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DISTANCE: Journal of Data Science, Technology, and Computer Science
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DISTANCE: Journal of Data Science, Technology and Computer Science is an international peer-reviewed biannual journal (June and December) published by Pustaka Timur Publisher. It is dedicated to interchange for the articles of high-quality research in the field of Data Science, Technology, and Computer Science. The journal publishes state-of-art papers in fundamental theory, experiments, and simulation, as well as applications, with a systematic proposed method, sufficient review of previous works, expanded discussion, and concise conclusion. As our commitment to the advancement of science and technology, the DISTANCE: Journal of Data Science, Technology and Computer Science follows the open access policy that allows the published articles freely available online without any subscription.
Articles 32 Documents
Image Identification Of Formaline Chicken Meat Using Naive Bayes And GLCM (Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix) Methods Zein Fai'z Al Hidayah; Miftahul Jannah
DISTANCE: Journal of Data Science, Technology, and Computer Science Vol 1 No 1 (2021): December : 2021
Publisher : Putaka Timur Publisher

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Rapid technological developments gave birth to many systems and applications that help complete human work. One of the applications of information technology is image processing theory. Image processing theory is the development of computer computing that uses image data in processing data. There are many algorithms used in image processing applications such as Naïve Bayes, GLCM, LVA, and others. The protein content contained in chicken meat is certainly very high and is needed by everyone. Because people really like chicken meat, the demand for chicken meat increases. thus making broiler meat traders flooded with orders from the public, of course, chicken traders will not be able to fulfill orders every day, therefore think of dirty ways from traders such as mixing chicken meat with formalin so that the appearance of chicken meat will change color, texture, and taste. The use of computer technology can be applied to assist in identifying formalin and non-formalin meats by using image processing technology. For the testing data above, it is assumed that the result of the test is formulated chicken because, from the probability value obtained from the Naive Bayes calculation process, the probability value of formulated chicken is higher than the probability value of fresh chicken. The provisions of the decision taken are If the Entropy Result is greater than or equal to 3.4 then the status is formalized, otherwise it is fresh. From the 20 test images used, the decision is that the chicken meat is formalin with an entropy value of 3.4215.
The Classification Of Maintenance Level Of Gedong Mango With HSI Color Space Transformation Algorithm Riana; Paska Marto Hasugian
DISTANCE: Journal of Data Science, Technology, and Computer Science Vol 1 No 1 (2021): December : 2021
Publisher : Putaka Timur Publisher

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The role of technology in its development is very helpful for every type of human work that uses technological assistance. One of the sectors of human work that applies technology in the agricultural sector. In the agricultural sector, one of the commodities in it is the farmer/owner of gedong mango. increase production yield. Mango (Mangifera indicaL) is a fruit originating from India, mango has many varieties. Mangoes are generally marketed in fresh form. This research is useful to increase the bargaining value or value of the owners of mangoes and to create uniformity between owners of mangoes A and owners of mangoes B so that there is no difference in prices given by mango collectors. For example, if the mango is still unripe or too ripe, the selling value will decrease. So it is necessary to classify the maturity range of how many mangoes to get high profits. The intended target is the owner of mango trees in Perumnas Block A Nangka Hamlet, Melati Village II, Kec. Perbaungan Kab. Serdang Bedagai, North Sumatra 20986.
Decision Support System For Placement Of Honorary Employees Based On Work Competence Using Analytical Hierarchy Process Method Martin Heri Gosen Simanungkalit; Roy Fanry Siahaan
DISTANCE: Journal of Data Science, Technology, and Computer Science Vol 1 No 1 (2021): December : 2021
Publisher : Putaka Timur Publisher

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In civil service law knowledge, what distinguishes the status of one employee from another can be seen from the system of appointment to serve in public services. There are two types of employment status in Indonesia: civil servants, now known as State Civil Apparatus (ASN), and contract or honorary employees. Honorary staff is people who are appointed by staffing officers or other officials in the government to carry out certain tasks in government agencies. A Decision Support System (DSS) is a way of organizing information (involving the use of databases) that is intended to be used in making decisions. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a method for solving a complex situation that is not structured into several components in a hierarchical arrangement, by assigning a subjective value to the relative importance of each variable, and determining which variable has the highest priority in influencing the outcome of the situation. With the help of a decision support system in managing the placement of temporary workers by implementing the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), it can work well. The results of the application of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method in the placement of temporary workers with 6 criteria against 3 data samples were 0,546; 0.315 and 0.314 With the help of a decision support system in managing the placement of temporary workers by implementing the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) it can work well. The results of the application of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method in the placement of temporary workers with 6 criteria against 3 data samples were 0,546; 0.315 and 0.314 With the help of a decision support system in managing the placement of temporary workers by implementing the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) it can work well. The results of the application of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method in the placement of temporary workers with 6 criteria against 3 data samples were 0,546; 0.315 and 0.314
Determination of the Departure Pattern of Hajj Pilgrims Using the C45 Algorithm at the Ministry of Religion of Lubuk Pakam Eliyana Syahfitri; Hasanul Fahmi
DISTANCE: Journal of Data Science, Technology, and Computer Science Vol 1 No 1 (2021): December : 2021
Publisher : Putaka Timur Publisher

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Determination of the Departure Pattern of Hajj Pilgrims is currently very much needed by the Hajj organizers, especially at the Lubuk Pakam Ministry of Religion Office because the departure schedule for the Hajj pilgrims is still not regular, causing accumulation of data for pilgrims who will be dispatched to the holy land, but with The number of pilgrims who will depart is made to determine the pattern of Hajj departures with the C4.5 Algorithm to make it easier for the staff of the Hajj organizers to determine at what age they should be sent to the holy land.
The Expert System Detects Early Symptoms Of Cholesterol Disease With Certainty Factor Method At Lubuk Pakam Puskesmas Muhammad Afriandi; R. Magdalena Simanjorang
DISTANCE: Journal of Data Science, Technology, and Computer Science Vol 1 No 1 (2021): December : 2021
Publisher : Putaka Timur Publisher

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Cholesterol is one of the components that can form fat contained in the bloodstream or body cells that are directly needed in the formation of cell walls. The components of triglycerides, phospholipids, free fatty acids, and cholesterol are found in fat. The method used in this research is the Certainty Factor. The certainty factor expresses belief in an event (fact or hypothesis) based on evidence or expert judgment. Identification of the problem in this study is the limited working hours of experts or doctors and expensive consultation fees Making this application discusses the Certainty Factor method using the Visual Basic 2010 application. The benefit of an expert system for detecting cholesterol disease is that people with cholesterol disease can find out information about cholesterol disease. If there are symptoms that arise, patients can do and find out for themselves without having to wait in line for a consultation with a doctor.
The Decision Support System In Determining Production Of Packed Cooking Oil At PT. Salim Ivomas Pratama Tbk Using Fuzzy Tsukamoto Method Muhammad Andre Gunawan Syahputra; Hasanul Fahmi
DISTANCE: Journal of Data Science, Technology, and Computer Science Vol 1 No 1 (2021): December : 2021
Publisher : Putaka Timur Publisher

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Salim Ivomas Pratama Tbk is a company engaged in processing palm oil into cooking oil packaging. In determining the amount of packaged cooking oil production, it is still manual so that the results are still not optimal, therefore to determine the amount of packaged cooking oil production to meet market demand that fluctuates and does not remain constant from time to time, an alternative is needed that can overcome the problem. One solution to overcome the problem of the amount of production is to use a decision support system with a fuzzy Tsukamoto approach. The author designed a Decision Support System in Determining Cooking Oil Production at PT. Salim Ivomas PratamaTbk Using the Fuzzy Tsukamoto Method. The program used is Visual Basic 2010 and uses Microsoft SQL Server 2008 as the database. With this system, it is expected that PT. Salim Ivomas can easily determine the amount of cooking oil packaging production.
The Operator Selection Decision Support System Using The Simple Additive Method Weighting (SAW) At SPBU NO. 14. 205 Lubuk Pakam Fadli Hermawan; R. Magdalena Simanjorang
DISTANCE: Journal of Data Science, Technology, and Computer Science Vol 1 No 1 (2021): December : 2021
Publisher : Putaka Timur Publisher

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The problems that occur at SPBU No.14.025 Lubuk Pakam are that there is no selection of the best operator that can serve consumers and the decisions are taken in the selection of operators are still subjective so that the decisions taken are not appropriate because they do not match the criteria as a reference in the selection of the operator. Therefore, this study used a decision support system that can be used to assist SPBU No. 14,025 Lubuk Pakam in determining the best operator in serving consumers. This decision support system will later be used in the selection of this gas station operator so that there are no problems in the future. For the selection of the best operator, four criteria are taken in the selection, namely the first there are ethical criteria, in this criterion related to attitudes and ways of speaking politely to superiors. Then the second discipline criterion in this criterion is related to the discipline of absenteeism or attendance and punctuality is given to each employee. The third criterion is the criteria in terms of caring or honesty, employees who have care or honesty each have a part of each job assigned to the employee, and the fourth is teamwork, this criterion is related to cohesiveness when working in collaboration with good at work and also help each other towards colleagues at work.
Application of the SAW Method in a Decision Support System Recommendation for Poor Student Assistance Funds (BSM) at Budi Mulia Tumba Jae Private Junior High School Damianus Daha; Paska Marto Hasugian
DISTANCE: Journal of Data Science, Technology, and Computer Science Vol 1 No 1 (2021): December : 2021
Publisher : Putaka Timur Publisher

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Assistance for Poor Students (BSM) is a National Program that aims to eliminate barriers for poor students to participate in school by helping poor students gain access to decent education services, prevent dropping out of school, attract poor students to return to school, help students meet their needs in learning activities, support Nine-Year Education Program (even up to high school), as well as helping the smooth running of school programs. Budi Mulia Tumbajae Private Junior High School is entrusted with allocating to the community through students with a quota determined by the District Education Office. At the Budi Mulia Tumba Jae Private Junior High School, the determination of prospective BSM fund recipients still uses a manual method, where each homeroom teacher registers the names of students from his class members who are considered underprivileged. The list of names is then submitted and selected at a meeting of the teacher and employee councils. This process allows for errors, fraud, subjectivity, and data manipulation. To facilitate the process of determining the prospective recipients of BSM funds, it is necessary to build a decision support system that can help provide recommendations for prospective recipients of BSM funds that are fast, flexible, and objective. In this study, the author uses the Simple Additive Weighting method which is often known as the weighted addition method. The basic concept of the Simple Additive Weighting method is to find the weighted sum of the performance ratings on each alternative and each attribute. The Simple Additive Weighting method requires the process of normalizing the decision matrix (x) to a scale that can be compared with all existing alternatives. By using the SAW method, the process of determining prospective BMS recipients is completed faster and the results are more accurate. It has been implemented by using the SAW method in Budi Mulia Tumba Jae Private Junior High School. The SPK application with the SAW method is the right choice to provide a good solution in determining the recommendations for prospective BSM recipients at Budi Mulia Tumba Jae Private Junior High School.
Decision Support System for Assessing Community Satisfaction with Sari Mutiara Lubuk Pakam Hospital Services Using the Oreste Method Bella Puspa Dewi; Dedi Candro Parulian Sinaga
DISTANCE: Journal of Data Science, Technology, and Computer Science Vol 1 No 1 (2021): December : 2021
Publisher : Putaka Timur Publisher

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Sari Mutiara Hospital is one of the health care hospitals in the Lubuk Pakam City area. Many people come and go every day. Of course, people have various responses to the Sari Mutiara Hospital services, some are satisfied and some are not. For this reason, a system is needed to determine the level of community satisfaction with the Sari Mutiara hospital. To improve the services of Sari Mutiara Hospital to the community. The solution to the problems mentioned above is to build a decision support system to assist in determining community satisfaction with Sari Mutiara Hospital. The method chosen to support the above problem solving is the Oreste method.
The Best Police Election Decision Support System Using The SAW Method In SPN North Sumatra Zulhami Abdi; Roy Fanry Siahaan
DISTANCE: Journal of Data Science, Technology, and Computer Science Vol 1 No 1 (2021): December : 2021
Publisher : Putaka Timur Publisher

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The Decision Making Process for the Selection of the Best Police NCO Selection Decision Support System Using the SAW Method at the SPN North Sumatra is currently still being done manually. In Determining the Selection of National Police Officers Who Have Criteria for Education, Health, Personality, High IQ (Psychology), Psychological and Physical. Where In Selection There Are Still Often Some Candidates For Police Officers Who Are Received Not By What They Want. In Determining the Selection of Candidates for NCOs, the Police Can Use a Decision Support System. The Research Method Used Is The Simple Additive Weighting Method. The result of this research is to find out that education, health, personality, high IQ (psycho test), psychology, and body influence in determining the selection of police officers.

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