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Agricultural Science
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Core Subject : Agriculture,
AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by Faculty of Agriculture Merdeka University Surabaya, ISSN 2597-8713 (Online) - 2598-5167 (Print). The aims of the journal are to publish and disseminate high quality, original research papers and article review in plant science i.e. agronomy, horticulture, plant breeding, soil sciences, plant protection, agricultural technology, agricultural agribusiness, agricultural economy and other related fields related to agriculture. AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE is published twice a year.
Articles 7 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): September" : 7 Documents clear
Propagation In Vitro of Sorgum in MS, VW and NT mediums Dwie Retno Suryaningsih; Sri Arijanti Prakoeswa; Maria ME
Agricultural Science Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): September
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Merdeka University Surabaya

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Sorgum is one kind of plant from the family of grass in the Tropical and Subtropical regions. Sorgum bicolor is a species commonly used for molase, syrup and seeds productions. Furthermore, sorgum is also used as a biofuel material. The purpose of this research is to investigate which type of medium is best for the growth and development of sorgum explants. This research were implemented by using the Complete Random Design with 3 mediums treatment: M1 = Murashige and Skoog; M2 = Vacin and Went; and M3 = Nagata and Takabe. Repititions were done 9 times and each were using 10 test samples. Changes observed were of: qualities, quantities, and contents of phenol in the Sorgum calluses.The results of this research were:quantity of callus in general had shown real differences and most callus found were on the MS medium treatment;quality of callus formed had shown real differences in each mediums and tended to be compact callus, while in MS medium to become friable;NT medium tended to produce most contents of phenol, which was 0.25% .
Test the Solving of Seed Skin and Media Type Against Germination of Pumpkin Seeds (Cucurbita Maschata) Sri Hidayati; Sri Purwanti
Agricultural Science Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): September
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Merdeka University Surabaya

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Objectives of the research are (1) to test various treatments of seed skin breakdown and media types to pumpkin germination (2) to test various treatments splitting of seed skin on pumpkin germination, (3) To test various types of media treatments for pumpkin germination. Factorial research methods in Randomized Block Design (RBD), consisting of two factors, namely: Treatment of seed skin breakdown with 2 levels of treatment and treatment of media types with 4 levels of treatment. Each treatment combination was repeated three times and each treatment combination consisted of 20 pumpkin seeds. The first factor is the treatment of seed skin breakdown consisting of P0 : without breaking the seed skin and P1 : Breaking the seed skin. While the second factor is media type treatment consisting of M1: Merang paper; M2: Garden Land; M3: Sand and M4 : Fertilizer Cage. Observations carried out consisted of germination rate, germination percentage, plumula length and radicle length. The results of the study and discussion, can be concluded as follows: Overall the combination of the treatment of seed skin breakdown and the type of media on gourd seeds germination has not given a significant interaction effect, except for the significant growth of radicle length. no significant effect on the length of the radicles and the length of pumpkin plumula, very significant effect on germination rate, and on the percentage of germination significantly. In the treatment of the type of media it has a very real effect on all observation parameters. The combination of the treatment of seed skin cracking and paper planting media (P1M1) gave the highest yield on the average length of radicles, germination on the paper medium (M1) gave the longest length of the radicle, the fastest germination rate, and the highest germination percentage obtained at skin stripping treatment (P1).
Discussion of Growth And Content of Papain In Papaya Callus (Carica Papaya L.) By Tissue Culture Technique With Elicitor Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Treatment In Ms And Vw Sri Arijanti; Dwie Retna Suryaningsih; Arief Eryanto
Agricultural Science Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): September
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Merdeka University Surabaya

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Plants of papaya were have the main sources of chemical compounds that were generally used in pharmaceuticals and food-additive industries. One of the effort to increase the content of Papain in papaya is through tissue-culture and elicitation technique.The purposes of this research are *To investigate the content of Papain in calluses of papaya leaves with treatment of elicitor Saccharomyces cerevisiae in MS and VW mediums. This research was conducted in the month of November 2017 to January 2018, using Complete Random Design (CRD) with factorial using two factors, repeated four times and each repitition contained 4 samples. The main results of this research had shown that The treatment of VW medium and elicitor Saccharomyces cerevisiae 25 mg Dry Matter/L had produced the highest content of Papain.
Analysis of Corn Production Determinants (Rural Lenteng Western District of Lenteng Sumenep) Dody Tri Kurniawan
Agricultural Science Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): September
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Merdeka University Surabaya

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Carbohydrate biggest producer of rice and wheat in addition to corn. Indonesia's corn consumption is not more than 2 kg per person per year compared with the expenditure of rice in Indonesia amounted to 85kg per person per year. The phenomenon occurs because there are many obstacles in the maize farming such as lack of capital, the cost of fertilizer and the price of corn. Lenteng Village West is one of the villages located in the District Lenteng with an agricultural land area and the most massive corn production. The land area reaches 1,027 hectares and the most massive corn production with the amount of 9243 tons. (BPP District of Lenteng 2017). The purpose of this study was to determine how much influence the capital, land, and labor to the production of corn in the village of West Lenteng. The approach is that researchers use associative data approach. The population in this study were farmers who were in Lenteng West with a total population of 150 farmers and a sample of 60 people with a level of tolerance (error) of 10%. Meanwhile, researchers in data collection using primary and secondary data, and data analysis Researchers using multiple linear regression method by using SPSS 16. Results of regression showed that the variables of capital, land, and labor in a positive and significant effect on maize production in the village of West Lenteng.
Sensory Evaluation And Yield Value of Vco Produced By Various Culture Nurul Asiah; Laras Cempaka; Tiara Maulidini
Agricultural Science Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): September
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Merdeka University Surabaya

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Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) adalah minyak kelapa yang diolah dari kelapa segar dengan atau tanpa pemanasan dan tidak melalui proses pemurnian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat penerimaan sensory dan nilai rendemen VCO yang diproduksi dengan metode fermentasi menggunakan berbagai kultur mikroorganisme (Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Lactobacillus plantarum dan Rhizopus oligosporus). Ketiga jenis kultur tersebut dicampurkan ke dalam krim sebanyak 5% (v/v), kemudian dilakukan proses fermentasi pada suhu 35oC selama 24 jam. VCO hasil fermentasi berwarna bening, memiliki aroma khas kelapa, dan memiliki rasa yang hambar. Dari uji sensori secara hedonik, secara keseluruhan panelis memberi nilai lebih dari 3. Rendemen VCO berkisar antara 22.01—25.74%. Perbedaan penggunaan jenis mikroba tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan (p>0,05) terhadap hasil rendemen dan hasil uji organoleptik dari VCO yang dihasilkan.
Analysis and Business Development Strategy Agroindustry Herbal Fatmawati; Moh. Kurdi
Agricultural Science Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): September
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Merdeka University Surabaya

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One of the herbs that are very potential to be developed in the village of Matanair, Rubaru District, Sumenep Regency is instant herbal medicine. Immediate herbal medicine is an effort to make it easier for consumers to enjoy herbal medicine. Formulation of the problem in this study How is the feasibility of an instant herbal agroindustry business in Sumenep Regency. As well as how to develop the next herbal medicine agro-business business in Sumenep Regency. The analysis used in this study to see the feasibility of the company used financial feasibility analysis. Market analysis is carried out by analyzing the development of demand (demand side) and supply side (instant side) for several years to come. Furthermore, to see the development prospects and strategies used a SWOT analysis. Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions were obtained: On the results of the calculation of the feasibility analysis that has been done is got the NPV value of Rp. 241.604,291.70, -; Pay Back Period with a period of 1.53 years; IRR value is 58.80%, and Net B / C is 2.35. Alternative strategies that can be applied to herbal medicine agro-industries based on business positions in quadrant I, namely SO STRATEGY, in the SO strategy four alternative strategies can be used, including market penetration, attention to production continuity, expanding product distribution, carrying out missions product introduction outside Madura.
Treatment of Hormax Growth Regulating Substances on Early Germination and Growth of Sugarcane (Saccharum Officinarum L.) Bambang Wicaksono Hariyadi; Nurul Huda; Dicki Wahyudi; Nurlina
Agricultural Science Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): September
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Merdeka University Surabaya

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The average production of sugar is 2.26 million tons per year, while consumption is about 5.10 million tons per year. This is what causes the number of production and consumption of sugar shows a fairly high gap. Extensification approach in increasing sugar cane production to achieve sugar self sufficiency target is quite difficult to achieve, so intensification program is one of the efforts that can be done through evaluation and optimization phase of germination and plant growth with application of growth regulator (Fitohormon). If this is done then to obtain a sugar cane plant that has the productivity and optimal yield is likely to be achieved (Ahmad Khuluq and Ruly Hamida, 2014). The experiment was conducted at Experimental Garden of Agriculture Faculty, Merdeka University, April-June 2017. Using Randomized Block Design with 3 replications. and 8 doses of Hormax growing growth regulator, among others: 0 ml/l water (Control); 1 ml/l water; 2 ml/l water; 3 ml/l water; 4 ml/l water; 5 ml/l water; 6 ml/l water; 7 ml/l water. In conclusion, the use of Hormax significantly affected the germination rate, the number of leaves, the number of roots, the wet weight and the dry weight per cane plant. Increased dose of Hormax followed by an increase in all variables of sugar cane observation. The highest results were shown dose of Hormax 7 ml/l water), but statistically not significantly different from the treatment dose of Hormax 6 ml/l water) and dose of Hormax 5 ml/l water. It is recommended that to assist the germination and early growth of sugar cane using a dose of Hormax 5 ml/l water.

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