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Abdimas Madani
ISSN : 26569471     EISSN : 27162958     DOI : -
Core Subject : Health,
Jurnal ilmiah ABDIMAS MADANI adalah satu wadah untuk menyebarluaskan hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan fokus keilmuan area kesehatan. Jurnal ilmiah ini menerima artikel pengabdian kepada masyarakat dari dosen STIKes Madani dan juga menampung artikel dari kampus lain. Jurnal terbit 2 kali dalam setahun yakni bulan Januari dan Juli.
Articles 11 Documents
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Pendampingan Ibu Hamil Di Lokus Stunting Wilayah Yogyakarta Syagata, Anindhita; Fayakun Nur Rohmah; Esitra Herfanda; Dittasari Putriana; Teti Anggita Safitri
ABDIMAS Madani Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Abdimas Madani
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Madani Yogyakarta

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Stunting is a nutritional problem in Indonesia, and there are 10 stunting loci in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta, one of which is Sendangmulyo Village. Early stunting develops in the womb, so the nutritional status of pregnant women is important to pay attention to. Pregnant women who have a chronic lack of energy have a higher risk of giving birth to malnourished children. The stunting rate is still high, and stakeholders focus on handling children, even though it can also be seen in nutrition during pregnancy. The goal of this community service is to provide education to increase knowledge and to monitor and assist pregnant women with their nutrition and health. A total of seven pregnant women became respondents to this activity and were accompanied for one month in September 2022. Prior to the mentoring, nutrition education was provided on August 9, 2022. The result of the educational activity was an increase in knowledge among the respondents; for example, only two pregnant women received nutrition education and managed their diets well. From both, there was an improvement in nutritional consumption and food variety.
Pelatihan Basic Life Support Masyarakat Awam Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Tahun 2020 siwi, ignasia
ABDIMAS Madani Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Abdimas Madani
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Madani Yogyakarta

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Cardiac arrest is often discovered by ordinary people. The ability of ordinary people to act as first responders is an important key to the success of saving victims of cardiac arrest. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, first responders are really in need of assistance. The increased mortality rate due to COVID-19 is the reason basic life support training during the COVID-19 pandemic is urgently needed. This training aims to increase the knowledge and skills of participants. The training method was stimulation of Practice while Watching via online video with three materials: CPR for adults, CPR for babies, and Choking and Recovery Position skill stations, which were evaluated for each participant. The results of the training found the knowledge and skills of the participants after receiving training and simulation assistance when carrying out all the skills in this activity were better than before being given training.
Pendidikan Kesehatan Tentang Tahapan Tumbuh Kembang Untuk Deteksi Dini Stunting Balita Khoirunnisa, Endang
ABDIMAS Madani Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Abdimas Madani
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Madani Yogyakarta

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In the last ten years, there has been a spike in cases of malnutrition in several countries, thus making significantly reducing the incidence of stunting in children a global program. The main focus of attention on stunting is on the aspect of fulfilling nutrition, but educating parents about how to identify growth and development is an important first step in stunting prevention. This activity was carried out in Kepek, Timbulharjo Village, Sewon District, Bantul Regency, on Saturday, November 23, 2019, at 10.00–12.00 WIB. 35 mothers with toddlers participated in the activity. The method of implementing this service is carried out in two stages, each with a duration of 100 minutes, namely the measurement of height and weight and lectures and discussions about the identification of stunting in toddlers. The PKM team consists of lecturers, education staff, and students. The evaluation instrument was in the form of a closed-question questionnaire with a total of 10 items. The results of the first stage activity found 30 toddlers (85.71%) in the normal growth category and five toddlers (14.29%) in the below-standard category. increased knowledge about stunting identification by 62.20 points (from a mean score of 33 to 95.80). This activity is very helpful for mothers of toddlers to understand how to identify stunting and the risks experienced if the stages of child development are not in accordance with normal standards.
Pelatihan Bahasa Inggris Tips Sederhana Memahami Menggunakan Konteks Tenses Dalam Pembicaraan Sehari-Hari Untuk Murid Omah Amal Yogyakarta surip Haryani
ABDIMAS Madani Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Abdimas Madani
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Madani Yogyakarta

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The application of English in daily communication is one of the ways to increase English proficiency. Anyone who learns English needs to apply daily speaking practice to increase English skills. The training was held on July 20 2022 through zoom meeting for participants from Omah Amal Yogyakarta. The service team provided training by providing examples of the easiest tenses table, explaining the easiest tricks to understand table tenses, providing examples of use in the simplest way to be applied, giving exercises and speaking applications by applying tenses tables and simulation examples from starting with lectures, simulations and practice. Assessment was given in the form speaking activities. The evaluation results show 85% of the participants understood and were able to apply the training materials well
Peran Sebagai Vaksinator Dalam Percepatan Vaksinasi Covid-19 Di Pesantren Islamic Center Binbaz Ery Fatmawati; Muliawati, Dyah; Nining Sulistyawati; Muhammad Nur Hasan; Tri Hardi MU
ABDIMAS Madani Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Abdimas Madani
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Madani Yogyakarta

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The COVID-19 pandemic and its rapid spread require effort. Apart from implementing strict health protocols, another possible way to prevent the spread of this virus is to get vaccinated. The aim is to contribute to efforts to accelerate the COVID-19 vaccination. This activity targets students and employees at the Bin Baz Islamic Center Islamic Boarding School (ICBB). This COVID-19 vaccination activity used the mass vaccination method with the participation of students, teachers, lecturers, and employees, as well as families, at the Bin Baz Islamic Center Islamic Boarding School (ICBB). The activity was held on October 26, 2022, and it went off without a hitch, with a total of 1312 participants, or 81% of the target. Based on the results of the observations of the vaccination implementation, there were no vaccine participants who experienced side effects that required treatment. The conclusion from the implementation of this activity is that it provides easy access to the COVID-19 vaccine for students and employees in the ICBB environment.
Edukasi Pemeriksaan Payudara Sendiri (SADARI) Sebagai Bentuk Deteksi Dini Kanker Payudara Endah Tri Wahyuni; Nining Sulistyawati
ABDIMAS Madani Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Abdimas Madani
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Madani Yogyakarta

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ABSTRACT Breast cancer is a condition in which cells have lost their normal control and mechanisms, resulting in abnormal, rapid, and uncontrolled growth. One of the causes of this disease cannot be cured if it is found at an advanced stage. Surveys prove that cancer cases of breast cancer patients who come to health workers are already in a severe condition. According to the WHO report, breast cancer is the second leading cause of death after cervical cancer (cervical cancer). Breast cancer can be detected earlier by means of breast self-examination, clinical examination, and mammography examination to find out early. The purpose of this service is to increase knowledge and change behavior regarding early detection of breast cancer through Breast Self-examination (BSE) at the Al Ukhuwah Islamic Boarding School, Sukoharjo. The targets of this community service are students in grades 10-12. The number of subjects involved was 125 students. The implementation method of this community service activity is in the form of counseling related to a brief description of Ca Mamae and the direct practice of self-breast examination (BSE). The results of the pre-implementation evaluation showed that the majority of students lacked knowledge of 96 students (77.6%). As for the results of the post test evaluation, it was found that the majority had good knowledge of 120 students (96%) about breast self-examination.
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Dalam Pencegahan Penyakit Diabetes Melitus Tipe II sangadji, faisal
ABDIMAS Madani Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Abdimas Madani
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Madani Yogyakarta

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WHO describes the incidence of Diabetes Mellitus (DM), which has increased quite rapidly, especially Type 2 DM. Type 2 DM is also at high risk of causing various complications due to a lack of knowledge, understanding, and ability of the community to prevent Type 2 DM. The same condition is also experienced by the community of Dusun Kradenan Nyamplung, which so far has not been exposed to education or training related to the prevention of Type 2 DM. The purpose of this service is to anticipate the increasing incidence of Type 2 DM through community empowerment in the prevention of Diabetes Mellitus. This service activity involved the health cadres of Dusun Kradenan Nyamplung and it was conducted from 23 May to 22 July 2022 with 20 participants and involved health cadres in Kradenan Nyamplung . the cadres were empowered and taught how to examine and provide health education regarding the prevention of Type 2 DM.. The result of the activity is an increase in the knowledge of cadres and the community about how to prevent diabetes mellitus. Cadres can also check blood glucose and provide health education. From the results of temporary blood glucose checks by cadres and accompanied by servants, it was found that 20% of people with GDS were more than 200 mg/dL.
Implementasi Peningkatan Kekuatan Otot Lansia Melalui Latihan Aktif Dan Pasif Anggraeni , Dwi
ABDIMAS Madani Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Abdimas Madani
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Madani Yogyakarta

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Musculoskeletal disorders are one of the health problems that often occur in the elderly. The elderly suffer from musculoskeletal system declines, one of which is a decrease in muscle strength caused by a decrease in muscle mass. Decreased muscle strength that occurs in the elderly can lead to difficulties carrying out daily activities, so the elderly need help from others. One way to increase muscle strength is to do active and passive exercises. Purpose: to increase the knowledge of the elderly about the movement to increase muscle strength. Method: Community service is carried out using the demonstration method of active and passive exercise for 20 minutes. Prior to the demonstration, measurements of muscle strength and interviews were conducted. This activity was carried out on December 17, 2022, in Monggangt, with 20 elderly respondents who took part in community service. Results: Data on the characteristics of the respondents showed that there were 12 (60%) elderly women aged 60–66 years. Prior to the action, the elderly had a knowledge level of less than 13 (65%); after the action, the knowledge level was sufficient for as many as 12 (60%) and good for four (80%).Conclusion: There is an increase in knowledge in the elderly after demonstrating active and passive exercise movements in an effort to increase muscle strength.
Dampak Screen Time Berlebih Terhadap Perkembangan Bahasa Anak Di Posyandu Balita Tunas Mekar Dusun Monggang rahmahwidyaningrum
ABDIMAS Madani Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Abdimas Madani
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Madani Yogyakarta

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Screen time adalah waktu yang dihabiskan anak untuk menonton televisi, menggunakan laptop atau komputer, bermain video game dan gawai. Durasi yang direkomendasikan oleh American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry adalah maksimal 1 jam per hari pada anak usia 2-5 tahun, sedangkan anak di bawah usia tersebut tidak direkomendasikan. Tujuan awal orang tua memberikan gawai adalah supaya anak lebih pintar, tidak rewel dan tidak mengganggu pekerjaan orang tua. Pemakaian gawai yang berlebihan memberikan dampak negatif bagi aspek fisik maupun psikososial anak, yakni gangguan kesehatan mata, pusing, stres, antisosial, serta keterlambatan bicara. Pengetahuan orang tua yang baik terkait acuan pemakaian gawai pada anak diharapkan dapat menurunkan dampak negatifnya. Tujuan kegiatan ini meningkatkan pengetahuan orang tua terkait dampak negatif screen time yang berlebihan terhadap perkembangan bahasa anak. Pengabdian masyarakat dilaksanakan tanggal 13 Desember 2022 melalui pendekatan metode ceramah selama 45 menit dilanjutkan sesi diskusi dan tanya jawab. Sasaran yang hadir sejumlah 10 orang tua dan 4 kader Posyandu Balita Tunas Mekar, Dusun Monggang. Data karakteristik sasaran menunjukkan mayoritas orang tua berusia 30 – 40 tahun sejumlah 80%, jenis kelamin perempuan 80%, dan mayoritas IRT sejumlah 80%, mayoritas anak berusia 1 – 3 tahun sejumlah 40%, dan jenis kelamin laki-laki 60%. Rerata skor pengetahuan orang tua terkait dampak screen time berlebih terhadap perkembangan bahasa anak adalah 6,80. Setelah dilaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat orang tua meningkat pemahamannya terkait dampak negatif penggunaan gawai yang berlebihan.
Gerakan Masyarakat Cerdas Menggunakan Obat Dengan Edukasi “Tanya Lima O” Krisnawati, Monik
ABDIMAS Madani Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Abdimas Madani
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Madani Yogyakarta

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The availability of several pharmacies in Sendangsari Village influences the increase in community self-medication behavior. Based on Pharmacy Service Standards, pharmacists are obliged to provide drug information services to patients. GeMa CerMat, or "Ask the Five-O," is a Ministry of Health program that aims to raise awareness and change people's attitudes toward proper drug use. The "Ask the Five O's" education was held in Sendangsari Village in Pajangan. The implementation was carried out at one time, on October 15, 2022. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the activity was carried out by administering pretest and posttest questionnaires. A significant difference in knowledge between the participants before and after the guided Five-O material was obtained with a significance value of 0.00. The results of the activity show that some participants in community service activities were dominated by female participants (56%). The majority of participants had an adult age range of 13–25 years (36%). Meanwhile, high school education level (68%) and type of private job (46%) were also the main characteristics of the activity participants. The conclusion of the activity results is that most activity participants do not fully understand the "Five-O" components that must be asked when receiving drugs from pharmacists.

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