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ISSN : 26855321     EISSN : 28282426     DOI : 10.31942/md
Core Subject : Agriculture, Social,
The Journal Publishes in both print and online version. MEDIAGRO JOURNAL research paper in the field of Agribusiness, Agricultural Technology, Food Technology and general agricultural environment
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MEDIAGRO Vol 8, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (183.405 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/mediagro.v8i2.1311


Industrial development along Garang Watershed has been worrying people for allegedly nearly all plants waste products into Garang watershed that would trigger changes in water quality, which can lead to contamination of the river water. Cadmium and Lead are toxic substances that cause chronic poisoning in human. Both types of heavy metals have very high toxicity value and much produced as industrial waste that is along Garang Watershed. This research is an exploratory observation with a quantitative approach that has purpose to describe the content of heavy metals Cd and Pb in water, sediment, wader fish (Puntius bramoides), nilem fish (Osteochilus hasselti), lunjar fish (Rasbora argyrotaenia)  in Kaligarang. The result of this research suggests that the content of heavy metal Cd on Kaligarang average of 0008 mg/l and the content of heavy metal Pb average of 0020 mg/l. The content of heavy metals Cd and Pb in Kaligarang sediment vary. The content of heavy metal Cd between 0.0071 mg/kg - 0.0474 mg/kg, while the content of heavy metal Pb between 0.0493 mg/kg - 0.3481 mg/kg. The research of the content of Cd and Pb in wader fish (Puntius bramoides), nilem fish (Osteochilus hasselti), lunjar fish (Rasbora argyrotaenia) in Kaligarang suggests that the highest content of Cd and Pb is found in nilem fish (Osteochilus hasselti)  liver, that is the content of Cd 0.096 mg/kg and Pb 0.180 mg/kg at station 3. This value is substandard set by the FDR New Zealand, FAO, and SNI. 7387.2009, About Heavy Metal Contamination Maximum Limit in Food. Accumulation of heavy metals Cd and Pb in fish between Tugu Suharto and Simongan station is relatively similar. It is caused the location both of stations adjacent to the condition of water are relatively slope slightly and quiet, making it easier for fish organism migrates between both of stations. Nilem Fish (Osteochilus hasselti) is the best bio indicator for heavy metals Cd and Pb because it can accumulate heavy metals Cd and Pb greater than wader fish (Puntius bramoides) and lunjar fish (Rasbora argyrotaenia). Kaligarang is a standard water source of drinking water, it should be intensified in Garang Watershed management, so it can reduce contamination into Kaligarang. Keywords: Accumulation, Cadmium (Cd), Lead (Pb), Bioindicator
Potensi Urin Sapi dan Rock Phosphat Terhadap Produksi Benih Tanaman Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L) Renan Subantoro; Rossi Prabowo
MEDIAGRO Vol 8, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (396.207 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/mediagro.v8i2.1316


Alfalfa is often referred to as medic purple  or lucerne was originally a wild plant that comes from the forest, before the cultivated by humans. Habitat cultivated by native plants are located in the Mediterranean mountains in southwest Asia Asia. From this plant was introduced to Europe by the Persians around the year 490 SM. Rock phosphate is a natural fertilizer that can be obtained easily in Indonesia and has a phosphorus content which can be used as an alternative to the relatively expensive TSP fertilizer and phosphorus are the elements that affect the growth and crop production. Cow urine and rock phosphate have the potential to used as a source of nutrients for growth and development of alfalfa flower and seed  . Key word: alfalfa, rock phosphate, cow urine, flowers and seeds
MEDIAGRO Vol 8, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (144.003 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/mediagro.v8i2.1312


This research aim to know profile effort and business area, internal factor and eksternal and alternative of association agribusiness strategy Aspakusa Makmur in expansion of pre-eminent vegetable agribusiness. Primary Data and secondary has been analysed to answer purpose of research. Analysis done by using matrik intenal/eksternal and matrik SWOT. Research responder consisted of official member of association, member of association, on duty agriculture and cooperation partner. Result of analysis matrik IFE to degree of importance based on factor wight - internal strategy influence factor at strength aspect of sequentially from a real important is motivation and loyality official member and member (0,18), supporting facilities for infrastructure (0,17), quality of better product (0,15), mission vision and institution of organization (0,13), and produce of vegetable (0,10). The biggest weakness factor associated is capital member of asosiasi/petani binaan terbatas/kecil and cistern of rain conducting system (0,09). Analysis matrik EFE menunjukan environmental factor eksternal which is highest had an effect on to association based on highest wight value successively is geographical position and conducting region (0,20), market opportunity (0,17), support from on duty sub-province agriculture (0,15), free market commerce (0,13), condition of politics social (0,06). The biggest threat factor is existence of competitor with wight value (0,10). Analysis matrik IE, with internal factor score total value 2,88 that contact with factor score total eksternal 3,19 at cell to 2 from 9 strategy cell. Alternative of strategy which can be done is increase product vegetable with quality, extends marketing, maintains quality of product, farmer access facility to defrayal institute, rekruitmen promotion division, increases quality of packaging, conducting applies greenhouse and net paranet, designs effective training system and studies comparing. Keyword : Aspakusa Makmur, Matrix IFE, Matrix EFE, Matrix SWOT, Agribusiness Strategy
MEDIAGRO Vol 8, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (118.781 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/mediagro.v8i2.1317


U. Sumpena, 2010. Respone of some cucumber cultivars to ZYNV (Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus). This experiment was conducted in a screen house in the Subang lowland experimental garden from May to July 2010. Twenty one cultivars of cucumber was tested. Thirty seeds of each cultivar were sown in plastic box containing 1:1 mixture of soil and stable manure. Ten days old seedlings were inoculated mechanically with a ZYMV isolate. None of the cultivars was classified as immune, highly resistance or moderately susceptible. The cultivars tested were classified as moderately resistance (two cultivar namely LV 2908 from Philipina and Hibrida 1 from Indonesia), susceptible (9 cultivars) and highly susceptible (10 cultivars). Key word ; resistence, zymv, cucumber
MEDIAGRO Vol 8, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (231.233 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/mediagro.v8i2.1313


The purpose of this research are to identify the economic sector and agriculture sub sector, to analyze the position changes of economic sector and agriculture sub sector in Purworejo Regency. The research method used is descriptive method, which employs the data analysis method of  Location Quotient (LQ), Dynamic Location Quotient (DLQ) and merger of LQ and DLQ. This research takes the Gross Domestic Regional Product (GDRP) of Central Java Province and Pati Regency for the Basic Price Occur period of 2008-2011 and Pati Regency in Figures 2011, as the data. The result of this research shows that during four years (2008-2011), Pati Regency posseses three economic sectors which become the base sector, there are agriculture sector, electric, gas and clear water sector, and services sector. While the base sector of agriculture sub sector are plant producing food sub sector, plantation, forestry and fishery sub sector. According to DLQ analysis, there are seven economic sectors and three agriculture sub sectors that may become the base sector in the future. The third of economic sectors are agriculture sector, electric, gas and clear water sector, and services sector, while for the agriculture sub sectors are plant producing food sub sector, plantation, and fishery sub sector. The economic sector of Pati Regency which experience the position changes in the future are building and construction sector. The agriculture sub sector of Pati Regency which the experience the position changes in the future are forestry sub sector. Keywords: agriculture, Location Quotient, Dynamic Location Quotient
TINGKAT KETEPATAN ADOPSI PETANI TERHADAP SISTEM TANAM JAJAR LEGOWO PADA TANAMAN PADI SAWAH (Studi kasus di Desa Undaan Kidul, Kecamatan Undaan, Kabupaten Kudus) Wahyu Aji Hidayatulloh; Suprapti Supardi; Lutfi Aris Sasongko
MEDIAGRO Vol 8, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (221.346 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/mediagro.v8i2.1318


Paddy is the raw material of rice, where rice is a basic need that is important. Faltering rice self-sufficiency should be sought immediately find a way out, including technology that can answer these problems. One form of technology in the agricultural sector is to improve farming methods and the use of improved seed. The way that to do by farmers to renew farming especially in Kudus is by adopting innovation Jajar Legowo cropping system which is an integrated development concept pioneered by Centers of Agricultural Technology Research (BPTP) in Central Java. The purpose of this study were to determine the accuracy level of the farmer’s adoption in Jajar Legowo cropping systems at Undaan District and to know the problems that occur in Jajar Legowo cropping systems at Undaan District. The village was used as research is Undaan Kidul village, as the village has adopted the Jajar Legowo cropping systems. Taking a sample of farmers conducted in purposive sampling (a total of 100 people who will serve as the respondents in this study). Accuracy level of innovation adoption Jajar Legowo cropping systems in all aspects of belonging to the right (89,75%). This means that most of the respondent farmers have applied as recommended from every aspect of the Jajar Legowo cropping systems in paddy plant. The problems that arise in the innovation adoption of Jajar Legowo cropping system is the aspect of inspection because the aspects of the examination requires special expertise and thoroughness of farmers to examine in detail the condition of their grain crops. Keywords: Jajar Legowo, Adoption, Paddy
ANALISA USAHA PENYULINGAN MINYAK DAUN CENGKEH (Syzygium aromaticum, syn. Eugenia aromaticum) (Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Sukorejo Kabupaten Kendal) Arif Khozali; Suprapti Supardi; Dewi Hastuti
MEDIAGRO Vol 8, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (530.884 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/mediagro.v8i2.1314


The purpose of research is to analyze the costs, revenues, income, level of feasibility in terms of BEP Gross B / C on clove leaf oil distillation business in the sub-District Kendal Sukorejo. The methodology used is a case study in the sub-District Kendal Sukorejo. The number of respondents 29 are all entrepreneurs who are distillation in sub-District Kendal Sukorejo, scattered in the village Puwosari, Ngargosari, Pesaren, Tamanrejo, Harjodowo, Damarjati, Mulyosari, Selokaton, Ngadiwarno and Kalibogor. The data used are primary and secondary data. The results showed that in the dry season the average cost incurred for clove leaf oil distillation business in a single distillation process of Rp 1,433,003,-/ distillation unit. The average revenue of Rp 1,615,586,-, so that during the dry season earned income of Rp 182,583,-. Value BEP production quantities clove leaf oil distillation at 16.21 kg and BEP rupiah at          Rp 78,392,-/Kg, gross B/C ratio of 1.13 so that the business is feasible. While the rainy season the average cost incurred for clove leaf oil distillation business in a single distillation process of Rp 684,556,- / distillation unit. The average revenue of     Rp 646,058,-, so that during the rainy season loss of Rp 38,498,-. Value BEP production quantities clove leaf oil distillation at 7.75 Kg and BEP rupiah at Rp 93,264,-/Kg, gross B/C ratio of 0.94 so that the business is not feasible in the rainy season. The conclusion of this research hypotheses 1 and 2 can be accepted, hypothesis 3 can be accepted during the dry season and the rainy season the hypothesis is rejected. Keywords:  Clove Leaf Oil, Cost, Revenue, Income, BEP, Gross B/C Ratio
MEDIAGRO Vol 8, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (107.129 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/mediagro.v8i2.1315


This study aims to determine the effect of vitamin E in the diet on fertility of quail eggs. The material used in this study were male quail aged 60 days at 60 head, and quail females age 35 days 180 tails. Basic rations used is non-commercial rations prepared with crude protein content of 22.5 % and 2600 metabolizable energy ( E ). Ration treatment by adding a basic ration plus vitamin E 30 IU / kg ( E1 ), the basic ration plus vitamin E 40 IU / kg ( E2 ) and a base diet plus vitamin E 50 IU / kg ( E3 ). Rations and drinking water given adlibitum. Data taken include feed intake, egg production, egg weight, egg vitamin E and fertility. The data captured is analyzed using a variance Complete Design Patterns. Unidirectional and if there is a significant contrast between the test continued treatment . The results showed that the addition of vitamin E in the diet does not provide a significant difference on feed intake, egg production, egg weight and the effect but a significant increase ( P < 0.01 ) the increase in the amount of vitamin E in eggs and egg fertility enhancement. Keywords : Quail, Vitamin E, Fertility

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