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Jurnal Abdi Panca Marga
Merupakan jurnal untuk mempublikasikan hasil pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat secara luas. Jurnal ini dikelola oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Panca Mara Probolinggo. Terbitan berkala dari jurnal ini adalah dua kali dalam satu tahun yaitu pada bulan Mei dan bulan November.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 10 Documents
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Dukung Tata Kelola Kota Berkelanjutan : Aksi Tertibkan Kantong Parkir di Pasar Baru Gotong Royong Kota Probolinggo Nur Halima; Finni Maulidi; Wilda Awaliatul; Evi Wulandari; Deni Handika
Abdi Panca Marga Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Abdi Panca Marga Edisi Mei 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Panca Marga Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (390.554 KB) | DOI: 10.51747/abdipancamara.v2i1.644


In the 21st century, the problem of sustainable development has been used as an important issue that needs to be socialized in the community. in the preparation phase of the action program to regulate parking bags in the new market Gotong Royong Probolinggo City, discussions began from the form of activities, locations, and evaluations. A form of activity that will be carried out by a group of students, which is carried out openly directly on site. The method used in these activities is coordination and communication by plunging directly into the parking lot of The Gotong Royong Market in Probolinggo City with the focus of structuring the parking space in the central Gotong Royong market. With the results of evaluation activities that can be done by students lacking the functioning of parking spaces in the arena gotong royong market and the lack of orderly parking activities in the market, so that it makes the parking arena in the market there are no officers or parking attendants. it is also prone to the loss of vehicles in the market arena. Thus, it can be concluded that parking facilities are used limits to distinguish parking spaces between four wheels and two wheels. This is because the parking system in Gotong Royong market is in accordance with the procedures that have been scheduled and does not cause traffic jams.
Penguatan Peran dan Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Membangun Etika Politik (Studi pada perwakilan Organisasi Masyarakat, Keagamaan, Mahasiswa dan Karang Taruna Kabupaten dan Kota Probolinggo) Imam Sucahyo
Abdi Panca Marga Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Abdi Panca Marga Edisi Mei 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Panca Marga Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (614.78 KB) | DOI: 10.51747/abdipancamara.v2i1.725


Abstrak Sejatinya politik sangatlah mulia, namun karena praktik yang saling menguntungkan antara oknum dengan masyarakat telah berkepanjangan sedemikian rupa, membuat politik semakin terjerembab pada konotasi yang negatif. Tak ayal, politik kian legam termakna secara kotor, culas, menghalalkan segala cara, penuh politik uang, transaksional, dinasti, hingga urusan yang semata merebut kekuasaan. Cerminan demikian jelas berkaitan dengan etika kesemuanya, baik masyarakat, politisi, pemerintah, yang mengatur dan yang diatur, yang dipilih dan yang memilih, dan seterusnya. Karenanya memotong salah satu mata rantai dari berlangsungnya praktik demikian merupakan sebuah keniscayaan. Hal inilah yang dilakukan oleh Badan Kesejahteraan Bangsa dan Politik Provinsi Jawa Timur dengan menghelat estafet kegiatan yang bertujuan melakukan penguatan peran dan partisipasi masyarakat dalam membangun etika politik, khususnya pada perwakilan organisasi masyarakat, keagamaan, mahasiswa dan karang taruna Kabupaten dan Kota Probolinggo. Kegiatan selama dua hari di Kecamatan Sukapura tersebut bersinergi dengan beberapa pihak, seperti anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah provinsi Jawa Timur, Kepolisian Daerah Jawa Timur dan akademisi lokal; FISIP Universitas Panca Marga Probolinggo. Bagi kami, kegiatan pengabdian ini seyogyanya terukur tingkat keberhasilannya. Evaluasi pra dan pasca kegiatan harus dapat diketahui adanya tambahan pengetahuan dan pencerahan pemahaman terhadap para audiens. Metode yang dipakai melalui sebaran angket berisi beberapa pertanyaan dengan ketegasan dua pilihan jawaban. Hasilnya secara nyata terdapat penambahan pemahaman terhadap para peserta sosialisasi yang harapannya mereka bisa menjadi garda depan dalam mengimplementasikan serta mensosialisasikan materi yang didapat kepada khalayak yang lebih luas, yang kemudian dapat berimbas pada peningkatan etika masyarakat baik secara umum dan etika secara politik. Kata kunci: penguatan peran dan partisipasi, etika politik. Abstract In fact, politics is very noble, but because the practice of mutual benefit between unsrupulous and society has been prolonged in such a way, making politics increasingly stuck to negative connotations. Inevitably, politics is increasingly dirty, culpable, justimate all means, full of money politics, transactional, dynastic, to affairs that merely seize the power. Such reflections are clearly related to the ethics of all, whether society, politicians, government, who govern and governed, who elected and chooses, and so on. Thus cutting one of the links from the practice is an inevitability. This is what Badan Kesejahteraan Bangsa dan Politik of East Java Province did by conducting a relay of activities aimed at strengthening the role and participation of the sosiety in building political ethics, especially in representatives of social, religious, students and cadet reefs organizations of Probolinggo Regency and City. The two-day activity in Sukapura subdistrict synergized with several elements, such as the East Java Provincial People's Representative Council member, East Java Regional Police and local academics; FISIP University of Panca Marga Probolinggo. For us, this devotional activity should be measured. Pre and post-activity evaluation should be known for additional knowledge and enlightenment of understanding of the audience. The method used through the distribution of questionnaires contains several questions with the firmness of two choices of answers. The result is a real increase in understanding of the socialization participants with hope that they can be the vanguard in implementing and disseminating the material obtained to a wider audience, which can have an impact on improving public ethics both in general and political ethics. Keywords: strengthening roles and participation, political ethics.
Upaya Pencegahan dan Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Terdampak Covid-19 di Kecamatan Kademangan Kota Probolinggo Husni Mubaroq; Nur Halima
Abdi Panca Marga Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Abdi Panca Marga Edisi Mei 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Panca Marga Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (991.984 KB) | DOI: 10.51747/abdipancamara.v2i1.726


The covid-19 virus is a virus that spreads through droplets between humans and comes in direct contact with objects exposed to the virus. The increase in active cases of Covid-19 in Probolinggo City, especially Kademangan District, is because the community is still lacking information about the spread and prevention of Covid-19. As a result, many people have been affected economically due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this community service is to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus, foster healthy living patterns, and empower the economy of people affected by Covid-19. Our service partners are the managers of the Bayuangga terminal and Bakpia Manalagi UMKM. Methods of community service in the form of education about 3M, and distribution of hand washing assistance at the Bayuangga Terminal, as well as empowering Bakpia Manalagi MSMEs by helping expand marketing with digital marketing methods. With community service that has been carried out, an understanding of the importance of doing 3M when activities outside the home and by expanding marketing using digital marketing is able to increase the demand for products which has an impact on the need for employees who can empower the surrounding community.Keywords : Covid-19, healthy lifestyles, digital marketing, Covid-19 prevention, Community empowerment
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat yang Tanggap dan Waspada di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Kecamatan Mayangan Trismawati Trismawati; Adam Febrian Maulana
Abdi Panca Marga Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Abdi Panca Marga Edisi Mei 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Panca Marga Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (813.447 KB) | DOI: 10.51747/abdipancamara.v2i1.732


During the Covid-19 pandemic, the high rate of spread of the virus in the Probolinggo area disrupted stability in all aspects. Against this background, the Panca Marga University Community Service Program (Real Work Lecture) of the Mayangan sub-district group compiled a work program with a focus on gaining insight and preparedness about the dangers of transmission of the Covid-19 virus which was implemented through 5M counseling activities, distribution of masks and hand sanitizers, planting. TOGA (Family Medicinal Plants), spraying disinfectant at public facilities and manufacturing starfruit juice products. The result of the activity was an increase in the insight and alertness of the people of Mayangan sub-district about the dangers of transmission of the Covid-19 virus and how to prevent it. The conclusion of this community service activity carried out in the Mayangan sub-district is the need for counseling and socialization about the spread of the Covid-19 virus in any community because the Covid-19 virus infection can attack anyone.
Pelatihan Peningkatan Kapasitas Sumber Daya Manusia UMKM di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Raihan Wishal Nafis
Abdi Panca Marga Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Abdi Panca Marga Edisi Mei 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Panca Marga Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (725.463 KB) | DOI: 10.51747/abdipancamara.v2i1.733


This community service through the Webinar on Increasing the Capacity of Human Resources on Micro Small Enterprise during the Covid-19 Pandemic, the growth of Micro Small Enterprise in Indonesia is increasing over time. So as to be able to maintain the stability of the Indonesian economy. However, the Covid-19 Pandemic has had a very broad impact, starting from the world of education to the business world. One of them is affected in the field of business. Micro Small Enterprises itself is the first step in stabilizing the people's economy. Therefore, in the implementation of this activity, targets that are considered strategic in carrying out training activities to increase the capacity of human resources are participants who have a Micro Small Enterprise to fit their goals, so that they can be implemented efficiently and effectively. Through this community service activity, it is hoped that they will be able to provide solutions so that they can solve the problems described above. The stages of the approach used are, 1) planning stage, 2) preparation stage, 3) implementation phase, 4) evaluation stage. Keywords: Human Resources, Micro Small Enterprise, Covid-19
Sosialisasi Pencegahan Penyebaran Virus Corona Dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Serentak Tahun 2020 Eko Wahyono; Hermanto Hermanto
Abdi Panca Marga Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Abdi Panca Marga Edisi Mei 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Panca Marga Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (465.53 KB) | DOI: 10.51747/abdipancamara.v2i1.734


Wabah Covid-19 penyakit disebabkan oleh virus corona, menyerang pada saluran pernafasan. Gejala adalah demam, panas, dan batuk kering. Penularan dari orang ke orang lain, agar tidak menyebar perlu adanya pencegahan. Oleh karena itu pelaksaan Pemilihan Kepala Daerah serentak di beberapa daerah perlu menghindari kampanye terbuka. Bentuk partisipasi yang dilakukan oleh warga masyarakat yaitu mendukung kebijakan pemerintah, menghindari kerumunan orang yang berlebihan. Melakukan sesuatu positif untuk mengurangi penyebaran terhadap virus corona.Kata kunci : Pencegahan Covid19, Pemilihan Kepala Daerah
Pengenalan BUDIKDAMBER (Budidaya Ikan Dalam Ember) untuk Ketahanan Pangan di Kecamatan Dringu Kabupaten Probolinggo Trivosa Aprilia Haidiputri; Muhammad Syarif Hidayatullah Elmas
Abdi Panca Marga Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Abdi Panca Marga Edisi Mei 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Panca Marga Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1188.053 KB) | DOI: 10.51747/abdipancamara.v2i1.737


Salah satu ciri perkotaan, khususnya kota metropolitan adalah kepadatan penduduk yang tinggi, sempitnya lahan, karena banyak lahan yang digunakan untuk pemukiman dan pembangunan infrastruktur, serta terbatasnya ruang terbuka hijau. Kebutuhan pangan di wilayah perkotaan meningkat seiring bertambahnya jumlah penduduk. Sedangkan hasil pertanian semakin rendah, karena lahan pertanian yang semakin sempit. Pemanfaatan lahan terbatas, terutama halaman rumah terus diupayakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan keluarga. Budidaya sistem akuaponik pada prinsipnya menghemat penggunaan lahan dan meningkatkan efisiensi pemanfaatan hara dari sisa pakan dan metabolisme ikan. Model akuaponik mini ini mengitegrasikan budidaya ikan dan sayuran sekaligus pada lahan yang terbatas. Hasil yang dirasakan oleh mitra pengabdian adalah panen ikan lele dan panen sayur kangkung setelah dua hingga tiga minggu perawatan. Kata Kunci : Budidaya, Lele, Kangkung, Pangan.
Upaya Pencegahan Penyebaran Covid-19 di Kelurahan Mangunharjo, Kecamatan Mayangan Kota Probolinggo Hermin Arista; Indro Wicaksono; Linda Kurnia Supraptiningsih
Abdi Panca Marga Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Abdi Panca Marga Edisi Mei 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Panca Marga Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (519.197 KB) | DOI: 10.51747/abdipancamara.v2i1.738


Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk membentuk kebijakan dan mengedukasi masyarakat untuk melakukan pencegahan Covid-19 dengan tetap menerapkan dan mematuhi protokol kesehatan yaitu dengan menjaga jarak (physical distancing), mencuci tangan, memakai masker dan tetap menjaga imunitas tubuh dengan mengonsumsi vitamin. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat akan memberi peran penting untuk mendukung program pemerintah dalam menangani Covid-19. Kegiatan ini melibatkan masyarakat sekitar Kelurahan Mangunharjo. Kelurahan Mangunharjo adalah salah satu Kelurahan di Kota Probolinggo yang masuk zona merah terkonfirmasi positif Covid-19 dengan jumlah terkonfirmasi sebanyak 152 kasus. Data yang diambil dari website jika semakin lama kasus terkonfirmasi semakin naik maka dapat menyebabkan keluarnya kebijakan seperti PSBB dan WFH (Work From Home) yang dapat menghambat berbagai sektor seperti ekonomi, pendidikan dan lain-lain. Sehingga memerlukan edukasi tentang pencegahan Covid-19 untuk meminimalisir penyebaran Covid-19. Program yang akan diadakan di Kelurahan Mangunharjo yaitu pembagian masker dan handsanitizer sebagai bentuk sosialisasi sehingga masyarakat memiliki kesadaran pentingnya menerapkan protokol kesehatan yang berguna untuk memutus rantai penularan Covid-19. Salah satu hal yang dapat memicu penyebaran Covid-19 yaitu kurangnya kesadaran dan kepedulian masyarakat terkait pentingnya menerapkan protokol kesehatan dan kurangnya edukasi terhadap pencegahan virus Covid-19. Di Kelurahan Mangunharjo partisipasi masyarakat tentang protokol kesehatan ini masih rendah, banyak masyarakat Mangunharjo yang tidak mencuci tangan ataupun menggunakan handsanitizer setelah beraktivitas dan tidak menggunakan masker. Luaran yang ingin dicapai dalam pogram ini meningkatkan partisipasi tentang kesadaran pentingnya protokol kesehatan 3M Target luaran yang ingin dicapai adalah Peningkatan jumlah masyarakat yang menggunakan alat pelindung diri (masker, handsanitizer) serta Tumbuhnya kesadaran masyrakat untuk menggunakan alat pelindung diri. Diharapkan kegiatan pengabdian ini nantinya dapat digunakan sebagai pusat kegiatan positif sebagai media edukasi pencegahan Covid-19. Kata Kunci : Physical Distancing, Covid-19, PSBB, WFH (Work From Home), Handsanitizer
Branding Produk Label Kamasan Sebagai Upaya Pengembangan Daya Tarik Pemasaran pada UMKM Rengginang di Kelurahan Pakistaji Wonoasih Kota Probolinggo Dyah Ayu Perwitasari
Abdi Panca Marga Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Abdi Panca Marga Edisi Mei 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Panca Marga Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (596.685 KB) | DOI: 10.51747/abdipancamara.v2i1.741


Lately, Indonesia has been shocked by the existence of a pandemic that has yet to be controlled, namely the Covid-19 pandemic. This certainly has a significant impact on people's lives, especially the people of Pakistaji Village, Wonoasih District, which is one of the areas where the majority of the population works as farmers. However, to meet economic needs, the community also uses Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) as a secondary source of income in meeting their household needs. One of them is UMKM which is managed by Mrs. Suryani, which produces rengginang in it. UMKMintervention in developing the community's economy is very necessary considering that the community's economy has decreased people's purchasing power or there are obstacles to the distribution of goods and services from producers to consumers and obstacles are significantly affected due to the effect of the PSBB policy during the current Covid-19 pandemic. The results of this study indicate that the efforts made by Wonoasih District KKN students in empowering Rengginang UMKMare providing guidance related to packaging labels on Mrs. Suryani's rengginang products, the establishment of Rengginang UMKM nameplates, and marketing which are expected to be able to differentiate from other packaging products and increase power. competitiveness in the MSME business. Rengginang Ms. Suryani.Keyword : Pakistaji,Empowerment, Rengginang UMKM, Covid-19, Packaging Labels
Sosialiasi Pembuatan Minuman Jahe Instan di Desa Sukodadi Kecamatan Paiton Kabupaten Probolinggo Utami Ratna Swari
Abdi Panca Marga Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Abdi Panca Marga Edisi Mei 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Panca Marga Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (925.096 KB) | DOI: 10.51747/abdipancamara.v2i1.743


KKN Thematic Covid-19 using theme Empowering the Community in the Period of Covid-19 Pandemic is a service done by university students that is expected to empower the community by utilizing their knowledge, especially in the period of Covid-19 pandemic. One of the programs of KKN Thematic Covid-19 is giving socialization in the making of instant ginger drink. Instant ginger drink is a processed product of ginger crystallization by boiling it with water, sugar, salt, cinnamon, lemongrass and clove. Realizing the high amount of potential health and nutrition of ginger, KKN Panca Marga University Probolinggo team in Paiton district make initiation to give socialization in the making of instant ginger drink. The program is done in four (4) days, the first day is the introduction of ingredients and tools, the second and the third day is the making of instant ginger drink and pack it into pouch, the four day is giving the pack of instant ginger drink to the community around. After the socialization, KKN Panca Marga University Probolinggo team in Paiton district expect the community to have a higher immunity health rate and is able to use instant ginger drink as a business opportunity for housewives, therefore it can indirectly improve the prosperity of community in Sukodadi Village Paiton District in the period of pandemic Covid-19.

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