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V-MAC (Virtual of Mechanical Engineering Article)
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V-MAC (Virtual of Mechanical Engineering Article) merupakan jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Teknik Mesin Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi yang memuat artikel ilmiah dalam bidang : 1. Konversi Energi 2. Design/Perancangan 3. Teknik Produksi 4. Material, serta bidang lain yang terkait dengan Teknik Mesin.
Articles 9 Documents
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Pengaruh Efektifitas Rasio Campuran Bahan Limbah Kotoran Sapi Dan Limbah Pohon Pisang Terhadap Hasil Biogas Sahrul Al Husaini; Ikhwanul Qiram; Dewi Sartika
Virtual of Mechanical Engineering Article Vol 6 No 1 (2021): V-MAC
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Mesin Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36526/v-mac.v6i1.1103


Penggunaan energi bahan bakar dari fosil terbesar berada pada sektor transportasi, industri dan pembangkit daya atau listrik. Tujuan dalam penelitin ini adalah untuk mencari efektifitas rasio campuran limbah kotoran sapi dan limbah pohon pisang terhadap hasil pembuatan bio gas. Penelitian menggunakan varasi bahan campuran yang meliputi kotoran sapi dengan campuran limbah pohon pisang, air dan EM4 dengan rasio A (1:5:5:10:1), B (5:7:10:1) dan C (7:5:10:1). Proses fermentasidilakukan selama 10 hari dengan disertai pengukuran tekanan gas/hari menggunakan manometer U dan uji nyala api. Analisis nyala api meliputi pengukuran luas penampang api, warna api dan temperatur api. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rasio campuran berpengaruh terhadap karakteristik gas produk. Tekanan gas tertinggi pada campuran C sebesar 251,74 Kpa dan terkecil pada variasi campuran B sebesar 189,81 Kpa. Sedangkan produk api paling unggul ditunjukkan pada variasi campuran C dengan luas penampang api 48.3 cm2, didominasi warna api biru 75.56%. Sehingga diketahui efektifitas rasio campuran bahan terbaik di pengaruhi oleh rasio bahan limbah kotoran sapi hal ini disebapkan oleh kandungan CH4 dari kotoran sapi lebih besar dibandingkan dengan limbah pohon pisang..Kata kunci: limbah, pohon pisang, kotoran sapi, biogas, efektifitas
Analisa Performa Kolektor Surya Plat Datar Dengan Menggunakan Media Batu Sebagai Absorber Viqi Verdika; Ikhwanul Qiram; Gatut Rubiono
Virtual of Mechanical Engineering Article Vol 6 No 1 (2021): V-MAC
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Mesin Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36526/v-mac.v6i1.1147


Kolektor surya adalah suatu alat yang dapat menangkap energi matahari dan mengubahnya menjadi energi kalor yang berguna. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan performa dari kolektor surya adalah menggunakan alternatif media absorber.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan pengaruh kenaikan suhu pada kolektor setelah menggunakan tambahan absorber berupa batu. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan tiga variasi absorber yaitu menggunakan batu,pasir, dan batu campuran pasir. Alat yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah thermometer digital dan sumber panas menggunakan lampu sorot 450 watt dengan jarak lampu ke kolektor 1m. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan 3 jenis variasi bukaan katup yaitu pembuka aliran full dengan nilai debit 100,07 ml/dt, pembuka aliaran ½ dengan nilai debit 67,99 ml/dt dan pembuka aliran ¼ dengan nilai debit 100,07 ml/dt. Pada penelitian ini waktu yang ditempuh setiap variasi absorber adalah 4 jam dengan interval pengukuran setiap 5 menit pada suhu air masuk dan kenaikan suhu air keluar. Hasil dalam penelitian ini adalah Jenis absorber berpengaruh terhadap unjuk kerja kolektor surya. Pengaruhnya pengunaan absorber batu terhadap kolektor surya adalah meningkatnya kenaikan suhu pada air yang stabil, dengan kenaikan suhu maksimal 34,1℃. Dari beda suhu memiki tiga variasi absorber batu, pasir, batu dan pasir pada setiap variasi absorber tersebut memiliki sifat penyerap panas yang perbeda beda. Pasir memiliki sifat penyerap panas yang paling rendah diantara variasi yang yang lain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variasi pembuka katub ½ dengan nilai debit 67,99 ml/dt memiliki pengaruh beda suhu lebih tinggi sebesar 1,1℃. Kata kunci: kolektor surya, absorber, batu, pasir, perpindahan panas
Kalibrasi Pompa Injeksi Tipe In-Line Dalam Persamaan Volume Bahan Bakar Motor Diesel 4 Silinder Hasrul Efendi; Adi Pratama Putra; Dewi Sartika
Virtual of Mechanical Engineering Article Vol 6 No 1 (2021): V-MAC
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Mesin Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36526/v-mac.v6i1.1150


Injector is an important component in the diesel engine fuel injection system. This study aims to obtain the results of the in-line type injection pump calibration in the equation of the fuel volume of a 4 cylinder diesel motor. The research was conducted by making simple calibration equipment. Experiments were carried out for 200-300 rpm, 350-450 rpm and 550-600 rpm experimental apparatus rotation speed. Measurements are made for the volume of fuel using a measuring cup. Injection pump calibration is done by loosening the lock on the sleeve then sliding the sleeve to the left or right on each plunger to get fuel volume similarity. The results of data collection before calibration showed the volume of fuel was 26 ml, 30 ml, 30 ml, and 28 ml. Keywords: calibration, injecton pump, in-line, diesel engine
Studi Pengaruh Kecepatan Motor Dan Jumlah Bilah Pisau Terhadap Hasil Potongan Rumput Hendra Widiyantoro; Ikhwanul Qiram; Dewi Sartika
Virtual of Mechanical Engineering Article Vol 6 No 1 (2021): V-MAC
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Mesin Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36526/v-mac.v6i1.1151


Unwanted grass growth on land will cause problems for humans. Generally, the sickle is a tool that is often used to cut grass. The use of a sickle has several disadvantages, namely using manual labor, in some cases there is a narrow-angle that makes it impossible to cut with a sickle. This study uses variations of 2, 3, and 4 blades with motor rotation speeds of 666 RPM, 1713 RPM, and 3454 RPM. The data collection method is done by determining the mass of grass by 25 grams, then the grass is arranged and moved closer to the blade with a cutting time of 10 seconds. The shortest cut grass results were obtained on the number of blades 4 with a motor rotation speed of 3454 RPM, which is 10.92 mm. The difference in mass of grass clippings in the variation of blade 4 with RPM 1 and 3, which is 4 grams, indicates the overall cut grass Keywords: blade, motor rotation speed, grass cutted
Pengaruh Dimensi Ujung Pemukul Terhadap Penggilingan Kulit Kerang Dengan Mesin Hammer Mill Mohammad Nasih; Ikhwanul Qiram; Anas Mukhtar
Virtual of Mechanical Engineering Article Vol 6 No 1 (2021): V-MAC
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Mesin Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36526/v-mac.v6i1.1152


Hammer mill is a machine for crushing hard materials and flour. By modifying the hammer shapes and varying the motor rotation speed, it is hoped that it will be able to crush the shells into powder with different product dimensions. The quality of the product produced will describe the performance of the hammer mill machine. Experiments were carried out by making the ends of the batter dimensions 1, 2 and 3 cm with a motor speed of 1000 rpm, 1100 rpm and 1200 rpm. The highest yield of the 3 cm bat type is at 1200 rpm at 96.7%. Keywords: Clamshell, Hammer Mill
Analisis Gangguan Hasil Uji Pop Test Sebagai Parameter Kehandalan Mesin Diesel Lokomotif CC 206 Henry Widya Prasetya; Dadang Sanjaya Atmaja; Rochmat Septian Hermawan
Virtual of Mechanical Engineering Article Vol 6 No 1 (2021): V-MAC
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Mesin Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36526/v-mac.v6i1.1282


Locomotive CC 206 is the newest locomotive owned by PT Kereta Api Indonesia. Inside the CC 206 locomotive is equipped with a sophisticated smart display that can monitor all size parameters and damage to the locomotive itself. One of the capabilities of the CC 206 locomotive is the pop test. Pop test is the ability of the CC 206 locomotive to test the performance of each cylinder of the diesel engine. Based on the pop test results, there are various disturbances that often occur during maintenance of the CC 206 locomotive diesel engine.The purpose of this analysis is to analyze the pop test results as a reliability parameter on the CC 206 locomotive diesel engine, to analyze the factors causing the disturbance in the pop test results and analyze the effect of the failure of the pop test results on performance. Based on the results of the pop test, it was found that one of the cylinders was abnormal because the injector was under pressure, the injector spring was damaged and there was a clogged nozzle. Keyword: CC 206 Locomotive, Pop test, Maintenance.
Kinematika Sendi Lengan Penari Bapang Malangan Achmad Maulana Risky; Dadang Hermawan; Nurida Finahari
Virtual of Mechanical Engineering Article Vol 6 No 1 (2021): V-MAC
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Mesin Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36526/v-mac.v6i1.1292


Dancers experience various injuries, because dancing requires high intensity movements. Frequent injuries to dancers involve overuse of joints and muscles. The highest potential for injury is in the knee. However, in the Bapang Malangan Dance, the arms are the limbs that are often used in extreme movements. Thus the potential for injury can be high. This study focuses on the kinematics of arm movement of the Bapang Malangan Dance in relation to the possibility of injury. The research was carried out through analyzing image data resulting from the rendering of dance video footage, following a kinematics-based biomechanical framework and engineering dynamics. The results showed that the kinematic analysis of the Bapang dancer's arm was depicted only on the change in position because velocity and velocity could not be measured directly. Changes in the position of the Bapang dancer's arms can be depicted in graphic form through frame analysis of the transformed video files into image files. The arm joints that get a lot of weight are the shoulder and elbow joints, which in Bapang Malangan dancers have the potential to experience injury due to tugging and twisting. The complexities of movements and changes in dancer movements turn out to make it difficult to determine the speed and acceleration by analyzing the rendered images. A measuring instrument is needed that can directly measure arm movements when dancing. This tool must not use cables so as not to obstruct the dance movement. Keywords: biomechanic, kinematic, arm joint, dancer, Bapang Malangan
Pengaruh Prosentase Kepekatan Kaca Film Terhadap Distribusi Termal dan Pencahayaan Kabin Kendaraan Aris Nur Setya Budi; Ikhwanul Qiram; Dewi Sartika
Virtual of Mechanical Engineering Article Vol 6 No 1 (2021): V-MAC
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Mesin Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36526/v-mac.v6i1.1293


Window film is a thin layer on car glass that functions as a medium for repelling sunlight. This study aims to determine the effect of percentage of window film density on the thermal and lighting distribution of the vehicle cabin. This research was conducted using a room model measuring 50x50x30 cm. The variation of window film uses two brands of Ultima and 3M, with the respective percentages of 40% and 60%. When the experiment was carried out in an open space, the irradiation process was carried out for 2 hours using the sun's rays at 11.00 - 13.00 WIB in each variation. Temperature measurement uses a digital thermometer on the surface of the coated glass (T1) and indoors (T2), while the measurement of light intensity uses a lux meter that is placed outdoors (I1) and indoors (I2). Data analysis using the equations of temperature rate and effectiveness of heat and light reduction. The results showed that the difference in the percentage of glass film density affected the rate of heat transfer and the intensity of the light entering the room. The heat transfer rate tends to increase in Q1 with a value of 58375.61 joules, and decrease in Q2 with a value of 1160.46 joules in the variation of 3M glass film brands with a 60% concentration level. Meanwhile, the average temperature increase rate is 0.002 ℃ / minute for all variations of window film brands with a light intensity of 0.007 - 0.008 lux. Keywords : window film, temperature rate, light intensity, heat transfer.
Pengaruh Diameter Lubang Udara Terhadap Dinamika Gelembung Udara Dalam Kolom Air Roy Sardian; Gatut Rubiono; Anas Mukhtar
Virtual of Mechanical Engineering Article Vol 6 No 1 (2021): V-MAC
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Mesin Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36526/v-mac.v6i1.1294


One important process in improving water quality is the aeration process. In carrying out this aeration process it is necessary to use a device called an aerator. The working principle of this tool is to add dissolved oxygen in the water. This research was conducted using an aerator column with a height of 50 cm, a length of 25 cm and a width of 5 cm with freshwater and sea water media. the addition of variations in the form of air hole diameter (needle) with a variation of 1 mm, 1.5 mm and 2 mm and air discharge of 1, 2 and 3 liters / minute. The results showed that the larger the needle diameter, the larger the diameter of the air bubbles in fresh water and sea air. The difference in media between freshwater and sea air affects the diameter of the air bubbles. Keywords - aeration, aerator column, air bubbles

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