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Fatkhul Arifin
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Jurnal Studi Islam
ISSN : 2621651     EISSN : 26561182     DOI : -
Jurnal studi islam Al Aqidah adalah jurnal yang berisi tentang berbagai disiplin keilmuan diantaranya pendidikan, hokum dan Dakwah. Jurnal ini terbit 1 tahun dua kali pada bulan Juli dan Januari. Adapun pengelola jurnal ini adalah STAI Al Aqidah Al Hasyimiah Jakarta yang beralamat di Jl. Kayu Manis No. 99, Matraman, Jakarta Timur. Jurnal ini terdiri dari berbagai disiplin karena memang jurnal ini dibawah Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam sehingga tidak memungkinkan setiap program membuat jurnal sendiri-sendiri dengan pertimbangan penghematan sumber daya pengelola, pembiayaan dan kelangsungan jurnal ke depannya. Adapun dalam konten jurnal pengelola membatasi disiplin ilmu diantaranya memuat tentang Pendidikan, dalam jurnal ini penulis dapat memasukan kajian kategori pendidikan anak usia dini, pendidikan sekolah dasar, dan pendidikan agama Islam. Dalam bidang hukum penulis dapat mengali kajiannya berupa hukum Islam baik itu berupa hasil penelitian lapangan ataupun penelitian pustaka. Dakwah dalam tulisan ini dibatasi tentang komunikasi penyiaran Islam.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 46 Documents
Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2019): Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam AL Aqidah Al Hasyimiyyah Jakarta

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This research is a classroom action research by using model Kemmis and Mc. Taggart. The aim of research was describle to implemetate of playing processing at TK B Azahra Kabayoran Baru South Jakarta, supports of 15 children, namely: 7 women and 8 men. Steps: (1) planning; (2) implementation; (3) observation; (4) reflection. Analysis of the data used is qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative data uses the Miles and Hubberman models, in two cycles, namely cycle I and cycle II. The final results of data analysis show an increase from cycle II. The quantitative results of the pre-cycle reached an average score of 9.73 %, that is, the category had not developed, the first cycle had an average of 32.02 % in the very well-developed category, in the second cycle had an average cycle of 35.02 % in the very well developed category 
Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020): Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam AL Aqidah Al Hasyimiyyah Jakarta

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The family is the smallest element of the country, the family is the first to carve ink on white paper that has not been filled in the life of a child and the family's biggest role in shaping the growth and development of early childhood as a devout Muslim family, religion is a way of life that must be integrated into activities our daily lives, as well as in parenting, need to be explored how to improve the growth and development of children through Islamic parenting. With a qualitative method through the library research approach, the author examines a variety of literature about parenting taught in Islam. The purpose of this study is to present measures or strategies of stimulation with Islamic nurturing in optimizing the growth and development of early childhood, and finally get the following conclusions: the first strategy is to maximize interaction with children, the second provides quality time for children. children, third parental role models, fourth focus on the good things of children, fifth do good habits and teach life skills to children. These five things can be used as a strategy to optimize the growth and development of children, because it is based on Islamic legal guidelines, in the history of the care of the family of the Prophet Muhammad, when he educated his children with his wife Siti Khadijah, their sons and daughters proved not only superior and have good character, but they are also missed by heaven.
Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam AL Aqidah Al Hasyimiyyah Jakarta

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In social life, the people always related with the other groups. Thus, inevitably every individual human will be in touch with many interests, needs and ideology that exist in society. The human life can not be separated from political affairs. Political struggle is closely related with the interests and powers of the state or government. Constitutional or governmental issues, ideally politics are used to realize the welfare and interests of the people. Scholars who are involved in political vortex provide a positive influence in national politics, including fighting for the establishment of Islamic Shari'ah. On the other hand, their involvement leads to negative excesses.  
Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019): Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam AL Aqidah Al Hasyimiyyah Jakarta

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Prophet Muhammad Shollahu alaihi wasallam, Allah  was delegated to his followers to build up the ethic, morals and a good character. The scientific of education, such as: Plato, Aristoteles and the others had said that the important of education have to be done by the nation. Modernization of Islamic education as the multidimentional that complex. The education as human’s needs as the key to open the modernization. The modernization of Islamic education at perspective’s cultural development and the global’s civilization. The development of sciences and technology with telecommunication and information technology with digital culture. The Islamic education have a strategic’s role in developing the quality of human power development. In globalization era needed a good muslim generation’s profile who have an excellent in iman, science and good deed. Therefore, to face the nation and the state’s life who never determinant, so we need the Islamic education values have to relevant by developing the national’s education.  
IKHTIAR PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER PADA PERGURUAN TINGGI (Kajian Pustaka Tentang Upaya Pembentukan Karakter) Urwatul Wutsqah
Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam AL Aqidah Al Hasyimiyyah Jakarta

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Education has a great responsibility towards the development of a civilized and civilized young generation. The incessant globalized "digital" culture with sparkling lifestyle accessories has "teased" young people into hedonistic and materialist cultures. Character education is needed to form a noble person, so that his life is not arid of values, religion and far from the culture of the nation. Students as a guide to change, play a strategic role and function. The main role of students, as: agents of change, social control and moral strength. Student characters can not be formed automatically, but developed through educational institutions, non-formal, formal and informal. Character education has become a national movement, from early childhood education (PAUD) to college. 
Mengukuhkan Moderasi Islam untuk Menyelesaikan Terorisme dan Hoax Alvin Noor Sahab Rizal
Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2019): Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam AL Aqidah Al Hasyimiyyah Jakarta

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Islam and Muslims today face at least three challenges; First, the tendency of some Muslims to be extreme and strict in understanding religious laws and try to impose such methods in Muslim communities, even in some cases by using violence. Secondly, other trends that are also extreme by being loose in religion and subject to negative thoughts originating from other cultures and civilizations. Third, the tendency of weak unity among Muslims, they are easily torn apart and easy to bear.In the above three challenges manifested in acts of terror, between groups dropped each other and the rise of hoaxes which have recently been launched by some Muslims, whatever the motives behind it, including enforcing the truth and eradicating kemunkaran, have actually cornered Islam and Muslims in the world. With a different modus operandi, it is necessary for Muslims today to put forward moderation (tawassuth) as a manifestation of ummatan wasathan.
Asbab Al-Nuzul : Antara Histori dan Historisitas Al-Quran Midih Saputra
Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2019): Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam AL Aqidah Al Hasyimiyyah Jakarta

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The science of asbab al-nuzul is one of the important methodological tools that supports the interpretation of the verses of the Qur'an which get a context horizon accompanying the decline of the verses of the Qur'an. The theme in the ulum al-Qur'an, asbab al-nuzul discusses outside the text. Asbab al-nuzul as one of the instruments for understanding the Qur'an. Quantitatively, the verses of the Qur'an which come down for certain reasons are not too many, Muslim scholars pay particular attention to these verses through discussion of the causes of the decline of the Qur'an. The existence of the science of Asbab al-nuzul is difficult to avoid from conflict of distinction (distance of the text and the interpreter) to explore and understand the meanings of the verses of the Qur'an. The debate between the generality of the text and the specificity of the causes or otherwise interesting from the asbab al-nuzul study. These two rules are very important in the process of exploring and constructing critical arguments which have implications for the status of stipulating a law.  
Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020): Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam AL Aqidah Al Hasyimiyyah Jakarta

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It is interesting to study and look for innovative solutions in this research by prioritizing the response of the fiscal policy package during the pandemic period of the government with other principles and approaches, so that in addition to find proposals as innovative solutions it also includes elements of Islamic values. Why talk about credit restructuring solutions through qawaid fiqhiyah ? because of several articles and journals and theories that have used methods and approaches from conventional and social Islamic instruments, but with this method and approach the writer tries to explore all methods and approaches are indeed pure from the muiner fiqh product enginer.Therefore, the discussion will be specific to two things: first, credit restructuring solutions and the security system of Islamic financial institutions in the mitigation area in the pandemic period, second, Compatibility between business and sharia policies.Qâidah fiqhiyyah approach by drawing conclusions from empirical and historical datas, concretely the usûl method by way of; first, istimbat al-Ahk  with the determination of the analysis, classification of arguments and the conditions underlying the research. Secondly, tadhbiq al-Ahkam for the application of the analysis of research subject knowledge related to the causes, conditions and causes of obstruction of the application of the qawaid fiqhiyah  approach. Afterwards a framework will be drawn up with the results of the analysis.From the discussion above, we can conclude that On the restructuring pattern side there are at least five recommendations, namely: Deferring the principal of the loan; Delay of principal + interest / margin; Postponement of remaining principal; Extra time; and Decrease in interest in People's Business Credit (KUR). While in making the pattern of Islamic banking must mitigate with two things, namely: The concept of profit and loss sharing and investment risk factors. Besides, the compatibility between business and sharia policies is in accordance with some qawaid fiqhiyah about finance. 
Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam AL Aqidah Al Hasyimiyyah Jakarta

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History as the major field of research that related with the political event, such as: throne seizure of throne, expansion, warfare and heroism for the sake of the group. For historical critics a variety of new worldviews dissect the past. One alternative approaches of the economy as a primary need. The civilization is not only measured by the splendor of the building and the territorial breadth, but also the prosperity of the economy. This is interesting to note, the fruit of past events, is felt now. The discourse of Islamic economic history is part of general economic history, needs to be developed. This paper focuses on the future writing of Islamic economic history and themes for historians and academics.  
Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019): Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam AL Aqidah Al Hasyimiyyah Jakarta

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Management is needed in terms of achieving a goal, management can provide a very significant function in the prosperity of the mosque as well as the implementation of management in general, well-applied management will certainly have a positive impact but if management does not match its application it will lead to the failure of an objective. This study aims to determine the extent of the function of Management in the prosperity of the Mosque, the method in this study is descriptive qualitative, namely by direct observation at the research site and library research related to Management in the Prosperity of the Mosque.