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Kehadiran Jurnal Kronologi sebagai bagian penting dari usaha untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan. Selama ini banyak penelitian hanya tersimpan pada perpustakaan, berdebu dan lapuk serta hilang begitu saja. Lebih lebih hasil penelitian mahasiswa, disamping kuantitasnya yang banyak juga cukup variatif dan menginspirasi. Jurnal Kronologi berusaha menjembatani hal ini. Hasil riset akhir mahasiswa baik yang berkaitan sejarah murni dan penelitian berhubungan dengan pendidikan sejarah. Semuanya dipandang layak untuk dipublikasikan. Jurnal kronologi sebagai wadahnya. Bukan saja hasil penelitian mahasiswa sejarah Universitas Negeri Padang akan tetapi secara luas hasil penelitian akhir mahasiswa dari seluruh universitas yang terdapat di Indonesia.
Articles 412 Documents
Sejarah Pondok Pesantren Salafiyah Tarbiyah Islamiyah Koto Kandis (1950-2017) Widya Elfami Putri; Rusdi Rusdi
Jurnal Kronologi Vol 1 No 3 (2019): Jurnal Kronologi
Publisher : Jurusan Sejarah FIS UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (455.915 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jk.v1i3.21


This study describe the History of Pondok Pesantren Salafiyah Tarbiyah Islamiyah Koto Kandis (1950-2017). This research uses the historical method of the process: Heuristics, or data collection, then continued the procces of source criticism and interpretation of data, the final stage is the writing of history so that’s way this research can be completed. The results showed that the first founders of “Sekolah Tarbiyah” (Pondok Pesantren Salafiyah Tarbiyah Islamiyah Koto Kandis) are Pakia Nantang (1910-1969) and “niniak mamak” of Koto Kandis, also helped by Koto Kandis’s society due to concerns about childrens who less getting education of religion and economics factors, the society of Koto Kandis was so poor. Then helped by H. Timu (1927-1987), Buya Abdul Mu’is (1930-1993) Buya Abu Sidar Kalimandaro (born 1930th), and Buya Kamaruddin (born 1932th) to teach some education of religion like “Kitab Gundul” and others. On 2006th “Sekolah Tarbiyah” has changed to be “Pondok Pesantren Salafiyah Tarbiyah Islamiyah Koto Kandis.”
Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan Masyarakat Pesisir Purus: Mendorong Aktualisasi Rakyat Jelata Menuju Pentas Azmi Fitrisia
Jurnal Kronologi Vol 1 No 3 (2019): Jurnal Kronologi
Publisher : Jurusan Sejarah FIS UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (703.417 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jk.v1i3.22


Kehidupan masyarakat Kelurahan Purus Kecamatan Padang Barat Kota Padang tergolong miskin. Pertanyaannya bagaimanakah mendorong perubahan pengetahuan dan keterampilan merek serta merimplikasi bagi peningkatan ekonomi keluarga. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan sejarah sosial ekonomi pesisir. Hasil penelitian ini bahwa pengembangan pengetahuan dan keterampilan merupakan satu langkah yang bisa ditempuh untuk meningkatkan ekonomi keluarga pesisir. Hal ini karena sebahagian besar masyarakat yang berpendapatan rendah juga berpendidikan rendah. Banyak pelatihan yang memungkinkan untuk dilaksanakan. Dari dua jenis pelatihan telah menunjukkan berupa pelatihan menjahit dan pelatihan penulisan dampak positif secara pengetahuan dan keterampilan mulai terjadi. Meskipun masih ada tantangan dalam peningkatan ekonomi secara sigifikan
Industri Kacang Atom GDR di Nagari Panyalaian Kecamatan X Koto Kabupaten Tanah Datar (1992-2020) Resky Dini Harianti; Azmi Fitrisia
Jurnal Kronologi Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Kronologi
Publisher : Jurusan Sejarah FIS UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (169.482 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jk.v2i1.23


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejarah dan perkembangan Industri Kacang Atom GDR di Nagari Panyalaian Kecamatan X Koto Kabupaten Tanah Datar, dalam fokus kajian pada perkembangan industri sejak tahun 1992 sampai tahun 2020 serta manajemen dan strategi yang digunakan untuk dapat bertahan. Penelitian ini penting karena Industri Kacang Atom GDR telah ada sejak tahun 1992 sampai sekarang dan mengalami perkembangan dari berbagai bidang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian sejarah yang terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu heuristik, kritik sumber, interpretasi dan historiografi. Hasil penelitian ini menggambarkan perkembangan Industri Kacang Atom GDR mulai dari proses berdiri, perkembangan dan manajemen dari segi permodalan, tenaga kerja, produksi dan bahan baku, pemasaran serta strategi yang digunakan untuk dapat bertahan menghadapi berbagai hambatan. Juga dipaparkan dampak yang dirasakan oleh pemilik usaha, karyawan dan masyarakat dalam bidang perekonomian.
Kegiatan Diskusi pada Pendekatan Saintifik dalam Pembelajaran Sejarah Kelas XI IPS di SMA Negeri 3 Bukittinggi Mutia Haristi; Zafri Zafri
Jurnal Kronologi Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Kronologi
Publisher : Jurusan Sejarah FIS UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (155.36 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jk.v2i1.24


This research is motivated because discussion activities have often been carried out on historical subjects, but there are still some discussion steps that are not in accordance with theoretical discussion areas. This study aims to find out more fully the implementation of discussion activities on a scientific approach in learning history both in terms of quantity and quality. This study uses an evaluative method with qualitative research types. The subjects of this study were teachers and students in SMA Negeri 3 Bukittinggi class XI IPS 1, XI IPS2, and XI IPS 3. Data collection in this study by observation and interview. Data processing using interactive analysis techniques. The results of this study stated that the discussion activities in general had been carried out by teachers well, only that there were some things that were not ideal, including:1) the teacher does not always convery the learning objectives. 2) the teacher uses only one type of discussion. 3) no students express their opinions and ideas. This is caused by several faktors, including forgetfulness, time, and less varied learning methods.
Perempuan Gerwani Minangkabau dalam Belitan Konflik G30S/PKI 1965 Serli Agustina; Siti Fatimah
Jurnal Kronologi Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Kronologi
Publisher : Jurusan Sejarah FIS UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (209.436 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jk.v2i1.25


This article is a historical study that discusses the fate of the Gerwani Minangkabau woman in the conflict wrought by the G30S/PKI 1965. The pupose of this study is to describe the life experiences and the fate of the Minangkabau members of the Gerwani who became entangled in the conflict of their involvement in the illegal organization. This research uses the historical methods based on the four steps of activity of heuristic, source criticism, interpretation and historiography. The conclusion obtained is that this study expounded facts related to the events of the G30S in 1965 that occurred in the land of Minang (west Sumatera). The participation of Minangkabau women in the Gerwani membership dragged them into a conflict that occurred during the events of the G30S 1965. Their desire to fight for women comes to their misery. Discrimination and negative stigma have not stopped them from feeling.
Pelaksanaan Metode Karyawisata pada Pembelajaran Sejarah Kelas X IPS 2 di SMA Negeri 3 Bukittinggi Utari Utari; Zafri Zafri
Jurnal Kronologi Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Kronologi
Publisher : Jurusan Sejarah FIS UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (134.633 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jk.v2i1.26


This research is motivated by the implementation of the field trip method by history subject teacher in Bukittinggi Senior High School, but there are still some steps in the field trip that are not yet in line with the theoretical field trip steps. This study aims to determine the appropriateness of the implementation of the field trip method carried out at Bukittinggi Senior high school by the history teacher with the theoretical field trip method steps. The subject of this research is the history teacher at Bukittinggi Senior High School. The method used in this study is an evaluative method with type of qualitative research. The results showed that in general the steps of the field trip had been carried out by the teacher well, but there weresome things that were not ideal, including : 1) the teacher had not clearly stated the purpose of the field trip method, this was related with conceptual skills not maximal from the teacher. 2) the teacher has not involved the child in determining the object of the field trip in the PjBL, This is caused by human skill factors that are applied by the teacher is still not optimal.
Pengembangan Media Timeline Interaktif Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kronologis Siswa Laura Tsurayya Nory; Ofianto Ofianto
Jurnal Kronologi Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Kronologi
Publisher : Jurusan Sejarah FIS UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (154.579 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jk.v2i1.27


This study aims to: 1) Know how the process of developing interactive timeline media for the history learning of high school students in grade XI. 2) Analyzing the feasibility of the media and the effectiveness of learning after using the interactive timeline media for class XI students at SMAN 2 Padang. The method used is research development, by following the steps of developing the ADDIE model (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation). The subject of this research trial consisted of 33 students of SMA Negeri 2 Padang class XI IPS 2. In this study a feasibility test was conducted based on the assessment of 2 material experts and 2 media experts to see the feasibility of the media before the trial. In addition, practicality tests were also conducted by history class XI teachers and 33 students to see the practicality of the interactive timeline media. The results showed that the feasibility of the media based on the assessment of the material experts stated that the interactive media timeline was very feasible to use with the average research data of 4.49, while the feasibility based on the assessment of the media experts stated that the interactive timeline media was very feasible to be used with the research average of the media obtained a score of 4, 26. The research product is effective in improving students' chronological thinking ability with an ngain of 0.68 and is categorized as moderate. Research products are also categorized as very practical by teachers and students with an average value of 4.75 and 4.50.
Pengaruh Penggunaan Kamus Mnemonik Sebagai Sumber Belajar Terhadap Hasil Belajar Sejarah Siswa di SMA Ilham Gazali; Ofianto Ofianto
Jurnal Kronologi Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Kronologi
Publisher : Jurusan Sejarah FIS UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (218.37 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jk.v2i1.28


This research is motivated by the lack of students' understanding of the subject matter of history, especially in remembering facts and concepts in learning history, so that it influences student learning outcomes. One of the causes of the low learning outcomes of history is due to the lack of varied learning resources. To overcome these problems, one alternative learning resource that can be used is the mnemonic dictionary. This study aims to look at the effect of using mnemonic dictionaries as learning resources on student history learning outcomes in high school. This type of research is a quasi-experimental type. The sample used is class X IPA2 as an experimental class and class X IPA1 as a control class at SMAN 12 Padang. Whereas in Pariaman 3 Public High School the sample used class X IPS2 as an experimental class and class X IPS4 as a control class. Test score data were analyzed using quantitative analysis in the form of a t test. After the t test is a one-sided t-test of the experimental class's posttest data the experimental class's posttest data with a significance level of 0.05, the results obtained are at 12th Padang High School which is 2.840> 1.670 and in SMAN 3 Pariaman is 2.064> 1.673. Because thit> ttab, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Then it can be concluded that there is a significant influence on the use of mnemonic dictionaries as a learning resource on the learning outcomes of students' history in high school.
Pengaruh Jiwa Zaman dan Latar Belakang Penulis Dalam Dua Karya Novel: Laut Bercerita dan Dua Batang Ilalang Ayuni Rianty; Etmi Hardi
Jurnal Kronologi Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Kronologi
Publisher : Jurusan Sejarah FIS UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (234.27 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jk.v2i1.29


Explanation of the events regarding the Student Movement in the novel Dua Batang Ilalang by Wahjoe Sardono and Laut Bercerita by Leila S Chudori, it is necessary to do a review or interpretation of whether the background and soul of the era influenced the exposure in the novel. This study aims to describe the influence of the mental condition of the age and the background of the author on the portrayal of the student movement in his work. Researchers apply a historiographic approach, using the method of library research with text or document data sources. Four stages: First, prepare supporting objects such as stationery. Second, the collection of works (bibliography) relating to the student movement, New Order and novel writers in the form of hardcopy and softcopy. Third, time management. Fourth, read and make note of results. The results of the study are: (1) Background of the writer, Leila S. Chudori is a writer since childhood, when he grew up he became a journalist for Tempo magazine. Wahjoe Sardono is a well-known comedian in Indonesia, and several other professions that he was involved in. (2) The Condition of the Soul of the Age, Storytelling Sea: 2017. Social and political conditions at that time were more democratic which gave freedom to the writers. Two Batang Ilalan: 1999. The transitional period of reform caused limitations and restraints on the author. The background causes different perspectives and special characteristics on the author's presentation in his work. While the soul of the times influences the limitations and freedom of imagination and language style as outlined.
Kasma Iswari: Kontribusi Tokoh Perempuan Minangkabau dalam Bidang Pertanian (1956-2019) Zakky Stany; Siti Fatimah
Jurnal Kronologi Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Kronologi
Publisher : Jurusan Sejarah FIS UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (241.978 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jk.v2i1.30


This article is a historical study that discusses the journey of life and experiences of a figure named Kasma Iswari from 1956-2019, she is a female researcher from Indonesia of Minang descent who is a contributor and Agent of change in agriculture. This research is a biographical study with the aim of the research to describe the life journey, roles and experiences of Kasma Iswari as a Minangkabau female figure in agriculture. This research uses the historical method which relies on four steps of activities namely heuristics, source criticism, interpretation, and historiography. Lots of achievements achieved by Kasma Iswari. Starting from discovering patent technology, becoming an agent of change in building a built village to be independent, then also succeeding in winning national level competitions, to winning individual awards as outstanding researchers at the national level. His most recent discovery was a health drink obtained from mangosteen rind extract with benefits as an anti-cancer agent. The discovery was patented in 2011, and has also been licensed to PT. Zena Sentosa Nirmala with the name of the product "GARCIA" which produces in Bogor. In conclusion, Kasma Iswari is a Minangkabau female figure in agriculture who acts as a contributor and Agent of change. He devoted half of his life to educating farmers, and bringing prosperity to humanity.

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