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Bioscientist : Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi
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Bioscientist : Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi (BJIB), receiving and publishing article in the form of research (scientific article) in the field of biology education and utilization of biological research in learning. Moreover, this journal bridges the gap between research and practice, providing information, ideas and opinion, in addition to critical examinations of biology research and teaching. Through the coverage of policy and curriculum developments, the latest results of research into the teaching, learning and assessment of biology are brought to the fore. Special emphasize are as follow: 1. Research on Learning Biology (Biology Learning Materials at All Education Levels). 2. Pure Research of Biology Developed or Studied to the Sources, Materials, or Instructional Media Biology (Biology Learning Materials at All Education Levels and Application in Society). 3. Curriculum of Biology Education at all Education Levels. 4. Class Action Research (CAR) and Lesson Study in Biology. 5. Other Qualitative Research of Biology Education. 6. The School Management and Biology/Science Laboratory Management. 7. Biology Learning Evaluation. 8. Teacher Professional Issues/Trends in Biology Education. 9. Another Study for the Scope of Biology Education. 10. Research on Environmental Education.
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Pengolahan Limbah Organik Pasar Menggunakan Reaktor Cacing Tanah (Lumbricus rubellus) dengan Metode Continuous Flow Bin Mashur Mashur; Hunaepi Hunaepi; Kemas Usman; Iwan Desimal
Bioscientist : Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Vol 8, No 2 (2020): December
Publisher : Department of Biology Education, FSTT, Mandalika University of Education, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/bjib.v8i2.3239


Market waste is the second largest waste after household waste. Vegetable and fruit waste is the largest organic waste that comes from market waste. Various waste management efforts have been carried out by the government and the community, but have not completely resolved the waste problem. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of market organic waste processing using an earthworm reactor (Lumbricus rubellus) with a modified Continuous Flow Bin method on cocoon production, biomass, and exmecat. This study used an experimental method with a completely randomized design (CRD), with three treatments of a continuous flow bin modified three types of mixed media materials to increase cocoon production, biomass, and exmecat quality. The results showed that the type of reactor had a significant effect (P ≤ 0.05) on cocoon production, the amount of biomass, biomass weight, broodstock mortality, exmecat production, media temperature, and media humidity, but had no effect on media pH. The use of reactor 2 (R2) with a mixture of 50% horse feces + 50% rice straw + feed 50 grams / day / nest box for market organic waste is the best reactor compared to reactor 1 (R1) and reactor 3 (R3). The amount of organic waste that can be processed by earthworms (Lumbricus rubellus) either as a medium or as feed is an average of 4.35 kg / nest box for 40 days of cultivation with a stocking density of 25 grams of earthworms / nest box. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the ability of earthworms (Lumbricus rubellus) to process market organic waste using the modified Continuous Flow Bin method can reach 4.35 times their body weight / day. Thus, this waste processing method can be a complete solution to solving market organic waste management problems.
Pengembangan Petunjuk Praktikum Biologi SMA melalui Metode Daring untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Proses Sains Siswa Ida Royani; Ali Imran
Bioscientist : Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Vol 8, No 2 (2020): December
Publisher : Department of Biology Education, FSTT, Mandalika University of Education, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/bjib.v8i2.3157


The purpose of this study was to develop online methodology for high school biology practicum instructions and their effectiveness on students' science process skills. The subjects in this study were students of class X IPA SMA Al-Hamzar Tembeng Putik, Wanasaba District, East Lombok Regency. The type of research used is development research that produces products in the form of high school biology practicum instructions with online methods. The development procedure carried out in this study is in accordance with the steps based on the Borg & Gall model, with the following stages: 1) research and data collection; 2) planning; 3) development of the initial product draft; 4) initial field trials; 5) revised trial results; 6) field test of the main product; 7) product revision; 8) wide-scale field trials / feasibility tests; 9) final product revision; and 10) dissemination and implementation. This research is only up to the 7th stage. The research instrument used was the observation sheet and the validation sheet. The results showed that the high school biology practicum guide developed using the online method, based on the results of the validation that has been done, the score is 2.96 which is included in the valid category. As for the students' science process skills, the score was 70.5 in the skilled category, 81.5 in the highly skilled category, and 92 in the very skilled category.
Pengaruh Metode Role Playing terhadap Hasil Belajar Kognitif Ditinjau dari Aktivitas Belajar Siswa Asrorul Azizi; Irwansah Irwansah
Bioscientist : Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Vol 8, No 2 (2020): December
Publisher : Department of Biology Education, FSTT, Mandalika University of Education, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/bjib.v8i2.3094


The method of role playing in learning is a teaching and learning process in which students themselves are mentally active, building their knowledge, which is based on the cognitive structure they have. The teacher has a more role as a facilitator and mediator of learning. This study aims to determine the effect of role playing methods on cognitive learning outcomes in terms of student learning activities. The research method used is a quasi-experimental method. The research design used a "post-test only control group design" which involved two classes, namely the experimental class and the control class. The population in this study were all students of class X MIA MA Darul Aminin NW Aikmual, Central Lombok Regency. While the research sample was 39 students of class X MIA at the MA. Student learning outcomes were measured using a test in the form of multiple choice questions, and student learning activities were obtained using a questionnaire. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the role playing method has an effect on student cognitive learning outcomes, because the significance value is 0.046 <0.05. The student learning activity factor for the cognitive domain obtained a significance value of 0.030 <0.05. The data shows that, student learning activities affect student cognitive learning outcomes. The interaction of the role palying method with student learning activities for the cognitive domain obtained a significance value of 0.227 <0.05, so this data shows that there is an interaction between the role playing method and student learning activities on student cognitive learning outcomes.
Pengembangan Handout Mikrobiologi Berbasis Hasil Penelitian Antagonisme Fungi Antagonis terhadap Fungi Patogen pada Tanaman Stroberi Izzatinnisa’ Izzatinnisa’; Utami Sri Hastuti; Abdul Gofur
Bioscientist : Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Vol 8, No 2 (2020): December
Publisher : Department of Biology Education, FSTT, Mandalika University of Education, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/bjib.v8i2.2765


The objectives of this study were: 1) to produce a Microbiology handout based on the results of the study of Antagonistic Fungi Antagonism against Pathogenic Fungi in Strawberry Plants; and 2) testing the feasibility and practicality of the handout. This type of research is development research. The development model used in this research is the ADDIE model which consists of 5 stages, namely: Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate. The handout material was selected based on the results of the needs analysis by the respondent students of the Biology Study Program, FMIPA, State University of Malang. Handout eligibility data obtained from the results of validation by microbiology material experts and learning media experts. Meanwhile, the handout practicality data was obtained from the readability assessment results of Biology Study Program students who were currently taking the Microbiology course. The results showed that, the percentage of eligibility of handout material by the expert validator of microbiology material was 99.53% with very high or very valid eligibility criteria. The percentage of eligibility of handouts by instructional media expert validators is 98.14% with very high or very valid eligibility criteria. The percentage of practicality tests by students who were taking the Microbiology course resulted in 89.89% with very high practicality criteria. The results showed that research results-based Microbiology handouts were very feasible and practical to be used in microbiology learning activities.
Uji Lanjutan Isolasi dan Identifikasi Bakteri pada Bioaktivator dari Limbah Bonggol Pisang (MOL) dalam Proses Pengomposan Sampah Organik Rumah Tangga Dini Yuliansari; Enida Fatmalia
Bioscientist : Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Vol 8, No 2 (2020): December
Publisher : Department of Biology Education, FSTT, Mandalika University of Education, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/bjib.v8i2.3066


One of the factors of plant fertility is influenced by the addition of compost which contains bioactivators. One of the bioactivators that can be used in the composting process traditionally is using MOL (Local Microorganisms). MOL from banana stem is an alternative material that can be used as a starter in the composting process. This study aims to isolate and identify N-fixing bacteria and phosphate solvents that work in the composting process of household organic waste using banana steam waste as MOL for bioactivators. This research is experimental. The making sample of MOL and the process of bacterial isolation were carried out in the STTL Mataram Laboratory, then identification of the type of bacteria was carried out at The Balai Laboratorium Kesehatan dan Kalibrasi. The results showed that the bacteria identified in the MOL sample were Pseudomonas sp. and Citrobacter freundii.
Potensi Pengembangan Ekowisata Berbasis Masyarakat di Kawasan Hutan Selelos Kabupaten Lombok Utara R. Didi Kuswara; Nurmiati Nurmiati
Bioscientist : Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Vol 8, No 2 (2020): December
Publisher : Department of Biology Education, FSTT, Mandalika University of Education, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/bjib.v8i2.2970


The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of natural and cultural resources, to know the perceptions, participation and aspirations of the community and to develop a community-based ecotourism development strategy in Selelos Village, Gangga District, North Lombok Regency. This type of research is a descriptive qualitative case study and exploratory descriptive to find the potential in the form of biodiversity in the Selelos forest area. Data collection was carried out by observing the biodiversity in it, testing water quality, and using a questionnaire to 50 community respondents and 7 respondents from the village government. The results showed that Selelos Village has a forest area ecosystem that holds several potentials to be developed into ecotourism, including: waterfalls, springs, customary forests, and plantations (agro-tourism). In addition, it has a diversity of flora and fauna, there are about 13 high-level plant families with many species in it, as well as about 5 families of fauna and there are also endemic animals such as partridge and deer (senggah). Of the four springs quality tested, all of them are suitable as raw material for drinking water. Meanwhile, based on the questionnaire analysis, the community and village government will work together in developing and managing ecotourism. Based on the SWOT analysis, the strategy used in developing ecotourism is to take advantage of the strengths of opportunity (S-O), among others; mapping the potential of ecotourism, developing special ecotourism such as agro-tourism, synergizing ecotourism with local culture and customs, equipping, providing facilities and infrastructure, and improving human resources.
Validitas Petunjuk Praktikum Bioteknologi Berbasis Guided Inquiry untuk Peserta Didik SMA di Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat Fitri Rahmawati; Sahratullah Sahratullah
Bioscientist : Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Vol 8, No 2 (2020): December
Publisher : Department of Biology Education, FSTT, Mandalika University of Education, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/bjib.v8i2.3113


This study aims to determine the validity of guided inquiry-based biotechnology practicum guidelines for high school students in West Sumbawa Regency. The development model used in this research is the 4D development model, with details of the stages, namely: 1) define; 2) design / design; 3) develop / development; and 4) disseminate / spread. This research uses a quantitative descriptive approach. The research data were collected using instruments, namely validation sheets (construct and content) for two expert validators, as well as legibility test sheets for high school students. The research sample consisted of 28 students of class XII IPA at SMAN 2 Taliwang. The data from the validation results were analyzed using the mean score analysis and validation criteria. The results showed that, the results of the validation by constructors were very valid with a mean score of 3.75 and a percentage of 93.75% with very good criteria. The results of the validation by content experts were valid with a mean score of 3.17 and a percentage of 87.51% with very good criteria. While the legibility test results showed the mean score of all aspects assessed was 68.61 and the percentage value was 71.47% with easy criteria. The conclusion of this study is that guided inquiry-based biotechnology practicum instructions for students can be applied in practicum activities on Biotechnology material for class XII IPA SMA in West Sumbawa Regency.
Pemanfaatan Citrus hystrix DC oleh Pedagang Tumbuhan Obat di Pasar Tradisional Kabanjahe Kabupaten Karo Marina Silalahi
Bioscientist : Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Vol 8, No 2 (2020): December
Publisher : Department of Biology Education, FSTT, Mandalika University of Education, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/bjib.v8i2.3154


Citrus hystrix or Jeruk Purut is a type of Rutaceae family that is used as food and traditional medicinal ingredients. Various traditional dishes in Indonesia use Citrus hystrix as a cooking spice and are believed to give a distinctive and refreshing aroma. The use of plants as cooking spices or medicines is related to their bioactive compounds, especially in their use as medicine. The purpose of this study was to explain the relationship between the use of Citrus hystrix and its bioactivity. This study combines market surveys in several traditional markets in North Sumatra and literature studies on the results of research published online and offline about the bioactivity of Citrus hystrix. Respondents in this study were all medicinal plant traders who trade Citrus hystrix. Some of the keywords used for online searches are Citrus hystrix and bioactivity of Citrus hystrix, then they are synthesized so they can explain the purpose. Citrus hystrix has long been traded in the traditional markets of Kabanjahe, Berastagi, and Pancur Batu under the local name "Rimo Mungkur". The local people of North Sumatra, especially the Batak ethnic group, use Citrus hystrix as an ingredient for various ritual events and as a medicinal ingredient. In traditional medicine Citrus hystrix is used to treat fever, fractures, oukup (traditional sauna), malnutrition. Bioactivity of Citrus hystrix is antioxidant, anticancer, antimicrobial, hepatoprotective, and aromatherapy. The bioactivity of Citrus hystrix is thought to be related to its essential oil content, especially limonene, citronellal, and β-pinene. Citrus hystrix is a nautracetical plant that has the potential to be developed as a natural preservative for food and for aromatherapy.
Pengembangan Handout Mikrobiologi Berdasarkan Hasil Penelitian Antagonisme Kapang Antagonis terhadap Kapang Patogen pada Tanaman Buah Naga (Hylocereus sp.) Aziz Tanama; Utami Sri Hastuti; Abdul Gofur
Bioscientist : Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Vol 8, No 2 (2020): December
Publisher : Department of Biology Education, FSTT, Mandalika University of Education, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/bjib.v8i2.2763


This research aims to produce teaching materials in the form of valid and practical Microbiology handouts based on the research "Antagonism of Antagonistic Fungi against Pathogenic Fungi". This type of research is development research. This development research was carried out by following the instructional design stages with the ADDIE approach, which consisted of 5 stages, namely: Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate. The data on the feasibility of handout teaching materials were obtained from the results of validation by microbiology material experts and teaching materials expert. While the handout readability test was conducted by respondent students of the Undergraduate Biology Education Study Program, FKIP, University of Muhammadiyah Malang. The results showed that the percentage of eligibility of handout material by material expert validators was 96.52% with very valid criteria with little improvement. The percentage of feasibility of handouts by teaching materials expert is 100% with very valid criteria. The percentage of readability test by respondent students was 90.10% with very high readability criteria. The results of this study indicate that the handout teaching material is very feasible and practical to be used by students / lecturers in microbiology learning activities on the material "Antagonism of Antagonistic Fungi against Pathogenic Fungi in Plants".
Prospective Science-Teachers’ Services Satisfaction: an Exploratory Studies in Private Education Institutions in Indonesia Saiful Prayogi; Taufik Samsuri; Ni Nyoman Sri Putu Verawati; Rahmawati Rahmawati
Bioscientist : Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Vol 8, No 2 (2020): December
Publisher : Department of Biology Education, FSTT, Mandalika University of Education, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/bjib.v8i2.3269


This study aims to explore the prospective science-teachers’ services satisfaction in private educational institution in Indonesia. Intended educational institution in this study is the Institute of Teacher Training and Education (IKIP) Mataram, Province of West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. This study is a survey research, where data is collected using a questionnaire containing the statement items of services satisfaction on the aspects of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibility. Questionnaires were given to prospective-teachers who were actively studying and felt the services provided by the institution. Respondents involved as many as 282 prospective science-teachers, each of respondents from three study programs namely biology education, physics education, and chemistry education. The results of measurements of prospective science-teachers’ services satisfaction in IKIP Mataram on the aspects of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibility in a row with very good responses of 17.59%, good responses of 60.64%, sufficient responses of 13.76%, and less responses of 8.01%. The recommendation in this study is that private education institutions need to continue to improve services in all aspects, especially the most dominant is the tangible aspect.

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