done through a blind review process by the editorial team by taking into account aspects, including: meeting the standard requirements for scientific journal publication and article contributions, which includes articles on the scientific research field of Law Sciences, includes the results of scientific research and reviews on selected disciplines within several branches of legal studies (sociology of law, history of law, comparative law, private law, criminal law, procedural law, economic and business law, constitutional law, administrative law, international law, etc). The editor is responsible for providing a constructive review of the articles to be published and (if deemed necessary) and conveying the evaluation results of the article to the author. Articles that are proposed to be published in the journal are recommended to follow the guidelines for writing articles made by the Editor. International Journal Reglement & Society (IJRS) published three times a year in January, May and September. E-ISSN: 2745-8350
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
Articles 23 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 1, No 2 (2020): September - December" : 23 Documents clear
Position of Victims in Corruption Crime at the Medan Corruption Court Trisna, Wessy; Mubarak, Ridho
International Journal Reglement & Society (IJRS) Vol 1, No 2 (2020): September - December
Publisher : International Journal Reglement & Society (IJRS)

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A victim is someone individually or jointly suffering from loss, including physical or mental injury, emotional suffering, economic loss or damage to his basic rights, which is caused by the actions of other parties who violate criminal law in a country, whether intentionally or because of negligence. So far, in handling corruption cases, the perpetrators and the law have always been highlighted, while victims are rarely paid attention. Legal protection for victims in criminal acts of corruption needs to be considered because the rights of victims who have good intentions are still being harmed. So it is necessary to discuss the position of the victim in a corruption case and the rights and obligations of the victim in a corruption case at the Medan Corruption Court. Thus, although the position of the victim in a criminal act of corruption based on the criminal justice system is still very weak, the victim has the right to apply for restitution or compensation if their social and economic rights are harmed by the occurrence of a criminal act of corruption
Legal Consequences of Transfer of Home Ownership Loans without Creditors' Permission Ramadhani, Rahmat
International Journal Reglement & Society (IJRS) Vol 1, No 2 (2020): September - December
Publisher : International Journal Reglement & Society (IJRS)

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The transfer of mortgage loans is carried out without prior approval from the bank as the debtor and is carried out under an underhand loan agreement between the parties. This research uses normative juridical legal research methods (normative research), namely legal research conducted by examining library materials or secondary data. The research specification in this paper is descriptive analytical research. Based on the results of the research, it is known that the transfer demands several things that need to be known, namely changes or additions to the provisions of this agreement can only be done after there is an agreement and it is done in writing that is signed by the creditor and debtor, the debtor is not entitled to transfer or transfer rights and obligations. part or all based on this credit agreement to other debtors without prior written approval from the creditor, the creditor can transfer or transfer part or all of the rights and obligations under the credit agreement to other creditors with prior written notification to the debtor.
Protection of Children as Victims of Domestic Sexual Violence Simatupang, Nursariani; Faisal, Faisal
International Journal Reglement & Society (IJRS) Vol 1, No 2 (2020): September - December
Publisher : International Journal Reglement & Society (IJRS)

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Many parents let their children swallow the bitter pill because of their lecherous act. They make their children victims of sexual violence, regardless of the future of the next child. Sexual violence against children results in children going through life with physical impacts and trauma that have terrible, long-lasting, and even very difficult to get rid of. This study aims to analyze the factors and consequences that arise and to analyze the protection given to children as victims of sexual violence in the household. This research is a normative juridical research. The factors that cause children to become victims of sexual violence, among others, are for the interest of studying black magic and because the perpetrator's wife is no longer able to meet their biological needs. The consequence that arises in the child is that the child experiences trauma and is very disturbed psychologically. The protection provided for children is legal assistance, counseling services, health examination services, and monitoring services. In addition, according to Law Number 17 of 2016 the perpetrator is subject to criminal sanctions, given chemical castration, installation of electronic detectors, and rehabilitation.
'Aisyiyah's Legal Aid Model in Medan City Fajaruddin, Fajaruddin; Pinem, Rasta Kurniawati
International Journal Reglement & Society (IJRS) Vol 1, No 2 (2020): September - December
Publisher : International Journal Reglement & Society (IJRS)

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'Aisyiyah, as one of the women's movements that has a concern for the empowerment and development of community law, feels the need to be involved in supporting increased public access to justice and legal certainty. The method used in this research is empirical legal research which combines the data obtained from library materials with data obtained from the field and then analyzed qualitatively. From the research results, it is known that the Regional Leadership of 'Aisyiyah Medan City has a special model in providing legal assistance to women in Medan City, in the form of counseling at the' Aisyiyah recitation place with more material on the defense and protection of the rights of women and children. Legal aid that is carried out tends to be non-litigation. This is in accordance with the character of the da'wah of 'Aisyiyah / Muhammadiyah, it is better to prevent than to treat it, to anticipate is better than to go to court, to make peace is better than face to face in court, because Islam teaches peace and brotherhood. If any of your brothers are at odds then reconcile the two.
Procedure for Destruction of Evidence of the Crime of Narcotics Abuse Based on Formal Law in Indonesia Asmadi, Erwin
International Journal Reglement & Society (IJRS) Vol 1, No 2 (2020): September - December
Publisher : International Journal Reglement & Society (IJRS)

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Extermination of narcotics evidence is further regulated in Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 40 of 2013 concerning Implementation of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics, namely as a form of procedure for destroying narcotic evidence which is destroyed according to its type. Regulation of the Head of the National Narcotics Agency of the Republic of Indonesia Number 7 of 2010 concerning Technical Guidelines for Handling Confiscated Narcotics, Narcotics and Other Chemical Substances Safely, explains that the destruction of narcotics evidence, including marijuana is destroyed through the steps that have been set out therein. This regulation becomes a standard rule that must be implemented by the parties carrying out the destruction of confiscated evidence. This research is a type of normative legal research by means of literature study where the data is sourced from secondary data in the form of primary and secondary legal materials. Based on the results of the study, it is known that based on the hierarchy of regulations the procedures for destroying narcotics evidence are based on Article 91 and Article 92 of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics. Destruction of narcotic evidence is carried out before a court decision is made based on the determination of the local District Attorney's office and destruction after a court decision is based on an order of a judge's decision. Regarding the technical guidelines for destruction, the hierarchical stages of the destruction procedure are regulated in the Regulation of the Head of the National Narcotics Agency of the Republic of Indonesia Number 7 of 2010 concerning Technical Guidelines for Handling and Destruction of Confiscated Narcotics, Narcotics Precursors and Other Chemicals Safely
Hospital Responsibilities for the Use of Covid-19 Handling Funds Based on a State Administrative Law Perspective Maysarah, Maysarah
International Journal Reglement & Society (IJRS) Vol 1, No 2 (2020): September - December
Publisher : International Journal Reglement & Society (IJRS)

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Hospitals as a device or component of health have responsibility for the funds for handling Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) in Indonesia. During this pandemic, hospitals certainly play an important role for public health, especially those with Covid-19. The method used in this research is normative law research which combines the data obtained from library materials and then analyzed qualitatively. From the research results it is known that the Government is taking action quickly, precisely, and accurately in handling the Covid-19 pandemic. The government's steps in handling the Covid-19 pandemic were carried out by combining the use of statutory authority, policy regulations, actions of government agencies and officials, and bureaucratic support as a policy implementing organ. In handling the Covid-19 pandemic, the President took a policy by establishing a Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) Number 1 of 2020 concerning State Financial Policy and Financial System Stability for Handling the Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) Pandemic and / or in the Context of Facing Dangerous Threats National Economy and / or Financial System Stability on March 31, 2020. That the responsibility of the hospital is to use the funds for handling Covid-19 to provide medical devices related to prevention or treatment of Covid-19 such as PPE, test kits, reagents, ventilators, hand sanitizers and others
Application of the Gallery Walk Method to Increase Activities and Learning Achievement of Law Students in Pancasila Education Courses Fajriawati, Fajriawati; Harisman, Harisman
International Journal Reglement & Society (IJRS) Vol 1, No 2 (2020): September - December
Publisher : International Journal Reglement & Society (IJRS)

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The purpose of this study was to increase student activity and learning achievement seen from the activities in mastering the material and carrying out the assignments given to achieve the expected learning achievement. That learning is no longer understood as merely a knowledge transfer process but must be practiced by students. As a form of implementation of activities carried out by each law student. The specific target of this research is as an effort to increase student activity and learning achievement, activities carried out by students are doing classroom practice through the gallery walk method. This research is in the form of Classroom Action Research  which consists of three cycles. The approach used in research is qualitative-quantitative to obtain research data. Quantitative data is obtained through giving tests, while qualitative data is based on the results of observations of the activities and achievements of students and lecturers in learning activities. Each cycle includes four stages, namely planning, action, observation, and reflection. The data sources of this research are all personnel who are directly involved in the research, namely first semester law students and lecturers. The tools used in data collection in this study were tests, observations and questionnaires. The types of data to be analyzed are quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data were obtained from the results of activity tests and student achievement on Pancasila learning material. Meanwhile, qualitative data in the form of observations of the gallery walk method of students in learning and lecturer activity data on the implementation of the action. Furthermore, the data will be analyzed qualitatively with the model of Miles and Huberman (2007) which includes (a) data reduction, (b) data presentation, and (c) drawing conclusions / verification and quantitative analysis by calculating achievement and activity observation data. learn law students using the Percentage Correction formula
Protection of Disappeared and Dead as a Result of War According to International Humanitarian Law and Islamic Law Astuti, Mirsa
International Journal Reglement & Society (IJRS) Vol 1, No 2 (2020): September - December
Publisher : International Journal Reglement & Society (IJRS)

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In both Islamic law and International Humanitarian Law, war is an ultimum remedium (last resort) used to solve a problem after both parties cannot resolve their dispute or problem in a peaceful manner. This research was conducted using the normative legal research method. Based on the results of the research, it is known that international humanitarian law and Islamic law both provide protection for people who are involved in armed conflict, including people who have disappeared and died as a result of war. Persons involved in armed conflicts receive protection from international humanitarian law, as stipulated in Article 13 of the Geneva Convention 1949. Protected persons include combatants, militia and levee en maase members and civilians, but their protection has not been properly implemented, because there is still violence in every conflict. In Islam it is found in the Koran, Surat Al-Baqarah, verse 190; "And fight in the way of Allah those who fight against you, (but) do not cross the line, for verily Allah does not like those who transgress". Islam also prohibits attacks on non-combatants, Rasulullah SAW said: "Do not kill your parents, children and women" (H.R Abu Dawud)
Position of Victims in Corruption Crime at the Medan Corruption Court Wessy Trisna; Ridho Mubarak
International Journal Reglement & Society (IJRS) Vol 1, No 2 (2020): September - December
Publisher : International Journal Reglement & Society (IJRS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55357/ijrs.v1i2.12


A victim is someone individually or jointly suffering from loss, including physical or mental injury, emotional suffering, economic loss or damage to his basic rights, which is caused by the actions of other parties who violate criminal law in a country, whether intentionally or because of negligence. So far, in handling corruption cases, the perpetrators and the law have always been highlighted, while victims are rarely paid attention. Legal protection for victims in criminal acts of corruption needs to be considered because the rights of victims who have good intentions are still being harmed. So it is necessary to discuss the position of the victim in a corruption case and the rights and obligations of the victim in a corruption case at the Medan Corruption Court. Thus, although the position of the victim in a criminal act of corruption based on the criminal justice system is still very weak, the victim has the right to apply for restitution or compensation if their social and economic rights are harmed by the occurrence of a criminal act of corruption
Conception of Franchise Agreement in Protecting the Legal Interests of Parties Based on Indonesian Civil Law Masitah Pohan
International Journal Reglement & Society (IJRS) Vol 1, No 2 (2020): September - December
Publisher : International Journal Reglement & Society (IJRS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55357/ijrs.v1i2.63


Franchising is an effective way to expand business networks and respond to modern challenges, because the system does not require direct investment, but involves cooperation with other parties. In other words, franchising is a form of partnership based on a mutually beneficial relationship (mutualistic symbiosis) between the franchisor and the franchisee. The success or failure of a business with a franchise system depends entirely on the ability of the franchisee business partner to develop and run the franchise business through the procedures, processes and rules set by the franchisor. In the franchise system, the franchisee is given the right to take advantage of the intellectual property rights and the operating system of the franchisor, whether the use of trademarks, service marks, copyrights on logos, industrial designs, patents or trade secrets. This research is a type of normative legal research. Normative legal research is research whose data comes from secondary data and since this research data is secondary data, it is included in the type of normative legal research. This type of research used in this writing is library research. Library research means research using written documents as data, and data sources used in this study include primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. Based on the research results, it is known that the provisions of Article 1338 of the Civil Code confirm that all agreements made legally are valid as laws for those who make them. An agreement cannot be withdrawn as long as both parties agree or for reasons that are stated by law to be sufficient for that. An agreement must be carried out in good faith. On the basis of the provisions contained in Article 1338 of the Civil Code, it will be known the principles of freedom of contract, namely that every person is free to enter into an agreement or is free to determine the contents of an agreement as long as it does not contradict the law and public order.

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