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Jurnal Pijar MIPA
Published by Universitas Mataram
ISSN : 19071744     EISSN : 24601500     DOI : -
Core Subject : Science, Education,
Jurnal Pijar MIPA (e-ISSN: 2460-1500 & p-ISSN: 1907-1744) is an open-access scientific periodical journal published by the Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram. Jurnal Pijar MIPA publishes original articles on current issues and trends in mathematics-science-science education studies. In addition, this journal addresses issues concerning environmental education and environmental science. The journal scopes are: a. Physics and Physics Education b. Chemistry and Chemistry Education c. Biology and Biology Education d. Natural Science and Science Education e. Mathematics and Mathematics Education f. Environmental and Environmental Education
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Jurnal Pijar Mipa Vol. 4 No. 1 (2009): Maret
Publisher : Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (326.414 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/jpm.v4i1.174


> Abstrak. Telah dilakukan studi terhadap multilapis film Langmuir-Blodgett pada kondisi eksperimen seharihari menggunakan campuran Cu-3,5-bistetra-butil fenilporpirin, asam arakidat dengan dan atau tanpa inisiator,heksatriakantone. Campuran multilapis film (perbandingan molar porpirin : asam arachidic : heksatriakantone, 1,5 : 10, r, dimana r = 0, 0,5) terdiri dari 4, 20 dan 40 lapis berhasil di transfer ke atas kaca preparat sebagai Langmuir Blodgett film dan dilakukan karakterisasi dengan spektroskopi sinar tampak (UV-visible spectroscopy). Luas daerah per molekul porpirin adalah15-21 Ã…2. Campuran pertama (porpirin : asam arakidat) memberikan multilapisyang baik, sedangkan campuran dengan adanya inisiator tidak menghasilkan 20 dan 40 lapisan seperti prediksi. Beberapa kemungkinan penyebab hasil tidak optimum seperti tingkat kebersihan (cleanliness), kondisi isotermaldan kecepatan kompresi saat pembentukan multilapis film akan di bahas.Kata-kata kunci: Langmuir-Blodgett Films, multilapis, Cu-3,5-bistetrabutyl-phenylporphyrinAbstract. The study of mixed Langmuir-Blodgett Films multilayer was conducted in ordinary experiment conditions by using metallo-porphyrin derivative (3,5-bistetrabutyl-phenylporphyrin with Cu as central metal) andarachidate acid with and without trigger molecule, hexatriacontane. We demonstrated that the mixed multilayer which consist of 4, 20 and 40 layers for each mixed solution (molar ratio porphyrin : arachidic acid :hexatriancontane, 1,5 : 10 : r, where r is 0, 0.5) successfully transfers into glass plates as Langmuir-Blodgett Films and characterized the transferred films using UV visible spectroscopy. The area per monolayer porphyrin moleculeis approximately 15-21 Ã…2. The first mixed solution (porhyrin: arachidic acid) produced good multilayer while the second mixed solution (porphyrin : arachidic acid : trigger molecule, hexatriancontane) did not produce 20 and 40layers as it was expected. Some possible problems such as cleanliness, isotherms condition and compression speed of forming multilayer will be discussed.Key words:Langmuir-Blodgett Films, multilayer, Cu-3,5-bistetrabutyl phenylporphyrin
Jurnal Pijar Mipa Vol. 4 No. 1 (2009): Maret
Publisher : Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (136.86 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/jpm.v4i1.175


Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar mahasiswa semester satu Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika FKIP Universitas Mataram tahun akademik 2007/2008 pada mata kuliah biologidasar. Kriteria keberhasilan penelitian ini adalah bila tes hasil belajar mahasiswa mencapai skor rata-rata 70,0. Kriteria motivasi belajar sangat tinggi (skor motivasi 64 - 80), tinggi (48 – 63), rendah (32 – 47) dan sangat rendah (20-31). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) implementasi pembelajaran kooperatif metode jigsaw dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Fisika FKIP Universitas Mataram pada matakuliah biologi dasar. 48% mahasiswa memiliki motivasi belajar sangat tinggi , 52% mahasiswa memiliki motivasi tinggi dan 0% mahasiswa memiliki motivasi belajar rendah dan sangat rendah. (2) Implementasi pembelajaran kooperatif metode jigsaw dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Fisika FKIP Universitas Mataram pada matakuliah biologi dasar. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan dicapainya rata-rata kelas dengan skor 73,60Kata-kata kunci: Pembelajaran kooperatif, motivasi, hasil belajarAbstract. The objective of this research is to improve motivation and acadamic achievement of first smester student of Fhysics Education Program FKIP University of Mataram academic year 1997/1998 in biology subject.The criterion of the success of the Cooverative teaching implementation is when the avarage acadamic achievement of student equal to 70.0. The motivation learning criteria are (a) very high (score 64 – 80), (b) high(score 48 – 63), (c) low (32 – 47) and (d) very low (score 20 – 32). The results of this research show that (a) Implementation of Cooverative teaching can improve student academic achievement in biology subject, it showedby the average acadamic achievement of 73.60 (b) Implementation of Cooverative teaching can olso improve student motivation in learning biology. 48% of students has very high learning motivation, 52% of students hashigh learning motivation and 0% of student has a low and very low learning motivation.Key words: Cooperative teaching, motivation, academic acheivement
Jurnal Pijar Mipa Vol. 4 No. 1 (2009): Maret
Publisher : Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (529.227 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/jpm.v4i1.176


Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran berorientasi model 4-D dan mengetahui hasil implementasi modul Fisika materi pokok gerak dengan menerapkan model pengajaran langsung dan model pembelajaran kooperatif, mendeskripsikan aktivitas siswa, keterlaksanaan KBM, respon siswa, hasil belajar siswa. Subjek dalam penelitian adalah siswa Kelas VII SMP Laboratorium Unesa, dengan Pre-test and Posttest Group Design. Analisis data secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa frekuensi aktivitas siswa yang paling tinggi adalah komponen mendiskusikan tugas pada pertemuan 1 27,2%, pertemuan 222,9%, pertemuan 3, frekuensi tertinggi adalah melakukan pengamatan, percobaan, atau bekerja sebesar 26,2%. Rata-rata kemampuan guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran cenderung berkategori baik, dan respon siswa dinilai baik serta hasil belajar tuntas. Simpulan penelitian, implementasi modul Fisika SMP materi pokok gerak dengan menerapkan model pengajaran langsung dan model pembelajaran kooperatif dapat dikategorikan baik dan dapat menuntaskan hasil belajar.Kata-kata kunci: modul, pengajaran langsung, pembelajaran kooperatif.Abstract. This research aim to develop peripheral of study orient 4-D model and know result of implementation module Physics of SMP in the Subject of motion by applying direct instruction and cooperative learning, student activity, plan instruction, student response, result learn student. The subjects in this study are class VII students of SMP Laboratorium Unesa with Pre-Test Post-Test Group Design and data analysis descriptively is quantitative. Result of research indicate that highest student activity frequency is component discuss duty at meeting 1 27,2%, meeting 2 22,9%, meeting 3, highestfrequency is to conduct perception, attempt, or work equal to 26,2%. Mean ability of teacher in executing study tend to categorize goodness, and student response assessed goodness and also result of learning is complete. Research node, Physics module implementation of Junior High School in the Subject of motion by applying direct instruction and cooperative learning can be categorized goodness and can be complete of result learn.Key words: module, direct instruction, cooperative learning.
Jurnal Pijar Mipa Vol. 4 No. 1 (2009): Maret
Publisher : Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (252.027 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/jpm.v4i1.177


Abstrak. Pemberlakuan Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi (KBK) sebagai pengganti Kurikulum 1994 diasumsikan memiliki dampak pada kinerja guru Kimia yang telah sangat familiar dengan Kurikulum 1994. Dengandemikian sangat mungkin guru akan melaksanakan pembelajaran sesuai dengan pemahaman dan keterampilan yang telah melekat pada dirinya. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, kesimpulan yang dapat dirumuskan adalah 1).Dalam merencanakan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan KBK/KTSP 58,7% guru kimia SMA Negeri di kota Mataram tidak mengalami hambatan atau terbebani kecuali pada item penyusunan silabus yang dirasakan memberatkan dengan persentase pendapat sebesar 77%, 2). Dalam pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran kinerja guru cenderung terpengaruh karena merasa memberatkan dengan nilai 54,0%, yaitu pada item mengelola ruang dan fasilitas pembelajaran seperti menyiapkan alat, media, dan sumber belajar, 3). Indikator evaluasi/penilaian pembelajaran yang dinyatakan memberatkan oleh sebagian besar guru kimia SMA Negeri di Kota Mataram yaitu pada saat pengayaan dan remidi dilakukan dengan persentase pendapat sebesar 69,2%, dan 4). Secara umum terdapat indikasi bahwa sebagian besar guru kimia SMA Negeri di Kota Mataram belum memahami dengan benar filosofi KBK/KTSP. Hal ini tercermin dari persentase pendapat (56,8%) guru yang menyatakan bahwa perubahan kurikulum tidak secara signifikan mempengaruhi kinerja guru dan meningkatkan kualitas siswa dan lulusan.Kata-kata kunci: KBK/KTSP, Perubahan Kinerja, KompetensiAbstract. The application of Competence Based Curriculum (KBK) to replace an old one or 1994 Curriculum is assumed has some impacts on the performance of High School Chemistry teachers in Kota Mataram that alreadyfamiliar with 1994 curriculum. So that, it will be possible for them to teach according to their knowledge and skills. Based on the data analysis and its elaboration, it can be concluded that 1) In instructional planning, somechemistry high school teachers can adapt well with the new curriculum with 58.7 % stated that planning instructional activity is not so difficult except in syllabus engineering (77.0% felt difficult), 2). In instructional activity, 54.0% chemistry high school teachers stated that arrangement of instructional facility its so heavy. However, they can do well when they perform teaching-learning activity, 3). Some teachers felt difficult in giving enrichment and remedial teaching with the opinion of 69.2 %, and 4). In general, some high school chemistry teachers tend to state that changing of curriculum cannot affect the performance of teachers and also the quality of students and graduated. This statement based on the opinion of the respondents that have the value of 56.8%.Key words: KBK/KTSP, Performance change, Competences
Jurnal Pijar Mipa Vol. 4 No. 1 (2009): Maret
Publisher : Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (191.184 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/jpm.v4i1.178


Abstrak. Pendekatan kontekstual merupakan konsep belajar yang mendorong siswa mengkontruksi pengetahuan yang ada pada mereka sendiri. Proses pembelajaran berlangsung alamiah dalam bentuk kegiatan siswa bekerja dan mengalaminya. Penerapan pendekatan kontekstual dalam pembelajaran biologi bertujuan agar pembelajaran lebih produktif dan bermakna. Tugas guru adalah mengelola kelas atau menentukan strategi dan metode pembelajaran, agar siswa mencapai tujuan dengan menemukan sendiri konsep-konsep yang dipelajarinya.Kata-kata kunci: Pendekatan kontektual, IPA, SMPAbstract. Contextual learning is learning concept that encourages students to construct their knowledge by themselves. The learning process is naturally in the form of student’s activity and experience, not by transfer the knowledge from teacher. The aim of the application of contextual learning on biology will be more effective and efficient. The task of the teacher is controlling class and to decide learning strategy and method, so that the students experience concepts what they learnt by themselves.Keywords: Contextual teaching and learning, science, secondary school
Jurnal Pijar Mipa Vol. 4 No. 1 (2009): Maret
Publisher : Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (133.963 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/jpm.v4i1.179


Abstrak: Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan model four-D dan juga termasuk penelitian penjelasan dengan metode eksperimen. Perangkat yang dikembangkan meliputi: Lembar Kegiatan Siswa (LKS) yang berupa LKS Eksperimen dan LKS Panduan Belajar, Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP), Kisi-kisi dan Lembar Tes Hasil Belajar (THB) Produk. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan PretestPosttest Control Group Design. Hasil pengamatan dan analisis data diperoleh temuan antara lain, kemampuan siswa dalam melakukan strategi belajar mapping adalah baik, serta siswa senang dan berminat terhadap pembelajaran dengan menggunakan strategi belajar mapping. Proses belajar mengajar yang menerapkan perangkat pembelajaran ini dapat meningkatkan proporsi jawaban benar siswa untuk THB Produk sebesar 57 % dan dari hasil analisis statistik uji-t, diperoleh bahwa hasil belajar produk siswa yang diajar melalui startegi belajar mapping dengan model pengajaran langsung adalah lebih baik dari hasil belajar siswa yang diajar dengan pembelajaran yang biasa dilakukan disekolah dengan metode ceramah, tanya jawab, eksperimen, dan pemberian tugas.Kata kunci: strategi belajar, mapping, direct instructionAbtract: Type of this research is a descriptive research with four-D model. It’s also included in to explanation research with experiment method. The tools which are developed conclude books, sheet of activity contain of sheet of experiment, curriculum teaching plan, and examination result. This research is designed using PretestPosttest Control Group Design. The result of  monitoring and data analysis found that ability of student in designing mapping teaching are excellent. The students are also happy and having good interest to the training of skilled mapping teaching. The process of studying that implement this method can increase the proportion of correct answer for result examination 57 %, while proportion correct answer for examination result. From result of  statistic analysis t-test found that the examination result product of student which is taught through designed mapping teaching with direct instruction model is better than tutoring method or conventional model.Key words: teaching, mapping, direct instruction
Jurnal Pijar Mipa Vol. 4 No. 1 (2009): Maret
Publisher : Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (153.5 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/jpm.v4i1.180


Abstrak. Meningkatkan IMTAQ selalu muncul pertama sebagai tujuan pendidikan sains dalam setiap kurikulum pada semua jenis dan jenjang pendidikan. Namun, upaya guru untuk mengembangkan pembelajaranyang berorientasi kepada IMTAQ masih sangat sedikit, buku-buku pelajaran sains yang mengkaitkan antara materi sains dengan aspek imtaq sangat sedikit, kemampuan dan kemauan guru untuk mengembangkan pembelajaranberorientasi imtaq masih sangat kurang. Karena itu, guru dan/atau calon guru sains harus membekali dirinya, tidak hanya dengan penguasaan materi, pendekatan dan strategi pembelajaran yang cangkih, tetapi juga denganmenambah wawasan tentang pembelajaran (sains) yang berorientasi kepada imtaq, dan yang paling utama adalah kesadaran bahwa guru adalah profesi nurani.Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran Sains, ImtaqAbstract. Improving IMTAQ is always being the main objective of science education in every curriculum of all level of education. The teachers’ efforts to develop the IMTAQ-oriented teaching and learning, however, are very limited. Science books that relate the science with the IMTAQ aspect also very little. The teachers capacity and knowledge to develop the IMTAQ-oriented teaching materials is far from sufficient. For that purpose, teachers and teachers candidate should equip themselves not only with the material along with shopisticated teaching approaches and strategies , but also by exstending their ideas on teaching science that is oriented to improving the students’ IMTAQ, and by realizing that being teacher is heart-called profession.Keywords: Teaching Science, Imtaq
Jurnal Pijar Mipa Vol. 4 No. 1 (2009): Maret
Publisher : Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (291.729 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/jpm.v4i1.181


Abstrak. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar dan kemandirian belajar siswa melalui teknik pembelajaran jigsaw. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 36 siswa kelas XI Jurusan IPA SMU Negeri1 Depok, Yogyakarta. Langkah-langkah penelitian tindakan kelas mengacu pada model Kemmis dan McTaggart dimana setiap siklus tindakan meliputi perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Instrumen penelitian terdiridari lembar pengamatan pelaksanaan pembelajaran dan pengamatan terhadap partisipasi siswa, kuis, angket kemandirian belajar, angket sikap siswa dan wawancara. Penelitian ini terlaksana dalam 2 siklus. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran geometri dengan menerapkan teknik jigsaw dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa, yaitu sebanyak 78.13% siswa tuntas belajar pada siklus 2 dengan adanya tindakan antara lain visualisasimateri dengan software CABRI, pemberian bimbingan atau petunjuk dalam mengaktifkan proses kognitif siswa untuk memahami materi,  memvisualisasikan konsep melalui gambar yang menarik menggunakan presentasi dengan software CABRI dan melibatkan siswa dalam penilaian kuis. Sebelum siklus 1, sebanyak 32.26% siswa mampunyai kemandirian belajar kualifikasi atas dan setelah siklus 2 meningkat menjadi 37.93% siswa. Peningkatan kemandirian belajar terlihat menonjol terutama dalam hal menumbuhkan motivasi belajar, merumuskan tujuan belajar dan mengevaluasi hasil belajarnya.Kata Kunci: Jigsaw, hasil belajar matematika, kemandirian belajarAbstract. The classroom action research has been done to improve performance and self-regulated learning through a jigsaw learning technique. The subject was 36 grade 11 students majoring in Natural Science; at a publichigh school namely SMU Negeri 1 Depok, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The classroom action research followed the model introduced by Kemmis and McTaggart, in which a cycle consist four steps: planning, action, observationand reflection. The instruments to collect the data were observation sheets of learning activity and students’ participation during learning, quizzes, questionnaire of self-regulated learning and attitude, as well as interviewsheet. There were two cycles of learning in the research. The result indicated that the geometry lesson implementing the jigsaw technique 78.13% students master the learning competence after the second cycle. Specifically, the actions were visualization to be learnt material using CABRI application, giving guidance or hint to activate students’ cognitive process while understanding material, using interactive pictures when presenting aconcept and involved students when marking the quizzes’ results. The percentage of students who had selfregulated learning on high level in the first and second cycles were 32.26% and 37.93% respectively. The improvement of self-regulated learning was mostly in self learning motivation, defining learning goals and selflearning evaluation.Keywords: jigsaw, mathematics learning performance, self-regulated learning
Jurnal Pijar Mipa Vol. 4 No. 1 (2009): Maret
Publisher : Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (172.796 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/jpm.v4i1.182


Abstrak. Dalam tulisan ini akan dibahas tentang hubungan antara bi-ideal prime kuat, bi-ideal prime, bi-ideal semiprime, bi-ideal tak terreduksi kuat, dan bi-ideal tak terreduksi dari semigrup. Selain itu juga akan dibahas tentang karakteristik dari semigrup yang setiap bi-idealnya prime kuat.Kata-kata Kunci : Bi-ideal prime kuat, bi-ideal prime, bi-ideal semiprimeAbstract. In this paper, we introduce the strongly prime, prime, semi-prime, strongly irreducible and irreducible bi-ideals of semi-groups. We also characterize those semi-groups for which each bi-ideal is strongly prime.Keywords : Strongly prime bi-ideals, prime bi-ideals , semiprime bi-ideals

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