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Fatkhul Arifin
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P3SDM STAI Al Aqidah AL Hasyimiyyah Jl. Kayumanis Barat No. 99 Matraman Jakarta Timur
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Jurnal Studi Islam
ISSN : 2621651     EISSN : 26561182     DOI : -
Jurnal studi islam Al Aqidah adalah jurnal yang berisi tentang berbagai disiplin keilmuan diantaranya pendidikan, hokum dan Dakwah. Jurnal ini terbit 1 tahun dua kali pada bulan Juli dan Januari. Adapun pengelola jurnal ini adalah STAI Al Aqidah Al Hasyimiah Jakarta yang beralamat di Jl. Kayu Manis No. 99, Matraman, Jakarta Timur. Jurnal ini terdiri dari berbagai disiplin karena memang jurnal ini dibawah Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam sehingga tidak memungkinkan setiap program membuat jurnal sendiri-sendiri dengan pertimbangan penghematan sumber daya pengelola, pembiayaan dan kelangsungan jurnal ke depannya. Adapun dalam konten jurnal pengelola membatasi disiplin ilmu diantaranya memuat tentang Pendidikan, dalam jurnal ini penulis dapat memasukan kajian kategori pendidikan anak usia dini, pendidikan sekolah dasar, dan pendidikan agama Islam. Dalam bidang hukum penulis dapat mengali kajiannya berupa hukum Islam baik itu berupa hasil penelitian lapangan ataupun penelitian pustaka. Dakwah dalam tulisan ini dibatasi tentang komunikasi penyiaran Islam.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 46 Documents
Pembelajaran Responsif Gender pada Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Ibrohim Ibrohim
Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam AL Aqidah Al Hasyimiyyah Jakarta

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In the global era women are still placed as second human beingsecond (class human) meaning that women are in a position under men so that many women get gender inequality behavior in the public sphere. The forms of injustice are low in the form of access, control and participation of women. Early childhood education is a great place to sow gender responsive learning because the child has a high absorptive capacity in thinking so that what is taught at an early age will be the basis of his upcoming behavior. Thus can minimize injustice between women and men. Gender responsive learning is a learning that takes active involvement between the sexes so that there is no limit between men and women.
Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2019): Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam AL Aqidah Al Hasyimiyyah Jakarta

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There are two elements contained in the works of Tere Liye that is pleasure and wisdom. A good novel is one that can move the heart, mind, and feelings of the readers to the awareness leading to good deeds, avoiding wrong and deviant actions, reminds them of something missing and out of their attention, as a soul empowerment and a wakeup call to understanding. Accentuated with aesthetic delivery of unique and impressive diction, the religious values are inserted and bound by Tere Liye to the dialogues and monologues in his work explicitly and implicitly creating a worth-reading novel to be explored, understood, and enjoyed by the young generation who are in charge of running the wheel of life on this earth in the future with full submission to Allah the Almighty while having an excellent self-control and intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually brilliant.
Relasi Islam dan Masyarakat Etnis Tionghoa (Studi Kasus : Komunitas Cina Benteng di Tangerang) Bambang Permadi
Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2019): Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam AL Aqidah Al Hasyimiyyah Jakarta

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The purpose of this study was to look at the relationship between Islam and the Chinese ethnic community in the Chinese community fort in Tangerang. This research is a descriptive qualitative study. The results of this study are that Islam can be accepted in all levels of society, including the people in the China Benteng community in Tangerang. The Benteng Chinese accept Islam as a culture and tradition but as a religion that teaches doctrine they do not want to follow it, as religious teachings they prefer other religions that allow their ancestral traditions and they argue that all religions teach goodness together. Buddhism is the religion which is the most chosen by the Chinese Benteng community, while the choice to convert to Islam is the next. Usually the motivation is the closeness of personal relationships with spiritual teachers. The most motivation is marriage with indigenous women.
Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020): Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam AL Aqidah Al Hasyimiyyah Jakarta

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Islamic moderation is one of the efforts to eradicate radicalism in Indonesia. However, until now the facts say that radicalism is still growing. Meanwhile, tasawwuf as a foundation for a Muslim to carry out his teachings moves to the roots of thoughts about understanding the religion. Therefore, Islamic moderation based on tasawwuf is expected to eradicate radicalism to its roots. This research is a qualitative research with a literature approach. Data collection was obtained through various literatures. The results of this study say that Islamic moderation based on Sufism is the moderation of Islam that Rahmatan lil Alamin walks in the middle road without oppressing the left or the right.
Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam AL Aqidah Al Hasyimiyyah Jakarta

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This research is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles that aims to find out the improvement of motivation and economic learning outcomes of students of class XI IIS Unggulan the odd semester of 2017/2018 in MAN 2 Mataram and the research’s subjects are all students of class XI IIS, amounted to 36 people. The test results were analyzed by using descriptive statistics. The results of this study indicate that the average student's learning motivation score 70 on cycle I with 50 % classical completeness, while in cycle II average score of 80 with 86 % classical completeness. The result of this study in the aspect of concept comprehension or written test in cycle I average by result of learning equal to 73 and classical completeness equal to 77 % (not yet completed by classical), then increase in cycle II obtained average of learning result equal to 85 and classical completeness equal to 89% (complete). In this study can be concluded that there is an increase in motivation and student learning outcomes class XI IIS Unggulan odd semester of year 2017/2018 MAN 2 Mataram through the implementation of Cooperative Learning (CL) type STAD. 
Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019): Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam AL Aqidah Al Hasyimiyyah Jakarta

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The Islamic education had a strategic of role in modern society life. It’s goal was to make the people (students) in order to be a good personality and a good character. The quintessence that the Islamic education at school have to develop of students’ cognitive, affective and psychomotoric aspects. By implementating of the government’s needed, society and stakeholders have to have a good political will. The ideal hope of the Islamic education (national) in order to the education output of strong and responsibility of young generation. The reality that there are still the education output are still not quality yet in order to have many education outcomes are still jobless. The Islamic education assignment must be educated with integrated and holistics and long life education processing. The Islamic education was to fulfill the students’ needs, both spiritual, intelectual, moral, aesthetics and physical needs based on the Islamic values. The function of Islamic education was to prepare the facilities who develop possible of the students as sistymatic, aimed and comprehensive. While, the Islamic education target was the students who grow and develop as dynamic, becoming from unborn child to end their life.  
Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam AL Aqidah Al Hasyimiyyah Jakarta

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Character education as an ikhtiar to develops character values for students that are implemented in the real life. The School as an institution that can instill good value both individually and collectively. Students have a regular way of learning, concentration, discipline and continuous. That way can improve the learning achievement is good as a good step to produce quality students. Compliance students run activities according to the rules and commitment with awareness with full responsibility is the function of education. The discipline of learning will encourage students to study earnestly so that schools can develop good rules of procedure. Leadership of principals and teachers have to create as well as conditions for students to be the responsibility of all the citizens of the school. 
Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019): Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam AL Aqidah Al Hasyimiyyah Jakarta

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Most thinkers, born from mainland Europe and America. Reasoning every thinker is always influenced by the background of their lives. Their life journey always gives a different style of thinking than most people. Europe and the West are the biggest contributors to science and even they dominate the world through science. Muhammad Naquib Al Attas, is a figure who has high attention in maximizing religion as a basis for constructing scientific thinking. In the view of Al Attas, Islam is a source of knowledge. The West is the second party to take and modify science with their culture and civilization. Muhammad Naquib Al Attas discovered the formula of science in the form of Islamization of Science. 
Ushul Fiqh dan Tipologi Penelitian Hukum Islam Sadari Sadari
Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2019): Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam AL Aqidah Al Hasyimiyyah Jakarta

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This article integrates between the sacred text (nash) and reality (al-waqi '), as the most important form in understanding Islamic law. The text in the perspective asy-Syatibi has three ways of reading namely qira'ah salafiyyah, qira'ah ta'wiliyyah and qira'ah maqashidiyyah, which serves to search for maslahah. The concept of maslahah has three conditions that is indicated by the syara' argument for acceptance, indicated by the syara' argument to be rejected and shown by specific propositions for acceptance or rejection. Then on the third condition is processed again into two first, related maslahah which is not shown by a specific proposition justifying or canceling, but there is a nass that is in line with the maslahah, second, related maslahah not shown by certain propositions that cancel or justify, but maslahah is in line with the action syara', this is known as maslahah mursalah, which offers the momentum of law as a breakthrough discipline in understanding social phenomena, as the opening of the ijtihad door horizon. Through the science of ushul fiqh sourced from the as-Qur'an and as-Sunnah would certainly be able to answer the problematics throughout the ages. The strength of the methodology of ushul fiqh (qawaid ushuliyah) and the methodology of fiqh understanding (qawaid al-fiqhiyyah) will be the driving force in building Islamic self-image especially for the Indonesian nation. The new spirit of ushul fiqh methodologically and philosophically comprehensive becomes a necessity. 
Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): Al Aqidah (Jurnal Studi Islam)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam AL Aqidah Al Hasyimiyyah Jakarta

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TULISAN ini menjadi refleksi atau setidaknya sebagai tata nilai agar mampu menjadi pendidik yang lebih baik. Dalam berbagai kegiatan termasuk menulis dan bercakap selalu dituangkan melalui kata-kata. Dalam kata pengantarnya Sopan Adrianto Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi DKI Jakarta mengurai bahwa di balik kata, ternyata ada rasa. Dengan  “kata” akan menghantarkan seseorang pada keselamatan dan kesengsaraan hidup, tergantung pada bagaimana ia mengaplikasikan ucapannya dalam kehdiupan. Harapandi Dahri (2011) dalam “Dahsyatnya Sebuah Kata” menulis bahwa kebahagiaan dan kesejahteraan abadi manusia di hari akhirat turut ditentukan oleh penilaian dan kebijakan akalnya. Kata membentuk suatu makna, begitu juga “rasa” bagian dari jiwa yang abstrak yang merekonstruksi budaya. Bahkan Koentjaraningrat menulis bahwa kebudayaan merupakan cipta, rasa dan karsa manusia. Rasa dimaknai sebagai tanggapan hati terhadap sesuatu, juga menawarkan “sesuatu” yang dapat mempengaruhi perubahan sistem nilai (vi). Rasa yang diurai dalam buku ini antara lain: semangat, tradisi, duka, haru, sehat, bangga, optimis, gembira, cinta dan damai.