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Bhara Petro Energi
ISSN : 28285530     EISSN : 28283457     DOI :
Journal of Bhara Petro Energi (BPE) is a scientific journal managed and published by the Department of Petroleum Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Bhayangkara University, Greater Jakarta. The focus of this journal is all about the upstream and downstream oil and gas industry as well as the geothermal industry. This journal focuses on production technology, drilling technology, petrophysics, reservoir studies and EOR (enhanced oil recovery) studies. Downstream Technology focuses on oil processing, managing surface equipment, and economic forecasting. BPE will be issued 3 (three) times a year, in March, July and December. First published in March 2022 with ISSN 2828-3457 (Online Media), and ISSN 2828-5530 (print media).
Articles 26 Documents
Evaluasi dan Optimasi Desain Casing Sumur Pemboran dengan Metode Maximum Load di Sumur ENN-1 di Lapangan Batuwangi Aly Rasyid; Edy Soesanto; Ezrawati Nunut Nababan
JURNAL BHARA PETRO ENERGI Vol 1 No 1: Volume 1 Nomor 1 (Maret 2022)
Publisher : Department of Petroleum Engineering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1149.732 KB) | DOI: 10.31599/bpe.v1i1.1005


Batuwangi is field that positioned ini the Sumatera at southeastern part. Batuwangi is in the development stage. The ENN-1 is one of well at Batuwangi field, placed at the geographical coordinates 5˚25'21.24063 South Latitude and 106˚18'55.73957 East Longitude. ENN-1 is drilled as a directional well spud on December 9, 2014 and completed on February 6, 2015. ENN-1 well has a TD (total depth) of 3804 ftMD and 3247 SSTVD, as an oil producer. In this paper, it will be studied the planning of casing utilized in the ENN-1 well, to see whether the desain of casing is already the most technically choice or not, to do calibration evaluation the grade casing used in ENN- 1 Well. To perform evaluation, the Maximum Load method will be used, the case will be choosen against desain factors of burst, collapse, and tension load resistant of casing. Based on the evaluation of the study, it is found that casing grade in the ENN-1 Well is exceeds the technical requirement. That fact, need to be corrected since it will lead to cost inefficient, it will much more expensive, since the casing purchased is higher than technical requirement. Therefore, in this studied offer the casing grade proposal to be utilized in the ENN-1 well which meet with technical requirement as well as economically much more efficient than current design.
Desain Formulasi Lumpur Untuk Pemboran Panas Bumi Di Sumur GG-01 M. Mahlil Nasution; Aly Rasyid; Gigin Pahrudin
JURNAL BHARA PETRO ENERGI Vol 1 No 1: Volume 1 Nomor 1 (Maret 2022)
Publisher : Department of Petroleum Engineering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (586.773 KB) | DOI: 10.31599/bpe.v1i1.1006


During the drilling process, we need to look at several aspects that need to be considered, including the drilling mud aspect which is one of the important aspects in a safe and efficient drilling process.The success of a drilling process through various rock layers is very dependent on the design of the drilling mud formulation. All of that can be influenced by the nature and physics of the drilling mud which needs to be adjusted to the formation conditions, formation pressure, rock type and fluid content contained in the formation. In designing the mud formulation that will be used, it can be done by using the mud system correlation method or by analyzing the pressure wells that become offset wells or key wells which are analyzed to determine the properties of the mud to be used. Well GG – 01 is an exploration well so it does not have an offset well. The drilling that will be penetrated is as many as 4 routes which in the first route the hole is made using a mash system so that it does not use drilling mud. And for the next route, the type of mud to be used is KCL Polymer with a different percentage on each route.
Perbandingan Pemilihan Antara Tipe Wellhead Conventional Dengan Wellhead Unihead Nugroho Marsiyanto; Aly Rasyid; Sigit Widianto
JURNAL BHARA PETRO ENERGI Vol 1 No 1: Volume 1 Nomor 1 (Maret 2022)
Publisher : Department of Petroleum Engineering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (600.908 KB) | DOI: 10.31599/bpe.v1i1.1007


The wellhead is a surface well control device made of steel which forms a seal / baffle system to withstand bursts or leaks of liquid from the well to the surface composed of casing head (casing hanger) and tubing head (tubing hanger). Wellhead used in an oil or gas well must have a long runlife because an oil or gas well can last up to decades, and if it is necessary to replace the wellhead will take large costs. This paper determines the process in selecting the use and effectiveness of wellhead and comparing conventional wellhead versus unihead wellhead at W well that is efficient and safe during drilling well and optimal utilization during production process. Wellhead type selection process cover determining temperature class, material class, pressure rating, installation costs, and in terms of safety. Based on the selection process, W wellhead well has the temperature class used is class U, the material class used is the type FF-0.5 or HH-0.5, for a pressure rating of 3000 psi, and in terms of cost it is more economical to use unihead wellhead type.
Identifikasi Data Reservoir Dengan Menggunakan Pemodelan Software RFD Untuk Mengetahui Production Forecast Rate Di Sumur J Lapangan A Edy Soesanto; Eko Prastio; Jessica Abidin
JURNAL BHARA PETRO ENERGI Vol 1 No 1: Volume 1 Nomor 1 (Maret 2022)
Publisher : Department of Petroleum Engineering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (378.167 KB) | DOI: 10.31599/bpe.v1i1.1008


Reservoir simulation is a process of mathematically modeling reservoir conditions by integrating various existing data (geology, geophysics, petrophysics, reservoirs, etc) to obtain reservoir performance in well conditions so that the purpose of reservoir simulation is to determine the current and future reservoir performance to estimate the rate of oil production (production forecast rate). Rapid technological developments encourage experts to create computer software that is used as a simulation tool. The method in this study uses reservoir modeling simulation software. The production forecast rate in this reservoir model is carried out for 2 years by only adding one production well in the reservoir area that has not been drained, namely infill well A. This shows that the oil production rate continues to decrease but increases the cumulative oil production. The cumulative oil production produced by well A was 33,80 STB in 2014 with an average increase of 12%. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the reservoir model after 2014 in detail the value of the data again so that the reservoir simulation process for the next forecast gets good oil production results.
Evaluasi Water Shut Off Dan Membuka Lapisan Baru Sumur Bagong Di Lapangan Lesma Abdullah Rizky Agusman; Aly Rasyid; Dika Latief Lesmana
JURNAL BHARA PETRO ENERGI Vol 1 No 1: Volume 1 Nomor 1 (Maret 2022)
Publisher : Department of Petroleum Engineering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (593.379 KB) | DOI: 10.31599/bpe.v1i1.1013


Evaluation of Water Shut Off and Opening a New Layer of the Bagong Well in the Lesma Field, In oil and gas exploitation activities at the Bg01 Well, the well has been in production for a long time, so there is a problem where the proportion of water content in production wells continues to increase. compared to the proportion of oil and gas content produced, the improvement is carried out using the water shut off method by closing the existing perforation holes and opening new perforations in the same layer. Or closing the existing perforation holes that are indicated to cause an increase in water and the production of other perforated parts. By closing the layer, it is hoped that the water cut will decrease so that it will increase oil and gas production.
Penentuan Jenis Fluida Reservoar Di Lapangan M, Blok N, Sumatera Selatan Nugroho Marsiyanto
JURNAL BHARA PETRO ENERGI Vol 1 No 1: Volume 1 Nomor 1 (Maret 2022)
Publisher : Department of Petroleum Engineering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (699.478 KB) | DOI: 10.31599/bpe.v1i1.1014


Reservoir fluid type in oil or gas field must be determined very early in the life of reservoir because it is as critical factor in many of decisions made about producing strategy of the fluid from the reservoir. It also influence in the depletion reservoirs strategy. Reservoir fluid type can be confirmed only by observing a representative fluid sample in the laboratory testing. However, rules of thumb based on production data such as initial producing GOR, stock tank liquid gravity, and stock tank liquid color usually will indicate reservoir fluid type of those reservoirs. M field was discovered in December 1989 with the drilling of M-1 well. Subsequently, in July 1991, the M-2 well was drilled. In November 1997, an appraisal well, M-3, was drilled. Based on total production testing at M field indicated that the potential deliverability is 30 MMSCFD and M field have being produced since March 2002 up to date from those three wells. Objective of this paper is to determine fluid type in this M field. Based on the laboratory testing data from those 3 wells, the heptane plus concentration of M1 well is 0.47 % mole, the heptane plus concentration of M2 well is 0.67 % mole, and the heptane plus concentration of M3-well is 0.64 % mole. The Initial Gas Oil Ratio of M field refer to well testing is ranging from from 75,000 scf/STB to 554,545 scf/STB which is high GOR producing. Based on those 2 methods to determine reservoir fluid types, the laboratory testing and rules of thumb on intial production data, the fluid type of M field is categorized as A Dry Gas. This fluid determination is giving the advantages of strategic field drainage optimally and economically to the field.
Analisa Dan Optimasi Produksi Sumur Migas Di PEP Bekasi Hernowo Widodo; M Samsuri; Samsul Ma’rif
Publisher : Department of Petroleum Engineering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (416.913 KB) | DOI: 10.31599/bpe.v1i2.1310


Abstract Based on the results of the mass balance analysis and a review at PEP, it was concluded that the total feed intake from all wells was BOPD at 770 barrels/day, gas at 12.1882 MMSCFD, and BLPD at 15975.2 barrels/day, the total product produced was 8 ,541226% oil at 1568.760 barrels/day, 8.989134% condensate at 1651.027 barrels/day, 0.056535% gas at 10.3838214 MMSCFD, and 82.4131% water injection at 15136.748 barrels/day . In the Water Injection Plant process it produces sludge of 16286.812 kg or 0.90001% of the processed formation water, the formation of sludge is due to the addition of chemicals in the formation water treatment process. Keywords: Mass balance, crude oil, gas  Abstrak            Berdasarkan hasil analisis neraca massa dan peninjauan di PEP didapatkan  antara lain total feed masuk dari seluruh sumur adalah BOPD sebesar 770 barrel/hari, gas sebesar 12,1882 MMSCFD, dan BLPD sebesar 15975,2 barrel/hari, total produk yang dihasilkan adalah 8,541226% minyak sebesar 1568,760 barrel/hari, 8,989134% condensat sebesar 1651,027 barrel/hari, 0,056535% gas sebesar 10,3838214 MMSCFD, dan 82,4131% air injeksi sebesar 15136,748 barrel/hari. Pada proses Water Injection Plant menghasilkan sludge sebesar 16286,812 kg atau 0,90001 % dari air formasi yang diolah, terbentuknya sludge dikarenakan adanya penambahan bahan kimia pada proses pengolahan air formasi. Kata kunci: Neraca massa, minyak mentah, gas. Reference: Patton. 1981. Oilfield Water System. Campbell Petroleum Series, Norman, OK: John M. Campbell. Faust, S.D.dan O.M. Aly. (1998). Chemistry of Water Treatment. Lewis Publisher. USA. Hendricks, David W. 2006. Water Treatment Unit Process: Physical and Chemical. CRC Press. Florida. Howe, J. K., et al. (2012). Principle of Water Treatment. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New Jersey. Kemmer, EN. 1979. Water; The Universal Solvent, 2nd ed. Oak Brook, IL: Nalco Chemical Co. Subarnas, Nandang. 2007. Terampil Berkreasi. Jakarta: Grafindo Media Pratama. Manurung, Tambak, dkk. 2012. Efektivitas Biji Kelor (Moringa oleifera) Pada Pengolahan Air Sumur Tercemar Limbah Domestik. Dalam Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Teknik LIMIT’s. Vol 8, No.1: 37-41. Sutresna, Nana. 2007. Cerdas Belajar Kimia untuk Kelas XI SMA. Jakarta: Grafindo Media Pratama. Website Official Pertamina,
Analisa Efisiensi Energi pada Proses Produksi Obat X di Perusahaan YZ M Samsuri; Hernowo Widodo; Ananda Siti Choirunnisa
Publisher : Department of Petroleum Engineering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (446.933 KB) | DOI: 10.31599/bpe.v1i2.1432


ABSTRACT Drugs are chemicals that are produced to reduce pain and prevent the risk of various diseases. In the manufacture of drugs, several stages of the process are needed which are quite long and require calculations from each process to produce products that meet the requirements and minimize errors during the process that can cause company losses. The research was carried out by direct observation during the process as well as collecting data on the mass of materials before and after the process, as well as critical parameters listed from the PPI (Main Processing Procedure) book for 1 batch of drug manufacture which takes more than 24 hours to manufacture. From observations, it is known that the drug manufacturing process has an adiabatic process where the resulting mass balance has the equation mass in = mass out and there is no chemical reaction that takes place. In the drying process, the heat balance can be calculated because this process produces heat which requires a certain amount of energy in the process. The drying machine used is an FBD (Fluidized Bed Dryer) machine which requires a certain amount of power so that the efficiency of this machine can be known to maximize the process. Keywords: Drug, FBD, Mass Balance, Heat Balance, Process ABSTRAK Obat merupakan suatu bahan kimia yang diproduksi untuk mengurangi rasa sakit dan mencegah timbulnya risiko berbagai penyakit. Pada pembuatan obat, diperlukan beberapa tahapan proses yang cukup panjang serta membutuhkan perhitungan dari setiap prosesnya untuk menghasilkan produk yang sesuai persyaratan dan meminimalisir kesalahan saat proses yang dapat menyebabkan kerugian perusahaan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode pengamatan langsung saat proses berlangsung serta pengumpulan data massa bahan sebelum dan sesudah proses, juga parameter kritis yang tercantum dari buku PPI (Prosedur Pengolahan Induk) untuk 1 batch pembuatan obat dimana pada pembuatannya membutuhkan waktu lebih dari 24 jam. Dari pengamatan, diketahui bahwa pada proses pembuatan obat memiliki proses adiabatik dimana neraca massa yang dihasilkan memiliki persamaan massa masuk = massa keluar dan tidak adanya reaksi kimia yang berlangsung. Pada proses pengeringan, neraca panas dapat dihitung karena pada proses ini menghasilkan panas yang membutuhkan sejumlah energi pada prosesnya. Mesin pengering yang digunakan adalah mesin FBD (Fluidized Bed Dryer) yang membutuhkan sejumlah daya sehingga dapat diketahui efesiensi mesin ini untuk memaksimalkan proses. Kata Kunci : Obat, FBD, Neraca Massa, Neraca Panas, Proses Reference: Anief M., 2000. Ilmu Meracik Obat Teori dan Praktek,.UGM Press,.Yogyakarta. Anief, M., 1991. Apa Yang Perlu Diketahui Tentang Obat. Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta. Ansel, H.C., 1989. Pengantar Bentuk Sediaan Farmasi. diterjemahkan oleh Farida Ibrahim, Asmanizar, Iis Aisyah, Edisi keempat, 255-271, 607-608, 700, Jakarta, UI Press. Badan Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan, 2001. Pedoman Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik, Jakarta. Holman, J.P., 1994. Perpindahan Kalor. Erlangga. Jakarta Jas, A., 2007. Perihal Resep & Kern, D. Q.1965.Process Heat Transfer. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. Hermawan, Lutfi.2020.Laporan Kerja Praktek PT Kalbe Farma.Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta.Jakarta Howell John R and Buckius Richard O. 1987. Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics. New York: McGraw-H Indriani, Irma.dkk.2009.Pembuatan Fluidized Bed Dryer Pengeringan Benih Pertaniann Secara Resmi Semi Batch.Universitas Sebelas Maret.Surakarta Perry, R.H and Green, D.W.. 1999. Perry’s Chemical Engineer’s Handbook. 7thed.. Mc Graw-Hill Book Company. New York. Pediatric Dosage Handbook (Including Neonatal Dosing, Drug Administration, & Extemporer Preparation), Lexi-Comp, 2007. Tjay, Tan Hoan dan Rahardja, Kirana, Obat-Obat Penting, Edisi keenam. Elex Media Komputindo, Jakarta. Universitas Sumatera Utara Press, 1-1
Dry Lab – Laboratorium Virtual Untuk Anlisa Rekayasa Lumpur Pemboran M. Mahlil Nasution; Edy Soesanto
Publisher : Department of Petroleum Engineering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (601.493 KB) | DOI: 10.31599/bpe.v1i2.1433


Abstract Dry Lab is a virtual laboratory design. We called also as a laboratory of the future. Dry Lab was designed because of the increasingly advanced computerized especially Artificial Intelligence for making a simulator that can function to simulate a tool wich is can similiar with the real condition so that it gets the same results as when run in a conventional laboratory. With the existence of this Simulator technology, then I try to make a virtual simulator for drilling mud analysis which is very much needed in the world of oil engineering education especially and also needed in the world of oil and gas industry, especially when conducting drilling activities. Keywords: Dry Lab, Artificial Intelligence, virtual simulator, drilling mud. Abstrak Dry Lab adalah suatu rancangan virtual laboratorium. Dapat juga dikatakan sebagai Laboratorium masa depan. Dry Lab dirancang karena semakin majunya ilmu komputerisasi Artificial intelligence dalam membuat suatu simulator yang dapat berfungsi mensimulasikan suatu alat sesuai dengan cara kerja aslinya sehingga mendapatkan hasil yang sama seperti saat dijalankan di Laboratorium konvensional.Dengan adanya teknologi Simulator ini, maka saya mencoba membuat suatu simulator virtual untuk analisa lumpur pemboran yang sangat dibutuhkan dalam dunia pendidikan Teknik perminyakan khususnya dan juga dibutuhkan di dalam dunia industri Migas terutama saat melakukan kegiatan pemboran. Kata kunci: Dry Lab, Artificial intelligence, simulator virtual, lumpur pemboran. Reference: Agusman, A. R., Rasyid, A., & Lesmana, D. L. (2022). Evaluasi Water Shut Off Dan Membuka Lapisan Baru Sumur Bagong Di Lapangan Lesma. JURNAL BHARA PETRO ENERGI, 38-43. Aly Rasyid, A. R. (2021). Seleksi Material Untuk Casing Sumur Migas & Geothermal–Buku Referensi. Composition and Properties of Drilling and Completion Fluids: Seventh Edition, Caenn, RyenDarley, H. C.H. and Gray, George R. (2016) Composion And Properties Of Drilling And Complition Fluids,  H.C.H Darley and George R. Gray J.T. Patton (New Mexico State U.) P.F. Phelan (Los Alamos Natl Laboratory), Well Damage Hazards Associated With Conventional Completion Fluids Khodja, M., Khodja-Saber, M., Canselier, J. P., Cohaut, N. and Bergaya, F. (2010) ‘Drilling fluid technology: performances and environmental considerations’, Product and Services, From R&D to final solutions, pp. 227-232. Available at: Nasution, M. M., Rasyid, A., & Pahrudin, G. (2022). Desain Formulasi Lumpur Untuk Pemboran Panas Bumi Di Sumur GG-01. JURNAL BHARA PETRO ENERGI, 11-18. Rasyid, A., Mardiana, R. Y., Budiono, K., & Noviasta, B. (2021, December). Drilling optimization in geothermal exploration wells using enhanced design of conical diamond element bit. In Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Virtual, 16–18 November 2021 (pp. 1795-1808). Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTeC). Rasyid, A., Soesanto, E., & Nababan, E. N. (2022). Evaluasi dan Optimasi Desain Casing Sumur Pemboran dengan Metode Maximum Load di Sumur ENN-1 di Lapangan Batuwangi. JURNAL BHARA PETRO ENERGI, 1-10. Rasyid, A. (2019). Pemanfaatan Wellbore Strengthening Agent Selama Pengeboran di Onshore Sumatera Bagian Utara Indonesia. Jurnal Jaring SainTek, 1(2). Rudi Rubiandini R.S, Buku Teknik Pemboran Volume 1, Bandung, 2015 Virtual and Physical Experimentation in Inquiry-Based Science Labs: Attitudes, Performance  and Access.Journal of Science Education and TechnologyPyatt, Kevin.,Sims, Rod, 2012 Virtual laboratories in engineering education: the simulation lab and remote labComputer Applications in Engineering Education.Balamuralithara, B. Woods, P. C. 2009 Agusman, A. R., Rasyid, A., & Lesmana, D. L. (2022). Evaluasi Water Shut Off Dan Membuka Lapisan Baru Sumur Bagong Di Lapangan Lesma. JURNAL BHARA PETRO ENERGI, 38-43.    
Identifikasi Lapisan Batubara Pada Batuan Sedimen Pre-Tersier Menggunakan Metode Wireline Logging Untuk Potensi Coalbed Methane (CBM) Pada Sumur AB Lapangan X Eko Prastio; Abdullah Rizky Agusman; Nur Fikriyah Mutmainah
Publisher : Department of Petroleum Engineering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (379.638 KB) | DOI: 10.31599/bpe.v1i2.1434


Abstract Wireline Logging is the activity of collecting and recording data on physical parameters according to the depth of the borehole during the drilling process. The measured data are radioactivity, speed of sound and electromagnetic. Methane gas trapped in coal or commonly referred to as Coalbed Methane is one of the alternative energy sources where the existing conventional gas has decreased production and no other new gas fields have been found. The Muara Enim Formation, which is the main target of mining companies, contains abundant brown coal or lignite from the South Sumatra region. The existing log data will be interpreted and evaluated qualitatively and identified the presence of the coal seam using wireline logging. Coalbed methane or CBM is an alternative energy source that can be utilized. The gas trapped in the coal seam will be utilized, because this research will identify the coal seam by using a wireline logging tool in well AB field X. Through the interpretation of logging results using gamma ray log data and density log data from several zones in the same location . Gamma ray log data and density logs will detect coal seams because there is a radioactive element in the coal, namely potassium. With a low gamma ray log value and a low density log value, it will be possible to have a coal seam in well AB field X. Keywords: Coal, CBM, Wireline Logging Abstrak Wireline Logging adalah kegiatan pengumpulan dan perekaman data parameter-parameter fisika sesuai kedalaman dari lubang bor selama proses pengeboran berlangsung. Data yang diukur adalah radioaktivitas, kecepatan suara dan elektromagnetik.Gas metan yang terjebak di dalam batubara atau biasa disebut dengan Coalbed Methane merupakan salah sau energy alternative yang dimana gas konvensional yang ada mengalami penurunan produksi dan belum ditemukan lapangan-lapangan gas baru lain nya. Formasi Muara Enim yang menjadi target utama dari perusahaan tambang yang didalamnnya terdapat batubara coklat atau lignit yang melimpah dari wilayah Sumatera Selatan. Data Log yang ada akan diinterpretasikan dan di evaluasi secara kualitatif dan di identifikasi keberadaan lapisan batubra dengan menggunakan wireline logging. Gas yang terjebak didalam lapisan batubara akan dimanfaatkan, karena hal itu penelitian ini akan mengidentifikasi lapisan batubara dengan menggunakan alat wireline logging pada sumur AB lapangan X. Melalui interpretasi hasil logging dengan menggunakan data log gamma ray dan data log density dari beberapa zona di lokasi yang sama. Data log gamma ray dan log density akan mendeteksi lapisan batubara karena didalam bautbara terdapat unsur zat radioaktif yaitu kalium. Dengan nilai log gamma ray yang rendah dan nilai log density yang rendah akan memungkinkan ada nya lapisan batubara didalam sumur AB lapangan X. Kata Kunci : Batubara, CBM, Wireline Logging Reference: Baker Huges, INTEQ. (1995). Drilling Engineering Workbook. Baker Huges INTEQ. Houston United State of America. Bateman, R. M. (2015). Cased-Hole Log Analysis and Reservoir Performance Monitoring. United States of America. Bradley, H. B. (1992). Petroleum Engineering Handbook. Society of Petroleum Engineers. Richardson, Texas, United States of America. Herron, S., Herron, M. (1996).  Quantitative lithology: an application for open and cased hole spectroscopy. Transactions of the SPWLA 37th Annual Symposium, New Orleans, LA. Horsrud P. 2001. Estimating mechanical properties of shale empirical correlations. SPE Drilling Completion 16: 68-73. Harsono, A. 1997. Evaluasi formasi dan aplikasi log. Schlumberger Oilfield Services, Jakarta Liu, G. (2021). “Applied Well Cementing Engineering”. Pegasus Vertex, Rasyid, Aly, and Tyastuti Sri Lestari. "Penentuan Produktivitas Zona Minyak Dengan Menggunakan Modular Formation Dynamic Technology." Jurnal Kajian Ilmiah 18.1 (2018). Salinita, S. dan Bahtiar, A. (2014). Pengaruh struktur geologi terhadap kualitas batubara lapisan “D” formasi Muara Enim, Jurnal Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara, Vol.10, No.2, hal. 91–104.

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