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AL ITQAN: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur\'an
ISSN : 2442255X     EISSN : 25796275     DOI :
FOCUS, AL ITQAN Jurnal Studi Al-Qur’an bertujuan untuk mempromosikan dan meningkatkan pemahaman terhadap Al-Qur’an melalui penerbitan hasil kajian dan penelitian tentang Al-Qur’an SCOPE, AL ITQAN menerbitkan kajian dan penelitian mengenai Al-Qur’an, meliputi mushaf, manuskrip, tafsir, terjemahan, ilmu-ilmu Al-Qur’an, serta living Qur’an dan mengutamakan hasil studi empiris maupun konseptual.
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INTERPRETASI SURAH AL-MAIDAH AYAT 38: Analisis Semiotika Michale Riffaterre Muhammad Fajri
AL ITQAN: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an Vol 6 No 2 (2020): Al ITQAN Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47454/itqan.v6i2.67


This paper discusses the interpretation of Surah al-Maidah: 38, concerning the law of cutting off hands for the perpetrators of theft. This verse will be studied using a semiotic approach, because the words in the verse is a symbol that needs interpretation. One of the semiotic theories that is interesting to study is Michale Riffaterre's semiotics, which offers a two-level reading method, namely heuristic and hermeneutic reading (retroactive), enhanced by hypogram studies (intertextual). According to him, understanding and revealing the meaning of a literary work is not enough with heuristic reading (meaning according to literal conventions), it is necessary to continue with hermeneutic reading based on interpretation in order to get a deeper and more comprehensive meaning. The results of the application of Michale Riffaterre's semiotics to Surah al-Maidah: 38 are: the word of al-sāriqu wa al-sāriqatu and faqṭa’u aidiyahumā, experiencing dynamics and developments from time to time. The word of Sariq with the basic meaning of "stealing" experiences a creation of meaning which can be interpreted as "corruption", because it has the same elements. While the word of faqṭa’u aidiyahumā, which literally means cutting off a hand, experiences a displacing of meaningwith the meaning of ta'zir (such as a fine, imprisonment, or exile), because the verse is understood in a manner or majazi, not in a common word. Thus, the main message or spirit contained in the verse is not the type of punishment but the "deterrent" effect it causes.
MAFHŪM I ̔TIBĀR AL-MA ̔ĀL WA TAṬBȊQUHŪ FȊ SŪRAH AL-NISĀ’: Dirāsah Waṣfiyyah liāyāt al-Mujtama ̔ Mokhammad Ali Ridlo
AL ITQAN: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an Vol 6 No 2 (2020): Al ITQAN Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47454/itqan.v6i2.688


One of the efforts to maintain the law of siyāq (context) is by applying the concept of i'tibār al-maāl to naṣ  texts (al-Qur`an and Hadith). It is because the text is general understanding while the law is static, so if the law is applied, it will not regard at a person's condition and context, nor will it even see the effect of the law and its origin. Such law is not allowed in Islamic law which prohibits the application of law regardless of the context of the incident and the application of the law. Therefore, this discussion comes with a qualitative-descriptive method to analyze the concept of i'tibār al-ma’āl and its application in surah al-Nisa' especially in social verses. This concept is part of Imam Malik's method of exploring law, and it seems tobe lack of discussion or reference in Indonesian, even the Arabic references are also rarely. On the other hand, surah al-Nisa is one of the long chapters and discusses a lot about social society, for example about how to build a good family strategy to build a good society.
MENJAWAB TUDUHAN IDEOLOGISASI DALAM TAFSIR AHKAM: Telaah atas Kitab Asbāb Ikhtilāf al-Mufasirīn fī Tafsīr Ᾱyāt al-Aḥkām Abdul Wadud Kasful Humam
AL ITQAN: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an Vol 6 No 2 (2020): Al ITQAN Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47454/itqan.v6i2.689


This article examines the answer of Abdul Ilāh Ḥūri to the accusation of ideologization in tafsīr ayāt aḥkām (Qur’anic exegesis on the legal verses) through  his work Asbāb Ikhtilāf al-Mufassirīn fī Tafsīr Ᾱyāt al-Aḥkām. The tendency to ideologize these schools of tafsīr can be understood not only because of the writer's background as a demonstrative school activist, but other factors are also very influential on the resulting tafsīr ayāt aḥkām products, such as: differences in using the rules of al-'ibrah bi 'umūm al-lafẓi lā bi khuṣūṣ al-sabab or vice versa, differences in choosing qirā'at, differences in interpreting siyāq (context) or in his term that is called mā fī al-Qur'ān and mā ḥaula al-Qur'ān.
TERJEMAH DAN TAFSIR DI JAWA AWAL ABAD KE-18: Studi Filologis Bundel Naskah Kajen Nailis Sa'adah; Muhammad Asif
AL ITQAN: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an Vol 6 No 2 (2020): Al ITQAN Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47454/itqan.v6i2.722


This study examines the text Terjemah dan Tafsir Surat al-Fatihah (TTSF) contained in the Bundel Naskah Kajen (Bundle of Kajen Manuscripts, BNK) which is attributed to Ahmad Mutamakkin's work. This study aims to describe the manuscript, present the edited text and analyze the translation methods and interpretation of the al-Fatihah verse contained in the BNK. This study uses a philological approach, translation theory and interpretation of al-Dhahabī's perspective. This research found: first, BNK's pension as the work of Ahmad Mutamakkin is very likely to be correct, because referring to Bizawie, the manuscript were written in 1705 AD, during Ahmad Mutamakkin life (1645-1740). Second, the interpretation of the al-Fatihah in the BNK is not like the interpretation of the al-Fatihah verse in general which tends to interpret the al-Fatihah in the context of reverting position (pelungguhan) each word of the al-Fatihah into the anatomy of the human body such as the crown, eye, breath, chest, heart, tongue, skin and other body parts to show the oneness (unity) of being between the servant and his god, which is classified as a ṣūfī naẓarī interpretation and appropriates the doctrine of waḥdah al-wujūd which was widely developed in the archipelago at that time. Furthermore, the implication of this study is that if this manuscript can be accepted as the work of Ahmad Mutamakkin, it means that the tafsīr writing traditions in Java had started earlier than the previous findings. Keywords: Terjemah dan Tafsir Surah al-Fatihah, Bundel Naskah Kajen, the doctrine of waḥdah al-wujūd.
HUBUNGAN KAWAN-LAWAN ANTARA MUSLIM DAN NON-MUSLIM: Kajian Tematik Etnografis Surah al-Mumtaḥanah Muhammad Najib
AL ITQAN: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an Vol 6 No 2 (2020): Al ITQAN Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47454/itqan.v6i2.723


To protect the believed fundamental values​, a country/nation commonly applies the concept of friend and foe. Likewise, what had been done by Islam in the Medina period as a country tinged with tensions often leading to wars with the people of Mecca who were considered infidels, although in other side building friendly relation with the Habasyah Christian State. The condition strengthens that the Qur’an has been providing guidance to Muslims in formulating the sorting of friends and foes. Related to this, Surah al-Mumtaḥanah verses 8 and 9 discuss the concept of friend and foe. It is on this basis that a comprehensive study of the concept needs to be conducted to find the whole view about the topic. This study uses a thematic interpretation method of the surah and  the ethnographic analysis technique to explore the themes. The study concludes that the central theme of surah al-Mumtaḥanah is addressing opponents firmly and fairly, friend-foe relations are not solely based on religious differences, but also on real action, namely war and expulsion due to religious differences. The concept of friend and foe in surah al-Mumtaḥanah shows a new category of non-Muslims, namely non-Muslims who are friendly with Muslims either with or without a peace agreement.
WACANA ASTRONOMIS DALAM TAFSIR BAHASA MADURA: Telaah Tapsèr Sorat Yaa-Siin (Bhāsa Madhurā) Karya Muhammad Irsyad Fawaidur Ramdhani; Ahmad Qusyairi
AL ITQAN: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an Vol 6 No 2 (2020): Al ITQAN Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47454/itqan.v6i2.724


This article examines the scientific interpretations in the book Tapsèr Sorat Yaa-siin (Bhāsa Madhurā) by Muhammad Ershad. The presence of this Madurese interpretation has complemented a series of Nusantara’s Qur’anic exegesis which has a tendency towards scientific nuances. Therefore, it is important to study the Qur’anic exegesis of cultural observers as a form of safeguarding one of the treasures of Qur’anic exegesis works in Indonesia, especially those with local languages. This study will only focus on scientific interpretations that are astronomical. This study find out, the astronomical interpretations of the Tapsèr Sorat Yaa-siin (Bhāsa Madhurā) has four broad themes; the solar system, the sun's dimming process, the creation of the universe, and the solar and lunar eclipses. During the interpretation process, Muhammad Ershad adopted a lot of information contained in the scientific discipline of astronomy. Apart from that, he also displayed his own drawings to make the reader easier in understanding the explanation he provided.

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