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Jurnal Peternakan Lahan Kering (JPLK) menerbitkan artikel hasil penelitian yang meliputi Produksi ternak, Pakan dan nutrisi ternak, Reproduksi dan pemuliaan ternak, Teknologi hasil ternak, Sosial ekonomi peternakan, dan Kesehatan ternak
Articles 20 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 4 No. 3 (2022): September" : 20 Documents clear
Pengaruh Tepung Daun Kelor dengan Daun Katuk Terhadap Performan dan Efisiensi Penggunaan Protein Ternak Babi: The Effect of Moringa and Katuk Leafs Flour on the Performance and Protein Efficiency Used of Pig Julio Alfredo Haumetan; I Made Suaba Aryanta; Tagu Dodu
Jurnal Peternakan Lahan Kering Vol. 4 No. 3 (2022): September
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57089/jplk.v4i3.1284


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh tepung daun kelor dengan daun katuk dalam ransum terhadap performan dan efisiensi penggunaan protein ternak babi. Rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan yang dicobakan adalah R0: 100% ransum basal, R1: 95% ransum basal + 4% tepung daun kelor dan 1% tepung daun katuk, R2: 90% ransum basal + 8% tepung daun kelor dan 2% tepung daun katuk, R3: 85% ransum basal + 12% tepung daun kelor dan 3% tepung daun daun katuk. Perbandingan campuran tepung daun kelor dan tepung daun katuk adalah 4:1. Variable yang diukur dalam penelitian ini adalah konsumsi ransum, pertambahan bobot badan, konversi ransum dan efisiensi penggunaan protein. Hasil analisis ANOVA menunjukkan perlakuan berpengaruh tidak nyata (P>0,05) terhadap variabel. Disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan tepung daun kelor dan daun katuk hingga level 15% dalam ransum, memberikan pengaruh yang sama terhadap konsumsi ransum, pertambahan bobot badan, konversi ransum dan efisiensi penggunaan protein ternak babi landrace fase grower-finisher. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of kelor and katuk leafs flour on performance and protein efficiency used of protein pigs. The design used in this study was a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The treatment tested werrwas R0: 100% basal ratio, R1: 95% basal ration + 4% kelor leaf flour and 1% katuk leaf flour, R2: 90% basal ration + 8% kelor leaf flour and 2% katuk leaf flour, R3: 85% basal ration + 12% kelor leaf flour and 3% katuk leaf flour. The ratio of the mixture of kelor leaf flour and katuk leaf flour is 4:1. The variables measured in this study were ration consumption, body weight gain, ration conversion and efficiency using of protein. The results of the ANOVA analysis showed that the treatment had no significant effect (P>0.05) on variables. Concluded that the use of kelor leaf flour and katuk leaf up to a level of 15% in the ration had no effect on ration intake, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio and the efficiency using of protein in the grower-finisher phase of pigs.
Pengaruh Penggunaan Dedak Sorgum (Sorghum bicolor L.) sebagai Pengganti Jagung dalam Konsentrat terhadap Kecernaan Nutrien dan Konsentrasi Gas Metana In Vitro: The Effect of Using Sorghum Bran (Sorghum bicolor L.) as a Substitute for Corn in Concentrates on Nutrient Digestibility and In Vitro Concentration of Methane Gas Martha Muko Beoang; Markus M. Kleden; Luh Sri Enawati
Jurnal Peternakan Lahan Kering Vol. 4 No. 3 (2022): September
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57089/jplk.v4i3.1302


Limbah pertanian merupakan salah satu sumberdaya yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber pakan seperti dedak dari tanaman sorgum. Riset ini dilakukan guna mengetahui pengaruh pemanfaatan dedak sorgum dalam konsentrat   terhadap kecernaan bahan kering (KcBK), kecernaan bahan organik (KcBO), dan konsentrasi metana (CH4) secara in vitro. Riset ini memakai Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan serta 4 ulangan. Perlakuannya meliputi S0: konsentrat tanpa dedak sorgum, S1: konsentrat yang mengandung 25% dedak sorgum pengganti jagung, S2: konsentrat yang mengandung 50% dedak sorgum pengganti jagung, serta S3: konsentrat yang mengandung 75% dedak sorgum pengganti jagung. Nilai rerata dari kecernaan bahan kering adalah 71,29-77,71%, kecernaan bahan organik 70,61-76,61%, konsentrasi CH4 adalah 51735,81-61415,63 ml/L. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perlakuan berpengaruh sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap kecernaan bahan kering dan kecernaan bahan organik, serta berpengaruh tidak nyata (P>0,05) terhadap konsentrasi CH4. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan level dedak sorgum sampai 75% selaku pengganti jagung dalam konsentrat bisa menambah kecernaan bahan kering serta kecernaan bahan organik, tetapi konsentrasi metana yang dihasilkan relatif sama. Agricultural waste is one of the resources that can be used as a source of feed such as bran from sorghum plants. This research was conducted to determine the effect of using sorghum bran in concentrate on dry matter digestibility (KcBK), organic matter digestibility (KcBO), and methane (CH4) concentration in vitro. This research used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments included S0: concentrate without sorghum bran, S1: concentrate containing 25% sorghum bran substitute for corn, S2: concentrate containing 50% sorghum bran substitute for corn, and S3: concentrate containing 75% sorghum bran substitute for corn. The mean value of dry matter digestibility was 71.29-77.71%, organic matter digestibility was 70.61-76.61%, CH4 concentration was 51735.81-61415.63 ml/L. The results showed that the treatment had a very significant effect (P<0.01) on dry matter digestibility and organic matter digestibility, and an insignificant effect (P>0.05) on CH4 concentration. It can be concluded that the use of sorghum bran levels up to 75% as a substitute for corn in concentrate can increase dry matter digestibility and organic matter digestibility, but the concentration of methane produced is relatively the same.
Level Protein Pakan yang Berbeda dengan dan tanpa Suplementasi Enzim Protease terhadap Bobot Akhir, Persentase Karkas, non Karkas dan Lemak Abdomen Ayam Broiler: Different Protein Levels Diet with and without Protease Enzyme Suplementation on Final Body Weight, Carcass, non-Carcas Percentage and Broiler Chicken Abdominal Fat Salvianus Funan Funome; Ni Gusti Ayu Mulyantini1; Herowati Titi Pangestuti
Jurnal Peternakan Lahan Kering Vol. 4 No. 3 (2022): September
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

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Penelitian ini dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh level protein pakan yang berbeda dengan dan tanpa suplementasi enzim protease terhadap bobot akhir, karkas, non karkas dan lemak abdomen ayam broiler. Sebanyak  96 ekor ayam DOC strain CP 707 digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Metode yang digunakan ialah Rancangan Acak Lengkap pola faktorial 2x3, yaitu faktor enzim (E) dengan perlakuan, (E0 = tanpa enzim dan E1 = dengan enzim) dan faktor kadar protein (P) dengan perlakuan, P1 (Protein 19 %); P2 (18 persen%) ; P3 (Protein 17 %). Ada enam kombinasi perlakuan yang berbeda untuk ransum dengan dan tanpa suplemene enzim pada setiap level  protein. Setiap ulangan menggunakan empat ekor ayam. Semua ransum penelitian mengandung EM 3200 Kkal/kg. Bobot akhir, persentase karkas, non karkas, dada, paha dan lemak abdomen merupakan karakteristik untuk diamati. Penelitian ini membuktikan suplementasi enzim protease nyata (P<0,05) meningkatkan bobot akhir, persentase karkas, dan menurunkan persentase lemak abdomen. Pakan perlakuan pada level protein yang berbeda berpengaruh sama terhadap bobot akhir, persentase karkas, non karkas dan lemak abdominal ayam broiler. Interkasi tidak nyata antara suplementasi enzim protease dengan level protein untuk bobot akhir, persentase karkas, non karkas dan lemak abdomen. Kesimpulan, ransum perlakuan level protein 18% dengan suplementasi enzim protease meningkatkan bobot akhir, persentase karkas dan non karkas dan menurunkan lemak abdomen ayam broiler. This study was aimed to determine the effect of different feed protein levels with and without protease enzyme supplementation on final weight, carcass, non-carcass and abdominal fat of broiler chickens. A total of 96 DOC chickens strain CP 707 were used in this study. The method used is a completely randomized design with a 2x3 factorial pattern, namely the enzyme factor (E) with treatment, (E0 = without enzymes and E1 = with enzymes) and protein content factor (P) with treatment, P1 (Protein 19%); P2 (18 percent%); P3 (Protein 17%). There were six different treatment combinations for rations with and without enzyme supplementation at each protein level. Each replication used four chickens. All research rations contained EM 3200 Kcal/kg. Final weight, percentage of carcass, non carcass, chest, thigh and abdominal fat were characteristics to be observed. This study proved that protease enzyme supplementation significantly (P<0.05) increased final weight, carcass percentage, and decreased abdominal fat percentage. Feed treatment at different protein levels had the same effect on final weight, percentage of carcass, non-carcass and abdominal fat of broiler chickens. There was no significant interaction between protease enzyme supplementation and protein levels for final weight, percentage of carcass, non-carcass and abdominal fat. In conclusion, the ration of 18% protein level treatment with protease enzyme supplementation increased final weight, carcass and non-carcass percentages and decreased broiler abdominal fat.                     
Konsumsi, Kecernaan Bahan Kering dan Bahan Organik Cempe Jantan Peranakan Etawah yang Diberi Suplemen Konsentrat Mengandung Tepung Daun Katuk dan Zn Biokompleks: Consumption, Digestibility of Dry Matter and Organic Matter Etawah Breeds Male Cempe Given Concentrated Supplements Containing Katuk Leaf Flour and Zn Biocomplex Gordianus Juha Naytili; Marthen Yunus; Yakob Roberth Noach
Jurnal Peternakan Lahan Kering Vol. 4 No. 3 (2022): September
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

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Penelitian bertujuan untuk menguji kemampuan cempe jantan peranakan Etawah dalam mengkonsumsi dan mencerna bahan kering, bahan organik pakan suplemen konsentrat mengandung tepung daun katuk dan Zn-biokompleks. Ternak percobaan digunakan 12 ekor cempe jantan peranakan Etawah dengan bobot badan 6,56-12,06kg, umur 4-5 bulan (CV 20,55%). Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan empat perlakuan dan tiga ulangan digunakan sebagai rancangan percobaan. Perlakuan yang diterapkan adalah persentase daun katuk dalam konsentrat dan tambahan biokompleks yaitu  (P0) : tanpa tepung daun katuk, (P1) : 5%, (P2) : 10%, dan (P3) : 15% tepung daun katuk. Variabel yang diukur adalah, konsumsi dan kecernaan bahan kering, dan bahan organik. Hasil analisis varians menunjukkan tidak terdapat pengaruh yang nyata (P>0,05) dari perlakuan terhadap yang. Rata-rata kisaran konsumsi bahan kering (g/e/h) 318,15 – 372, konsumsi bahan organik (g/e/h) 318,15 -334,48, kecernaan bahan kering (%) 67,69 - 77,09, kecernaan bahan organik (%) 71,28 - 79,93. Tepung daun katuk pada konsentrasi 5%, 10%, dan 15% dalam ransum tidak mempengaruhi konsumsi dan kecernaan bahan kering, bahan organik. Disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan tepung daun katuk 5% menunjukkan kinerja konsumsi dan kecernaan bahan kering dan bahan organic tertinggi. The aim of this study was to test the ability of Etawah crossbreed males to consume and digest dry matter, organic matter supplements concentrate containing katuk leaf flour and Zn-biocomplex. The experimental cattle used 12 male Etawah crossbreeds with a body weight of 6.56-12.06kg, 4-5 months old (CV : 20.55%). A Randomized Competely Block Design with four treatments and three replications was used as the experimental design. The treatments applied were the percentage of katuk leaves in concentrate and biocomplex additions, namely P0: without katuk leaf flour, P1: 5%, P2: 10%, and P3: 15% katuk leaf flour. The variables measured were the consumption and digestibility of dry matter and organic matter. The results of the analysis of variance showed that there was no significant effect (P> 0.05) of the treatment on the variables with the average dry matter consumption (g/t/d) 345.23 - 372, organic matter consumption (g/t/d) ) 318.15 - 334.48, dry matter digestibility (%) 67.69 - 77.09 and organic matter digestibility (%) 71.28 - 79.93. Katuk leaf flour at concentrations of 5%, 10%, and 15% in the ration did not affect the consumption and digestibility of dry matter, organic matter. It was concluded that the use of 5% katuk leaf flour showed the highest performance of consumption and digestibility of dry matter and organic matter.
Pengaruh Umur Panen Terhadap Produksi Bahan Kering dan Komposisi Kimia Hijauan pada Pertanaman Campuran Sorghum plumosum, Botriochloa pertusa dan Pueraria phaseoloides: Effect of Harvest Age on Dry Matter Production and Chemical Composition of Forages in Mixed Crops Sorghum plumosum, Botriochloa pertusa and Pueraria phaseoloides Geovani Kolsanti Wea; Mariana Nenobais; Daud Amalo
Jurnal Peternakan Lahan Kering Vol. 4 No. 3 (2022): September
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

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Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh umur panen terhadap produksi bahan kering dan komposisi kimia hijauan pada pertanaman campuran Sorghum plumosum, Botriochloa pertusa dan Pueraria phaseoloides. Penelitian ini menggunakan rumput Kume (Sorghum plumosum var. timorense), Suket putihan (Botriochloa pertusa) dan Tropikal kudzu (Pueraria phaseoloides). Metode penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 3 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan yaitu Pp40= S. plumosum + B. pertusa + P. phaseoloides dipotong pada umur 40 hari, Pp60= S. plumosum + B. pertusa + P. phaseoloides dipotong pada umur 60 hari dan Pp80= S. plumosum + B. pertusa + P. phaseoloides dipotong pada umur 80 hari. Variabel yang diukur ialah produksi bahan kering, kandungan bahan organik, protein kasar, serat kasar dan bahan ekstrak tanpa nitrogen. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa pertanaman campuran Sorghum plumosum, Botriochloa pertusa dan Pueraria phaseoloides berpengaruh sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap produksi BK, kandungan SK, PK dan BETN serta berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap kandungan BO. Disimpulkan bahwa pertanaman campuran Sorghum plumosum, Botriochloa pertusa dan Pueraria phaseoloides pada umur panen 80 hari menghasilkan produksi bahan kering, kandungan BO dan SK tertinggi namun menghasilkan kandungan PK dan BETN yang rendah. Umur panen terbaik pertanaman campuran yaitu pada umur 60 hari karena kandungan SK hijauannya rendah dan kandungan proteinnya masih dalam taraf memenuhi kebutuhan ternak ruminansia. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of harvest age on dry matter production and forage chemical composition in mixed crops of Sorghum plumosum, Botriochloa pertusa and Pueraria phaseoloides. This research used Kume grass (Sorghum plumosum var. timorense), Suket putihan (Botriochloa pertusa) and Tropical kudzu (Pueraria phaseoloides). The research method used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 treatments and 3 replications, namely Pp40 = S. plumosum + B. pertusa + P. phaseoloides were cut at 40 days of age, Pp60 = S. plumosum + B. pertusa + P. phaseoloides were cut at the age of 40 days. 60 days old and Pp80= S. plumosum + B. pertusa + P. phaseoloides were cut at 80 days old. The variables measured were dry matter production, organic matter content, crude protein, crude fiber and extracts without nitrogen. The results of the analysis showed that mixed cropping of Sorghum plumosum, Botriochloa pertusa and Pueraria phaseoloides had a very significant effect (P<0.01) on BK production, SK, PK and BETN content and significantly (P<0.05) on BO content. It was concluded that mixed cropping of Sorghum plumosum, Botriochloa pertusa and Pueraria phaseoloides at 80 days of harvest resulted in dry matter production, highest BO and SK content but low PK and BETN content. The best harvest age for mixed crops is at the age of 60 days because the content of SK forage is low and the protein content is still at the level of meeting the needs of ruminants.  
Pengaruh Fermentasi Tongkol Jagung dengan Ragi Tape Komersial terhadap Kandungan Serta Kecernaan Selulosa, Hemiselulosa dan Lignin Secara In Vitro: The Effect of Corn Cob Fermentation With Commercial Tape Yeast on Content And Digestability of Cellulose, Hemicellulose and Lignin In Vitro Ivony Enjelita Oktavia Lakapu; Twenfosel Ocsierly Dami Dato; Yelly Magdalena Mulik
Jurnal Peternakan Lahan Kering Vol. 4 No. 3 (2022): September
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

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Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh fermentasi tongkol jagung dengan ragi tape komersial terhadap kandungan dan kecernaan in vitro selulosa, hemiselulosa, dan lignin. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan tersebut: R-25 (tongkol jagung + aditif + 25g ragi tape); R-50 (tongkol jagung + aditif + 50g ragi tape); R-75 (tongkol jagung + aditif + 75g ragi tape); R-100 (tongkol jagung + aditif + 100g ragi tape); dan R-125 (tongkol jagung + aditif + 125g ragi tape). Variabel yang diamati adalah kandungan serta kecernaan in vitro selulosa, hemiselulosa, dan lignin. Data dianalisis menggunakan sidik ragam dan uji lanjutan dengan uji berganda Duncan. Hasil penelitian  menunjukkan  perlakuan fermentasi tongkol jagung dengan ragi tape komersial tidak mempengaruhi (P>0,05) terhadap kandungan selulosa dan hemiselulosa, namun mempengaruhi (P<0,05) terhadap kandungan lignin serta kecernaan in vitro selulosa, hemiselulosa dan lignin dengan pilihan terbaik pada level penggunaan ragi tape komersil 125 gram. Disimpulkan bahwa semakin tinggi pemberian dosis ragi tape R-125 g/2 kg tongkol jagung akan menurunkan kandungan selulosa, hemiselulosa dan lignin dan meningkatkan kecernaan in vitro selulosa, hemiselulosa dan lignin pada tongkol jagung. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of fermenting corncobs with commercial tape yeast on the content and digestibility of in vitro cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. The method used in this study is an experimental method using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 3 replications. The treatment: R-25 (corn cobs + additives + 25g yeast tape); R-50 (corn cobs + additives + 50g yeast tape); R-75 (corn cobs + additives + 75g yeast tape); R-100 (corn cobs + additives + 100g yeast tape); and R-125 (corn cobs + additives + 125g yeast tape). The variables observed were the content and in vitro digestibility of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. Data were analyzed using variance and further test with Duncan's multiple test. The results showed that the fermentation treatment of corn cobs with commercial tape yeast did not affect (P>0.05) on the cellulose and hemicellulose content, but did affect (P<0.05) on the lignin content and in vitro digestibility of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin with the best choice. at the level of the use of commercial tape yeast 125 grams. It was concluded that the higher dose of tape yeast R-125 g/2 kg corn cobs would decrease the content of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin and increase in vitro digestibility of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin in corn cobs.
Pengaruh Pemberian Pakan Komplit Berbahan Dasar Lamtoro dan Silase terhadap Kadar Kualitas Darah Sapi Bali Jantan Penggemukan : The Effect of Feeding Complete Feed Based onLamtoro and Silage on Blood Quality Levels of Fattening Male Bali Cattle Alberto Asis Ferreira; Grace Maranatha; Yohanis Umbu Laiya Sobang
Jurnal Peternakan Lahan Kering Vol. 4 No. 3 (2022): September
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pakan komplit berbahan dasar lamtoro dan silase campuran jerami jagung muda-hijauan gamal terhadap kadar kolesterol, haemoglobin dan trigliserida darah sapi bali jantan penggemukan. Untuk penelitian ini digunakan 4 ekor sapi Bali jantan dengan bobot badan awal yang bervariasi dan umur 1-1,5 tahun. Ternak I: 148 kg, Ternak II: 156,5 kg, Ternak III: 151,5 kg, Ternak IV: 154 kg. The Latin Square Design (RBSL), dengan 4 perlakuan dan 4 periode ulangan, digunakan sebagai metodologi penelitian. Pada percobaan ini terapi yang diberikan adalah P0 : pakan lamtoro.(kontrol), P1: lamtoro 60% + silase 30% + konsentrat 10%, P2: lamtoro 50% + silase 40% + konsentrat 10%, P3: lamtoro 40% + silase 50% + konsentrat 10%. Parameter yang diuji dalam penelitian ini adalah Kadar Kolestrol, Haemoglobin dan Trigliserida Darah.Analisis Varians digunakan untuk menganalisis data (ANOVA). Temuan mengungkapkan bahwa rataan kadar kolestrol (mg/dl) P0 (170,34±5,71), P1 (175,40±7,43), P2 (173,16±11,0) P3 (171,01±4,42); Haemoglobin(g/dl) P0 (10,22±0,42), P1 (11,10±0,72), P2 (11,55±0,31), P3 (10,58±1,26); Trigliserida (mg/dl) P0 (66,01±1,77), P1 (66,42±1,35), P2 (65,91±3,21), P3 (65,16±1,56). Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikan dari perlakuan (P>0,05). Kesimpulantemuan penelitian ini bahwa memberi makan komplit berbahan dasar lamtoro dan silase campuran jerami jagung muda–hijauan gamal memberikan pengaruh yang sama baik dengan silase maupun tanpa silase dan menunjukkan bahwa kadar kolesterol, haemoglobin dan trigliserida darah  pada sapi bali jantan penggemukan dalam keadaan normal. This research tries to ascertain the impact of providing complete feed based on lamtoro and silage with a mixture of young corn straw-gamal forage on cholesterol levels haemoglobin and blood triglycerides of fattening male bali cattle. This study used 4 male bali cattle aged 1–1.5 years, with each initial body weight. Livestock I: 148 kg, Livestock II:156.5 kg, Livestock III: 151,5 kg, Livestock IV: 154 kg. An experimental approach is used as the research methodology. the Latin Square Design with 4 treatments and 4 periods as replicates. The treatment in this study was P0: lamtoro feed (control), P1: lamtoro 60% + silage 30% + concentrate 10%, P2: lamtoro 50% + silage 40% + concentrate 10%, P3: lamtoro 40% + silage 50% + concentrate 10%. The parameters tested in this study were blood cholesterol, hemoglobin and triglyceride levels. Data were analyzed by Analysis OfVariance (ANOVA). The results showed that the average cholesterol level (mg/dl) was P0 (170.34±5.71). P1 (175.40±7.43). P2 (173.16±11.0) P3 (171.01±4.42); hemoglobin (g/dl) P0 (10.22±0.42). P1 (11.10±0.72). P2 (11.55±0.31). P3 (10.58±1.26); Triglycerides (mg/dl) P0 (66.01±1.77). P1 (66.42±1.35). P2 (65.91±3.21). P3 (65.16±156).The outcome of the statistical analysis revealed that there was no significant impact of the treatment (P>0.05).The conclusion of this study was ensure complete nutrition is provided made from lamtoro and silage of a mixture of young corn straw-gamal forage gave the same effect both with silage and without silage and showed that cholesterol, hemoglobin and triglyceride levels in fattening male bali cattle were under normal conditions.
Substitusi Kangkung Air Afkir (Ipomoea aquatica) Terfermentasi Ragi Tape Terhadap Bobot Giblet (Rempela, Hati, Jantung, dan Limpa) Ayam Kampung Super Jantan: Substitution of Fermented Yeast Tape Waste Water Spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) on Giblet Weight (Gizzard, Liver, Heart and Spleen) of Male Super Free Range Chickens Tisa Yuniar Ismasita; N. G. A. Mulyantini; Ni Putu Febri Suryatni1
Jurnal Peternakan Lahan Kering Vol. 4 No. 3 (2022): September
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui substitusi kangkung air afkir (Ipomoea aquatica terfermentasi ragi tapeterhadap bobot giblet ayam kampung super jantan. Penelitian ini menggunakan DOC ternak ayam kampung super jantan sebanyak 80 ekor, dan dipeihara selama 8 minggu. Metode penelitian yang dipakai yakni rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan dan setiap ulangan terdiri dari 4 ekor ayam,.dan perlakuannya adalah  R0= 100% Ransum komersial tanpa kangkung airafkir terfermentasi (kontrol), R1= 90% Ransum komersial + 10% kangkung air afki rterfermentasi, R2= 80% Ransum komersial + 20% kangkung air afkir terfermentasi, R3= 70% Ransum komersial + 30% kangkung air afkir terfermentasiParameter yang diamati adalahbobot giblet yaitu rempela, hati, jantung dan limpa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa substitusi kangkung air afkir pada ayam kampung super berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap persentase hati, jantung dan limpa. Namun, tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0,05) pada persentase rempela. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian tambahan kangkung air afkir terfermentasi sampai level 30% dalam ransum komersial tidak memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda terhadap persentase rempela, namun dapat menurunkan persentase hati, jantung dan limpa ayam kampung super jantan This study aims to determine the substitution of fermented yeast tape water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) on the giblet weight of male super free range chickens. This study used 80 super male free range chickens and reared  for 8 weeks. The research method used was a Complete Randomized Design (RAL) consisting of 4 treatments and 5  replication and each replication consisted of 4 chickens and the treatment was  R0= 100% commercial ration without substitution of fermented waste water spinach (control), R1= 90% commercial ration + 10% fermented waste water spinach, R2= 80% commercial ration + 20% fermented wastewaterspinach, R3= 70% commercial ration + 30% ferrmented waste water sipnach. The observed parameters is the weight of the gibletthat is gizzard, liver, heart, and spleen. The result showed that substitution of fermented water water spinach had a significant effect (P<0,05) on the percentage of liver, heart and spleen, while gizzard had not significant effect (P>0,05). Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that substitution of fermented waste water spinach up to level 30% in commercial rations had not effect on the percentage of gizzard, but can reduce the percentage of liver, heart and spleen of male super free range chickens.
Pengaruh Penggantian Tepung Ikan dengan Tepung Daun Kelor dalam Konsentrat Terhadap Neraca Nitrogen Ternak Kambing Kacang yang diberi Pakan Silase Rumput Kume dan Daun Gamal: The Effect Of Substitution Fish Flour With Morage Leaf Flour In Concentrate On The Nitrogen Balance Of Bean Goats Feeded Silage, Kume Grass And Gamal Leaves Yeremias Arakian Lawe; Imanuel Benu; Gusti Ayu Yudiwati Lestari
Jurnal Peternakan Lahan Kering Vol. 4 No. 3 (2022): September
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggantian tepung ikan dengan tepung daun kelor dalam konsentrat terhadap neraca nitrogen ternak kambing kacang yang diberi pakan silase rumput kume dan daun gamal. Penelitian ini menggunakan 4 ekor ternak kambing kacang dengan kisaran umur 12-15 bulan (BB 19,95—22,30kg; KV=4,93%). Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Bujur Sangkar Latin (RBSL) 4 perlakuan dan 4 periode sebagai ulangan. Perlakuan yang diterapkan adalah K0 (silase+konsentrat dengan 100% tepung ikan), K25 (silase+konsentrat dengan tepung ikan 75% dan tepung daun kelor 25%), K50 (silase+konsentrat dengan tepung ikan 50% dan tepung daun kelor 50%) dan K75 (silase+konsentrat dengan tepung ikan 25% dan tepung daun kelor 75%). variabel yang diukur adalah konsumsi nitrogen, kandungan nitrogen feses, kandungan nitrogen urin, dan neraca nitrogen. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukan bahwa penggantian tepung ikan dengan tepung daun kelor dalam konsentrat tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0,05) terhadap konsumsi nitrogen dan kandungan nitrogen feses. Penggantian tepung ikan dengan tepung daun kelor dalam konsentrat berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap kandungan nitrogen urin dan neraca nitrogen ternak kambing yang diberi pakan silase rumput kume dan daun gamal. Disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan tepung daun kelor sebagai pengganti tepung ikan dalam konsentrat memberikan pengaruh yang positif terhadap Neraca Nitrogen dan penggantian pada level 25% menunjukkan nilai neraca nitrogen ternak kambing terbaik.   This study aimed to determine the effect of replacing fish meal with Moringa leaf meal in concentrate on the nitrogen balance of peanut goats fed with kume grass silage and gamal leaves. This study used 4 Kacang goats with an age range of 12-15 months (BW 19.95-22.30kg; KV=4.93%). The experimental design used was Latin Square Design (RBSL) with 4 treatments and 4 periods as replications. The treatments used were K0 (silage+concentrate with 100% fish meal), K25 (silage+concentrate with 75% fish meal and 25% Moringa leaf meal), K50 (silage+concentrate with 50% fish meal and 50% Moringa leaf meal). and K75 (silage+concentrate with 25% fish meal and 75% Moringa leaf meal). The variables measured were nitrogen consumption, fecal nitrogen content, urine nitrogen content, and nitrogen balance. The results of statistical analysis showed that the replacement of fish meal with Moringa leaf meal in concentrate had no significant effect (P>0.05) on nitrogen consumption and fecal nitrogen content. Replacement of fish meal with Moringa leaf meal in concentrate had a significant effect (P<0.05) on urine nitrogen levels and nitrogen balance of goats fed with kume grass silage and gamal leaves. It was concluded that the use of Moringa leaf meal as a substitute for fish meal in concentrate had a positive effect on Nitrogen Balance and replacement at a level of 25% showed the best goat nitrogen balance value.
Pengaruh Imbangan Karbon-Nitrogen dalam Ensilase Mucuna Pruriensis dan Rumput Kume (Sorghum Plumosum var Timorense) Terhadap Kecernaan In Vitro Bahan Kering, Bahan Organik, Protein Kasar: Effect of Carbon-Nitrogen Balance in Mixed Ensilase of Mucuna Pruriensis and Kume Grass (Sorghum Plumosum var Timorense) on In Vitro Digestibility of Dry Matter, Organic Matter, Crude Protein Dian Trisnawati Salmay; Emma D. Wie Lawa; Luh Sri Enawati; Edwin J.L. Lazarus
Jurnal Peternakan Lahan Kering Vol. 4 No. 3 (2022): September
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh imbangan Karbon-Nitrogen dalam ensilase campuran lelehanak (Mucuna pruriensis)dan rumput kume (Sorghum Plumosum Var Timorense) terhadap kecernaan in vitro bahan kering, bahan organik dan protein kasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 3 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan.  Perlakuan tersebut yaitu C/N20 = mucuna 4591 gr + rumput kume 387 gr + dedak padi 20 gr, C/N30 = mucuna 2772 gr + rumput kume 2115 gr + dedak padi 111 gr dan C/N40 = mucuna 728 gr + rumput kume 4057 gr + dedak padi 213 gr. Data dianalisis menggunakan Analisis of Variance (ANOVA) dan dilanjutkan dengan uji jarak berganda Duncan. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan berpengaruh sangat nyata (p<0,01) terhadap kecernaan bahan kering, kecernaan bahan organik dan kecernaan protein kasar.Perlakuan C/N20 nyata lebih tinggi kecernaan in vitro bahan kering dibanding perlakuan lainnya sedangkan perlakuan C/N20 dan CN30 kecernaan bahan organic dan protein kasar tidak berbeda tetapi lebih tinggi dari CN40. Disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan Imbangan C/N 20 dalam ensilase campuran lelehanak (mucuna pruriensis) dan rumput kume (sorghum plumosum var. timorense) lebih baik dalam meningkatkan Kecernaanbahan kering,  bahan organik dan protein kasar secara in vitro. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the carbon-nitrogen balance in the ensilage of a mixture of molasses (Mucuna pruriensis) and kume grass (Sorghum Plumosum Var Timorense) on in vitro digestibility of dry matter, organic matter and crude protein.This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments were C/N20 = mucuna 4591 gr + kume grass 387 gr + rice bran 20 gr, C/N30 = mucuna 2772 gr + kume grass 2115 gr + rice bran 111 gr and C/N40 = mucuna 728 gr + kume grass 4057 gr + rice bran 213 gr. Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and continued with Duncan's multiple range test. The results of statistical analysis showed that the treatment had a very significant effect (p<0.01) on dry matter digestibility, organic matter digestibility and crude protein digestibility. The C/N20 treatment significantly higher in vitro dry matter digestibility than other treatments, while in the C/N20 and CN30 treatments, the digestibility of organic matter and crude protein was not different but higher than CN40. It was concluded that the use of the C/N 20 balance in the ensilage of a mixture of lelehanak (Mucuna pruriensis) and kume grass (Sorghum plumosum var. timorense) was better in increasing the digestibility of dry matter, organic matter and crude protein in vitro. Keyword: C/N balance, in vitro digestibility, Mucuna pruriensis, kume grass, silage

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