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Ilmu Hukum Prima (IHP) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018): JURNAL ILMU HUKUM PRIMA
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This paper analyzes the criminal acts of destruction of protected forest areas carried out by the community with a decision study no.65 / Pid.B / 2016 / Rev. Existing laws and regulations are deemed inadequate and have not been able to deal effectively with eradication of organized forest destruction. Efforts to tackle eradication of forest destruction through this law are carried out by promoting the principles of justice and legal certainty, sustainability, state responsibility, community participation, accountability, priority, and integration and coordination. This study uses the research method of this type of research is descriptive analysis with normative juridical design that is research conducted which is only aimed at written regulations or other legal material. Sources of legal material used by the authors of the primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. This study uses a documentation study consisting of a collection of books, magazines, documents and other theoretical sources as a basis for solving problems in this thesis. The data of this study were analyzed with qualitative methods and presented in the form of a systematic description that could explain the relationship between various types of data, which were selected and processed descriptively so that the results of this study could reveal the answers to the problems expressed and hoped that it could provide solutions to the problems in the research this. The decision stipulates that Defendant JASMAN Alias ALONG has been proven legally and convincingly guilty of committing an act against him, however the act was not a criminal act and Releasing Defendant JASMAN Alias ALONG was therefore from all lawsuits (Onslag van allerech vervolging)
Ilmu Hukum Prima (IHP) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019): JURNAL ILMU HUKUM PRIMA
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (246.034 KB) | DOI: 10.34012/jihap.v2i2.648


Customary land rights as a form or method of ownership of land by legal institutions are widely available in the archipelago, and even constitute the largest number of land areas in Indonesia. Customary communal land is a form of customary community's legal territory whose ownership is controlled by a group of tribes who inhabit a certain area under the leadership of a traditional shop or tuaka. The formal legality of customary rights of indigenous peoples has a place in the national land law (UUPA), but in the level of law in action there is still lack of legal protection when dealing with development interests, so as to make the community that owns customary rights become marginalized. Which results in structural impoverishment.
Pembelajaran Yang Diperoleh Dari Covid-19 Dan Harapan Ke Depan: PKPM Di Ranting Aisyiyah Laksana Nurhilmiyah Nurhilmiyah; Masitah Pohan
IHSAN : JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT Vol 2, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Ihsan (April)
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/ihsan.v2i1.5151


Wabah pandemi Covid-19 sejak bulan Maret 2020 menginfeksi Indoneisa, dan sebelumnya, dunia. Selama kurun waktu itu pula banyak hal mengalami perubahan. Sendi-sendi kehidupan masyarakat menjalani pergeseran, seiring dengan meningkatnya tuntutan untuk mampu beradaptasi dengan hal-hal yang sebelumnya tidak lazim dilakoni. Semua berusaha memenuhi tatanan kehidupan kenormalan baru. Tim PKPM LP2M UMSU bergerak cepat merefokus judul yang tidak relevan dan tidak realistis untuk dilaksanakan menjadi tema yang aktual dan potensial memecahkan permasalahan mitra. Kegiatan PKPM ini mendapat sambutan hangat dari para pengurus dan anggota Aisyiyah Ranting Laksana. Sebab terkait tema yang diangkap sangat aktual dan berkaitan dengan kondisi yang dialami masyarakat yaitu di masa pandemi Covid-19 yang belum jelas kapan berakhirnya. Melalui kegiatan ini, Tim pelaksana PKPM mengupayakan peningkatan pemberdayaan masyarakat sesuai dengan persoalan yang dihadapi, khususnya harapan untuk hidup optimis di masa kenormalan baru. Saran yang dapat diberikan oleh tim pelaksana adalah agar kiranya LP2M berkenan menyokong dana sebagaimana yang diusulkan di dalam proposal awal PKPM.  Harapannya supaya semakin optimal bantuan yang diserahkan kepada masyarakat khususnya para pengurus dan anggota Aisyiyah Ranting Laksana, guna kepentingan pengembangan organisasi Aisyiyah
Legal Protection of Workers in Fostering Industrial Relations Masitah Pohan; Rahmayanti Rahmayanti
Randwick International of Social Science Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): RISS Journal, January
Publisher : RIRAI Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47175/rissj.v3i1.386


The workforce in Indonesia is one of the drivers of economic life and is an abundant resource. The development of industrial relations is expected to create work peace. Conducive work environment and harmonious working relationship. and fair. The purpose of the research raised in this paper is to determine the legal protection of workers in fostering industrial relations. The research method used is by applying normative or doctrinal legal research, with an analytical approach and comparative law study (comparative law) by emphasizing comparisons with legal provisions governing work agreements in several common law and civil law countries, as the basis for legal research methodology. The data collection tool comes from document studies on secondary data. A balanced position between labor and industrial relations is certainly directly proportional to the protection of workers. For this reason, regulations are needed that can accommodate the interests of interested parties.
Company Responbility toward Employees Due to Pailit Masitah Pohan
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute February
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v4i1.1753


Company bankruptcy is a corporate legal phenomenon that is often greatly feared, either by company owners or by its management. Because with company bankruptcy, it means that the company has failed in doing business or at least has failed to pay its debts (debts). The purpose of this research is to identify and analyze the factors of company bankruptcy, the position of employees due to bankruptcy based on Law Number 13 of 2003, due to the legal consequences of bankruptcy against employees based on Law Number 37 of 2004. The research conducted is juridical normative, data sources which is used to support this research is a secondary data source. Factors for the occurrence of company bankruptcy are caused by unpredictable external factors, such as natural disasters. The position of employees due to bankruptcy based on Law Number 13 of 2003 is in Article 95 paragraph (4), clearly and emphasizes that wages and other rights of workers / labor are debts whose payment is prioritized to protect and ensure the survival of their lives and their families. . However, in reality the workers' position is under bankruptcy fees and curator fees, which means that workers must be more patient and stay behind after the bankruptcy of the bankruptcy estate is used to pay taxes, creditors who hold collateral (separatist creditors), bankruptcy fees and curator fees. The legal consequence of the occurrence of bankruptcy for employees based on Law Number 37 Year 2004 is Article 39 paragraph (1) of the Bankruptcy Law.
Conception of Franchise Agreement in Protecting the Legal Interests of Parties Based on Indonesian Civil Law Masitah Pohan
International Journal Reglement & Society (IJRS) Vol 1, No 2 (2020): September - December
Publisher : International Journal Reglement & Society (IJRS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55357/ijrs.v1i2.63


Franchising is an effective way to expand business networks and respond to modern challenges, because the system does not require direct investment, but involves cooperation with other parties. In other words, franchising is a form of partnership based on a mutually beneficial relationship (mutualistic symbiosis) between the franchisor and the franchisee. The success or failure of a business with a franchise system depends entirely on the ability of the franchisee business partner to develop and run the franchise business through the procedures, processes and rules set by the franchisor. In the franchise system, the franchisee is given the right to take advantage of the intellectual property rights and the operating system of the franchisor, whether the use of trademarks, service marks, copyrights on logos, industrial designs, patents or trade secrets. This research is a type of normative legal research. Normative legal research is research whose data comes from secondary data and since this research data is secondary data, it is included in the type of normative legal research. This type of research used in this writing is library research. Library research means research using written documents as data, and data sources used in this study include primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. Based on the research results, it is known that the provisions of Article 1338 of the Civil Code confirm that all agreements made legally are valid as laws for those who make them. An agreement cannot be withdrawn as long as both parties agree or for reasons that are stated by law to be sufficient for that. An agreement must be carried out in good faith. On the basis of the provisions contained in Article 1338 of the Civil Code, it will be known the principles of freedom of contract, namely that every person is free to enter into an agreement or is free to determine the contents of an agreement as long as it does not contradict the law and public order.
Akibat Hukum Terhadap Keabsahan Akta Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah Yang Mengurangi Nilai Jual Tanah Aset Desa Berdasarkan Harga Nilai Jual Objek Pajak (Studi Putusan Nomor 194/Pid.Sus/TPK/2014/Pn.SBY) Faisal Imam Harahap; Ahmad Fauzi; Masitah Pohan
Iuris Studia: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Vol 1, No 2 (2020): Oktober 2020 - Januari 2021
Publisher : Iuris Studia: Jurnal Kajian Hukum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55357/is.v1i2.43


Actions to reduce the actual selling price included in the deed made before the Land Deed Officer are carried out by the parties in the sale and purchase deed as a form of avoidance of the value of buying and selling tax on land, by avoidance by reducing the actual sale price of land in the sale deed buying will certainly hurt the country's economy. There were also violations in the implementation of land sale and purchase contained in this decision, where it was supposed to be made in the form of land asset deed in the presence of a Land Deed Officer, namely in making an asset sale deed, or exchange of village land assets based on Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, and Article 32 of the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 1 of 2016 concerning Management of Village Assets, but the parties and Officials of Land Deed in this case do not implement this provision. The problems raised in this study are how the provisions and legal rules for making village asset sale deeds in the form of land in the presence of Land Deed Officials, legal protection for buyers of village asset sale deeds in the form of land where there is a reduction in land sale value of village assets based on the object tax selling value, and the legal consequences of the village asset sale deed in the form of land in which there is a reduction in the land sale value of the village asset based on the selling value of the tax object
Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Tanah Hak Milik Masyarakat Pasca Bencana Alam Erupsi Gunung Sinabung Fitriani Fitriani; Masitah Pohan; Ida Nadirah
Iuris Studia: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Vol 2, No 3 (2021): Oktober 2021 - Januari 2022
Publisher : Iuris Studia: Jurnal Kajian Hukum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55357/is.v2i3.162


Indonesia is located in a natural disaster prone location where various types of natural disasters, including earthquakes and tsunamis, volcanoes, floods, landslides, droughts, forest and land fires, and other natural disasters still occur very frequently. Post natural disaster events also have a systemic impact on land issues, especially for areas that are most severely affected by natural disasters, where one of the impacts is the loss of land boundaries caused by changes in land surface due to natural disasters, mainly caused by the earthquake and tsunami.The problems raised in this study, namely how the rule of law against community land rights after the Mt. Sinabung eruption natural disaster, the position and status of community property rights after the Mt. Sinabung eruption natural disasters and legal protection of community land ownership after the eruption. Mount Sinabung.To find answers to these problems, this research uses descriptive analytical normative legal research, where this normative legal research uses secondary data as primary data and also uses primary data as complementary data using data collection techniques carried out by means of literature study, as well as Qualitative data analysis.The rule of law for community property rights after the natural disaster of the Mt. Sinabung eruption is broadly regulated in Article 27 of Law Number 5 of 1960 Concerning Basic Agrarian Regulations which states that one of the causes of the abolition of ownership rights is because the land was destroyed, however, this provision does not automatically mean that the community's community-owned land can be abolished. There are a number of activities that must be carried out until the community's community-owned land is removed. The position and status of community property rights after the natural disaster of the Mt. Sinabung eruption, which basically remains the property of victims of natural disasters and victims of disasters do not lose their property rights before the disaster belongs to disaster victims. The state cannot directly control the ex-disaster land even though the land owner has died. Land ownership should still be returned to the community, especially for areas that are still inhabited by indigenous peoples. Legal protection of community land rights after the occurrence of natural disaster of the Mt. Sinabung eruption is through legal protection of individual ownership holders and protection through land consolidation and relocation activities
Eksistensi Program Larasita Kaitannya Dengan Kepastian Hukum Dan Perlindungan Hukum Hak Atas Tanah (Studi di Kantor Pertanahan Kota Medan) Muhammad Haris; Masitah Pohan; Ruslan Ruslan
SOSEK : Jurnal Sosial dan Ekonomi Vol 2, No 1 (2021): Maret-Juni
Publisher : SOSEK : Jurnal Sosial dan Ekonomi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55357/sosek.v2i1.79


Land registration activities through the Larasita Program in Medan City began in 2009 with the aim that access related to legal certainty of land rights, especially for small communities or economically weak people, receive the same treatment and status as those with more economical communities. The problem in this research is the legal arrangement of Larasita in relation to legal certainty and legal protection of land rights. Implementation of the Larasita program by the Medan City Land Office. Constraints faced by the Medan City Land Office in implementing the Larasita program and the solutions made to overcome these obstacles. This research uses an empirical juridical approach. A juridical approach is used to analyze various laws and regulations related to the existence of the Larasita Program (People's Service for Land Certification). Meanwhile, the empirical approach is used to analyze the law which is seen as the behavior of landowners that is patterned in people's lives, who always interact and relate in social aspects. This research uses data collection tools in the form of literature study / document study and interviews. To obtain primary data, interviews were conducted with 2 (two) Medan City Land Office employees (informants), and 2 (two) land owners (respondents). Analyzed using qualitative analysis techniques. The results of the discussion that Larasita legal arrangements are related to legal certainty and legal protection of land rights as regulated in Perkaban No. 18 of 2009 concerning Larasita was built and developed to realize the mandate of Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution, Law number 5 of 1960 concerning Basic Agrarian Principles, Government Regulation Number 24 concerning Land Registration, Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs Number 3 Years 1997 concerning Implementing Provisions Government regulation number 24 of 1997 concerning land registration. Legal certainty and legal protection of land rights through the Larasita program has been realized by carrying out land registration and has been achieved by the issuance of a valid proof letter as a strong evidence tool in the form of a certificate as regulated in Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997.The implementation of land registration activities through the Larasita program at the Medan City Land Office has been carried out according to procedures based on the provisions of the prevailing laws and regulations. The existence of the Larasita program after the emergence of the Complete Systematic Land Registration Program (PTSL). The obstacles faced by the Medan City Land Office in implementing the Larasita program, namely internal factors consisting of the lack of budget for Larasita activities. Use of Larasita Vehicles for other activities. Difficulties in Making Schedule for Larasita visits, and Difficulties in Site Selection. External obstacles, among others, the internet network which is often disconnected. Infrastructure conditions that are difficult to reach. Lack of public knowledge. Lack of socialization. Internal solutions are carried out such as increasing the Larasita Budget. external solutions do outreach. Bring files and input data at the Medan City Land Office
Penggunaan Cek dan Giro dalam Transaksi Bisnis yang Menimbulkan Kerugian Perdata Masitah Pohan
SOSEK : Jurnal Sosial dan Ekonomi Vol 1, No 2 (2020): November 2020 - Februari 2021
Publisher : SOSEK : Jurnal Sosial dan Ekonomi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55357/sosek.v1i2.62


Cek dan giro dikenal sebagai alat pembayaran, salah satunya untuk pembayaran transaksi bisnis. Berdasarkan Pasal 178 ayat (2) Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Dagang (KUHD) singkatnya menyatakan bahwa cek adalah surat perintah membayar kepada seseorang yang ditunjuk. Sedangkan bilyet giro diatur dalam Surat Keputusan Direksi Bank Indonesia No. 28/32/Kep/Dir/2005 tentang Bilyet Giro, yang pada intinya menyatakan bahwa Bilyet Giro adalah surat perintah nasabah yang telah distandarisasi/ dibakukan bentuknya kepada bank penyimpan dana untuk memindah-bukukan sejumlah dana dari rekening yang bersangkutan kepada pihak penerima yang disebut namanya pada bank yang sama atau berlainan. Dengan demikian, cek adalah pembayaran tunai dan langsung, sedangkan bilyet giro adalah transaksi pemindah-bukuan atau dikenal dengan sebutan transfer dari pemilik rekening giro kepada orang yang ditunjuk. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah yuridis normatif yang diambil dari data sekunder dengan mengolah data dari bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder yaitu buku-buku, karya ilmiah, berita-berita, tulisan-tulisan, dan bahan hukum tersier yaitu Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dipahami bahwa Berdasarkan ketentuan pasal 178 KUH-Dagang, cek diartikan “Dengan perintah tidak bersyarat untuk membayar sejumlah uang tertentu”. Dari batasan pengertian cek dapat diketahui cek (1) merupakan surat perintah pembayaran tertulis, (2) di mana si penarik meminta dengan tanpa syarat kepada suatu bank, dan (3) untuk membayar sejumlah uang tertentu kepada seseorang (pemegang) pada tanggal dan tempat tertentu. Konsekuensi hukum dari tindakan wanprestasi adalah timbulnya hak dari pihak yang dirugikan dalam perjanjian tersebut, untuk menuntut ganti rugi pada pihak debitur. Dalam hal penerbitan cek kosong oleh penerbit (debitur) dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai wanprestasi karena debitur memenuhi prestasi secara tidak baik. Hal ini terjadi pada saat pemegang (kreditur) menerima pembayaran dari penerbit (debitur) berupa cek, ternyata cek yang diterima pemegang (kreditur) merupakan cek kosong yang kemudian ditunjukkan pada Bank untuk menerima pencairan dana, akan tetapi bank menolak pembayaran tersebut, sehingga pemegang tidak memperoleh pembayaran atas pelunasan hutang dari debitur