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Journal Of English Literature, Linguistic, and Education (JELLE)
Published by Universitas Pekalongan
ISSN : -     EISSN : 2721339     DOI : 10.31941
Core Subject : Education,
This journal encompasses original research articles, and short communications, including: English Literature Literary Criticism Cultural Studies Phonology Morphology Syntax Semantics Pragmatics Psycholinguistics Sociolinguistics Discourse Analysis Linguistics in Education Language Acquisitions English Language Teaching English as Second Language English as Foreign Language Educational Policy
Articles 43 Documents
The Analysis of The Suitability of The Materials and Their Assessment Presented in Lesson Plan Retno Wahyu Ningrum
JELLE : Journal Of English Literature, Linguistics, and Education Vol 3, No 2: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, LINGUISTICS, AND EDUCATION AUGUST 2022
Publisher : JELLE : Journal Of English Literature, Linguistics, and Education

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Rencana pembelajaran itu sendiri adalah rencana yang menggambarkan prosedur atau persiapan yang dilakukan oleh guru sebelum mengajar untuk mencapai kompetensi dasar. Unsur-unsur yang terkandung dalam rencana pelajaran adalah kompetensi dasar dan kemampuan yang harus dikuasai, materi pembelajaran, metode yang digunakan selama proses belajar-mengajar, dan penilaian atau evaluasi. Penilaian hasil belajar dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi pencapaian kompetensi siswa dalam mata pelajaran. Dalam bahasa Inggris ada empat keterampilan yang harus dinilai, yaitu berbicara, mendengarkan, membaca dan menulis. Namun, rencana pelajaran biasanya hanya mencakup satu keterampilan yang dinilai untuk satu materi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kesesuaian bahan dan penilaian mereka yang disajikan dalam rencana pelajaran. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis isi, karena data berasal dari Rencana Pelajaran oleh guru dari SMK Muhammadiyah Kajen. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar penilaian rencana pembelajaran.Kata Kunci: Kesesuaian, materi, penilaian, rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran.
Undergraduate Students’ Perspective On The Use Of Padlet As Learning Tool For English Writing Silvia Nanda Putri Erito
JELLE : Journal Of English Literature, Linguistics, and Education Vol 3, No 2: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, LINGUISTICS, AND EDUCATION AUGUST 2022
Publisher : JELLE : Journal Of English Literature, Linguistics, and Education

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The impact of post-covid-19 made lecturers think hard to keep using digital learning and developing the use of ICT in conducting learning activities. One of the digital learning tools used is Padlet. This study aims to explain students' perceptions of using Padlet, particularly in English writing class. A total of twenty-five students in the fourth-grade semester of the English department at the University of Muhammadiyah Semarang. The research design was a qualitative case study. The data was gathered through an open-ended questionnaire. The findings showed that the students perceived the use of Padlet as a learning English writing tool positively, they think Padlet help them to learn English writing and provides simple activities that encourage them to enjoy the learning process, and they perceived that Padlet enhances their motivation and create collaborative learning and student relationship. Theoretically, the use of Padlet in English writing could be implemented as a media tool to provide writing. Practically, the result of the research benefits EFL learners and practitioners. Pedagogically, the implementation of Padlet needed student-lecturer collaboration to achieve the objective of the learning. The researchers suggested that adding advanced English programs and activities to Padlet, will help them to improve the learning process of English writing.Keywords: Padlet, Students’ Perception, English Writing.
Interlanguage Errors In Senior High School Students’ Recount Text Writing Muhamad Ahsanu
JELLE : Journal Of English Literature, Linguistics, and Education Vol 3, No 2: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, LINGUISTICS, AND EDUCATION AUGUST 2022
Publisher : JELLE : Journal Of English Literature, Linguistics, and Education

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This research is mainly concerned with the analysis of interlanguage errors of senior high school students in writing recount text. The purposes of this research are: to analyze the dominant types of interlanguage errors made by students in their recount text writing under the surface strategy taxonomy, to analyze the reasons why the errors occur to the students in writing their recount text, and to analyze the way interlanguage processes influence students to make errors in writing their recount text. This research used descriptive-qualitative methodology. The samples of this research were 15 eleventh-grade students of MA PK Ma’arif 2 Kuwarasan. The data were collected through documentation, table checklist, and interview. The technique of data analysis was triangulation. The results of this research indicate 1) the four kinds of error based on surface strategy taxonomy (omission, addition, misordering, and misformation); the dominant error that appears in students’ writing recount text is misformation error, 2) the reasons why this error occured, and 3) the three interlanguage processes influencing the students in making errors covering overgeneralization, strategies of second language learning, and language transfer. Keywords: interlanguage, error analysis, recount text writing
Teaching Writing Skills through Descriptive Text by Using Digital Storytelling “StoryJumper” Rahma Fitriyani; Muhamad Ahsanu; Mustasyfa Thabib Kariadi; Slamet Riyadi
Publisher : Universitas Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31941/jele.v4i1.2536


The aims of this study are to describe the implementation of StoryJumper, to describe the students’ skills in writing descriptive text after being taught using StoryJumper, and to explain the teacher’s and student’s perceptions toward the use of StoryJumper at the tenth-grade of MA Al Ikhsan Beji in the Academic Year 2022/2023. This study used Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subjects of this research were students in class X Social Science 1. The data were collected from observations, tests, and interviews. The result of this research shows that teaching writing skills through descriptive text using digital storytelling “StoryJumper” run effectively. It could be seen from the result of the observation that the teacher and the students could implement StoryJumper as a medium for teaching writing descriptive text properly. The students’ skills in writing descriptive text improved after the implementation of StoryJumper. From the result of the tests, the mean scores increased from 48.95 in pre-test to 71.94 in post-test 1 and to 80.38 in post-test 2. The students’ scores were analyzed using the Paired Samples T-Test in SPSS 20.  The result shows that the p-value is 0.000 which is less than 0.05. It means that the result is statistically significant. The teacher and students also had positive perceptions toward the use of StoryJumper. Furthermore, it can be concluded that digital storytelling “StoryJumper” is effective to be used as a learning medium for writing descriptive text. Keywords: Teaching Writing, Descriptive Text, Digital Storytelling StoryJumper
Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Through Internet-Sourced Reading Materials As English Teaching Media Faizal Yusa Erwinda
Publisher : Universitas Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31941/jele.v4i1.1563


Tujuan dari penelitian ini berupa kemampuan membaca siswa terhadap pemakaian media membaca bersumber internet sebagai media pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Fokus utama dari penelitian ini berupa peningkatan kemampuan membaca murid melalui media membaca bersumber internet sebagai media pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat apakah media membaca bersumber internet dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca siswa selama pengajaran daring COVID-19 2020.                Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini melalui pre-test post-test model untuk data kuantitatif, dan wawancara beserta observasi untuk data kualitatif. Peneliti melakukan pertemuan dengan murid sejumlah 7 kali.                Metode penelitian berupa penelitian kuasi-eksperimental dengan model pre-test dan post-test. Subjek dari penelitian ini berupa 20 murid dari kelas 8B dan 8C SMP Gunungjati 1 Purwokerto. Subjek penelitian dibagi menjadi 2 kelas, kelas eksperimental dan kelas kontrol. Kelas eksperimental                Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa material bacaan bersumber internet mampu meningkatkan kemampuan membaca siswa secara signifikan., Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kemampuan membaca siswa meningkat secara signifikan, dibuktikan dengan hasil uji Mann-Whitney. Hasil uji Mann-Whtiney (Nilai Asymp.Sig 0,046, jika nilai Asymp.sig lebih kecil dari 0,05 maka H2 diterima) menunjukan bahwa murid dari kelas eksperimental mendapatkan peningkatan kemampuan membaca secara signfikan jika dibandingkan dengan kelas kontrol. Hasil ini juga didukung wawancara, serta observasi.                Untuk menerapkan hasil penelitian ini, peneliti menyarankan bahwa guru untuk faham betul mengenai kemampuan membaca bahasa Inggris dari siswa. Menngetahui material membaca yang benar untuk siswa yang benar sangatlah penting untuk guru dapat menerapkan media mengajar ini.  Kata Kunci: Membaca, Kemampuan Membaca, Material Bacaan Bersumber Internet 
Engagement in Online Newspaper Articles Written by Female Authors WALIDA WAHID FITRIANI
Publisher : Universitas Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31941/jele.v4i1.1337


Newpaper articles demand a link between the readers and the authors. They engage their readers by presenting several convincing clauses yet objective. Furthermore, they frame the authors’ position in the text. So that the readers will follow the authors’ flow. They wrap them all in an Appraisal Framework Theory proposed by Martin and White (2005). Gender and psychological theories from Shields (2000), Coates (2016), and Guimond (2008)are considered. This study is aimed to explore the manifestation of engagement in online newspaper articles written by female authors. It employed descriptive qualitative method in the form of discourse study analysis. It analyzed eight articles taken from three well-known newspaper websites. The findings revealed that the eighth authors mostly employed heterogloss clauses. Female authors mostly use disclaim clauses. There was 47,9% of the whole clauses indicate disclaim. Meanwhile, clauses or utterances which indicate personal/internal subjectivity  (author’s opinions) or entertain were 22,5%. Clauses that indicate external subjectivity or entertain were 21,1%. The fewest distribution was proclaim clauses which were only 8,5%. This study contributes in English teaching learning. Since it helps beginner writers to engage the link between readers and authors by presented clauses and utterances. Keywords: Engagement, Newspaper, Articles, Female, Authors 
The Effectiveness of Using Narrative Text in Teaching Writing Narrative Text ( A Pre Experimental Study At Class X Of Ma Al- Munawaroh in the Academic Year 2021-2022) Susila Dhihayu Asriyani
Publisher : Universitas Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31941/jele.v4i1.2741


Abstract: The researcher conducted research at MA Al-Munawaroh at tenth grade. This study aims to determine the achievements of students before and after being taught using animation film and to find out whether there is a significant difference between students' achievements in writing narrative text before and after being taught using animation film. This research is a pre-experimental quantitative research design that uses only 1 class to examine. The sample in this study is class X-B which collects 20 students. The sample used is purposive sampling technique. The instrument used is a written test. And for data collection with pretest and posttest which were analyzed using normality test, paired sample t-test with SPSS version 25. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the results of the pretest and posttest. The average score for the post-test was (75.5) above the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) of seventy (70), while the average score for the pretest was below the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM). ) seventy (70), the score is (57.85), which means the post-test score is higher than the pre-test score. Based on the paired sample test, the results of a comparative analysis using the T-test it is known that sig. (2-tailed) 0.000, while alpha (α) 0.05 (0.000 <0.05) means that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. In other words, the use of animation film media in teaching writing narrative text is effective.Keywords: Animation Film, Writing, Narrative Text
Semantic Analysis of Idiomatic Expression Found in Adele's 30 Album Siti Maysaroh Maysaroh
Publisher : Universitas Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31941/jele.v4i1.2823


This research aimed the idiomatic expressions contained in Adele’s 30 album. This research analyzes the types of idiomatic expressions found in Adele’s 30 album and explains the semantic analysis. The purpose of this research is to find out the types of idiomatic expressions and semantic analysis of idiomatic expressions found in Adele 30. This study uses the Makkai theory whose object of research is the English idiom in Adele's 30th album. The data were the phrases or words or collocations found in the songs. The data were taken by reading, identifying, analyzing, and interpreting. Then, the data were analyzed by using the theories offered by Makkai related to the topic and finding out the problems in that analysis. A result of this study there were 21 idioms found in the songs and classified into 4 types of idioms offered by Makkai used which are: 16 phrasal verb idioms, 2 tournure idiom, 1 phrasal compound idiom and 2 incorporating idiom. The results of the semantic analysis there are 21 idioms found in the album 30 Adele. Based on Leech's theory, the 21 idioms correspond to 5 types of meaning found in Adele's 30 album.
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31941/jele.v4i2.2852


Song is a beautified poem. It is one of the examples of literary work. Songgenerally contains figurative language. Figurative language are commonlyfound in song lyrics. For that reason, it brings the researcher of the thesis to analyze figurative language. In this research, the researcher analyzed kind of figurative language in song lyrics of Coldplay’s album. In this research, the writer used descriptive qualitative research and document analysis in order to answer the research problems in this study. This study is aimed to discuss the kind of figurative language that contains in song lyrics of Coldplay’s album. The Coldplay album consists seven songs. Those songs are A Message, Fix You, The Scientist, God Put a Smile Upon Your Face, Clocks, Parachutes, Yellow. After analyzing the data, the writer found six kinds of figurative language in song lyrics of Coldplay’s songs, those were hyperbole, simile, metaphor, personification, repetition, and onomatopoeia. This research is counted to find out the kind of figurative language in seven songs in Coldplay’s album. Keywords : Figurative language, song lyrics, coldplay’s album.
Implementing the “Show-and-Tell” Method to Improve Students’ Speaking Skills Hasna Salsabila; Muhamad Ahsanu; Mustasyfa Thabib Kariadi; Slamet Riyadi
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31941/jele.v4i2.3261


This study aimed to find out the implementation of the "show-and-tell" method, the improvement scores after using the method, and teachers' and students' perceptions toward the method. This research used a Classroom Action Research (CAR) design, which was conducted in two cycles. The data included both qualitative and quantitative data. The quantitative data were gathered from pre-test and post-test, while the qualitative data were obtained from observations and interviews. The result of this research showed that; (1) The implementation of "show-and-tell" method was successfully implemented in the teaching and learning process. It is shown by the students' feeling enthusiastic about the use of media and actively participating in the learning process. (2) Besides that, the results from pre-test to post-test 2 showed a significantly different score. In the pre-test, the mean score was 46.44, then it became 66.60 in the post-test 1, with an increase in students' scores of 20.16 (43.41%). Then, in post-test 2 the mean score increased to 76.26, with an improvement of 9.66 (14.50%). Furthermore, the result of the T-test shows that the significance value (sig. 2-tailed) was 0.00 < 0.05. It means that the implementation of the show-and-tell method to improve the students' speaking skills in the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 3 Karawang Barat had a significant effect. (3) This result is also supported by the data from the interviews with the teacher and the students. They stated that this method helped them improve their speaking skills. The teacher also said that she was satisfied with the students' speaking test scores after using the show-and-tell method in the teaching process.