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Anang Kukuh Adisusilo
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Melek IT: Information Technology Journal
ISSN : 24423386     EISSN : 24424293     DOI :
The Journal invites original articles and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The whole spectrum of Information Technology is welcome, which includes, but is not limited to Information System in Application, Machine Learning & Soft Computing, Multimedia & Game Technology, Network & Security Optimization, Software Engineering, Mobile Computing Technology, IoT for Smart Technology, Artificial Intelligent Application, Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition.
Articles 164 Documents
Sistem Informasi Kepemilikan Tanah Berbasis WEB Dany Indah Pertiwi; F.X Wisnu Yudo Untoro
Melek IT : Information Technology Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015): Melek IT : Information Technology Journal
Publisher : Informatics Engineering Department-UWKS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (519.264 KB) | DOI: 10.30742/melekitjournal.v1i1.4


Mengetahui informasi kepemilikan tanah bagi masyarakat memang sangatlah penting. Karena dengan mengetahui informasi tersebut dapat menguntungkan masyarakat dalam berbagai macam aspek dan dapat terhindar dari kasus-kasus pertanahan yang terjadi. Terlebih lagi saat ini kasus-kasus pertanahan sedang ramai terjadi di kalangan masyarakat. Kasus yang munculpun berbagai macam jenis dan ragamnya. Untuk itu membuat suatu sistem informasi kepemilikan tanah dengan menggunakan layanan berbasis web sangat menguntungkan berbagai pihak, baik pihak Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN) maupun masyarakat umum serta dapat mendukung layanan di bidang pertanahan. Sistem informasi tersebut menggunakan metode query dengan mencocokan masukan berupa query dengan database dan mendapatkan kembali semua data yang berkaitan dengan query tersebut. Dari data-data inilah kelak akan didapatkan hasil yang akan diolah dengan metode pengolahan data mining sehingga menjadi informasi. Sistem tersebut juga menggunakan teknologi berbasis web dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman php dan menggunakan database MySQL. Sehingga proses pendaftaran kepemilikan tanah menjadi lebih mudah. Selain itu dari proses pendaftaran tersebut akan menghasilkan suatu informasi kepemilikan tanah. Dengan didukung menu pencarian yang terdapat di dalam sistem, sehingga mempermudah pengguna dalam mencari informasi mengenai kepemilikan tanah. Dengan cara menginputkan NIK atau Nomor Sertipikat yang ingin dicari. Ditambah lagi dengan adanya menu laporan di dalam sistem tersebut yang akan mempermudah Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN) untuk mengetahui berapa jumlah pendaftaran kepemilikan tanah yang telah terjadi.
Orientasi Citra secara otomatis berdasarkan keberadaan wajah menggunakan fitur HAAR-LIKE Ahmad Hifdu Abror; Handayani Tjandrasa
Melek IT : Information Technology Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015): Melek IT : Information Technology Journal
Publisher : Informatics Engineering Department-UWKS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (353.965 KB) | DOI: 10.30742/melekitjournal.v1i1.6


Perkembangan dan penggunaan teknologi kamera digital saat ini sudah sangat meningkat, ditandai dengan banyaknya jenis kamera serta disematkannya kamera pada berbagai perangkat seperti laptop, ponsel, tab, jam tangan dan gadget lainnya, sehingga kegiatan fotografi menjadi semakin mudah. Namun sebagian besar perangkat-perangkat tersebut tidak memiliki sensor untuk menyimpan informasi mengenai orientasi foto yang diambil apakah itu portrait atau landscape. Karena itu, kebanyakan foto-foto yang mengalami rotasi tidak sebagaimana mestinya baru disadari ketika disajikan di depan layar komputer atau televisi. Pada penelitian ini diajukan sebuah metode perbaikan orientasi citra secara otomatis menggunakan fitur haar-like dengan klasifikasi cascade adaboost untuk mendeteksi objek wajah manusia yang ada didalamnya, kemudian dari objek wajah yang ditemukan akan dijadikan acuan untuk perbaikan orientasi.
Metrik Ergonomi Untuk Produk Perangkat Lunak Permainan Pada Aspek Kenyamanan Arif Susanto; Daniel Oranova Siahaan
Melek IT : Information Technology Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015): Melek IT : Information Technology Journal
Publisher : Informatics Engineering Department-UWKS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (244.866 KB) | DOI: 10.30742/melekitjournal.v1i1.35


It is inevitable that humans have a limited ability to interact with a product or technology that is made. Limitations on the human body is the reason the importance of ergonomic aspects need to be implemented in the design of a product. In the field of information technology, research-related metric ergonomics of a product has been focused on hardware products, such as mouse, monitor and keyboard. This study builds a metric measurement of ergonomic comfort aspect to the game software products. This study primarily consists of several steps. First, an analysis of ergonomic aspects in comfort. Second, these aspects are mapped into the attributes that exist in software quality models like McCall, Boehm and ISO 9126/25010. Third, the preparation of ergonomics metrics based on an analysis of the test results in previous stages. Attributes that are considered relevant as a reference for the testing of the game software. Game software predetermined expert / expert tested the user directly to the start of the installation process until the stage play of the game software. From the analysis of the proposed ergonomics testing metrics, generated 11 software attributes offline games based desktop that can characterize whether a software-based desktop offline games comfortable or not.
Klasifikasi Siswa Menggunakan Bayesian Classification Di Uptd Smp Negeri 2 Baron Yenita Endah Puspitowati; Mumun Nurwilawati; Daniel Swanjaya
Melek IT : Information Technology Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015): Melek IT : Information Technology Journal
Publisher : Informatics Engineering Department-UWKS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (548.439 KB) | DOI: 10.30742/melekitjournal.v1i1.36


To provide learning for students is not enough only in academics , but also needed in non- academic fields such as counseling . With counseling , psychological known how the students with what they are experiencing , so it takes the handling of student counseling . Giving questionnaire or questionnaires to students is a way to find out the problems in a natural student . This research is the development of the students' classification problems using Bayesian classification . Data obtained using a questionnaire that has been converted into a computerized , then weighted and processed using a Bayesian classification to obtain results in student services . Classification of students using Bayesian classification can generate services to students in accordance with the natural problems in students . Through the classification of students with Bayesian classification devote facilitate students in their personal problems without difficulty or feel embarrassed , but it also helps administrators in data processing to generate the appropriate student services on student issues . The use of Bayesian classification algorithm is suitable to assist performance and efficiency while counseling guidance teachers in performing services to students.
Aplikasi Penerjemah Kata Bahasa Inggris Ke Bahasa Indonesia Berbasis Kamera Anang Kukuh Adisusilo
Melek IT : Information Technology Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015): Melek IT : Information Technology Journal
Publisher : Informatics Engineering Department-UWKS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (631.522 KB) | DOI: 10.30742/melekitjournal.v1i1.37


The information is presented in an English At a place, could become a barrier to the review Human Understanding For A If the information does not understand the language. To translate a word of English to Bahasa Indonesia in the previous Nowadays of course ALL of the orangutans can do it anytime and anywhere by using a dictionary printed and digital dictionaries. If using a print dictionary Its thickness and weight, the user Must for One by One word from a few Page Up said Yang was found desirable. When using a digital input dictionary word Still Must BE user typed letter-by-letter. Research by THEREFORE hearts husband, author aims Building Applications translator of English words to Bahasa Indonesia-based camera that can translate English words picture from capturing Indonesian TO THE way. Husband developed the application on Android based smartphone device method uses OCR (Optical Character Recognition) detection engine AS Character And utilizing online translators AS machine translator. Testing of the findings for review TIN success rate translates said to reach 60% of the total of 30 samples tested Yang, so it can be deduced CAN Application That translates said destination language WITH KE hearts percentage of success of 60%. Inaccuracy of the findings due to the translation of image processing results That sometimes still give results the Less Net notably ON threshold and morphological processes (erosion and dilation).
Optimasi Pemilihan Cluster Head Dengan Bird-Behavior Pada Lingkungan Manet Desy Intan Permatasari; Waskhito Wibisono
Melek IT : Information Technology Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015): Melek IT : Information Technology Journal
Publisher : Informatics Engineering Department-UWKS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (434.696 KB) | DOI: 10.30742/melekitjournal.v1i1.38


The movement of nodes dynamically in MANET environments (mobile ad-hoc network) is a major challenge today. Selection of the most appropriate method to send a message to the routing layer should be applied to reduce service discovery delay. Service discovery in the mobile ad-hoc network is a network issue that is still studied today, because the mobile ad-hoc environment network there is no central point of administration that set of nodes in the network. To reduce service discovery delay, the cluster mechanism applied to mobile ad-hoc environment network. Nodes are divided into several areas, called clusters, where each cluster has a cluster head in charge of coordinating the movement of the nodes in the cluster. The problem that arises is how to determine the appropriate cluster head. The selection of cluster head which may cause the decrease in the efficiency of network performance. In this study, the authors put forward a proposal for optimizing the cluster head election by adopting the behavior of birds in migrating from one place to another. Parameters that can be used for the selection of cluster head based on the behavior of bird this is the number of neighboring nodes and the amount of energy that is stored on each node. The results showed that the method of election of cluster head by adapting the behavior of ants to service discovery service discovery delay can reduce up to 33.22 ms and improve service success rate of 8.57%.
Rekonstruksi Perobekan Bendera Hotel Yamato Menggunakan Augmented Reality Dengan Penanda Gis Andre Satria Ardiwardhana; Anang Kukuh Adisusilo; Beny YV Nasution
Melek IT : Information Technology Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015): Melek IT : Information Technology Journal
Publisher : Informatics Engineering Department-UWKS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (273.019 KB) | DOI: 10.30742/melekitjournal.v1i1.39


Historical events in Indonesia, especially tearing Flag Hotel Yamato now have less value of interest to the public at this time. As a result, nearly half the population in Indonesia forget it. Various attempts have been made in order to remain in the memories of these events by the Indonesian community. documentation ever made only using the medium of books or movies, but at this point the book and documentary are rarely demand by the public. This happens because of the very rapid technological advances made more attractive smartphone. So it is necessary to document using the latest technologies. The concept of the new technologies that will be used for documentation of historic events that Augmented Reality. Augmented Reality Event aims to Reconstruct tearing Flag Hotel Yamato which will provide a new attraction, because people now are using smartphones. So so is appropriate if Reconstructing events Yamato's tearing flag can be set using Augmented Reality.
Hypergraph-Partitioning pada Co-Authorship Graph untuk Pengelompokan Penulis Berdasarkan Topik Penelitian Daniel Swanjaya; Chastine Fatichah
Melek IT : Information Technology Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015): Melek IT : Information Technology Journal
Publisher : Informatics Engineering Department-UWKS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (561.981 KB) | DOI: 10.30742/melekitjournal.v1i1.40


Research topics can be seen from Abstraction research documents, for example, reports Scientific Writing (KTI) in the form of Final Project, Thesis and Dissertation. Research Topics of KTI is a collection of important words that indicate the area / field of study of the KTI. A guided KTI some supervisor, and a lecturer normally would guide some particular topic. Some lecturers have the same field of research formed a research group within the Department, but some courses are lecturers who exhibit similarities field of research. At this thesis proposed a method for classifying Writer (Lecturer) based on common research topics in Co-Authorship Graph using the Hypergraph Partitioning, making it possible to create a research group within the scope of inter Programs or college level. The method is divided into three stages: extraction of research topics, pembentuksn Co-Authorship Graph, and grouping author. Extraction of research topics, get the topic of EI by Title and Abstract using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). Formation of Co-Authorship Graph, where the nodes are the author, edge is the collaborative relationship and similarity / resemblance of research topics, and the weighting edge is Jaccard and cosine values similary research topics between author. Grouping Writers on Co-Authorship Graph using the Hypergraph Partitioning. Test method uses data from the Research Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM) ITS. Grouping the results are validated using the Silhouette and Entropy. The final results showed that the grouping has been formed group Authors whose members come from the Department or a different field, with high similarity topic.
Simulasi Data Gempa Bumi Berbasis 3 Dimensi Barasia Dwi Putra; Beny YV Nasution
Melek IT : Information Technology Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015): Melek IT : Information Technology Journal
Publisher : Informatics Engineering Department-UWKS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1079.081 KB) | DOI: 10.30742/melekitjournal.v1i1.41


Earthquake is a frequent event in the earth 's crust, the cause is shifting tectonic plates. While the Indonesian region is between 3 plates of the earth, consequently almost all parts of Indonesia damaged, especially in earthquake-prone zones . One way to reduce the impact is to build a system modeling [ 7 ] tested with simulation results of the model of permanent buildings that collapsed 1 bar and 15 bar (4 columns), but for building models Knockdown no collapse . However , research has not yet been proven to be known computerized data accuracy earthquake used for testin. Therefore , innovation arises earthquake simulation techniques appropriate seismic data previously [ 7 ] that the frequency of 0.25 Hz to 2 Hz into the form of 3 dimensions in order to know the type of an earthquake according earthquake data used . In this study used the object in the form of 4 pieces of the cube as a reference to compare the seismic movement at each frequency and 2 testing with different amount of RAM that is 160 Mb and 1.00 Gb . The results obtained from these simulations to test 2 is the display frequency information that is 0.25 Hz , 0.5 Hz , 1.5 Hz , 2 Hz and a duration of 15 seconds and the number of seismic movements amounted to 3.5 times , 7.5 times , 22.5 times , 30 times
Aplikasi Media Pembelajaran Untuk Anak Usia Dini Guna Mengenalkan Jiwa Patriotisme Hala Nuari Lina Darmawati; Nia Saurina
Melek IT : Information Technology Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015): Melek IT : Information Technology Journal
Publisher : Informatics Engineering Department-UWKS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1125.667 KB) | DOI: 10.30742/melekitjournal.v1i1.42


Patriotism is a doctrine which teaches us to love the homeland. Early childhood education is one form of education that focuses on the implementation of the foundation in the direction of growth, early childhood education, where education before primary education which is a development effort aimed at children from birth to the age of six years. The importance of foster patriotism should start from an early age. Lack of knowledge about the history of the child makes the child does not know the ideals of this nation. And media that are less attractive as heroic, making an early age children are hungry for knowledge of history and reluctant to learn history. For the early childhood program requires effective and efficient aid, which has a lot of funny pictures and can attract the attention of the child to interact directly. In connection with the following, can be given a solution with application made this early childhood. This application is an instructional media to learn about the hero who will get to know the child will diituntun patriotism by playing puzzle that compose heroes scrambled picture and listening histories of heroes who have high patriotism. Adding insight to learn about the history of the exercises. So with the application of these media can help the learning process fun, creative, and do not bore children at an early age to be more passion in studying the history of Indonesia.

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