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JOLLT Journal of Languages and Language Teaching
ISSN : 23380810     EISSN : 26211378     DOI : 10.33394
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Articles 417 Documents
Indefatigable Willingness to Accomplish Objectives: The Relationship Between EFL Learners’ Motivation and Autonomy Fatemeh Khonamri; Khazar Molana; Marzie Danaei; Mohammad Kazemian
Journal of Languages and Language Teaching Vol 8, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jollt.v8i4.2960


The common widespread interest in the socio-cultural aspect of language learning among applied linguists has made ESL researchers draw attention to learners' motivation and autonomy in the European and Asian educational circles. The rationale of this study is to pinpoint the relationship between EFL learners’ motivation and autonomy. To gather relevant data, motivation and autonomy questionnaires were distributed among 100 EFL learners, who were chosen through Quick Placement Test (QPT), and were put them into B2, C1, and C2 levels of linguistic proficiency based on Common European Framework Rubric (CEFR) model. To fulfill the objectives of this study, both descriptive and inferential statistics were utilized in the process of data analysis. Regarding the statistical analysis, learners’ motivation significantly correlated with their autonomy. Additionally, it was found that there was a significant positive correlation between autonomy and intrinsic motivation, while the correlation between autonomy and extrinsic motivation was significant but negative. This study can shine a light on language teaching in general and in particular on the relationship between EFL learners' motivation and autonomy.
Journal of Languages and Language Teaching Vol 4, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jollt.v4i2.322


This research was aimed to know whether the " Pyramid Discussion" can give a significant influence toward the students' writing skill at the second year students’ of SMA Darul Hikmah in the Academic Year of 2016/2017. The research design of this study was pre-experimental design with pre-test and post-test one group only. The population of this research was the second grade student of SMA Darul Hikmah Mataram in the Academic Year of 2016/2017 that consist of 33 students with 18 males and 15 females students. Meanwhile, the instrument of this research was pre-writing test. The technique of data analysis were descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. Based on the result of the data analysis as the mean score of pre-test was 22.5 and the mean score of post-test was 28.2 Whereas the score of t-test was 9.24 the score of t-table was 1.68 with 32 of freedom degree it was the confidence level of 0.05 or 90% the findings indicated that the value of t-test was higher than the value of t-table (9.24 >1.684). The conclusion of this research showed that " Pyramid Discussion" was significantly influenced the students' writing skill at the second year students’ of SMA Darul Hikmah in the Academic Year of 2016/2017. It can be conferred that the null hypothesis (Ho) was  rejected and therefore the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. Finally the researcher may conclude that the use of pyramid discussion in teaching writing was significantly influenced.
The Effectiveness of Using English Movie with English Subtittles in Teaching Vocabulary at the Eighth Year Students Of SMPN 1 Selong in the Academic Year of 2018/2019 Husnul Lail
Journal of Languages and Language Teaching Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jollt.v6i2.1261


This investigation was aimed to identify the effectiveness of using English movie with English subtitles in teaching vocabulary in the form comprehension of descriptive text at the eighth year students of SMPN 1 Selong Lombok Timur in the academic year of2018/2019. Learning out comes in this research included learning achievement in the form of cognitive skill and vocabulary mastery. This research was a quasi-experimental research. The population is the whole class VIIISMPN1Selong. Sampling was done by random sampling technique for the population in the unit class. Samples of study were class VIIIA as a control class that uses conventional teaching (lectures) and VIIIB as an experimental class that use media movie with subtitles. The data were obtained through pre test to know the students’ ability. Statistical test used to test the hypothesis was Mann Whitney U test with a normal curve approach Z performed on the data post-test. Data post-test showed at the 0.05significance level, the value of Z table=1.99, and Z count (3.25)>Z table (1.99). Because Z count is greater than Z table, then Ha accepted and Ho is rejected. It was found that the result of this research was the using of media movie with English subtitles was effective in increasing knowledge of vocabulary in class VIII SMAN 1Selong Lombok Timur in the academic year of 2018/2019.
An Analysis of Recount Text in English Textbooks Used by Tenth Grade Students Riana br. Sianipar; Dewi Sartika Sianturi; Sintia Anastasia Situmorang; Perius Gulo; Erikson Saragih
Journal of Languages and Language Teaching Vol 8, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jollt.v8i2.2280


This study was aimed at investigating the extent to which recount texts in two selected English textbooks meet the recount text criteria and to find out the similarities and differences of the recount texts between the two selected English textbooks. This study employed a descriptive qualitative method. The data in this study were four forms of recount texts taken from the two selected textbooks. Data analysis was done through analyzing, displaying, reducing, and drawing a conclusion. The data of this study include the generic structure, social objectives, and linguistic elements. The results of the analysis showed findings as follows: (1) four forms of the recount texts in the English textbooks have met the generic structure criteria, namely orientation, event, and reorientation; (2) one of the four recount texts fulfilled social goals; and (3) the four recount texts fulfilled the linguistic element. In short, the recount texts in English textbooks were similar to in terms of linguistic elements and type of process, while differences were found in terms of social goals and generic structure.
Effect of Using Web-Blog on Writing Instruction for English Language Learners Taufik Arochman; Rolisda Yosintha
Journal of Languages and Language Teaching Vol 8, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jollt.v8i4.2797


This study was aimed to find out the effectiveness of an intervention using a Web blog to enhance the academic writing of English Language Learners. It tries to reveal whether there is any effect in the writing ability of the students taught using Web blog (online) and that of those taught without using it (offline). This study was classified as quasi-experimental research. The sample of this research was 64 students of X Unggulan Classes (XU1 and XU2) at the secondary school level in central java. Class XU2 was chosen as the Experimental Group taught using Web blog media as the treatment employed, whereas Class XU1 as the Control Group, which was not given the treatment (employed other media). Between the beginning and the end of the study, they were given three months of treatment. The results showed that there was an important effect in the writing ability of the students taught using Web blog and that of those taught without using it. It can be seen in the result of the hypothesis testing that the t-observed (2.028) is higher than the t-table (1.671).
Journal of Languages and Language Teaching Vol 4, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jollt.v4i1.299


The aims of this research was to find out whether learning cell has an effect toward students’ reading ability at the eight year students of SMPN 4 Lingsar Lombok Barat in The Academic Year of 2016/2017. This research was an experimental research consists of four classes as population and one class taken as sample by using purposive sampling technique.  In sustaining the research result, the data was collected by using a reading test in the form of multiple choices and creativity questionnaires. Then, the data were analyzed by using statistic and descriptive analysis. Based on The data analysis, it can be found that the average score of experimental group was 61.72 for the reading test meanwhile for the creativity mean score was 14.05. To know the correlation level the researcher used r-test in which the result was 1.059 in other word it has a strong correlation level. Then to know the significance correlation of the result, the score was identified by using t-test, the result shows that t0 (t-obtain) > tt (t-table) or 17.738 > 1.69. Thus, it can be concluded that learning cell has a significant effect toward the students’ reading at SMPN 4 Lingsar Lombok Barat in The Academic Year of 2016/2017.
Syndicate Learning: An Alternative Approach for Teaching Extensive Reading Dian Novita
Journal of Languages and Language Teaching Vol 6, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jollt.v6i1.810


Extensive Reading subject has important benefits for EFL learners. The main purpose of the subject is to raise the positive reading habit for the students. However, for most students, Extensive Reading is not an easy subject to complete. This paper describes the implementation of syndicate learning approach in Extensive Reading subject at English Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo. The students’ perceptions of the approach were collected through survey research with opinionative with Likert scales as the instrument. In addition, there were 16 participants engaged in the study. The results showed that majority of the students gave positive views of syndicate learning approach for both as the individual participant and the member of group. The study is expected to contribute a solution for problems may rise in Extensive Reading subject.
Artificial Intelligence to Master English Listening Skills for Non-English Major Students Irfan Suryana; Asrianto Asrianto; Didik Murwantono
Journal of Languages and Language Teaching Vol 8, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jollt.v8i1.2221


Technology plays an important role in people’s day-to-day life and various aspects of life  including education also use technology. Artificial Intelligence is regarded as an example of the advancement of technology. The purpose of this study is to investigate students’ perceptions of using Artificial Intelligence mobile applications to improve English listening skills. It was under phenomenological qualitative research characterized by an interdisciplinary approach, mainly education and technology. The online interview was used to gain information from students’ on the specific theme of artificial intelligence mobile applications in improving English listening skills. The survey consists of seven questions which become category such as 1. The Knowledge of Artificial Intelligence; 2. The Knowledge of Tune In, Joox Music, VOA Learning English Listening every day, and Netflix; 3. The Use of the Applications; 4. The Reason to Use the Applications; 5. The Use of Applications in Improving English listening Skills; 6. The Influence of the Applications toward The Users; 7. The Most Effective and Efficient Applications to Improve English Listening Skills. This survey was conducted at the Faculty of Psychology in Universitas Sarjanawiyata took part in this study. Participants were three females and two males. The results showed that the most effective and efficient Artificial Intelligence mobile application to improve English listening skills is Netflix.
A Study on Students’ Ability in Reading Descriptive Text; A Case Study at SMAN 1 Sikur Ahmad Zuhri Rosyidi; Darmanto Darmanto
Journal of Languages and Language Teaching Vol 8, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jollt.v8i3.2723


This study was intended to find out the students’ ability in reading descriptive text. Reading skills are considered as an important skill and are uneasy to acquire. In this study, there were 40 students of the second year students of SMAN 1 Sikur are involved as the subject of this study. The method used in this research is a quantitative study. In collecting the data, the writer used a reading test. The data were analyzed through basic statistical computation. To find out their ability and difficulties in reading descriptive text, the test was used which consists of 25 items to students in the form of multiple choice. The test score for each item was 0.4 points. The result of data analysis showed that the mean score of the second year students of SMAN 1 Sikur in reading the descriptive text was fairly good. There were 21 (52.5%) students who were in a high position and 19 (47.5%) students were in a low position. Although 52.5% of students in a high position and 47.5% in a low position, the students’ mean score shows a low position, it is 7.2 mean score which classified as fairly good. Therefore, the ability of the second year students of SMAN 1 Sikur has not been in a high position which is categorized from excellent to good score level. This is caused by the lack of reading strategy and vocabulary. The two weaknesses become students’ difficulties in reading descriptive text.
The Value and Character Building Education in Folklore from Bataknese "Sigale-Gale" Ria Anita Sipahutar; Remlina Wati Sianturi; Yenita Sembiring
Journal of Languages and Language Teaching Vol 9, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jollt.v9i1.3228


Education is the learning of knowledge, the skills of every person that are passed down from generation to generation for one generation. But in education, it is also essential to learn the formation of good character. In this relevant research, especially those that raise Folklore as the object of study, only a few people know about it. Folklore is a medium that can use as a means of forming positive characters in children through moral values and character education contained in the story. This type of research is qualitative descriptive obtained, analyzed, and analyzed in writing to describe the moral values and character building contained in the Toba Batak folklore "Sigale-gale." Data collection was carried out by reading the Sigale-gale folklore text repeatedly and identifying the data in the form of keywords related to the values forming the characters in the story. Furthermore, the collected data were analyzed using content analysis techniques. The results showed that there were four character-forming values in the Sigale-gale Folklore; namely hard work, curious, friendly, and wise. 

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