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Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies (BIJIS)
ISSN : 2622951X     EISSN : 26227185     DOI :
Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies (BIJIS) focuses on the interdisciplinary publication of original research on Islamic Studies. The journal aims to provide research articles, original research report, reviews, and scientific commentaries in Islamic studies, which is, covers library and fieldwork investigation with various perspectives of law, economy, politics, philosophy, history, art, sociology, anthropology, and Islamic discourse.
Articles 40 Documents
The Use of Whatsapp Application as A Learning Method at SMP IT Nurul Ilmi Jambi Ahmad Saefulloh
Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies (BIJIS) Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies (BIJIS), Vol.1(2), May 2019
Publisher : UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (289.734 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/bijis.v1i2.1580


This article tries to see how far the effectiveness of WhatsApp as a social media application is used as a means of teachers in educating and improving the quality of learning. WhatsApp (WA) is a new breakthrough for educators to communicate to students and parents of students in providing information services related to school learning programs that are connected in a chat group. This article aims to see how teachers use WhatsApp as a learning communication tool. This research was conducted at SMP IT Nurul Ilmi Jambi having its address at Jl. Julius Usman RT.18 Pematang Sulur Village, Telanaipura Jambi City. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data collection by observation method, direct interview and documentation. Techniques used in data analysis are data display, data reduction and conclusion. The data validity technique uses source triangulation. The results showed that in order to support the learning activities of students at SMP Nurul Ilmi Jambi, the teacher made the Whatsaap application an educational application involving teachers, students and parents. The use of WA in learning activities serves as an educational tool, means of evaluation, means of connecting information, as well as a means of consulting services and establishing friendship. Teachers establish communication groups through WhatsApp between teachers and students, and teachers with parents. Obstacles in the field found that not all students and parents of students actively participate in the discussion.
Dr Siddiq Fadzil dan Derap Perjuangannya Ahmad Nabil Amir
Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies (BIJIS) Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies (BIJIS), Vol. 2(1), NOVEMBER 2019
Publisher : UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (369.046 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/bijis.v2i1.1631


Kertas ini menelaah buku Melayu dan Islam: Martabat Umat dan Daulat Rakyat karya Dr Siddiq Fadzil. Setelah diluncurkan pada 25 Jun 2012 di Hotel De Palma, Ampang, buku Melayu dan Islam: Martabat Umat dan Daulat Rakyat karya Dr Siddiq Fadzil terus diangkat dan “siap ditanggapi” oleh khalayak pembaca dan intelek. Dr Siddiq lahir di kalangan pemikir dan kelompok pembaharu di tanah air; dan merupakan aktivis dan pemimpin Islam yang besar yang menonjol dalam kegiatan intelek dan budaya yang luas. Beliau merupakan penggerak penting gerakan PKPIM (Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia), ABIM (Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia) dan WADAH (Wadah Pencerdasan Umat Malaysia) dan telah bergelut dalam perjuangan bangsa sejak empat dekad yang lampau. Artikel ini cuba merumuskan sumbangannya dalam buku Melayu dan Islam ini sebagai suatu koreksi budaya dalam mengangkat diskusi tentang tradisi dan ciri budaya yang signifikan di kepulauan Melayu-Indonesia yang berakar dengan nilai rasionalisme dan humanisme Islam yang kental dan faham-faham pemikiran yang ideal yang telah mengangkat dan mempertahankan nilai kebudayaan dan peradabannya sejak masuknya Islam ke nusantara. 
Visi Dan Halatuju Pendidikan Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia: Suatu Analisa Nabil Amir Ahmad
Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies (BIJIS) Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies (BIJIS), Vol. 2(1), NOVEMBER 2019
Publisher : UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (411.46 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/bijis.v2i1.1633


Kajian ini menjelaskan tentang sejarah penubuhan dan pembangunan Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia sebagai sebuah badan yang bertanggungjawab memperkenalkan sistem pendidikan yang berasaskan gabungan nilai-nilai Islam dan kebudayaan tempatan dan membentuk satu susunan pendidikan dan kebudayaan serantau yang menggunakan pendekatan agama dan konvensional di dalam proses pembelajaran dan pendekatan kurikulum. Kelahiran Universiti ini yang melibatkan percantuman fahaman menurut teori-teori pengislaman ilmu dalam mengupas konsep virtus (ihsan), taqwa dan adil yang dapat dikaitkan dengan kehidupan harian, adalah kefahaman, kesedaran dan usahasama yang dijananya terhadap keperluan integrasi agama dan nilai yang menggabungkan Umat Islam serantau untuk menyumbang kepada pembinaan semula tamadun dan kebangkitan intelek. Ini diterokai melalui jaringan harakah yang diprakarsainya dalam memperkasa umat dan mengangkat darjat keilmuan melalui falsafah kecintaan terhadap ilmu, kecemerlangan intelektual dan pengkayaan kebudayaan. Kertas ini berusaha menganalisis peranan Universiti Islam Antarabangsa dalam menjayakan misi Islamisasi dan membahaskan cabaran intelektual dan spiritual yang spesifik yang dihadapkan dunia moden kepada umat Islam kontemporer dan peranan yang dapat dimainkan oleh Universiti dalam merespon kepada cabaran ini.
Kitab TURATH sebagai Local Genuine To Humanizing Changes Dahri Harapandi
Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies (BIJIS) Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies (BIJIS), Vol. 2(2), MAY 2020
Publisher : UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1268.676 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/bijis.v2i2.1640


Turath literally means to inheritance. Turath is also a treasure trove of intellectual traditions inherited by previous scholars and experts (al-Qudama’). The book Turath is also known as the yellow book and is the work of previous scholars, whether there are still manuscripts or in print. The book of turath can actually be a media that connects the past and present to the future, turath can show a classic face but produce modern works. The turath book is an intellectual property that is rich in pithy thoughts and ideas, in which are stored pearls of pearls which are very expensive. Practices and behavior patterns of the ancient people so that they are able to become lights for today's people are very well presented. Because of that the book Turath can be a window to the present that will be able to provide concepts and ideas of the past in order to be an inspiration for the future.
Ibn ‘Āshūr's view on the Qur’ānic Methodology in Human and Civilization Development in His Book Al-Taḥrīr wa Tanwīr: A Thematic Study Mohamed Amine Hocini; Fouad Bounama; Mustaffa Bin Abdullah
Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies (BIJIS) Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies (BIJIS), Vol. 2(1), NOVEMBER 2019
Publisher : UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1021.423 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/bijis.v2i1.1677


يهدف هذا البحث إلى بيان نظرة ابن عاشور للمنهج القرآني في بناء الإنسان والحضارة من خلال تفسيره التحرير والتنوير وذلك من خلال دراسة موضوعية. تتمثل مشكلة البحث في أن ابن عاشور تطرق كثيرا إلى المنهج القرآني لبناء الإنسان والحضارة من خلال تفسيره التحرير والتنوير وذلك في مواضع متعددة من كتابه الكبير الحجم، ما يجعل الوقوف على نظرة ابن عاشور بصورة كلية ومتكاملة صعبا للغاية، ومن هنا كانت الحاجة ملحة إلى استنباطها وبيانها. هذا البحث مهم لأنه يتناول موضوع البناء القرآني للإنسان والحضارة عند أحد أبرز المفسرين المعاصرين الذين يهتمون بقضايا الإصلاح ونهضة الأمة وهو ابن عاشور رحمه الله تعالى، ومعلوم أن الحديث عن منهج القرآن الكريم في البناء يعتبر غاية في الأهمية، فمن خلاله يتم بناء الإنسان على أسس سليمة ما يجعله مؤهلا لتحمل أعباء الخلافة في الأرض. اعتمد الباحث في هذا البحث المنهج الاستقرائي لجمع النصوص التفسيرية من خلال التحرير والتنوير المتعلقة بمنهج القرآن الكريم في البناء، كما اعتمد الباحث على المنهج التحليلي والوصفي لتحليل تلك النصوص التي تم جمعها واستنباط نظرة ابن عاشور للمنهج القرآني للبناء الإنساني والحضاري. ومن أهم النتائج التي توصل إليها الباحث في بحثه هذا: أن بناء الإنسان والحضارة هو مقصد القرآن الكريم ووظيفته الجوهرية، أن من شرط نجاح عملية البناء في المنهج القرآني مرهون باستعداد المتلقي وقابليته، أنّ عملية البناء الإنساني والحضاري تمر على مستوياتٍ ومراحلَ، وأنّ من أهمّ أركان المنهج القرآني في بناء الإنسان والحضارة حراسة ذلك البناء وحمايته من المفسدات والمعوقات التي تنقضه وتهدمه، أنّ المنهج القرآني في البناء الإنساني والحضاري شديد الارتباط بالفطرة وهذا سرّ تميزه وتفوّقه ونجاحه.
The Importance of Halal Certified Products in Samarinda City: in the light of Maqasid Al-Syari'ah Maisyarah Rahmi Hasan
Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies (BIJIS) Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies (BIJIS), Vol. 2(1), NOVEMBER 2019
Publisher : UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (95.005 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/bijis.v2i1.1832


Halal certification is a guarantee of safety for Muslims to be able to consume a product as evidenced by the inclusion of the halal logo on the product packaging. To realize the "halal awareness" program in Indonesia, public awareness of halal-certified products is very influential in the success of the program's obligations. While in the field there are still many Muslim consumers who do not understand, and still do not prioritize halal certification in every product purchase. Further research is needed related to study the importance of halal certified products in Samarinda City, beacuse there are still many products do not have halal certificate yet. This research is a field research, a type of empirical normative research with a sociological juridical approach by studying and analyzing data obtained in the field with the study of Maqasid Al-Syariah. This research will examine and analyze the importance of halal certification on products circulating in the Samarinda City market, in the light of Maqasid al-Shari'ah.The results of this study indicate that halal certification is very important to be applied in Samarinda City. Meanwhile, if seen from the perspective of maqasid al-shari'ah with the existence of halal certification can realize mashlahah, namely goodness in the lives of Muslim consumers. Because with guaranteed food consumed, maqasid al-shari'ah al-dharuriyah al-khamsah, namely guarding religion, guarding souls, guarding intellect, guarding offspring, and protecting property will be fulfilled. The importance level of halal certification if viewed from the perspective of maqasid al-shari'ah, it can be concluded that halal certification in Samarinda is at the level of hajjiyah, which is needed, which without halal certification does not cause inaccuracies, but can be potentially difficult if there is no halal certification in Samarinda City. Therefore, the need for halal certification in Samarinda City is important because of the needs of Muslim consumers towards it.
The Dynamics of the Development of Islamic Education in Southeast Asia Zurqoni Zurqoni; Muhammad Arbain; Umar Fauzan
Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies (BIJIS) Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies (BIJIS), Vol. 2(1), NOVEMBER 2019
Publisher : UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (95.106 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/bijis.v2i1.1849


This study illustrates the dynamics of the development of Islamic education in Southeast Asia which includes several states such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, and Southern Thailand which have different and unique features of Islamic education as a characteristic of each country. This research also not only explains the differences in the style of Islamic education but analyzes the various dynamics of development that occur behind the formation of a pattern of Islamic education as the grand design of Islamic education in Southeast Asia. The research methodology used is descriptive qualitative data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results found a variety of features or models that became the grand design of Islamic education in each country, namely: (1) Indonesia has a grand design of Islamic education with patterns (2-6-3-3-4); RA 2 years, MI 6 years, MTs 3 years and MA 3 years, and PT 4 years; (2) Malaysia has a grand design with patterns: (4 / 6-7 / 12-3-2-1 / 2); PPD 4-6 years, PD 7-12 years, PMP 3 years, PMA 3 years, PP-PMA 1-2 years, PT 3-4 years; (3) Brunei Darussalam has a grand design with patterns: (A 7-3-2-2); 7-year elementary school, 3-year middle school, 2-year high school, 2-year pre-university; and (4) Southern Thailand (Patani) has a grand design with patterns: 6- (3-3); MI 6 years, MM 3 years, and MTs 3 years.
Mapping the Field, A Bibliometric Analysis of Environment in Islam Laili Fitria
Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies (BIJIS) Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies (BIJIS), Vol. 2(2), MAY 2020
Publisher : UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (534.039 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/bijis.v2i2.1947


The environmental crisis is happening today requires the attention of the global community. One approach that can be done is to apply the teachings of Islam as a whole. Belief in religion can influence people to maintain the environment. This study was conducted to determine how the environment in Islam. Scientific publications in accordance with Islamic friends in the neighborhood of indexed Dimensions analyzed by a systematic literature review (SLR). The parameters analyzed were the number of publications per year, the origin and the origin of the author's state institutions. Furthermore, the results were analyzed with the VOS Viewer software. A total of 30 relevant scientific articles selected and analyzed. Publications related to the environment in Islam increased since 2006 with some of the topics of discussion. A popular topic of research is on the management of natural resources and environment, water conservation, and climate change.
Kitab "Al-Balaghah fi Ilmi Al-Badii'" wa Munasibatuhu Ka Kitabi Ta'limi Al-Balaghah lilshofi As-Sadisi bi Ma'had Darussalam Gontor Al-Hadisti Al-Muaddali bil Shoffi Ats-Tsalis Lilmarhalah Al-Mutawashithah Imam Muttaqin; Luluk Humairo Pimada; Bakrie Mochammad Bakhet
Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies (BIJIS) Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies (BIJIS), Vol. 2(2), MAY 2020
Publisher : UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (862.341 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/bijis.v2i2.2259


The article aims to evaluate book of Balaghoh fi Ilmi al-Badhi’ by reviewing the elements of the content and the suitability to the condition and needs of Arabic language students in Indonesia. This book has been used in Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor Ponorogo and several branch houses for learning the material of Balaghoh fi Ilmi al-Badhi’ in general. This study will explain some criteria that are the basis for the evaluation process. Based on the research results, the researcher obtained an important point, namely this book is suitable for use by middle-level teachers, especially for sixth grade students (at Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor Ponorogo and some branch houses). This book is used in learning so that the students can learn Balaghoh easily and gradually.
Contribution of Pondok Pesantren Tahfiz Al-Qur’an in Responding to the Digital Era in South Borneo Agus Setiawan; Ahyar Rasyidi
Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies (BIJIS) Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies (BIJIS), Vol. 2(2), MAY 2020
Publisher : UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (781.843 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/bijis.v2i2.2260


Negative exposure to children's dependence on devices, mobile phones, laptops and online games can indirectly damage children's education in the digital age. The digital age is accompanied by a disruptive era that permeates the life of Education, not only in schools but even in their respective homes. Of course this is troubling parents for the educational life of children. Faced with these problems, some parents began to equip their children's education with the education of the Koran from an early age. Currently, the parents' choice is in Islamic boarding schools that teach the values of Islamic education or more specifically in the education of tahfizh al-Qur'an. This study aims to analyze and map contributionsIslamic Boarding School Tahfizh Al-Qur'an Al-Ihsan Bentok and public perception of the existence of Islamic Boarding School Tahfizh Al-Qur'an Al-Ihsan Bentokin the alpha generation in the digital age. This research design uses qualitative research with approach phenomenological and sociological. Sources of data from a number of respondents randomly sampled. The results in this study describe thatIslamic Education Center Tahfizh Al-Qur'an Al-Ihsan Bentokhas carried out an important role in the form of al-Qura'n education and Islamic education which concentrated on the field of tahfizh al-Qur'an especially children who entered the alpha generation. In the aspect of education, thatIslamic Education Center Tahfizh Al-Qur'an Al-Ihsan Bentokwhich is taught contributes to personality and character, so that it is able to realize it in everyday life. The contribution to the religious aspect is to print memorization of the Koran, while the social aspect of the community is to contribute to the implementation of Islamic education, as well as to protect poor students in the form of education and guidance.

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