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Agroradix : Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian
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Core Subject : Agriculture,
AGRORADIX "Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian" : is a research journal published by agriculture faculty, Darul ‘Ulum Islamic University (UNISDA) of Lamongan. Agroradix provides a forum for the publication of scientific articles in the scope of agricultural sciences with priority on plantation, horticulture, crop protection, and aspects of postharvest. This journal is published twice times annually, June and December.
Articles 153 Documents
AGRORADIX : Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 1 No 1 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : Agriculture faculty, Darul ‘Ulum Islamic University (UNISDA) of Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52166/agroteknologi.v1i1.640


The efforts increased crop productivity requires the support of genetically superior seed supply, physical, and physiological as well as have a high power of adaptation to the environment grows. Low crop productivity caused by poor quality seeds used and the power of adaptation at low lingkunganyang especially in suboptimal environmental conditions. Efforts to enhance an already germinated the seeds of decline can be done by soaking the seeds in water (hydropriming) and various salt solutions (Osmoconditioning) as well as using organic material solids (Mafriconditioning). This research was carried out in the village of Sambigalih Sub-district Karang Sugio lamongan. This study used a Randomized Design Group (RAK) factorial pattern to two factors, namely: the fertilizer assortment of leaves (P) and soaking the seeds (L). Leaf fertilizer concentration factor consists of 3 levels namely: Regina Gandapan Leaf Fertilizer (P1), fertilizer Fertisim (P2), fertilizer Leaves Gandasil B (P3). Soaking the seed factor consists of three levels, namely: Water Solution (L1), solution of PGPR (L2) and solution of ZPT (L3). The best combination i.e. soaking of seed treatment with a solution of pgpr and regina gandapan leaf fertilizers (P1L2).
AGRORADIX : Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 1 No 1 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : Agriculture faculty, Darul ‘Ulum Islamic University (UNISDA) of Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52166/agroteknologi.v1i1.641


The increase in the production of sprouts can be carried out using the correct techniques of cultivation and fertilization, i.e. (timely, appropriate doses and on target) so that the results can be further maximized production in cultivation. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of the giving EM 4 and Gandasil D with different concentration towards growth and the production of plant water spinach (Ipomoea reptans L). Research methods include random design group (RAK) factorial consisting of 2 factors of treatment and three replicates: Factor I: concentration of EM4 with 3 levels: E1 = 5 ml. litre water ¹ ̄, E2 =: 10 ml. litre water ¹ ̄, E3:15 ml. litre water ¹ ̄. Factor II: concentration of Gandasil D with 3 levels namely: G1 = 1 g. liter water ¹ ̄, G2 = 3 g. liter ̄ ¹ air, G3 = 5 g. liter ̄ ¹ water. From the results it can be concluded that: 1. There is a concentration of treatment interactions granting EM 4 and Gandasil fertilizer on plant height of D at the age of 10 and 20 days after planting; the number of leaves at the age of 15 days after planting and 20; the number of shoots 10 days after planting; root length 30 days after planting; heavy plant persampel 30 days after planting. on treatment of the grant granting concentrations EM 4 (E2 = 10 ml. litre water ¹ ̄) and Gandasil D (G2 = 3 grams. ¹ ̄ litres water) or where the treatment the E2G2 gives the best results towards growth and the production of plant water spinach (Ipomoea reptana. L.); 2. There is a significant difference between the treatment of granting the concentration EM 4 and Gandasil D. plant age 15 and; the number of leaves at the age of 10 days after planting; on the number of shoots, there is the very real difference at age 15 days after planting, and different real at the age of 20 days after planting; 3. Combination treatment concentrations EM 4 (E2 = 10ml. iter ̄ ¹ water) and Gandasil D (G2 = 3 grams. ¹ ̄ litres water) or E2G2 best results towards growth and the production of plant water spinach (Ipomoea reptana. L.).
AGRORADIX : Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 1 No 1 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : Agriculture faculty, Darul ‘Ulum Islamic University (UNISDA) of Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52166/agroteknologi.v1i1.642


Abstract : Production of the Cayenne Pepper belongs to is still low compared to curly, chili farmers prefer to plant a chili pepper instead of curly and the average farmer who planted cayenne pepper in it has been still is traditional in nature. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of dose of fertilizer and fertilizer sublima micro java green towards the growth and production of the Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum frutescen L.). This research method using random design group (RAK) factorial which is composed of two factors, namely: treatment of factor 1 is a dose of fertilizer SUBLIMA (S), while the factor of 2 is a Micro fertilizer dosage (M). Factor 1: S1:5 kg/ha, S2:4 kg/ha, S3:3 kg/ha. Factor 2: MI: 5 kg/ha, M2:4 kg/ha, M3:3 kg/ha. Conclusion of this research is that the parameters of the vegetative growth occurred the interaction between fertilizer and fertilizer sublima micro java green on a high number of parameters of the plant, the leaves and the number of branches at the age of 14, 21, 28.35 days after planting. On the generative parameters occur an interaction between fertilizer and fertilizer sublima micro java green on fruit length parameters, number of pieces, and the weight of the fruit. . The best treatment combinations refractory the fertilizer with a dose of sublime awarding 4 kg/ha and fertilizer micro java green with a dose of 4 kg/ha.
Respon Pemberian Pupuk MKP dan Jarak Tanam Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Cabai Rawit (Capsicum frustescens L.). Muhammad Imam Aminuddin
AGRORADIX : Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 1 No 1 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : Agriculture faculty, Darul ‘Ulum Islamic University (UNISDA) of Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52166/agroteknologi.v1i1.643


Cayenne Pepper production in East Java province by 2012 amounted to 244,040 Tonnes declining in 2013 become 226,990 Tons, whereas in Lamongan production of cayenne pepper going rise in 2011 a total of 9661.90 Tons in the year 2012 be a total amounting to 15,447 tons. The purpose of this research is to know the response the granting of MKP fertilizer and planting distance towards the growth and production of the cayenne pepper. This research was performed using Random Design methods Group (RAK) factorial, which consisted of two factors. Factor I namely Fertilizer MKP (P) consists of 4 levels, among other things: P1 = 1.5 grams. liter-1; P2 = 3 grams. liter-1; P3 = 4.5 g. liter-1; P4 = 6 grams. liter-1. While the Factor II namely trunks (J), consisting of: JI = 60 × 40 cm; J2 = 60 x 50 cm; J3 = 60 x 60 cm. The conclusions of this research are there interaction treatment granting MKP fertilizer concentration and trunks on the variables number of strands of leaf age 35 hst; the number of branches age 21 and 28 hst hst; percentage of the flower becomes fruit age 56 and 63 hst hst; the number of fruit per sample on the treatment of granting fertilizer MKP4 .5 grams. liter-1 trunks and 60 x 50 cm. best treatment Combinations shown on the treatment of the grant MKP fertilizer 4.5 g. liter-1 trunks and 60 x 50 cm.
AGRORADIX : Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 1 No 1 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : Agriculture faculty, Darul ‘Ulum Islamic University (UNISDA) of Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52166/agroteknologi.v1i1.644


This research aims to analyze: (1) financial feasibility of cultivating tanamam Banyan Village Tulungwanar dollars in the Sub Shoots lamongan. (2) the rate of increase in sensitivity to the cost of production, a decrease in production and a decrease in output prices in the village of tulung wanar sub shoots lamongan. The location of the research conducted in the village of Tulungwanar Sub-district Shoots Lamongan. The data used are the primary data and secondary data. Data analysis is the analysis of quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis. Quantitative analysis of financial feasibility analyse (B/C Ratio, NPV, IRR, and PP) and analysis of rate sensitivity by using the DF 15%. Qualitative descriptive analysis is used to find out the feasibility of aspects of cultivation, technical aspects, and aspects of the market. Data collection was carried out in February 2016. The results showed that (1) the intensive Cultivation of crops in the villages of Tulungwanar dollar Banyan Sub Shoots Lamongan deserves to be organised with the Gross value of the B/C Ratio amounted to 4.7; NET B/C Ratio 9.94; NPV of Rp 278,880,609; IRR of 35%. (2) the possibility of cost of production goes up 10%, 25% production decrease, or a decrease in output prices 10% of farming the cultivation of crops in the State of the dollar is still to be viable and profitable. (3) the aspect of the cultivation of climate and rainfall according to plant Banyan dollars. The technical aspect of the majority of farmers are still using simple technology, a lot of technology that is available has not been applied. Aspects of the market even though in terms of sales is not just like any other crop cultivation yet still decent and still very promising.
AGRORADIX : Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 1 No 1 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : Agriculture faculty, Darul ‘Ulum Islamic University (UNISDA) of Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52166/agroteknologi.v1i1.645


To increase the maximum green beans production strongly depends from the available land area, technology and systems of cultivation. One of the system or the way it is with the application of cultivation planting distance and frequency of spraying. This research was carried out in the village of Cungkup Sub-district Shoots lamongan. Located at an altitude of place ± 8 meters above sea level. This study used a Randomized Design Group (RAK) factorial. Factor 1: trunks (J) 20 cm x 10 cm, 30 cm and 40 cm x 20 cm x 10 cm. 2 Factors: the frequency of spraying (F) 6 x, 8 x and 10 x spraying. The conclusion that the combination of the best treatment at planting distance 30 cm x 20 cm and spraying frequency 8 x (J2F2).
Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Sawi (Brassica juncea L. Var. Tosakan) Pada Pemupukan Organik, Anorganik dan Kombinasinya Istiqomah Istiqomah; Army Dita Serdani
AGRORADIX : Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 1 No 2 (2018): Juni 2018
Publisher : Agriculture faculty, Darul ‘Ulum Islamic University (UNISDA) of Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52166/agroteknologi.v1i2.919


Tanaman sayuran yang mudah dibudidayakan dan umum dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat diIndonesia adalah sawi. Permintaan masyarakat terhadap sawi yang tinggi perlu diimbangi dengankapasitas produksi yang mencukupi. Pemenuhan kebutuhan tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan carapemupukan. Pupuk yang diberikan dapat berupa pupuk anorganik dan pupuk organik yang berasaldari kotoran hewan ternak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pupukanorganik, pupuk kandang sapi, pupuk kandang ayam, serta kombinasi keduanya terhadappertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman sawi (Brassica juncea L. var. Tosakan). Penelitian inimenggunakan metode rancangan acak kelompok dengan 6 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Prosedurpenelitian terdiri dari pembuatan pupuk kandang sapi dan pupuk kandang ayam, persemaian bibitsawi, persiapan media tanam, pemupukan, penanaman, pemeliharaan sawi, pengamatan, dananalisis data. Pada tinggi dan jumlah daun tanaman sawi menunjukkan hasil analisis sidik ragamyang berpengaruh tidak nyata terhadap perlakuan. Semua hasil pengamatan pada tinggi danjumlah daun tidak menunjukkan nilai yang berbeda secara statistik. Pada parameter bobot segarsawi terdapat pengaruh yang nyata terhadap perlakuan. Bobot segar pada sawi yang paling tinggiterdapat pada kedua perlakuan pupuk kombinasi yaitu kombinasi anorganik dan pupuk kandangsapi dan kombinasi anorganik dan pupuk kandang ayam. Nilai yang sama terdapat pada perlakuanpupuk anorganik, pupuk kandang sapi, dan pupuk kandang ayam. Bobot segar sawi paling rendahterdapat pada perlakuan tanpa pemupukan.
Implementasi Mikoriza sebagai Sarana Pengetahuan Konservasi Mandiri Lahan Marginal di Kecamatan Kabuh Kabupaten Jombang Ambar Susanti; Rohmat Hidayat; Hari Prasetjono
AGRORADIX : Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 1 No 2 (2018): Juni 2018
Publisher : Agriculture faculty, Darul ‘Ulum Islamic University (UNISDA) of Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52166/agroteknologi.v1i2.921


The purpose of training of mycorrhizalas biological agents, conducted in Tanjungwadung village, District of Kabuh, Jombang, 30 July to 23 August 2017, is to liaisefarmers to academic factsin order to convey actual information and to discuss aboutmycorrhiza. The benefits of this activity relates to agriculture education for farmers to increasesoil fertility with the application of mycorrhizal as a biological agents’ fertilizer, to become oneof the solution to the problem of dependence on chemical fertilizers. The methods ofagricultural discussions and demonstrations of mycorrhizal propagation with appropriatetechnology can be done by farmers in the field. The questionnaire to the trainees wasconducted as a form of evaluation to the farmers’ knowledge after receiving the training.Based on the results, 1) pre-test results on pests and diseases in tobacco and onion crops,ranged 60%, and increased 80% during post test; 2) knowledge of synthetic chemical fertilizerduring pre-test averaging 40%, and post test 70%, while 3) pretest about mycorrhiza onlyabout 20%, and post-test 40%. The training participants are capable of practicing the way ofmycorrhizal propagation with the appropriate production technology of MycorrhizalArbuscularVascular (MAV) that can be done by the farmers in the marginal land.
Kajian Waktu Pemberian Biourine dan Dosis Pupuk Phonska Terhadap Peningkatan Produksi Padi (Oryza sativa L.) Mariyatul Qibtiyah
AGRORADIX : Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 1 No 2 (2018): Juni 2018
Publisher : Agriculture faculty, Darul ‘Ulum Islamic University (UNISDA) of Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52166/agroteknologi.v1i2.922


Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu pemberian biourine dan dosis pupuk phonska terhadap peningkatan produksi padi. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan Split Plot Design yang diulang 3 kali. Petak utama adalah waktu pemberian biourine terdapat 2 level yaitu : pagi dan sore. Anak petak adalah dosis urea terdapat 4 level yaitu : 0, 150, 200, 250, dan 300 kg ha -1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya interaksi yang nyata antara waktu pemberian biourine dan dosis pupuk phonska pada berbagai parameter yang diamati dan berbagai umur. Pada parameter pertumbuhan, perlakuan waktu pemberian biourine pagi dan dosis pupuk phonska 250 kg ha -1 serta perlakuan waktu pemberian biourine pagi dan dosis -1 phonska 300 kg ha dapat meningkatkan tinggi tanaman, indeks luas daun, jumlah anakan per rumpun lebih baik dari pada perlakuan lainnya. Pada parameter hasil, perlakuan waktu pemberian biourine pagi dan dosis urea 300 kg ha -1 serta perlakuan waktu pemberian biourine pagi dan dosis 250 kg ha -1 dapat meningkatkan jumlah malai per rumpun, bobot gabah kering panen, dan bobot 1000 butir gabah lebih baik dari pada perlakuan lainnya.
Pengaruh Kompetisi Intraspesifik dan Interspesifik Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jagung (Zea mays) dan Kacang Hijau (Vigna radiata) Dian Eka Kusumawati
AGRORADIX : Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 1 No 2 (2018): Juni 2018
Publisher : Agriculture faculty, Darul ‘Ulum Islamic University (UNISDA) of Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52166/agroteknologi.v1i2.923


Kompetisi atau persaingan tanaman dapat didefenisikan sebagai salah satu bentuk interaksi antar tanaman yang saling memperebutkan sumber daya alam yang tersedia terbataspada lahan dan waktu. Persaingan dapat terjadi antar tanaman sejenis (intraspesifik) dan antartanaman berbeda jenis (interspesifik). Jagung dan kacang hijau merupakan jenis tumbuhandengan habitat yang berbeda. Akan tetapi, jika keduanya ditanam pada satu media bukan tidakmungkin akan terjadi suatu interaksi. Interaksi tersebut tentu saja berupa kompetisi dimanakeduanya tidak hanya memperebutkan tempat tumbuh, tetapi juga saling memperebutkanunsur hara, air dan cahaya matahari untuk berfotosintesis. Hal ini berarti terjadi tumpangtindih relung ekologi antara jagung dan kacang hijau. Penilitian ini menggunakan metodeRancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK). Ada 3 macam pelaksanaan penelitian yaitu kompetisiintraspesifik tanaman jagung dengan 4 perlakuan dan diulang sebanyak 5 kali, kompetisiintraspesifik tanaman kacang hijau dengan 4 perlakuan dan diulang sebanyak 5 kali, dankompetisi interspesifik tanaman jagung dan kacang hijau dengan 3 perlakuan yang diulangsebanyak 5 kali. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Pertumbuhan tanaman jagungkontrol dan juga tanaman kacang hijau kontrol lebih bagus dibandingkan dengan perlakuandengan banyak tanaman dalam satu polybag karena adanya pengaruh kompetisi intraspesifikantar sesama tanaman jagung dan sesama tanaman kacang hijau. Pertumbuhan tanamanjagung lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kacang hijau jika ditanam secara bersama dalam satupolybag karena adanya persaingan interspesifik antara tanaman jagung dan kacang hijau.

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