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Jurnal SOMASI dimaksudkan untuk menyebarluaskan informasi karya ilmiah kepada para akademisi dan praktisi yang berminat di bidang Sosial Humaniora dan Komunikasi
Articles 78 Documents
Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Simpan Pinjam Modal UMKM dalam Rangka Pelayanan Usaha Mikro Kecil Mengengah pada Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Pemerintah Kota Tanjung Balai Riri Mailina
Jurnal SOMASI (Sosial Humaniora Komunikasi) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Juli 2020
Publisher : CERED Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53695/js.v1i1.26


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Simpan Pinjam Modal UMKM Dalam Rangka Pelayanan Usaha Miro, Kecil dan Menengah  pada Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Pemerintah Kota Tanjung Balai. metode dalam penelitian ini adalah metode/jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan analisis kualitatif dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam proses pelaksanaan pemberian pelayanan simpan pinjam modal UMKM yang dilaksanakan oleh kantor Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Kota Tanjung Balai terhadap anggota simpan pinjam sudah dilaksanakan tepat waktu dan efektif, serta tidak pernah mengulur waktu dan tidak pernah berbelit-belit.
Kajian Hukum Pidana Terhadap Penetapan Tersangka Dengan Alat Bukti Yang Sudah Digunakan Dalam Perkara Orang Lain (Analisis Putusan Nomor 97/PID.PRAP/2017/PN.JKT.SEL) Abroryan Nur
Jurnal SOMASI (Sosial Humaniora Komunikasi) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Desember 2020
Publisher : CERED Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53695/js.v1i2.95


The regulation regarding the appointment of a person as a suspect based on evidence that has been used in other cases is not legally found. However, the determination of a suspect must be based on sufficient preliminary evidence, that is, with the minimum 2 (tools) of evidence as stipulated in Article 1 point 14 KUHAP Jo. Article 66 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of the National Police Regulation Number 12 of 2009. Criminal law review of the determination of a suspect with evidence that has been used in someone else's case (Analysis of Decision Number 97 / Pid. Prap / 2017 / PN.Jkt. Cell) is based on pretrial decision no. 97 / pid.prap / 2017 / pn.jkt.sel that with Judge Cepi Iskandar's consideration there would be the possibility of becoming a new jurisprudence. If a new jurisprudence is made, then in resolving a criminal case with inclusion such as corruption where the suspect's statement cannot later be used as the development of further investigations for other suspects.
Urgensi Hukum Siber terhadap Kelompok TNI dalam melaksanakan Tugas Pokok: UU ITE No. 11 Tahun 2008 Jo No. 19 Tahun 2016 Firman Halawa
Jurnal SOMASI (Sosial Humaniora Komunikasi) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Juli 2020
Publisher : CERED Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53695/js.v1i1.93


The law on information and electronic transactions (UU-ITE) is a product of laws that are applicable to solving legal problems in the Internet world. In its development, information and communication technology for crimes and crimes in cyberspace is a challenge that is anticipated in order protect resources within the TNI. The TNI is required to have cyber defense capabilities order to increase deterrence and prevention of war or cyber-attacks against the TNI or national cyber defense in carrying out TNI's Main tasks. The normative juridical method is carried out through literature studies that examine (mainly) secondary data, both in the form of legislation and research results, assessment results and other references.
Perlindungan Hukum bagi Pemegang Hak Merek dikaitkan dengan Prinsip Itikad Baik dalam Proses Pendaftaran Merek Fahmi Anugraha
Jurnal SOMASI (Sosial Humaniora Komunikasi) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Juli 2020
Publisher : CERED Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53695/js.v1i1.33


Counterfeiting of the brand of a product or service often occurs in Indonesia. Almost the same brand for the same product often creates legal problems. The proliferation of well-known foreign products in Indonesia, provides a new homework for Indonesia, especially related to legal protection for these brands from counterfeiting that could occur. Business competition that is increasing both at home and abroad in the current era of global trade, makes the role of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) law very important, especially in maintaining healthy business competition and to prevent the possibility of fraudulent competition in the form of imitation, piracy, as well as the use of Intellectual Property Rights without the rights of the real owner. This research uses the normative juridical method, which examines the formulation of legal protection issues in the trademark registration process in relation to the principles of good faith, and the responsibility of the Government is linked to the principle of good faith in the process of mark registration.
Pengaruh Citra Merek dan Penggunaan Instagram @Medantalk terhadap Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Informasi Followers Fauzi Akbar; Rahmanita Ginting
Jurnal SOMASI (Sosial Humaniora Komunikasi) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Desember 2020
Publisher : CERED Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53695/js.v1i2.109


Instagram is a social media platform to access the latest information needs. The use of Instagram social media by some people is sometimes more than the use of print media. The @medantalk Instagram account is an account that often presents content from news of crime, fires, natural disasters, accidents, trending events discussed in Medan City. The purpose of this study was to determine how much influence the brand image and the use of social media Instagram together have on fulfilling the information needs of @medantalk followers. This research was conducted on social media Instagram @medantalk with a total sample of 204 followers of the @medantalk Instagram account who live in Medan and its surroundings. Data were collected using a questionnaire. The data analysis used is multiple linear regression test using SPSS for Windows version 24.0. The result of multiple linear regression analysis shows that the variable that most influences the followers 'information needs variable (Y) is the brand image variable (X1) is positive, so it can be said that the higher the brand image variable, the higher the followers' information needs. while the variable use of Instagram (X2) has a positive effect, so it can be said that the higher the variable use of Instagram, the higher the information needs of followers. Thus it can be said that the brand image (X1) and the use of Instagram (X2) together have a positive effect on information needs (Y).
Efektivitas Pelayanan Program Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP) dalam Rangka Peningkatan Kualitas Pendidikan di SMA Negeri 1 Tanjung Balai Dedi Amrizal; Dian Ferdina Nasution; Ali Amran
Jurnal SOMASI (Sosial Humaniora Komunikasi) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Juli 2020
Publisher : CERED Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53695/js.v1i1.27


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari program implementasi implementasi Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP) dalam rangka peningkatan kualitas pendidikan di SMA Negeri 1 Tanjungbalai.Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan analisis kualitatif yang membahas masalah yang diselidiki dengan pengamatan masalah penelitian pada saat sekarang berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang dapat dilihat atau ditampilkan.Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Program Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP) di SMA Negeri 1 Tanjungbalai belum berjalan dengan efektif, karena masih banyak siswa yang tidak mendapat Kartu Indonesia Pintar, dapat berpartisipasi dalam penyaluran dana, membuat program tidak berjalan dengan cepat, dan juga mempercepatnya bank penyalur menyebabkan penyaluran dana Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP) terbengkalai. Selain itu, program peningkatan keberhasilan Kartu Indonesia Pintar telah berjalan dengan baik sehingga siswa dapat mengembangkan potensi mereka dalam belajar untuk meningkatkan kualitas penddikan
Penyelesaian Tindak Pidana Secara Diversi terhadap Anak di Wilayah Hukum Kepolisian Resort Langkat Megayani Umry
Jurnal SOMASI (Sosial Humaniora Komunikasi) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Desember 2020
Publisher : CERED Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53695/js.v1i2.94


During the last 2 years there has only been 1 (one) case where efforts were made to diversion, namely LP / 497 / IX / 2020 / SU / LKT 24 September 2020 committed theft of oil palm on plantation land in violation of Article 111 Subs Article 107 letter d of Law Number 39 2014 concerning Plantation. The theft was carried out by the perpetrator taking 15 (fifteen) palm fruit bunches weighing approximately 225 Kilograms (Kg) from the area of the reporter's plantation. However, this is an agreement to do diversion. Based on the background description above, it is interesting to conduct research in this thesis with the title: "Diversion settlement of criminal acts against children in the Legal Area of the Langkat Police Resort". Based on the foregoing, it can be seen that some of the problems that will be examined are what are the factors that influence the application of diversion to juvenile offenses in the area of Langkat Resort Police Law? The results of this research are the factors that influence the application of diversion to juvenile offenses. In the jurisdiction of the Langkat Resort Police, based on the explanation from Mr.Nelson Manurung, among them is a legal substance in which diversion attempts can indeed be made against any criminal act, but the condition is that the criminal act must be punishable by a criminal under 7 (seven) years and not a repetition of the crime The victim's revenge factor for the actions committed by the reported party because they have suffered material losses for the reported actions. The quality factor of law enforcement officers is related to the importance of diversion in the juvenile criminal justice system, and the legal culture factor.
Tingkat Kreatifitas Belajar Mahasiswa Bimbingan dan Konselinf di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Rini Hayati
Jurnal SOMASI (Sosial Humaniora Komunikasi) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Desember 2020
Publisher : CERED Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53695/js.v1i2.103


The Covid-19 pandemic have changed all the structures of human life, without exception for the education. Changes that occur both in the learning system and in the learning process, initially through direct contact between lecturers and students. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the learning process was carried out via the internet network or called online. This change requires students to be creative in learning. Student creativity must be owned by both male and female students to be able to understand the material presented online in order to develop their potential. For this reason, creativity in learning during the Covid-19 pandemic is very necessary for all students. This study aims to: describe the learning creativity of male students and the learning creativity of female students. This research method used quantitative descriptive with a sample population of 76 students of guidance and counseling UMN Al Washliyah. The data collection used a closed questionnaire with a Likert scale model with descriptive analysis. The findings of this study are the average score of male student learning creativity of 78.10 with a total percentage of 71%, in the high category, and the average score of female student learning creativity of 81.86 with a total percentage of 74.42%. They are in the high category.
Kebijakan Pidana dalam Penanggulangan Pungutan Liar Pembuatan Kartu Tanda Penduduk oleh Oknum Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Chairunnisa Keliat
Jurnal SOMASI (Sosial Humaniora Komunikasi) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Juli 2020
Publisher : CERED Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53695/js.v1i1.34


Which is the focus of the problem in this research are; What are the forms of liar levies carried out by persons in the Population and Civil Registry Service, how to regulate and enforce criminal law for perpetrators of illegal levies making Identity Cards at the Population and Civil Registry Service, as well as how to control agencies that are regulated against illegal levies Making Identity Cards at the Population and Civil Registry Service. So that it can be drawn, among others, from the penalties, among others, criminal sanctions for civil servants who are extortionists subject to criminal sanctions in the form of imprisonment and criminal fines in accordance with the provisions of Article 368, Articles 418, 423, and 425 of the Criminal Code, and there are also stipulated in Article 95B of the Law Population Administration Act. Law enforcement for perpetrators of extortion is regulated in Article 40, Article 52 and Article 53 of the Law on Public Services. Law enforcement starts from internal enforcement carried out by superiors or heads of offices, law enforcement in a lawsuit due to losses due to extortion, and finally law enforcement through criminal justice. Asahan Dukcapil, law enforcement can also be done by internal action, and the legal process can be submitted to the BKD. The countermeasures against the practice of extortion of ID cards in Dukcapil can be carried out by threatened agencies in monitoring and overcoming the practice of extortion of VAW based on Article 40 paragraph (1) and Article 6 and Article 7 paragraph (1) and (2) of the Law Public Services, Government efforts in terms of preparing messages related to extortion law enforcement.
Implementasi Kebijakan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 41 Tahun 2009 dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Guru di SD Negeri 028068 Binjai Timur Yusriati Yusriati; Rabiatul Adawiyah
Jurnal SOMASI (Sosial Humaniora Komunikasi) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Juli 2020
Publisher : CERED Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53695/js.v1i1.29


Tunjangan adalah benefit yang dipandang sebagai sumbangan yang berbentuk uang yang diberikan suatu perusahaan atau lembaga kepada tenaga kerjanya diluar upah dan gaji untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan pegawai. Tunjangan guru yang merupakan balas jasa yang dibayarkan secara tidak langsung seperti asuransi jiwa dan kesehatan, cuti, pensiun, dan lain sebagainya kepada pegawai guna untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan kerja karyawan/pegawai. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui apakah yang menjadi kendala dalam pendistribusian dana tunjangan tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif, dengan analisa kualitatif untuk mengulas lebih dalam kebijakan tunjangan yang diberikan oleh pemerintah kepada seluruh guru yang telah memiliki sertifikat pendidik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peraturan pemerintah no 41 tahun 2009 tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa adanya aspek yang mempengaruhi kehidupan sudah berjalan dengan baik karena kebijakan yang diterbitkan tersebut telah mempengaruhi kehidupan guru serta berpengaruh dalam kesejahteraan guru, adanya tujuan mengatasi masalah yang muncul dan sudah berjalan dengan baik, adanya proses kegiatan administratif, sudah berjalan namun belum dapat dikatakan berjalan dengan baik karena masih ada pihak-pihak terkait melakukan pemotongan administrasi serta dana yang dikeluarkan atau yang dikirim tidak tepat waktu, adanya manfaat dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan sudah berjalan dengan baik karena manfaat diterima sangat membantu kehidupan guru agar lebih sejahtera