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Journal Of Science Education And Management Business
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JOSEAMB Menerbitkan artikel berdasarkan ruang lingkup ilmu ekonomi, bisnis, manajemen dan pendidikan. Jurnal ini memfasilitasi publikasi karya ilmiah di bidang ilmu ekonomi, bisnis, manajemen dan pendidikan. Jurnal ini didirikan oleh Riset Sinergi Indonesia
Articles 9 Documents
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Pengaruh Kecerdasan Emosional, Kompetensi Dan Motivasi Berprestasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada RS. Tk III. Dr. Reksodiwiryo Padang (Studi Kasus Pada Staf Non Medis) putri azizi; Olandari Mulyadi; Muhammad Afuan
Journal Of Science Education And Management Business Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): (JOSEAMB) Mei 2022
Publisher : Riset Sinergi Indonesia

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of emotional intelligence, competence and achievement motivation on employee performance in the Hospital Level III. Dr. Reksodiwiryo Padang (Case Study: Non Medical Staff).  The study consists of three independent variables of emotional intelligence, competence, achievement motivation and the dependent variable employee performance. The analytical method used is the multiple regression analysis and hypothesis testing. Methods of data collection in this study is the use of questionnaires filled out by respondents are Hospital Level III. Dr. Reksodiwiryo Padang (Case Study: Non Medical Staff). The results showed that: 1) Emotional Intelligence with the result t is greater than t table (3,661 >1,660)  or the level is significantly smaller than alpha (0.000<0.05), the Emotional Intelligence positive and significant effect on employee performance. 2). Competence with the result t is greater than t table (4,596>1,660)  or the level is significantly smaller than alpha (0.000<0.05) the competencies and significant positive effect on employee performance. 3). Achievement Motivation result t is greater than t table (9,810 >1,660) or the level is significantly smaller than alpha (0,000>0,05), Achievement Motivation positive and significant effect on employee performance. 4). Emotional Intelligence, Competencies and Achievement Motivation jointly significant effect on employee performance, which results t is greater than t table (5.062>1,660) or the level is significantly smaller than alpha (0,000<0.05).
Pengaruh Kepemimipinan Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Pasaman Barat Nikmatul Husna
Journal Of Science Education And Management Business Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): (JOSEAMB) Mei 2022
Publisher : Riset Sinergi Indonesia

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Abstract. This research with the title The Influence Of Leadership Toward Employee Performance Distric Regional Secretariat Pasaman Barat. The purpose of this research is to identify and analyze the influence of leadership toward employee performance distric regional secretariat Pasaman Barat. The population of the research is the employee in distric regional secretariat Pasaman Barat. Samples taken are 99 respondents by using census technique. Based on hypothesis in this research, it is assumed that the influence of leadership significantly and positively influence employee performance Distric Regional Secretariat Pasaman Barat. The data analysis methods author used in this research are validity tes, reliability test, variable descriptive analysis test, simple linear regression analysis, T test and F test. From analysis that have been done, author found that leadership variable (X) is significantly and positively influence the employee performance, this is proven by the significant probability value of leadership is resulted in 0,000 which is smaller than 0,05. From F test, it can be concluded that regression model can be use to predict the leadership which have significantly and positively influence toward employee performance by the significant probability value is resulted in 0,000 which is smaller than 0,05.
Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan, Profitabilitas Dan Likuiditas Terhadap Harga Saham Dengan Kebijakan Deviden Sebagai Variabel Moderating Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2018-2020 Indra Syafrin; Fasridon; Waldino Putra
Journal Of Science Education And Management Business Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): (JOSEAMB) Mei 2022
Publisher : Riset Sinergi Indonesia

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Abstract. This study aims to determine the effect of financial performance, profitability and liquidity on stock prices with dividend policy as a moderating variable in manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the 2018-2020 period. The sample in this study was taken using a purposive sampling technique with a total of 45 companies. The analytical technique used is panel data regression analysis with the help of the E-Views 10 program. The results of this study are that financial performance and liquidity have no effect on stock prices, while profitability has a significant positive effect on stock prices. Financial Performance and Liquidity have a positive and significant effect on Stock Prices through Dividend Policy, while Profitability has a negative and significant effect on Stock Prices through Dividend Policy.
Pengaruh Etos Kerja Dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Prestasi Kerja Dengan Kepuasan Kerja Sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada PT. Hayati Pratama Mandiri Padang Bayu Pratama Azka; Dori Mittra Candana; Ratih Purwasih
Journal Of Science Education And Management Business Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): (JOSEAMB) Mei 2022
Publisher : Riset Sinergi Indonesia

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This study aims to determine how much influence work ethic, work discipline, on job performance with job satisfaction as an intervening variable. The research variables are work ethic (X1), work discipline (X2), work performance (Y) and job satisfaction (Z). Methods of collecting data through surveys and distributing questionnaires to 82 respondents. The analytical method used is validity and reliability test, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, for hypothesis testing used t test and F test and path analysis. The results obtained show (a) there is a positive and significant effect on work ethic and on job satisfaction of 4.726 with a significant level of 0.000 <0.05 (b) there is a positive and significant influence on work discipline and on job satisfaction of 1.941 with a significant level of 0.056 < 0.05 (c) there is no positive and significant effect on work ethic and on work performance of 0.051 with a significant level of 0.959 > 0.05 (d) there is a positive and significant influence on work discipline and on work performance of 5.204 with a significant level of 0.000 < 0.05 (e) there is a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction and on work performance of 5.010 with a significant level of 0.003 < 0.05 (f) job satisfaction mediates the relationship between work ethic and work performance of 0.234 > 0.025 (g) job satisfaction mediates the relationship between work discipline and work performance by 0.220 > 0.096 Keywords: Leadership, Organizational Climate, Employee Performance and Job Satisfaction.
Pengaruh Komitmen Organisasi, Kepuasan Kerja Dan Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) Pada Karyawan Perusahaan Perum Bulog Padang Rio Andhika Putra; Robby Dharma
Journal Of Science Education And Management Business Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): (JOSEAMB) Mei 2022
Publisher : Riset Sinergi Indonesia

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The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of organizational commitment, job satisfaction and organizational culture on the Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) of employees of Perum Bulog Padang. The design of this research is in accordance with the research objectives and the problems being researched and formulated, the research that the author makes using quantitative methods. With a significant level of 0.001 less than 0.05, then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. That there is a positive and insignificant effect between Organizational Commitment to Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) of Perum Bulog Padang. With a significant level greater than alpha (0.882 > 0.05). That there is a positive and significant influence between Job Satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) of Perum Bulog Padang. With a significantly smaller level of alpha (0.000 < 0.05). That there is a positive and insignificant influence between Organizational Culture on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) of Perum Bulog Padang. With a significantly less than alpha level (0.068 > 0.05). Simultaneous Testing (F-Test) can be done by comparing the value of Fcount with Ftable because the value of Fcount is greater than the value of Ftable (12.335 > 2.92). The F value is 2,045 with a significant level of 0.000 less than 5%. Then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means this is done jointly between Organizational Commitment (X1), Job Satisfaction (X2), Organizational Culture (X3) and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) (Y).
Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Pelayanan, Kecerdasan Emosional Dan Komunikasi Interpersonal Terhadap OCB Pada Kantor Imigrasi Kelas 1 TPI Padang Yohan Fitriadi; Afif Nugraha
Journal Of Science Education And Management Business Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): (JOSEAMB) Mei 2022
Publisher : Riset Sinergi Indonesia

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This study aims to examine the Service Leadership Method, Emotional Intelligence and Interpersonal Communication. The method used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Partial Least Square (PLS) 3.0. By distributing questionnaires as many as 65 respondents.The results of the data analysis concluded that there was no positive effect between the service leadership variable and the employee job satisfaction variable, and there was no significant effect. There is a big positive impact between the variable "Emotional Intelligence" and the variable "Job Satisfaction". Between interpersonal communication variables, there are positive and minor impacts on job satisfaction variables. There are positive and negligible impacts between service delivery variables for an organization's civic behavior variables. There is a significant positive effect between emotional intelligence variables for an organization's civic behavior variables. There is a positive and insignificant effect between interpersonal communication variables on organizational citizenship behavior. This study was explains that for the Immigration Office Tpi Class 1 Padang, the leadership is expected to be able to increase the application of harmonious and positive service leadership in order to increase employee motivation and self-confidence. In addition, employees are expected to continue to apply strong emotional intelligence so that employee performance at the company is more optimal
Motivasi Kerja Dan Sistem Kompensasi Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Dengan Kepuasan Kerja Sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada BRI Unit Kinali Dan BRI Unit Sungai Aur Kabupaten Pasaman Barat Yerismal; Muhammad Jamil; Ahmad Fajri Rahman
Journal Of Science Education And Management Business Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): (JOSEAMB) Mei 2022
Publisher : Riset Sinergi Indonesia

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This study aims to test how much influence the work motivation and compensation system has on employee performance with job satisfaction as an intervening variable at BRI Unit Kinali and BRI Unit Sungai Aur, West Pasaman Regency. Methods of data collection through surveys and distributing questionnaires, with a sample of 36 respondents. The sampling technique used is probability sampling with a stratified random sampling model. The analysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis and path analysis using SPSS for windows version 16.0.Based on the research results indicate that 1). Obtained a positive and significant influence between Work Motivation on Job Satisfaction. 2). Obtained a positive and significant influence between the Compensation System on Job Satisfaction. 3). Obtained a positive and significant influence between Work Motivation on Employee Performance. 4). Obtained positive and significant influence between the Compensation System on Employee Performance. 5). Obtained a positive and significant influence between Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance. 6). Job Satisfaction is able to mediate Work Motivation on Employee Performance. 7). Job Satisfaction is able to mediate the Compensation System on Employee Performance. Finally, the authors suggest to the management of BRI Unit Kinali and BRI Unit Sungai Aur, West Pasaman Regency to be able to increase Employee Performance, it is necessary to increase Job Satisfaction by increasing its indicators. And to increase job satisfaction, it is necessary to increase the Work Motivation and Compensation System through improving the indicators
Pengaruh Komunikasi, Hubungan Kerja Dan Teamwork Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Dengan Semangat Kerja Sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada Karyawan PLN Sungai Lansek Kabupaten Sijunjung Nofritar; Yuliarman Mahmudin
Journal Of Science Education And Management Business Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): (JOSEAMB) Mei 2022
Publisher : Riset Sinergi Indonesia

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This study aims to determine how much influence communication, work relations and teamwork have on employee performance with morale as an intervening variable on employees of PLN Sungai Lansek, Sijunjung Regency. Methods of data analysis using a questionnaire, with a sample of 34 respondents. The data analysis methods used are validation and reliability tests, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, classical assumption tests, determinants and for hypotheses, the F test and T test are used. Based on the results of the study, it shows that communication, work relations and morale have a positive and significant impact on employee performance. Teamwork has no effect on employee performance and morale. As an Intervening Variable, it can only be used on the working relationship variable. Based on the results of this study, it is expected that the company's management can improve communication and work relations with morale to improve employee performance at PLN Sungai Lansek employees, Sijunjung Regency by going through each indicator
Pengembangan Talenta Muda Untuk Mendapatkan Peluang Bisnis Oleh Hobi Kayu Padang (HKP) Selvi Zola Fenia
Journal Of Science Education And Management Business Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): (JOSEAMB) Mei 2022
Publisher : Riset Sinergi Indonesia

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Tujuan penelitian ini  untuk menggali peran komunitas Hobi-Kayu Padang (HKP) dalam mengembangkan bakat  anggota untuk menangkap peluang bisnis, serta potensi dan penghambatan komunitas Hobi-Kayu Padang (HKP) dalam menumbuhkan anggota. faktor. ' Bakat untuk mendapatkan peluang bisnis. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi sebagai alat penelitian. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komunitas HKP harus membimbing anggota masyarakat untuk menemukan dan mengembangkan bakat. Peran masyarakat dalam mengembangkan talenta untuk  peluang bisnis adalah melengkapi sarana dan prasarana,  aktif bekerja sama dengan pemerintah, mengadakan kompetisi, mengoptimalkan penggunaan teknologi, melibatkan tenaga profesional, dan memberikan pelatihan. Dukungan lingkungan, motivasi diri, dan keuntungan finansial menjadi faktor yang membantu masyarakat Hobi Kayu Padang (HKP) dalam menangkap peluang usaha, sedangkan faktor penghambat antara lain kurangnya wawasan dan kesulitan mencari saran ahli, termasuk kelemahan sektor pendanaan

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