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Lughatu Ad-Dhat: Journal of Arabic Languange Education
ISSN : 27750981     EISSN : 27749258     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
he journal, published every June and December, contains a review of Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language, Strategy of Arabic Teaching, Arabic Islamic Culture, Arabic Literature, Media of Arabic Teaching, Arabic History, Arabic Linguistic, History of Arabic Education, Technology of Arabic Teaching, and Arabic Second Language Acquisition.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 41 Documents
تنمية وسائل الملصق الفكاهي في ترقية مهارة القرائة العربية Ruwaida Hudatullah
Lughatu Ad-dhat Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Juli 2020
Publisher : Lughatu Ad-Dhat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37216/lughatuaddhat.v1i1.308


ABSTRACT This research aims to develop correct and effective humorous poster methods on Arabic materials. The method used in this research is research and development with reference to the Borg and Gall development model with seven stages, viz., Research and data collection, planning, product development, expert validation testing, product review, product trial, and final product review. Based on the research results, it showed that the Arabic comic poster product is suitable for use in learning. In the results of the media experts' validation, it is known that the comic poster product is rated "good" with a score of 62 and the subject matter experts got a "good" category with a score of 63. The results of the students' response to the very Arabic humorous poster is 91%, then the students' response is rated very good. Then based on the student learning outcome data, the mean value of the learning outcomes on the pretest shows 49.25 <the post-test 72.75. The results of the correlation test show that the relationship between two large variables 0.010 with significant significance 0.976. This indicates that the relationship between the pre-test and post-test averages is strong and substantial. So that we can conclude that developing humorous poster methods is effective in promoting students' Arabic reading skills. Keyword: development of comic poster medium, skill of reading.
تنمية الواسطة التفاعلية بعرض تقديمي على مواد تعليم اللغة العربية Suaidi Suaidi
Lughatu Ad-dhat Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Juli 2020
Publisher : Lughatu Ad-Dhat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37216/lughatuaddhat.v1i1.309


The research used is Research and Development. Where this method is used to produce certain products and test the effectiveness of these products. This research instrument test uses the validity and reliability test. The results of the validity test of 15 test items, there are 12 valid items and 3 invalid and reliable items with a reliability coefficient of 0.820. Furthermore, the data were tested with the "t" test with paired samples - T test to find out the pre-test and post-test significance and to find out the effect or influence of interactive powerpoint media on Arabic. The calculation results show that the significance is 0,000 <0.05, then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. So it can be concluded that there is an average difference between pre-test learning outcomes and post-test, which means there is an influence of the use of interactive powerpoint media on Arabic subjects in class XI MA NW korleko in the academic year 2019/2020.Powerpoint
فعالية طريقة المباشرة باستخدام لعبة الكرة الأسئلة لترقية مهارة الكلام Muhammad Ihsan
Lughatu Ad-dhat Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Juli 2020
Publisher : Lughatu Ad-Dhat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37216/lughatuaddhat.v1i1.311


ABSTRACT As for the research method, which uses quantitative and experimental methods. The research design used is a quasi-experimental design (Quasi Eksperimental Design.). This study aims to find out: Is the direct method of using the question ball game an effective way to upgrade the speech skill of the seventh grade students of the Islamic middle school Nahdhat Al-Watan Krelico academic year 2019/2020. Based on the results of the independent test of the sample t above, we obtain the computational value t = 3,743 with significance level (p) 0.05 = 2.021. Based on the above computation, the computation of t is greater than table t, i.e. (3,743> 2.021) therefore, Ha is acceptable and Ho returns. This means that the direct method of using the question ball game is effective for improving speech skills among students of the seventh grade of the Islamic Middle School Nahdhat Al-Watan Kryliku for the academic year 2019/2020.  Keywords: Direct Method, Ball Game Questions, and Speech Skill
تأثير إستخدام الغناء العربية على تحسين مهارة الإستماع asriandi asriandi
Lughatu Ad-dhat Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Juli 2020
Publisher : Lughatu Ad-Dhat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37216/lughatuaddhat.v1i1.312


ABSTRACT Research objectives: To find out the effect of using Arabic singing on improving the listening skill of students of the tenth semester of the secondary school Nahdet Al-Watan Franjasila. How did the use of Arabic singing affect the improvement of the listening skill of the tenth class students between the experimental class and the control class in the secondary school Nahdet Al Watan Franjasila. As for the research method, which uses quantitative and experimental methods. The research design used is a quasi-experimental design of the non-equivalent control group design (Quasi Eksperimental Design bentuk Non-equivalent Control Group Design).Conducting this research in Franjasila Secondary School. The results of the profit calculation from this research were "There is an effect of using the Arabic mask on improving the listening skill of the students of the tenth semester of the secondary school Nahdet Al Watan Franjasila." It is based on the calculation of the t-test of the results of students 'learning outcomes using Arabic gina to improve students' listening skill obtained with the value of Sig. (2-tailed) with a value of 0,000. According to the decision-making criteria of 0,000 <0.05, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is an effect of using Arabic songs on improving the listening skill of students of the tenth semester of the secondary school Nahdet Al-Watan Franjasila. Keywords: Mask, Listening Skill, Improvement.
فعالية تعليم الإملاء للطلاب فى ترقية مهارتهم فى الكتابة Muhammad Riadhi
Lughatu Ad-dhat Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Juli 2020
Publisher : Lughatu Ad-Dhat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37216/lughatuaddhat.v1i1.314


ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the differences in learning outcomes for students before and after receiving treatment using the dictation method. This research was conducted in Dar es Salaam major high school year 2019/2020 study. The population in this study was students of the second semester of Dar Al-Salam Al-Kubra Al-Islamiyya Intermediate School for the 2019/2020 academic year. The sample consists of two classes, namely, the second semester, the natural sciences as an experimental class, and the second semester, the social sciences as a control class. This type of pre-experimental research with pre-test and post-test design. This research variable consists of independent variables, which are spelling learning. While the dependent variable is the ability to write Arabic language skills. Hypothesis testing consists of two stages, which are (1) using the techniques of descriptive hypothesis testing. (2) Using the t-test, previously tested to find out normal.         The results showed a significant difference, as indicated by the research hypothesis that there is a significant difference between the increase in writing skills of the treatment students. And after.  Keyword: teaching spelling and writing skills
(تحليل كفاءة الطلاب بالقواعد بالنسبة إلى قدرتهم في القرائة والكتابة (الإملاء Suparmanto Suparmanto
Lughatu Ad-dhat Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Juli 2020
Publisher : Lughatu Ad-Dhat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37216/lughatuaddhat.v1i1.317


ABSTRACT Based on the reality that occurred among students, especially in the eleventh semester of Nahdet Al-Watan Majidi High School, and on the research problems, which are how to analyze students ’proficiency in grammar in relation to their ability to read and write (dictation). In grammar and related to reading and writing especially with regard to spelling. As for the research method in which the researcher used, which is the qualitative research method and the data collection process in this research, namely: observation, interviews, documents, as well as the study of literature. The purpose of this study is to find out: Is there a significant relationship between students ’proficiency of grammar in relation to their ability to read and write (spelling)? Among the results and results is that the students ’efficiency and appropriation of the Arabic grammar, which is grammar and morphology at the Majidiyeh Institute, Nahdet al-Watan Majidi, was very good because it made the book reading program a preliminary program for this institute, but especially for the skill of writing (spelling), it needs the most attention and practice with the application always and without boredom So that students are skilled in writing sentences in Arabic. Keywords: grammar, reading, spelling.
فعالية تعليم اللغة العربية بطريقة تعليم لغة المجتمع لترقية مهارة الاستماع و مهارة الكلام Moh Riadhi; Diak Islamika Putri
Lughatu Ad-dhat Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Januari 2021
Publisher : Lughatu Ad-Dhat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37216/lughatuaddhat.v1i2.405


The background of the research took this method of teaching the language through the community due to the absence of problems in teaching Arabic in the application of methods that can upgrade students' language skills and the absence of teachers of the Arabic language subject to make the method by which listening and speaking can be promoted. Therefore, the research problem is (1) How is the process of teaching the skill of listening and speaking using the method of teaching community language in the Islamic middle school Nahdhat Al-Watan Senior. (2) How effective is teaching the skill of listening and speaking using the method of teaching community language in the Islamic Intermediate School Nahdhat Al-Watan Senior. Then the research approach means quantitative research using data collection tools using interviews, tests and documents. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences between the control group and the experimental group. This difference can be observed from the mean post test score of the control group with a ratio of 70.11, while the experimental group was 75.07. While the t-test of the post-test results of the experimental group resulted in a sig (two-tailed) value of 0.03 <0.05, which means that there is a significant increase in the learning outcomes of students of the experimental group.
تأثير الطريقة الإعزية في ترقيه عدد حفظ المفردات اللغة العربية Ruwaida Hudatullah; Siti Laili Agustina
Lughatu Ad-dhat Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Januari 2021
Publisher : Lughatu Ad-Dhat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37216/lughatuaddhat.v1i2.406


One of the problems that often occur in schools, including the secondary school for female teachers, Nahdat al-Watan, and publishing in Arabic language learning, is that students do not memorize Arabic vocabulary. Because of the problems mentioned above, the author decided to conduct research with the formulation of the problem. Vocabulary of the Arabic language for tenth grade students in the secondary school teachers Nahdhat Al-Watan Finchour The destination is to find out whether the condolence method has an effect on achieving memorizing Arabic vocabulary for the ten semester of the Secondary School Teachers Nahdet Al-Watan, for publication. The design used in this study is an experimental model from One Group Pretest PosttestDesign. Based on the results of the hypothesis test analysis, the significance value (p): 0,26 was obtained. That is, if the significance value is less than 0.05, then the significant alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. Based on testing the hypotheses, it can be concluded that the use of the method of Al-Moazzi is an effect in the investigation of preserving the Arabic language vocabulary for the ten semester of the secondary school teachers Nahdhat Al-Watan Finchour.
تأثير المفردات من وسائل الصورة في ترقية مهارةالكلام عليطلاب asriandi asriandi; Hikmah Hikmah
Lughatu Ad-dhat Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Januari 2021
Publisher : Lughatu Ad-Dhat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37216/lughatuaddhat.v1i2.407


The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of the effect of the vocabulary of the means of Al Sawar in the promotion of speech skill on the students of the second semester of the Islamic Secondary School of Bibides with a total of 20 students. Based on the student learning test results data, the average value of learning outcomes appears in the pre-test 6.9 and after the selection 7.1, and the test results show that the relationship between the pre-test and the post-test is strong and important, so that it can be concluded that the effect of the media and images in upgrading the skill Speech is for students and worth using it to learn Arabic. Regarding the results of the "double-tailed test" table, it is known that the important value (two-tailed) is large, such as 0.05, ie 0.69 and 0.05. Therefore, conclusions can be drawn which means that there is a positive and important effect on HA. From second grade schools.
تأثير وسائل عجلة الذكية على قدرة الطلاب لإجابة تدريبات مهارة القراءة Suparmanto Suparmanto; Nurul Ainun
Lughatu Ad-dhat Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Januari 2021
Publisher : Lughatu Ad-Dhat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37216/lughatuaddhat.v1i2.408


The reason for students' poor ability to read is the monotony of teacher teaching methods and the lack of tools used to make children more enthusiastic in learning, especially in the skill of reading. The researcher was interested in conducting research on the effect of smart wheel methods on students ’ability to answer skill exercises. The results of the study show that the experimental class has a mean value in the pre-test 63,43 and the prescriptive class 64.91. The post-test of the pilot class 78.87 and the control class has 75,35. The basis for taking the hypothesis test in this paper is to use an independent t-sample test: if the value of r is a number greater than the r table, Ha is accepted and rejected. Similarly, if the significance value is 2-tailed> of 0.05. The formula for testing the hypothesis in this study is independent samples t-test and the results show that r value (2,460) <2,015. Whereas the significance value is 0.05 <0.018. Therefore, it can be concluded that the smart wheel methods are influenced by the students' ability to answer the seventh grade reading skills exercises in the Curlico Middle School in the 2019/2020 year of study.