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Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis Kesatuan
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Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis Kesatuan disingkat JABKES merupakan Jurnal yang mempublikasikan karya ilmiah dalam bidang bisnis terapan dalam arti luas. Dikelola oleh Progam Vokasi dan LPPM Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kesatuan. Terbit tiga kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan April, Agustus dan Desember.
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Bauran Pemasaran Dalam Pembentukan Keunggulan Bersaing Pada Usaha Mikro Kuliner Khairul Zaman; Mashadi Mashadi; Gen Gen Gendalasari
Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis Kesatuan Vol 3 No 1 (2023): JABKES Edisi April 2023
Publisher : Program Vokasi dan LPPM IBI Kesatuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37641/jabkes.v3i1.1722


The study aims to determine how the application of the Marketing Mix on Pecel Lele Konco Dewe forms its Competitive Advantages. This study was made to determine and analyze what marketing strategy is suitable for Pecel Lele Konco Dewe. The research method used in the form of SWOT analysis and descriptive analysis method using qualitative approach. Desciptive analysis is an analysis that is not in the form of numbers, but in the form of a series of information obtained and then dug deeper than the research result obtained. Therefore, as a writer, i must know the cirumstances, situations, and conditions that exist in Pecel Lele Konco Dewe and what internal and external factors affect the marketing strategy of Pecel Lele Konco Dewe. The data collection technique carried out by the author is to conduct interviews and direct observations on the owner of Pecel Lele Konco Dewe. In addition, to support the validity of this research, additional supporting data from reference books and the other sources related to this research are needed. The data obtained from the result of data collection and observation are then analyzed using SWOT analysis to find out what indicators are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the marketing strategy carried out by Pecel Lele Konco Dewe. Through the result of the analysis shown by the Cartesian diagram, Pecel Lele Konco Dewe’s positions is in quadrant I, which is to support an aggressive strategy with the implementation of a growth oriented strategy. The position in this quadrant is a very profitable position of Pecel Lele Konco Dewe where Pecel Lele Konco Dewe has the strength so that it can take advantage of the opportunies that exist as well possible. Keyword: Marketing Mix, Competitive Advantages, and SWOT Analysis
Implementasi Media Periklanan Pada Horison Bogor Icon Hotel Pinto Jaya; Sisca Febrianti; Mumuh Mulyana; Saefudin Zuhdi
Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis Kesatuan Vol 3 No 1 (2023): JABKES Edisi April 2023
Publisher : Program Vokasi dan LPPM IBI Kesatuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37641/jabkes.v3i1.1759


ABSTRACTWith the development of the tourism industry sector in tandem with the hospitality industry in Indonesia, this will affect the number of star hotels that are widespread in Indonesia. With so many hotels spread across Indonesia, this has an effect on hotel competition with other competitors. Therefore, these hotel companies must carry out good promotions, one of which is by advertising as a promotional medium to customers by providing information regarding the products and services offered. The purpose of the research conducted by the author is to find out what types of advertising media are used to promote products and services at the Horison Bogor Icon Hotel, what are the obstacles in using the types of advertising media used at the Horison Bogor Icon Hotel, how to deal with obstacles from types of Advertising Media used by Horison Bogor Icon Hotel, This research was conducted by the author at the Horison Bogor Icon Hotel which is located in Bukit Cimanggu City, Jl Sholeh Iskandar No. 1 , RT , 01/RW, 13, Cibadak, Tanah Sereal, Bogor City. Held for 6 months from December 2021 to June 2022. Through this research the authors get the result that the Horison Bogor Icon Hotel. Using several types of Advertising Media used by the Horison Bogor Icon Hotel in promoting its products and services, including: print media by choosing brochures and billboards as advertising media, electronic media by choosing Radio as an advertising medium, Digital Advertising by choosing Social Media which focuses on on Instagram as an advertising medium and the Website as an advertising and information medium, SEM (Search Engine Marketing) as an advertising medium. Constraints from the type of advertising media used by the Horison Bogor Icon Hotel, namely in the use of electronic media by choosing radio that has a small audience of radio listeners that are rarely used by the public as well as SEM or Search Engine Marketing which has obstacles in it, namely the large number of incoming information and words the search keys on Google tend to be the same, this allows other people who are looking for information related to the Horison Bogor Icon Hotel to enter the wrong website page to another website. Apart from that, the Algorithm changes on Google, which are updated almost 600 times a year, which can affect marketing.
Implementasi Prosedur Pengajuan Kredit Umum Pedesaan Pada Bank Rakyat Indonesia Unit Cijeruk El Syifa Lutfiah; Suharmiati Suharmiati; Harry Roestiono; Marwan Effendy
Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis Kesatuan Vol 3 No 1 (2023): JABKES Edisi April 2023
Publisher : Program Vokasi dan LPPM IBI Kesatuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37641/jabkes.v3i1.1859


Procedures for applying for KUPEDES at the Operational Work Unit of BRI Bank Cijeruk Unit. Is one of the processes of providing small loans to community groups that have MSMEs with very easy requirements and a very fast process. With the hope that the debtor/borrower can increase his business to be even more developed. For this reason, this discussion aims to find out the procedure for submitting KUPEDES to PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Cijeruk Unit. By forming a formulation of the problem regarding service requirements for credit applications, procedures for submitting KUPEDES, obstacles and how to overcome these obstacles. The results of the discussion show that the bank's intermediation function has been carried out properly, which is reflected in the amount of credit that has been distributed to the people of Bogor Regency, especially the Caringin and Cijeruk Districts. PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Cijeruk Unit continues to increase the growth of Rural General Credit by conducting promotions through socialization carried out by marketing. Keywords: credit, credit procedures.
Tinjauan Prosedur Penerimaan dan Pengeluaran Kas Pada Badan Layanan Umum Daerah Puskesmas Gang Aut Apriliani Apriliani; Aang Munawar
Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis Kesatuan Vol 3 No 1 (2023): JABKES Edisi April 2023
Publisher : Program Vokasi dan LPPM IBI Kesatuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37641/jabkes.v3i1.1861


Cash receipts must be deposited into the bank and must not be allowed to sit for a long time at the Puskesmas, because this can lead to misappropriation or misuse of cash. Cash disbursements must be authorized and must be in accordance with needs, if the amount of cash issued is large enough, cash disbursements must use a check. The aims of this study were (1) to find out the documents used in the cash receipts and disbursements procedures of the Regional Public Service Agency (BLUD). (2) know the parties involved in the procedure for receiving and disbursing cash from the Regional Public Service Agency (BLUD). (3) find out how the flow or flowchart is in the procedure for receiving and disbursing cash from the Regional Public Service Agency (BLUD). The results of this study indicate that the cash receipts and disbursements of the Regional Public Service Agency (BLUD) at the Gang Aut Health Center have been carried out according to the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) set by the BLUD treasurer.Keywords: Cash Receipt and Disbursement Procedure, BLUD
Implementasi Strategi Direct Marketing Pada Hotel Grand Savero Bogor Eka Nur Saputri; Ani Mekaniwati; Adil Fadillah; Sulistiono Sulistiono
Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis Kesatuan Vol 3 No 1 (2023): JABKES Edisi April 2023
Publisher : Program Vokasi dan LPPM IBI Kesatuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37641/jabkes.v3i1.1862


ABSTRACT The development of the times causes changes, one of which is the changes that occur in the hospitality business. The high competition in hotels requires every company to be able to carry out promotions. Direct marketing is one type of promotion that can be done in order to compete in the market. The purpose of this research is to find out: 1) how to implement direct marketing at the Grand Savero Bogor hotel. 2) obstacles in carrying out direct marketing promotions at the Grand Savero Bogor hotel 3) efforts to deal with direct marketing obstacles at the Grand Savero Bogor hotel. The results of this study indicate that Hotel Grand Savero Bogor carries out direct marketing promotions by implementing several channels of direct marketing. The channels used are: 1) face-to-face sales; 2) telemarketing; 3) catalog marketing; 4) online marketing; 5) direct mail. There are obstacles in implementing direct, not being able to carry out a sales blitz in the company building if there is no appointment, marketing, namely providing information through incomplete catalogs, unstable internet connections that hinder the promotion process through telemarketing. The efforts that can be made by the Hotel Grand Savero Bogor are by making an appointment before entering the company building where you are going, as soon as possible asking for a mobile phone number to contact to avoid an unstable internet connection and preventing lost business, looking for alternative ways to send a letter of offer. i.e. via WhatsApp. Keywords : Direct Marketing, Sales Promotion, Telemarketing
Tinjauan Atas Upaya Pengembangan Kesadaran Merek Pada Produk Nabati Muhammad Ilyas; Denta Purnama; Ade Yusdira
Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis Kesatuan Vol 3 No 1 (2023): JABKES Edisi April 2023
Publisher : Program Vokasi dan LPPM IBI Kesatuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37641/jabkes.v3i1.1863


ABSTRACT With increasingly widespread market developments, it can lead to increasingly fierce competition between companies and promises new business opportunities and challenges for companies. For this reason, companies are required to compete competitively in terms of creating and maintaining consumer loyalty amid conditions of increasingly high levels of competition in local and global businesses and conditions of uncertainty forcing companies to reach a competitive level in order to be able to win the competition in global business. This Brand Awareness is a form of strategy carried out by the company towards its products which aims to be known and recognized by consumers and can increase the profitability of the company. Consumers will be aware of the existence of a brand on a product if the brand awareness of the product is strong enough. The purpose of this Final Project is to find out: 1) How are efforts to develop brand awareness in Vegetable products; 2) What are the obstacles and how to overcome efforts to develop brand awareness in vegetable products. The results of this Final Project are: 1) Efforts to develop brand awareness for vegetable products are good, management has made every effort to increase brand awareness. 2) Obstacles that occur in efforts to develop brand awareness of vegetable products are able to be overcome by the company quite well. Keywords: Brand Awareness, Vegetables
Tinjauan Atas Prosedur Pengelolaan Persediaan Pada Proshop Klub Golf Bogor Raya Salsabila Shafa; Ervina Indri Sari; Robert Pius Pardede; Rini Syarif
Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis Kesatuan Vol 3 No 1 (2023): JABKES Edisi April 2023
Publisher : Program Vokasi dan LPPM IBI Kesatuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37641/jabkes.v3i1.1864


ABSTRACTInventory is one of the important current assets and has great value for the company's operations. This company does not have a lot of inventory, so there can be a shortage of inventory (stock out) and cannot meet customer requests. But if there is too much inventory (overstock) it will cause unsold goods and pile up in storage.The purpose of writing this research is to evaluate the management of merchandise inventory and to find out what constraints exist when managing inventory. Evaluation is carried out to find out whether inventory management has been carried out properly, also to find out whether obstacles in managing inventory can be overcome properly. The compiler made observations at the Bogor Raya Golf Club Proshop located in Bogor.The observation results show that the Bogor Raya Golf Club Proshop has managed its inventory quite well. Inventory management procedures have been carried out properly starting from submitting requests for goods, ordering goods, goods arriving, until the goods are sold. Even though inventory management at the Bogor Raya Golf Club Proshop has been going well, there are still a number of obstacles, such as late arrival of goods, unexpected requests and incompatibility of ordered goods.The results of the evaluation in this observation show that the Bogor Raya Golf Club Proshop must maintain efforts to manage its inventory, so that unwanted things do not occur which will harm the company. By maintaining inventory, the company does not need to incur costs for reordering or storage costs. Then if you see that the problem came from a supplier/vendor error, that way the company must be smart in choosing suppliers.Keywords: Management, Inventory of goods
Tinjauan Atas Sistem Penerimaan Kas Dan Pengeluaran Kas Pada Klub Golf Bogor Raya Firli Febiyoti Putri; Yoyon Supriadi; Nusa Muktiadji; Neni Nurisnaini
Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis Kesatuan Vol 3 No 1 (2023): JABKES Edisi April 2023
Publisher : Program Vokasi dan LPPM IBI Kesatuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37641/jabkes.v3i1.1865


ABSTRACTIn the process of cash receipts and cash disbursements, it is necessary to have an appropriate system so that the implementation can be carried out smoothly. As with cash receipts and cash disbursements, they must have complete books and records so that the cash receipts system and cash disbursement system can be controlled properly.The purpose of the discussion in this study is to find out how the cash receipts system and cash disbursement system exist at PT. Bogor Raya Development (Bogor Raya Golf Club). To achieve clear and directed discussion targets, the authors formulate problems regarding the Cash Receipt System, Cash Disbursement System, the constraints that arise in the implementation of cash receipts and cash disbursements, and how the solution is to resolve these obstacles.The results that have been discussed show that cash receipts at PT. Bogor Raya Development (Bogor Raya Golf Club) is sourced from cash sales or payments by receivables from restaurants and proshops, payment of golf membership fees and from wedding event reservations. While cash disbursements at PT. Bogor Raya Development (Bogor Raya Golf Club) is carried out only for the company's operational activities and is recorded in the company's bookkeeping system.Keywords : Cash, Cash Receipt, Cash Disbursement.
Tinjauan Pengelolaan Piutang pada PT. Sarana Cipta Unggul Natasha Marnafa Setiawan Seputri; Yayuk Nurjanah
Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis Kesatuan Vol 3 No 1 (2023): JABKES Edisi April 2023
Publisher : Program Vokasi dan LPPM IBI Kesatuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37641/jabkes.v3i1.1866


ABSTRACTReceivables are one component of assets that determine the smooth running of a company's operations. In the balance sheet reported in assets. Receivables are liquid current assets because they can be turned into cash immediately, namely within a maximum period of one year. In addition, the amount of company receivables in one period is generally quite material, so that the administration of the recording and presentation must be carried out properly, in accordance with the provisions stipulated in generally accepted financial accounting principles.The purpose of this review is to be able to find out how the policies regarding receivables are and find out how the policies and management of receivables are at PT Sarana Cipta Unggul which is engaged in renting forklifts and heavy equipment. The results of the review show the policy regarding receivables at PT. Sarana Cipta Unggul with the classification of trade receivables, other receivables, employee receivables and Affiliate receivables.The accounting treatment of accounts receivable at PT Sarana Cipta Unggul is actually in accordance with the company's Standard Operating Procedure. This is evidenced by the recognition of receivables by recording leases and receivables income with complete documents. In addition, there is also an aging analysis of receivables. But it still needs to be improved because the average calculation of accounts receivable is still 182.5 days. This indicates that the rotation is running slowly. This means that the collection section is still not working optimally or there are still a lot of bad debts. It is suggested to PT Sarana Cipta Unggul to review its receivables policy to minimize bad debts and to further improve its collection performance.. Keywords: Receivables, Accounts Receivable Policy, Receivable Constraints
Penerapan Bauran Promosi Pada PT. Wan Teknologi Internasional Muhammad Difa Fahreza; Yulia Nurendah; Morita Morita
Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis Kesatuan Vol 3 No 1 (2023): JABKES Edisi April 2023
Publisher : Program Vokasi dan LPPM IBI Kesatuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37641/jabkes.v3i1.1867


Indonesia is a very potential market. Data from the Ministry of Communication and Information stated that the number of internet users was 112.6 million people, and most of them were aged 17-23 years. This shows that the majority of the productive age population in Indonesia are internet users. The purpose of writing this final project is to find out: 1) How is the application of the promotion mix at PT. International Technology Wan; 2) What are the constraints faced in implementing the promotion mix; 3) How to overcome obstacles in implementing the promotion mix. The results of writing this final project are: 1) The promotion mix is carried out in the form of advertising by advertising on websites, sales promotion by giving discounts, direct marketing by sending emails to companies, word of mouth by creating positive word of mouth, interactive marketing by using social media and website as a medium for interaction with customers, events and sponsorship by participating in exhibitions and product launching events; 2) Constraints in the implementation of the promotion mix, namely: advertising does not run smoothly, difficulties in determining the time and duration of promos, monotonous mailing formats, difficulty controlling the effectiveness of word of mouth, brand awareness and corporate image have not been optimally formed, limited content ideas; 3) Solutions in dealing with obstacles within the company, namely increasing creativity in the types of advertisements displayed, formulating promos to be released and determining the duration of time based on discussions between related divisions, increasing creativity in the email format sent, distributing questionnaires related to product knowledge, increasing consumer involvement in content creation so that the content produced is content needed by consumers and can increase consumer curiosity regarding the services offered, become sponsors and participate in events related to and aligned with company services. Keywords: Promotion Mix, Technology

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