Jurnal Potensi
Jurnal Potensi adalah Jurnal peer-review yang dikelola oleh Program Studi Magister Perencanaan Wilayah Universitas Batam. Jurnal Potensi bertujuan untuk menyebarluaskan informasi ilmiah yang berasal dari riset para mahasiswa, dosen, peneliti dan pemerhati masalah-masalah yang terkait dengan bidang Ilmu Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota (Planologi) yang diantaranya adalah Perencanaan, Pengembangan Kota dan Wilayah dalam segala aspek kehidupan dan sistem yang berjalan dalam kota/wilayah, seperti dari segi aspek kependudukan, fisik kota/wilayah, pertanian, spasial, transportasi, ekonomi, sosial budaya, hukum, infrastruktur, kebencanaan, dan teknologi. Topik dan ruang lingkup jurnal potensi meliputi Cyber Notary; Perencanaan Kota; Pengembangan Wilayah Pedesaan; Pembangunan Wilayah (lingkungan fisik, spasial, teknologi, ekonomi dan pertanian); Preservasi dan konservasi kawasan; Kebijakan Publik dan Pengelolaan; Integrasi Kebijakan dan Perencanaan; Ekonomi Spasial dan regional; Kelembagaan dan pembiayaan Pembangunan; Perencanaan dan Evaluasi Proyek; Warisan Budaya dan Pariwisata; Kualitas Lingkungan dan Pembinaan; Infrastruktur dan Transportasi Wilayah; Sumber Daya dan Analisis Dampak
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Yuanita F.D Sidabutar;
Edi Indera
Jurnal Potensi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): MARET
Publisher : Universitas Batam
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DOI: 10.37776/jpot.v1i1.656
The potential of Binjai City is the border area of Medan City and areas outside Medan City (Aceh, Langkat, Stabad and others). The city of Binjai has 5 sub-districts with 37 villages. Located approximately 25 km from the center of Medan City, Binjai City is a city that has the potential to become a transit city with its boundaries that can reach many areas so that transportation facilities must be developed as much as possible. Objectives 1) Understand information on the potential of the Binjai City area. 2) Knowing the condition of the potential development of Binjai City. 3) Informing the development of the potential of the Binjai City area. Binjai City. The study data on the potential for regional planning of Binjai City has 1) Binjai City has culinary potential 2) Binjai City has transit terminal facilities, 3) Binjai City has tourism places in several villages. The results of this study were carried out using analytical techniques from survey results to the field in the form of analysis of the condition of regional potential, and data from the distribution of questionnaires in the form of percentage statistical analysis results. And also obtained the concept of thinking for how to increase the economic value of Binjai City.
Hari Dewi Purwasih;
Wartono Wartono;
Edi Indera
Jurnal Potensi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : Universitas Batam
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DOI: 10.37776/jpot.v1i2.773
Tanjungpinang City is an autonomous city that was formed in 2004 and designated as the Capital of the Riau Islands Province. The development of Tanjungpinang City has been growing rapidly since the construction of the Riau Islands Province government center, which is located on Dompak Island. The development resulted in rapid changes in land use, so that the fulfillment of urban facilities and infrastructure was needed to support all activities that were developing and to improve services for activities that already existed. Dompak Island can be a micro-economic commodity for local residents by considering that Dompak Island has adequate facilities, there are universities, Grand Mosques, beaches, historical sites, interesting spots according to Malay culture.
Almira Muthi Faliha;
Annisa Aulia Suwandi;
Dewi M Z S Pertiwi;
Dedi Hantono
Jurnal Potensi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): MARET
Publisher : Universitas Batam
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DOI: 10.37776/jpot.v1i1.652
The increasing demand for space, especially for settlements and built-up land, has an impact on the declining environmental quality of the area. The Spatial Plan that has been made is not able to prevent land conversion in urban areas so that the existence of Green Open Space (RTH) is increasingly threatened and the city is increasingly uncomfortable for activities, especially for joint activities. This study will discuss the "Identification of the Use of Green Open Land for the Development of Culinary Areas in Pluit, North Jakarta". The purpose of this study is to determine the availability of green open space in North Jakarta, as well as to find out the existence of matters concerning the misuse of green open space in Pluit, North Jakarta based on local regulations governing Green Open Space. The method used in this analysis is a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques in the form of secondary data. Based on the results of the study, it can be seen that the availability of green open land in North Jakarta is only about 5% of the total area, this percentage is still far from meeting the provisions of the law which stipulates that the proportion of green open space in urban areas must reach 30%. The development of the culinary area in Pluit has several violations such as Law Number 26 of 2007 concerning Spatial Planning, which only provides 11% open space, Regional Regulation no. 8 of 2007 concerning Public Order in DKI Jakarta in article 36, because it builds a culinary area adjacent to the High Voltage Air Line (SUTET) and there are buildings that stand on Green Open Land.
Riko Rizal;
Kiki Herliza
Jurnal Potensi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : Universitas Batam
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DOI: 10.37776/jpot.v1i2.769
The problem of providing clean water is currently a very serious problem on Karimun Besar Island. The need for clean water has increased every year while the availability of clean water is increasingly limited, due to the narrowing of infiltration areas, exploitation of raw water sources that do not pay attention to the sustainability of water sources, and the amount of reservoir discharge which is influenced by the climate on Karimun Besar Island. In order to avoid water shortages, it is necessary to maintain and preserve existing water sources, efficiency in water use and the search for new alternative sources. The purpose of this study is to analyze whether there is an effect of clean water needs on the population and to find out whether the water reservoir of the Sei Bati reservoir is in accordance with the Spatial Planning of Karimun Regency by using secondary data as reference from PDAM Tirta Karimun
Raflis Raflis
Jurnal Potensi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): MARET
Publisher : Universitas Batam
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DOI: 10.37776/jpot.v1i1.653
With the issuance of Law Number 16 of 1985 concerning Flats, Draft General Guidelines for Compilation and Submission of Proposals for Development of Flats for Higher Education Number 1 of 2006 and Regulation of the State Minister of Public Housing Number 9/PERMEN/M/2008 concerning Guidelines for Assistance for Flats Development Simple rent (Rusunawa) at Higher Education Institutions and Boarding Education Institutions, so students can breathe a little easier to reduce the cost of education. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the use of flats in universities.The research approach used in this research is a quantitative approach and a qualitative approach. Quantitative methods emphasize the existence of variables as objects of research and these variables must be defined in the form of the operationalization of each variable. This research is an ex facto research because it is carried out after all events have taken place.The results of this study indicate that so far the utilization of the building has not been optimal. This is because the building design does not match the habits of building users, even though the building design is a uniform design from the rusunawa construction aid provider. Moreover, other regions have different local wisdom according to the characteristics of each region.
Jusuf Danuwidjojo;
Fandy Iood;
Yuanita FD Sidabutar
Jurnal Potensi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : Universitas Batam
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DOI: 10.37776/jpot.v1i2.770
Indonesia is a country rich in local wisdom spread from Sumatera to Papua. The local wisdom has guided the community to live and survive in life. The local wisdom possessed by Indonesia is diverse, ranging from local wisdom in the field of Indonesian language and literature, the field of community life, agriculture and animal husbandry, the culinary field, the economic field, to the tourism sector. However, there are still many local wisdoms that have not been explored or recognized by the Indonesian people, especially the younger generation of the nation's successors. Describe Malay local wisdom as the identity of Batam City. The approach used is qualitative with descriptive analysis method. Malay local wisdom is at the core of the Malay tradition, a cultural strength and an important source of its human identity. Without local wisdom, Malays will lose their identity.
Ully Irma Maulina Hanafiah;
Doddy Friestya Asharsinyo
Jurnal Potensi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): MARET
Publisher : Universitas Batam
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DOI: 10.37776/jpot.v1i1.654
The public area of the city in general is currently experiencing rapid development due to economic growth and the influence of globalization. The public space is formed based on economic, social, political cultural interests, as well as developments and changes that occur in the current public space, making it limited and cannot be accessed optimally by the wider community. This is caused by the hierarchy of public spaces that are formed based on the functions that surround them. The purpose of this study is to reveal the phenomenon of public hierarchy in urban space in the context of its changes. This research is descriptive-analytical and based on theoretical and empirical elaboration. This approach is used to read public spaces in urban areas to get a reference for the interpretation of theoretical relationships from an empirical condition.
Asa Aulia;
Dedi Hantono
Jurnal Potensi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : Universitas Batam
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DOI: 10.37776/jpot.v1i2.771
In developing the Indonesian state, a large amount of money is required. One of the financing comes from investment or capital invested by foreign parties with an investment permit of 30-60 years. The impact of this period causes foreigners to need housing facilities that can support their activities and streamline their business in the context of PMA. In response to these conditions, the government issued Government Regulation No. 41/1996. Based on such regulatory conditions, foreigners generally get a house by renting. This allows foreigners to apply for a rental period of more than 10 years for Indonesians who own the house. However, in practice there are many houses whose conditions, room arrangement, layout, environment, or so on do not suit the tastes of foreigners. In addition, the condition of ownership of property on a lease basis also prevents foreigners from being able to renovate space. According to the UUPA, foreigners are not allowed to own HGB and can only obtain usage rights. This needs to be revised to adapt to the current and more dynamic investment climate conditions. In other countries the right to use property reaches 99 years. The proposal to extend the right to use housing for foreigners will contribute foreign exchange for the country.
Bambang Hermanto;
Sri Wahyuni
Jurnal Potensi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): MARET
Publisher : Universitas Batam
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DOI: 10.37776/jpot.v1i1.655
The purpose of this research is to find out what are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the strategy of developing an oil palm agribusiness system (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq) in North Labuhan Batu Regency. The sampling research method used is purposive sampling method. The data used are primary data and secondary data. The analytical method used is descriptive quantitative method using SWOT analysis by analyzing the IFAS (Internal Factor Analysis Summary) and EFAS (External Factor Analysis Summary) factors. The results showed that using the SWOT diagram matrix, the oil palm agribusiness system development strategy was found in area II (Diversification Strategy). The situation in area II is a situation where farmers have to change their previous strategy, because the development of oil palm faces various threats but oil palm farmers still have internal strength. The focus of the strategy is to take action using strengths to take advantage of long-term opportunities by means of product and market diversification strategies.
Tri Sutrisno;
OK Henry
Jurnal Potensi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : Universitas Batam
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DOI: 10.37776/jpot.v1i2.772
Water is a basic human need that must be met every day. This results in the provision of water to be carried out even though the availability of raw water is limited. The limited availability of raw water is caused by the reduced water catchment area due to land conversion, the reservoir environment that has not been optimally conserved, and the reservoir as a reservoir for raw water which is not sufficient in number, even though the raw water in Tanjungpinang City comes from rainfall, so it is necessary to for the construction of a new reservoir. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the management of resources by PDAM Tirta Kepri. This is because PDAM Tirta Kepri as a company engaged in the management, supply, and distribution of water to the community, thus has the responsibility to manage water resources. PDAM Tirta Kepri is a company that manages clean water which has been consumed by the people of Tanjungpinang. Even though it has been running so far, PDAM Tirta Kepri still needs to maximize the number of sales in order to meet the water needs of the people of Tanjungpinang city.