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JOLLT Journal of Languages and Language Teaching
ISSN : 23380810     EISSN : 26211378     DOI : 10.33394
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Articles 8 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 6, No 2 (2018)" : 8 Documents clear
The Effectiveness of Using English Movie with English Subtittles in Teaching Vocabulary at the Eighth Year Students Of SMPN 1 Selong in the Academic Year of 2018/2019 Husnul Lail
Journal of Languages and Language Teaching Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jollt.v6i2.1261


This investigation was aimed to identify the effectiveness of using English movie with English subtitles in teaching vocabulary in the form comprehension of descriptive text at the eighth year students of SMPN 1 Selong Lombok Timur in the academic year of2018/2019. Learning out comes in this research included learning achievement in the form of cognitive skill and vocabulary mastery. This research was a quasi-experimental research. The population is the whole class VIIISMPN1Selong. Sampling was done by random sampling technique for the population in the unit class. Samples of study were class VIIIA as a control class that uses conventional teaching (lectures) and VIIIB as an experimental class that use media movie with subtitles. The data were obtained through pre test to know the students’ ability. Statistical test used to test the hypothesis was Mann Whitney U test with a normal curve approach Z performed on the data post-test. Data post-test showed at the 0.05significance level, the value of Z table=1.99, and Z count (3.25)>Z table (1.99). Because Z count is greater than Z table, then Ha accepted and Ho is rejected. It was found that the result of this research was the using of media movie with English subtitles was effective in increasing knowledge of vocabulary in class VIII SMAN 1Selong Lombok Timur in the academic year of 2018/2019.
Synthesis Interference of Indonesian Language in the Right of German Agus Syahid; Muhammad Zaki Pahrul Hadi
Journal of Languages and Language Teaching Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jollt.v6i2.1257


Interference is a symptom of irregularities in language rules. It’s can be happend to someone who is learning a foreign language such as students of  STIBA Bumigora grade 2015 who learn German as the second foreign language. Language Interference consists of phonological, lexical, morphological, and syntactic interference. In this study, the authors limit his research only to syntactic interference. Syntactic interference consists of two things, they are inter-language interference and intra-language interference. The method of  this study is descriptive analysis. The results of the study show us there are several factors that cause errors in syntactic interference on students german essays  STIBA Bumigora Mataram. They are; (1) Errors caused by inter-language interference, it's because of the influence of Indonesian language into the German sentence structure. such as; misplaced words and omission of auxilary verb (to be). (2) Errors caused by intra-language interference, it’s because lack of understanding German grammar rules to german essays. Such as; case errors (nominativ, akkusativ, dativ) and verb conjugation errors.
Using Video Recipe to Improve the Junior High School Students’ Ability in Writing Procedure Text Jupri Jupri
Journal of Languages and Language Teaching Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jollt.v6i2.1262


Based on the results of a preliminary study, it was found out that the students of SMPN1 Batu have problem in writing procedure texts. The students cannot optimize themselves in written communication in English. To cope with the problem, the researcher conducted an action research Using Video Recipe to Improve the Junior School Students’ Ability in Writing Procedure Text. This action research was done in grade seven of SMPN1 Batu which involved 26 students and has been conducted in one cycle which covered: planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The data was obtained through the result of the test, observation checklists, and interview. The study was implemented through four steps: (1) the teacher planned the action based on the result of preliminarystudy, (2) the teacher implemented the action by presenting recipe videos as the model to guide the students in writing procedure text, (3) the observer observed and recorded the action, and (4) the teacher analyzed the data which finally became the reflection of the cycle. The results of the study reveal that the utilization of video recipe can improve the junior high school students’ ability in writing procedure text. Future research in this area should be expanded to examine the nuanced differences in revision based upon different purpose of writing.
Fixing Students’ Pronunciation Using Songs Ahmad Idris Asmaradhani; Rindawanto Evendi; Ahmad Mursid; Ruslan Abdul Gani
Journal of Languages and Language Teaching Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jollt.v6i2.1258


As a Foreign Language, English is difficult for secondary school students in Indonesia not only in terms of grammatical systems but also in terms of phonetic systems. They find it difficult to pronounce most of the English words because in English there is no regular systems of how to pronounce the English words. For EFL/ESL learners in general, to pronounce the English words intelligibly they must refer to a standard dictionary which also means they have to understand how to use and read the dictionary systematically. To understand and improve the production of the various sounds and the supra-segmental features of English as a foreign language, it is suggested to use English songs. This research paper is discussed descriptive-qualitatively based on the authors’ experience as a foreign language learners and teachers. It is discussed how using songs in the English classroom can help students fix their English pronunciation. Supported with a simple questionnaire given to secondary school students, it is also found that most students can fix their pronunciation and they have a strong interest in listening and understanding popular English songs.
Kalembo Ade as an Instrument of Resolving Conflict among Mbojo Community: A Study an Speech Act Muhammad Sahrain; Lalu Ari Irawan
Journal of Languages and Language Teaching Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jollt.v6i2.1263


This study aims at describing variation of meaning carried in kalembo ade as an instrument of resolving conflict among individuals and groups in Mbojo community by applying speech act analysis. Data were collected from speech events in Mbojo community and further analyzed descriptively. One type of speech acts was taken by considering its relevancy towards to focus of this study, i.e. expressive. Results showed that kalembo ade dealt with one of types of speech acts, i.e. Expressive type. The expression was found to reflect some actions, including condolences, apologies, greetings, thanksgivings, refusal, and congratulations. Hence, by viewing the context of usage, members of Mbojo community used this expression as an instrument in communication to resolve conflict, in which the phrase was used as tool to control verbal interaction during a speech event.
Developing English Materials Based on Saintific Approach through Islamic Content for Islamic Senior High School Students Arif Rahman; Masnayadi Masnayadi; Nerim Nerim; Muslim Muslim
Journal of Languages and Language Teaching Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jollt.v6i2.1259


This curent study conducts research and development aiming to developed an appropriate English Instructional materials for Islamic characters based on saintific approach in 2013 Curriculum. Futhermore, this study were carried out at second and the third grade of Islamic Junior High School  Mataram with total number 30 students involved as well as participants. In the phase of obtaining information, needs analysis and trying out, this study utilized a reserch and development study with saintific approach i.e. observing, associating, experimenting, associating and communicating. This study utilized needs analysis as main instrument in composing the English instructional materials through Scientific Approach, official approach of 2013 Curriculum. The product of the study shows that an English textbook, the four major skills of english were balance improved,i.e. listening, speaking, reading and writing. All of the materials are appropriate with the saintific aprroach in 2013 Curriculum  and the contents refer to students’ Islamic character. The materials are for second and thisd grade of Islamic junior hihg School which are laid out into seven units. To summ up,  the laid out and composition of the english material were developed  based on Scientific Approach in term of steps and exercises of learning materials.
The Use of Mind Mapping to Improve Motivation in Learning Vocabulary of Second Grade Students at MTS NW Mispalah Praya Tri Setianingsih; Moh Rosihan; Sulastri Pardani
Journal of Languages and Language Teaching Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jollt.v6i2.1264


This research was aimed to describe the use of mind mapping technique be able to improving students’motivation.The subject of this study was 37 students at second grade students of MTs. NW Mispalah Praya. In which consist of 25 males and 12 females. It is was classroom action research with one cycle, each cycle of four steps: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The data gathering used observation sheet and test and analyzed by using quantitative and qualitative approach. At the result of pre-test was failed where the mean score of pre-test was 65 and class percentage was 52% and the result of the first cycle that the mean score was 70,4 and the class percentage was 100% indicating the target of 70 of the minimum criterion has been achieved, it means that the action was stopped
Language Employment in Children of Two Years Old in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara Barat Hilda Hastuti; Wiya Suktiningsih
Journal of Languages and Language Teaching Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jollt.v6i2.1260


This research aims to describe language acquisition in children age 2 years especially in the realm of syntax at PAUD Santa Maria Mataram City. This research is synchronic research used the qualitative method which was descriptive method. The subject of this research was the children age 2 years at PAUD Santa Maria and the object of this research was language acquisition which was the acquisition of declarative, interrogative, and imperative.  The data was collected by simak libat baca technique and simak libat catat.  After the data was analyzed, the data was classified into the acquisition of declarative, interrogative, and imperative. Based on the data analysis that has done, found language acquisition of children age two years from April to May were 54 declaratives, 18 imperatives, and 13 interrogatives. The result of this study also shows that the children age 2 years are more likely used declarative sentences than interrogative and imperative in the daily conversation.

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