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Journal of Transcendental Law
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Journal of Transcendental Law
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This journal encompasses original research articles, short communications, including: penal law, private law, administrative law, constitutional law, islamic law, economic law, sociology law, and land law.
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
Articles 51 Documents
Law Enforcement to Transcendental Based of Paramedic Doctoroid Practices in Health Service Soekiswati, Siti; Absori, Absori
Journal of Transcendental Law Volume 1, No 1, 2019
Publisher : Law Doctoral Program Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jtl.v1i1.8696


Purpose of the study: This article aims to discuss the paramedic doctoroid practices in primary health care in Community Health Center conducted by paramedic doctors.Methodology: This research is socio-legal research; research on law application, viewing law acting as law in action, which involves the interrelation between law and social institutions.Main Findings: Delegation of duty policies under the roof of paramedic doctoroid practices in health services in Community Health Center. This research is a socio-legal aimed at uncovering the phenomenon of paramedic doctoroid practices.Applications of the study: The current study provides criticism for the government in creating inconsistent policies, poor supervision, and law enforcement behind doctoroid practice persistence.Novelty/Originality of the study: the concept of law enforcement is based on the philosophy of the first principle of Pancasila as the Indonesian ideology, transcendental-based law enforcement.
Legal Aid in Indonesia: A Study of Legal Aid with a Transcendental Dimension Sanjaya, Fanny Dian
Journal of Transcendental Law Volume 2, No 2, 2020
Publisher : Law Doctoral Program Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jtl.v2i2.11854


Legal aid in Indonesia, particularly in terms of access to justice, legal aid provided by the state for people is still pivoted on positive law. Laws regulating legal aid in Indonesia remain revolving around the number of cases and budget absorption targets given to legal aid institutions that have been verified and accredited by the state for people/groups in need. Verification and Accreditation from the state with parameters written in the law inhibit those who need legal assistance if they are not categorized as the poor. The requirement of the poor to access legal aid implies that access to legal aid for everyone in conflict is far from justice. Access to legal aid is essential since the purpose of the law is justice. Besides, legal aid aims to provide justice for those who do not have law knowledge, in other words, blind to the law. Justice for all is the vein of legal aid which is inseparable from the right of legal aid for those in need. Legal aid can be administered by social institutions/legal aid agencies which should provide access to those who need legal assistance and those who are in dispute, be it poor or rich so that justice for all can be achieved. This research discusses the transcendental dimension of legal aid. This study used a descriptive research method intending to analyze legal aid from legal aid institutions viewed from the study of legal philosophy and legal aid with transcendental dimensions.
Emancipatory Of Legal Transendency In Indonesia: Study Of Moral Aspects In The Making Of Laws And Regulations In Indonesia Triwahyuningsih, Triwahyuningsih
Journal of Transcendental Law Volume 1, No 2, 2019
Publisher : Law Doctoral Program Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jtl.v1i2.9132


ABSTRACT Objectives: This paper aims to answer the question of how the relationship between law and moralism, as well as how to internalize moral principles in making laws and regulations in Indonesia. Methodology: This study used a philosophical approach that aimed to explore the relationship between law and morals from the perspective of John Austin, Kelsen, and H. L. A Hart. It also used the transcendental perspectives in exploring the importance of internalizing moral principles in making laws and regulations in Indonesia. The research method in the article used descriptive normative research methods, with interpretative data processing techniques regarding the importance of moral aspects in making laws and regulations in Indonesia. Findings: The dominance of the philosophy of positivism has broad implications. The closure of the law to morality raised by adherents of legalism, legal positivism, or reinerechtslehre does not only raise injustice everywhere but also appear with a face of totalitarian or repressive law. Law and moral relations, according to John Austin (1790-1859), are diametrically separated and tend to favor the law (the law negates morals), while Hans Kelsen and Austin place religious and moral inferiority while favoring positive law. According to Kelsen, the law deals with the form (formal), not the content (material); then, Hart tries to offer the principle of morality as a minimum legal requirement in which the pattern of the relationship is cooperative or independent dialogue. Whereas in the transcendent perspective, law and morals are in a dialogue-integrative relationship. The legislators should have spiritual intelligence; that is, they do not want to be bound and limited by existing standards but want to go beyond and transcend the existing situations (transcendental).  With spirituality, the legislators, who are in accordance with the principle, can produce laws that show the emancipatory of legal transcendency. The laws do not only humanize humans but are also oriented to moral values that originate from God. Benefit: The benefit of this paper is to be the basis for guarding moral values in making the Law, starting from the preparation and initiative for the submission of the draft law, discussion of the draft law, and approval of the draft law. Originality/novelty: Internalization of moral principles in law can produce laws that can make people happy and answer the problems of human life. At least three elements are fulfilled, namely justice, efficacy, and legal certainty. Keywords: transcendency, morals, the formation of laws
Study Von Savigny's Thinking About Morals in Law: Understanding Moral in the Concept of Law “Barenti Lako Syara’ Tradition, Syara Barenti Lako Kitabullah” Dianto, Dianto
Journal of Transcendental Law Volume 2, No 1, 2020
Publisher : Law Doctoral Program Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jtl.v2i1.11247


Objective: This article aims to discuss moral boundaries in the Law According to Von Savigny and moral limits in the Law According to the Legal Concept Principles of “Barenti Lako Syara’ Tradition, syara barenti ko kitabullah”Methodology: The methodology used in this study is normative juridical research. This study uses a philosophical approach by exploring the philosophical basis of Law by linking legal science with the concept of customary Law.Findings: Von Savigny does not limit the moral meaning in Law whether good or bad, wrong or right, depends on morals in the habits of society that are not separate from morals and facts. Meanwhile, tau samawa based on the legal concept of “barenti lako syara’ tradition, sara barenti lako Kitabullah” means moral boundaries in Law, morals can be accepted into Law after the validation process with the book.Application of the Study: Customary Law has an indicator of moral constraints, so that applicable Law in general can also have indicators of moral limitations as customary Law.Originality/Novelty: Syara’ becomes a verification tool for morals in the customary Law of tau samawa and the book of Allah becomes a moral detector in the syara’ Keywords: Moral, Law, tradition, syara’
Legal Reasoning Pattern Based On Trancendental Values : A Reflection on Legal Reasoning Based on Positivism Values Basri, Basri
Journal of Transcendental Law Volume 1, No 1, 2019
Publisher : Law Doctoral Program Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jtl.v1i1.8694


Purpose of the study: This article aims at finding out the pattern of legal penalties for transcendental valuesMethodology: This research is conducted using descriptive philosophical normative study methods. As a secondary legal material, this writing draws on literature, papers, journals, and research related to this writing.Main Findings: Positivism-based legal reasoning has failed to accommodate all the interests and legal needs of the community in realizing justice and prosperity. The pattern of legal reasoning based on transcendental values is a choice because it is related to the understanding that places the law for justice and public welfare.Applications of this study: This study can give benefit to thinkers in the field of legal studies thinking to make a breakthrough in the formation of new lawsNovelty/Originality of this study: The use of the basics of transcendental law can be made as a new breakthrough to realize a just and prosperous law
The Relation between Religion and Science in Decree of the Indonesian Ulema Council in a Pandemic Latif, Nazaruddin; Sari, Irma Mustika
Journal of Transcendental Law Volume 2, No 2, 2020
Publisher : Law Doctoral Program Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jtl.v2i2.12598


This paper examines the relation between religion and science in decrees issued by the Indonesian Ulema Council in the field of religion, particularly regarding the implementation of worship for Muslims in Indonesia. The Indonesian Ulama Council has issued a decree which not only prioritizes the an sich religious approach but is also based on the results found by scientists and researchers who are concerned about studying the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, this paper looks at the decree of the Indonesian Ulema Council based on a bibliographic approach by making this decree as the main source. As a result, the decree issued by the Indonesian Ulema Council has implicitly linked religion and science.
Transcendental Paradigm In Pancasila Purnomosidi, Arie
Journal of Transcendental Law Volume 1, No 2, 2019
Publisher : Law Doctoral Program Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jtl.v1i2.9414


ABSTRACT Purpose: This article aims to elucidate how the transcendental paradigm in Pancasila. Methodology: The writing of this article used the doctrinal method by using philosophical and theoretical approaches. Finding: Indonesian law tends to be paradigmatic towards power. This condition caused a materialistic and atheistic way of law. Therefore, it has evoked a crisis in law. Supposedly, Pancasila is a legal basis that is based on the spirit of the nation (volkgeist) of Indonesia. Pancasila is a law that is under the characteristics of people in Indonesia, which are more monodualistic and pluralistic in nature. Therefore, Pancasila contains transcendental values, which are sourced from divine values in religious, ethical, and moral law. The transcendental paradigm in Pancasila can be observed from the opening of the 1945 Constitution, which states that the independence of the Indonesian state is due to the blessing of the Almighty God. The opening of the 1945 Constitution is a substantial agreement among the founders of the nation, which forms the basis of the state-building, and the embodiment of the nation's founders. Importance: It is expected that the transcendental paradigm elucidated in this article can be an alternative solution to overcome the Indonesian legal crisis that can mislead human civilization. Originality/novelty: Orientation of Transcendental paradigms in the principle of Pancasila can be the answer to Indonesia's legal problems that tend to be power-oriented. Keywords: Paradigm, Transcendental Law, Pancasila
Paradigm of Legal Thought: Legal Prophetic Perspective Hamdani, Fitrah
Journal of Transcendental Law Volume 2, No 1, 2020
Publisher : Law Doctoral Program Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jtl.v2i1.11328


Objective: This article aims to discuss ‘criticism of legal prophetic paradigm against legal positivism paradigmMethodology: This research conducted a normative method used by legal positivists. This research is based on a philosophical approach as it is intended to explore the basic assumptions of the legal prophetic paradigm on the lack of the basic assumptions of the legal positivism paradigm.Findings: This paper will discuss the 'criticism of legal prophetic paradigm against legal positivism paradigm' using a philosophical approach as it is intended to explore the basic assumptions of the epistemology basis of the school of thought in legal science through comparison between the school of thoughts in legal science. The legal prophetic paradigm places moral as the main basis as its basic assumption. The verses of Allah and the Hadith of the Prophet regarding justice are the ontological basis of the Paradigm.Application of the Study: The object of legal science is human relations contained within (governed by) legal norms. Law science attempts to understand its object in a "legal" manner, which is from the legal perspective. Understanding something legally means understanding it as law, that is, as legal norms or as the content of legal norms or understanding something as determined by legal norms.Novelty/Originality: The prophetic paradigm can be approached through a Religion Science-based approach. The importance of this approach/religion science in understanding phenomenological law is none other but the occurrence of void or the broken links due to legal positivism thinking that is unable to play a functional role in presenting comprehensive legal justice. Keywords: Legal Positivism Paradigm, Legal Prophetic Paradigm, Basic Assumptions
Deconstruction Of Deliberation Implementation And The Populist Meaning In The Perspective Of Prophetic Democracy In The Implementation Of Pancasila Megawati, Megawati
Journal of Transcendental Law Volume 1, No 1, 2019
Publisher : Law Doctoral Program Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jtl.v1i1.8695


Purpose of the study: This article aims at evaluating the implementation of popular sovereignty as a forum for deliberation in the election of regional heads as the implementation of the fourth precept of Pancasila.Methodology: This study was conducted by using the method of descriptive philosophical normative study. As a secondary legal material, this paper garnered information from literature, papers, journals, and other related studies.Main Findings: In the implementation of general election of regional heads, democracy in Article 18 paragraph (4) of the 1945 Constitution is not limited to direct or indirect election by the people. The election of regional heads can be carried out in conformity to the identity of Indonesia people.Applications of this study: This study can be beneficial to the government in reexamining the policy of the direct regional head general election considering that in the interpretation of Article 18 paragraph (4) of the 1945 Constitution, general election does not have to be implemented directly.The policy of the direct regional head general electionNovelty/Originality of this study: The notion as regards the implementation of the indirect regional head general election will have a less negative impact compared to the direct election.
Law Enforcement in Indonesia in Perspective of Transcendental Legal Justice Paradigm Kasiyati, Siti
Journal of Transcendental Law Volume 2, No 2, 2020
Publisher : Law Doctoral Program Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jtl.v2i2.11855


Law enforcement in Indonesia still leaves various problems, especially regarding the sense of justice. Such as diffable cases dealing with the law, civil cases, especially in the land sector, which relies on property rights certificates, cases of domestic violence (nusyuz).In this case, this study discusses how law enforcement in Indonesia is, and how law enforcement is in the perspective of the transcendental justice paradigm. This research is a literary research using secondary data sources, namely primary and secondary legal materials. This study includes a normative study with a synthetic analytic approach.Based on the results of the analysis, law enforcement in Indonesia, both criminal and civil, is still fixated on legal certainty, thus ignoring substantive justice. This is where a shift is needed from the paradigm of law enforcement based on legal certainty to transcendent justice. This condition can be seen from several decisions that are very formalistic and based on laws, where legal certainty is the front line compared to substantive justice so that justice is not felt by the public. This condition is also strongly influenced by the legal paradigm adopted in Indonesia, namely positivist law or known as the systemic legal paradigm. Transcendental starts from irrational and metaphysical thinking such as emotions, feelings, instincts, moral spirituality and as part of building science. In this context, law enforcement. The perspective of the transcendental legal justice paradigm highlights how the purpose of Islamic law is useful for justice and human welfare. Where the law is based on ethics (morals) so that it can produce substantive justice, not mere formalistic justice, which summarizes the human attitude to be fair to God as the creator, fair to fellow humans and fair to the universe.