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Jurnal JEETech: Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Technology
Published by Universitas Darul Ulum
Jurnal Teknik Elektro Universitas Darul Ulum Jombang bekerja sama Fakultas Teknik Universitas Darul Ulum Jombang dan dengan Forum Pendidikan Tinggi Teknik Elektro Indonesia (FORTEI).Regional VII. Jawa Timur. Jurnal ini berisi tentang hasil penelitian di bidang Teknik Tenaga, Teknik Telekomunikasi, Teknik Komputer, Kontrol dan Sistem Komputer, Elektronik, Teknologi Informasi, Informatika, Rekayasa Data dan Perangkat Lunak, Teknik biomedis. Semua artikel yang dikirim harus melaporkan hasil penelitian asli, yang sebelumnya tidak dipublikasikan, eksperimental atau teoritis yang tidak dipublikasikan dan sedang dipertimbangkan untuk dipublikasikan di tempat lain. Pengajuan harus dilakukan online melalui situs pengajuan JEETech.
Articles 9 Documents
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Rancang Bangun Prototype Alat Pengusir Tikus Dengan Pemanfaatan Gelombang Ultrasonik Berbasis Internet Of Things Tijaniyah Tijaniyah; Sabda Alam Arzenda
Jurnal JEETech Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal JEETech
Publisher : Universitas Darul Ulum

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Rats are rodents that bring harm, both at home and industry. Rats running around the house (Rattus rattus, Rattus tanezumi and other types) are quite annoying for many people. However, with the current development of science and technology, especially in the field of electronics, there is one system that is offered to repel mice, namely ultrasonic sound technology, therefore this study aims to design a mouse mouse mouse using ultrasonic waves based on the internet of things. The method used in this study is the observation method in the form of an experiment from a prototype rat repellent to be designed, besides that this research will also use a literature study method by reading journals as a reference to get the best method used/combined in designing a prototype rat repellent device with the use of waves. ultrasonic internet of things (IoT) based. From the series of tests carried out, see the success rate of achieving the test criteria. So it can be concluded that this tool is sufficient to repel rat pests with ultrasonic sound. However, the application of rat expulsion using ultrasonic sound does not have an impact on rat pests directly, because based on the tests carried out, it takes some time for rats to be affected or disturbed by ultrasonic sound. The design of a prototype mouse repellent device using ultrasonic waves has been successfully carried out using a PIR sensor as a mouse movement detector, a sensor as an input that is read by a microcontroller which is then processed and sent to Blynk via internet connectivity. The results of the ultrasonic sound generator test show that it is able to make mice disturbed with a few seconds of delay. The relay response to respond to commands from Blynk is 1 second.
Analisa Keandalan Sistem Jaringan Distribusi 20 KV Dan Rekonfigurasi Recloser Pada Penyulang Kamal Titiek Suheta; Muhammad Faisal A
Jurnal JEETech Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal JEETech
Publisher : Universitas Darul Ulum

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The increasing population in the Kamal area has improved the demand for electrical energy needs. Consequently, disruptions to the electricity distribution network may happen, such as blackouts in certain areas. The value of the reliability index will increase and not be in accordance with the standards that have been set. For this reason, this study calculated the reliability values of SAIFI and SAIDI on the Kamal feeder using the RIA (Reliability Index Assessment) method and the recloser reconfiguration using the fuzzy logic method. The simulation results indicated that the SAIFI value gained 6.331 times/year, while SAIDI obtained 20.212 hours/year. Based on recloser reconfiguration, the SAIFI value was earned 4.926 times/year, whereas SAIDI got 15.962 hours/year. The best location was located on line nineteen in group three, producing an output value of 0.461.
Komparasi PID, FLC, dan ANFIS sebagai Kontroller Dual Axis Tracking Photovoltaic berbasis Bat Algorithm Hidayatul Nurohmah; Machrus Ali; Dwi Ajiatmo
Jurnal JEETech Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal JEETech
Publisher : Universitas Darul Ulum

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Photovoltaic is a renewable electrical energy generator that is very suitable for tropical countries that get a lot of sunlight. However, this generator has low efficiency. To overcome this deficiency, several researchers have optimized the conventional dual-axis tracking solar method. Research is needed to optimize using artificial intelligence, in this case, the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) and Bat Algorithm (BA). By comparing the performance of the model without control, conventional PID model, PID Auto tuning MatLab, Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) method, ANFIS method, and ANFIS-BA method. The simulation results show that the best model design on the horizontal axis and vertical axis dual tracking photovoltaic is ANFIS-BA with the smallest overshot, smallest undershot, and the fastest settling time of all model designs.
Optimasi PID Kontroller Pada Sistem Pengaturan Irigasi Menggunakan Metode Bat Algorithm (BA) Mohammad Hasib Al isbilly; Markhaban Siswanto; Machrus Ali; Muhammad Agil Haikal
Jurnal JEETech Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal JEETech
Publisher : Universitas Darul Ulum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (481.979 KB) | DOI: 10.32492/jeetech.v3i2.3205


Provision of irrigation water on agricultural land aims to meet crop water needs. In its utilization, irrigation water must be used optimally. An automatic irrigation system is needed that is able to provide water for plants with the expected conditions. PID (Proportional, Integral and Derivative) is widely used for optimization of control systems. In irrigation control system and sensor connection with software program (Matlab 2013b). PID simulation was applied to the irrigation prototype used to increase efficiency and determine the amount of irrigation water to regulate the provision of irrigation water as needed. As a comparison controller, conventional PID (PID-Konv) was used, Matlab auto tuning PID (PID-Auto), and Bat Algorithm tuning PID (PID-BA). The simulation results show that PID-BA is the best method in the simulation with the smallest overshot (0.043) and the fastest settlingtime (84 seconds).
Desain Speed Bump Penyimpan Energi Berbasis Sensor Piezzoelektrik Zainal Abidin; Ulul Ilmi; M. Feri Bani Ashari
Jurnal JEETech Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal JEETech
Publisher : Universitas Darul Ulum

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Study aims to help carry out the use of the function of the speedbump or better known as the speed bump which is often found in Indonesia. The number of vehicles that cross the road with the speedbump installed makes the author want to develop the force generated from the speedbump whether it can produce electrical energy through the piezoelectric effect, from this problem the author took the initiative to create a tool that can generate alternative electrical energy. This tool is made of several main circuits, namely piezoelectric sensors to generate electrical energy, charging control as a means of charging the battery. the battery as a reservoir of power generated from the piezoelectric sensor, LED lights as the output of the power generated by the piezoelectric sensor for street lighting. All assembled into a single unit into a miniature device. Based on the results of experiments that have been carried out by comparing the effectiveness and efficiency of the tool with the results of other similar tools, the difference between the two tests of the tool is not much different and is still at the same limit.
Analisis Efisiensi Antara Motor Listrik Induksi Dengan Mesin Diesel Sebagai Penggerak Pompa Air Sungai Jayeng Maulana; Arief Budi Laksono
Jurnal JEETech Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal JEETech
Publisher : Universitas Darul Ulum

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In the development of technology in this digital era, mankind will be more advanced in terms of electronics, so that it can facilitate work and human activities in daily life, not only in terms of technology and artificial intelligence, humans in this modern era will need resources to turn on and run tools as a helper for work and daily life. The conclusion from the above research can be concluded, the power required to drive the water pump with maximum results is 3.58 Kw, the volume of water transfer at 1500rpm water pump = 15.6m3/hour, water height if tested for 1 hour: t = 15.6 / (5.5 × 8) = 0.35 m, estimated electric motor power consumption = 0.55kWh, then electric motor power consumption = 2.4kw/hour, Electric motor operating costs: Rp3465/hour, estimated consumption diesel engine fuel according to data from specifications is 294g/kWh, diesel engine power consumption = 520ml/hour, electric motor operating costs = Rp3465/hour, diesel engine operating costs = Rp2668/hour..
Pemetaan Konsumen Berdasarkan Perilaku Transaksi Produk Ritel Pada Distributor XYZ Semarang Yanuangga Galahartlambang; Titik Khotiah; Jumain Jumain
Jurnal JEETech Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal JEETech
Publisher : Universitas Darul Ulum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32492/jeetech.v3i2.3201


Customer segmentation is essential for any business to better understand their customers, to maintain customer satisfaction, and to develop product and service needs. The purpose of customer segmentation is to determine how to handle customers in each category to increase each customer's profit for the business. Distributor XYZ Semarang is a multi-branched company engaged in the sale of consumer retail products to serve customers from small (retail) to large (wholesale) businesses. The database used in this study was taken from one branch with a transaction period of 2 years. The purpose of this research is to build a customer segmentation model based on customer demographics and transaction behavior and to help businesses better understand their customers to support marketing strategies. The proposed segmentation model is regarding customer demographic data regarding Recency, Frequency, and Monetary (RFM) resulting from purchasing behavior, customers have been segmented using the K-means grouping technique into various groups based on their similarities, and profiles for each group are identified based on their characteristics. . Thus, companies can find out the behavior of customers from the results of grouping based on how much value they spend, how often they make purchases and what products are their shopping concerns where this can be used as an evaluation basis for marketing strategies and further analysis..
Implementasi Sistem Kontrol Pengaturan Penyiraman Air Dan Pemberian Pupuk Otomatis Untuk Tanaman Kangkung Air Tijaniyah Tijaniyah; Alaika Nurir Robi; Ahmad Sarikul Khoir
Jurnal JEETech Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal JEETech
Publisher : Universitas Darul Ulum

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Water spinach (Ipomoea aquatic) is a vegetable plant that is needed by the community to meet their daily needs. In addition to the cheap price, kale is also good for health, especially preventing diabetes, overcoming anemia, preventing dehydration as well as increasing the immune system. Therefore, water spinach requires automatic watering and fertilizer application to help hydroponic kale farmers in good and efficient care. It can use a control system tool that can run water irrigation and automatic liquid fertilizer application. The tools used are microcontroller, flow sensor, Wemos D1, Soil Moisture Sensor, Real Time Clock, Relay, LCD 1602, and Servo Motor. In addition, using telegram bots as a final notification to hydroponic kale farmers that watering and fertilizer application has been completed, this is synchronized with the control system tool which provides input on the performance of the tool being late. So with the problems above, the author gives the title "Implementation of Control System for Water Sprinkling and Automatic Fertilizer Provision for Hydroponic Water spinach (Ipomoea Aquatic) Plants").
Analisis Pemasangan Power System Stabilizer Pada Single Machine Infinite Bus Untuk Kondisi Variasi Beban Muhammad Ruswandi Djalal; Makmur Saini; A.M Shiddiq Yunus
Jurnal JEETech Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal JEETech
Publisher : Universitas Darul Ulum

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Changes in the load on the electric power system suddenly cause dynamic disturbances. The disturbance causes the stability of the generator to be disturbed, because the generator does not respond to the disturbance quickly. This causes oscillations in the generator in the form of oscillations of frequency and rotor angle. One of the additional control equipment that can increase the stability of a generator is the Power System Stabilizer (PSS). With the PSS installation, the optimal frequency response and rotor angle of the SMIB system are obtained, indicated by the minimum system overshot response. The controller is able to provide stability so that overshoot oscillations can be suppressed, as well as faster settling time performance for the system to reach steady state conditions. To test the stability of the SMIB system, a case study of adding and subtracting loads is used, with the proposed control method using PSS.

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