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World Psychology
ISSN : 28304764     EISSN : 28304551     DOI :
Core Subject : Education, Social,
Journal World Psychology is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing novel research in the field of psychology. Details on our focus and scope can be viewed here. World Psychology is published three times a year April, August, December and accepts current research articles that have the potential to make a significant contribution to the exploration and development of psychology and behavioral sciences. Articles submitted to this journal must display a well-thought-out study design, appropriate data analysis, and interpretation.
Articles 34 Documents
Anxiety Description of Social Workers in Assisting Children in Conflict with the Law Muhammad Ilham; Desmita Desmita; Abdel Monef; Hizrati Hizrati
World Psychology Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Hikmah Pariangan Batusangkar, West Sumatra, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (253.637 KB) | DOI: 10.55849/wp.v1i1.51


This study aims to determine the anxiety of social workers and determine the type of anxiety in social workers in assisting ABH. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The results of the author's study found that: 1) the description of anxiety in social workers in assisting children in dealing with the Law found that one social worker in the social service office in fifty cities with the initials AA had three aspects of anxiety, namely behavioral aspects, cognitive aspects, and magical aspects. On the other hand, social workers with the initial Y only have one part of stress: behavioral. Furthermore, 2) the type or form of anxiety for social workers in assisting children in dealing with the Law, it was found that one social worker at the social service office in fifty cities had a type of social worker anxiety with the initial Y having mild anxiety.
Motivation of Recovery of Victims of Drugs Using in Rehabilitation at the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) City of Payakumbuh Rama Anggi Putra; Sri Putri Rahayu Z; Luiz Kenzi; Abdul Ahmad
World Psychology Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Hikmah Pariangan Batusangkar, West Sumatra, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (312.016 KB) | DOI: 10.55849/wp.v1i1.52


For drug abusers, rehabilitation is essential to do by giving motivating drug abusers to recover and stop using drugs. The study aimed to determine the mottreasone recovery of victims of drug abusers undergoing rehabilitation at the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) Payakumbuh with qualitative research methods. The results showed that the first abuser's motivation to recover was driven by himself (intrinsic motivation) as contained in the motivational aspect of driving, the second family (extrinsic motivation) to direct, then the environment (extrinsic motivation) to support him to recover from drug abuse. Apart from yourself, tbiggestost considerableouragement for abusers to recover is from family or parents. These two things arintendeded, where if one of them has no motivation to recover, then the recovery will not work well
Adjustment of Teenagers Who are Broken Home in LKSA (Child Social Welfare Institution) Payat Ibrahim District Lima Puluh Kota Devita Adriani; Jera Ball; Wahidah Fitriani
World Psychology Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Hikmah Pariangan Batusangkar, West Sumatra, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (199.81 KB) | DOI: 10.55849/wp.v1i1.53


This study aims to determine the personal adjustment of teenagers who are broken home at LKSA Payat Ibrahim Regency of Lima Puluh Kota and to determine the social adjustment of teenagers who are broken home at LKSA Payat Ibrahim Regency of Lima Puluh Kota.). The type of research that the author uses is a descriptive qualitative research type. The results of the study show that 1) Personal adjustment in adolescents with broken homes in LKSA Payat Ibrahim, Lima Puluh Kota Regency, it was found that adolescents who came from broken home families had aspects of personal adjustment, the ability to accept themselves and aspects of realizing their strengths and weaknesses. 2) Social adjustment of broken home adolescents at LKSA Payat Ibrahim, Lima Puluh Kota Regency, it was found that (MA and CK) only had aspects of social adjustment regarding the ability to adjust to peers, foster mothers, and the community. Meanwhile (MR) has aspects of social adjustment regarding compliance with existing rules, values , and norms and the ability to adapt to peers, foster mothers, and society.
Student Stress Levels in Academic Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic Asri Azani; Ghazal Elram; Robinson Eric
World Psychology Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Hikmah Pariangan Batusangkar, West Sumatra, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (206.791 KB) | DOI: 10.55849/wp.v1i1.54


This study aims to determine the level of stress of junior high school students in learning during the Covid-19 pandemic in Nagari Pangian, Lintau Buo District. The type of research used is quantitative descriptive research. The confession of reliability is 0.96,4, with a total of 60 items covering four psychological, physiological, cognitive, and behavioral factors. There are four choices of stress levels in selecting categories in collecting data: strongly agree, agree, degrees during, and strongly disagree. The level of the stress of junior high school students in academic learning during the Covid-19 pandemic was in the high category, where 30 subjects (22.7%) were at moderate stress levels, 63 subjects (47.7%) were at high-stress levels, and 39 subjects (29.5%) were at very high-stress levels.
The Meaning of Life for Unmarried Convicts in Class II B State Detention Center Batusangkar Laras Hakimi; Ohoga Mauricio; Sisrazeni Sisrazeni; Long Wang
World Psychology Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Hikmah Pariangan Batusangkar, West Sumatra, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (296.747 KB) | DOI: 10.55849/wp.v1i1.55


Based on the study’s results, it was found that the meaning of life of unmarried prisoners was seen from the fulfillment of the meaningfulness of life dimensions in which the three respondents could reach the stages of meaningfulness of life. The three respondents reached the meaning of their life after going through processes consisting of the stage of suffering or suffering, the stage of self-acceptance, the stage of changing attitudes, the stage of finding the meaning of life, the stage of self-bonding, and the stage of life which means that the respondent is more appreciative of the values of appreciation, namely by making family as the goal of life. This appreciation is manifested differently by the three respondents. In the first and third respondents, N and R chose to direct the meaning of their lives to become people who obey God and make their parents proud; the second respondent, SE, chose to direct the meaning of their lives to their families and education.
Social Skills of Elderly Prisoners Perpetrators of Pedophilia Nurhadi Muhammad Sukry; Beatrek Agel; Andrew Wely
World Psychology Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Hikmah Pariangan Batusangkar, West Sumatra, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (211.517 KB) | DOI: 10.55849/wp.v1i1.56


Increasing age triggers a decrease in the production of the hormone testosterone, thus affecting a person's sexual ability. Although, in theory, there is a sexual decline in the elderly, in reality, there are still older adults whose sexual desires are still strong and even commit sexual deviations. This study aimed to determine the cause of pedophilia seen from the social skills of elderly inmates at the Class II B Correctional Institution Muaro Sijunjung. The type of research in this study is qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The research subjects were three elderly prisoners with child protection cases aged sixty years and over. The instrument in this research is the researcher himself. The collection techniques in this study were interviews and documents. The data analysis technique in the research that the researcher did was to systematically search and compile the data obtained from the interviews and documents to make the findings easy to understand and well-informed. The data analysis process starts from the process of making verbatim and coding. To test the validity of the data that has been obtained so that it fits the research objectives, the researcher uses the triangulation method. The triangulation used in this study is triangulation with sources, namely comparing and checking the level of certainty of data obtained through time and various devices in qualitative methods. From research in the field, it can be concluded that the cause of pedophile perpetrators is due to divorce, poor relationships with partners, and past abuse, causing pedophilic sexual deviant behavior. This study also looks at behavioral symptoms from four aspects of elderly social skills: Environmental Behavior, Interpersonal Behavior, Self Related Behavior, and Task Related Behavior.
Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Management Capabilities in Prisoners in Prisons Nadya Nadya; Ali Ameer; Zaamil Zaamil
World Psychology Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Hikmah Pariangan Batusangkar, West Sumatra, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (428.828 KB) | DOI: 10.55849/wp.v1i2.94


The purpose of this research is researchers want to see the relationship between emotional intelligence and conflict management abilities in prisoners at the Class II B Batusangkar detention house. The research method used is quantitative with the type of correlational research. The population in this study were prisoners in November 2020, 75 prisoners. The author uses a Likert scale to obtain the required data on emotional intelligence and conflict management skills. The results showed a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and conflict management abilities of prisoners in the Class IIB Batusangkar Detention Center. This is evidenced by the results of the correlation test that recount is greater than the table, thus it can be concluded that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected. This means that emotional intelligence is related to conflict management skills.
Guidance and Counselling in Education Agatha Dianovi; Damayanti Siregar; Indi Mawaddah; Suryaningsih Suryaningsih
World Psychology Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Hikmah Pariangan Batusangkar, West Sumatra, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (244.066 KB) | DOI: 10.55849/wp.v1i2.95


The Guidance Teacher or counsellor is someone who is responsible for providing guidance and counselling in schools consciously towards the development of student's personalities and abilities both from physical and spiritual aspects so that students are able to live independently and fulfil their various developmental tasks as creatures of God in addition to individual beings and social, moral, religious, and cultural beings. Counselling is an effort to help individuals through a process of personal interaction between counsellors and counsellors so that counsellors are able to understand themselves and their environment, be able to make decisions, and determine goals based on the values they believe in so that counsellor feels happy and effective in his behaviour. Guidance Counselling is in a key position in an educational institution, namely a school institution, as a support for the progress or retreat of the quality of education. The role of guidance and counselling in improving the quality of education is not only limited to academic guidance but also personal, social, intellectual, and value-giving guidance.
The Effect of Self-Development Program for Improving Independence in Defective Students in SLB N 1 Lima Kaum Batusangkar Aulia Rahmah; Eric Rouns; Aedro Luck
World Psychology Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Hikmah Pariangan Batusangkar, West Sumatra, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (310.738 KB) | DOI: 10.55849/wp.v1i2.96


Students with mental retardation are seen as less likely to have independence, especially those who occupy the Extraordinary Elementary School (SDLB) and are most dominantly difficult to be independent. All of his activities and needs still depend on his parents. One way to increase the independence of mentally retarded students is through self-development programs. This research method is qualitative research by collecting observation data and interviews with three mentally retarded students. The results of this study are teachers train and teach self-development programs to students so that students are able to be independent. The conclusion is that the self-development program, which is activated by the teacher to students and aims to achieve independence, has been successfully realized.
The Impact of Internet Addiction on Introvert Personality Nadia Nopiana; Jams Egie; Olir Mers
World Psychology Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Hikmah Pariangan Batusangkar, West Sumatra, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (310.86 KB) | DOI: 10.55849/wp.v1i2.97


Personality is defined as a combination of the overall disposition with environmental influences. According to some opinions, Personality is divided into two personalities they are extrovert and introvert. A person with an introverted personality tends to be shy, does not talk much and is busy with what is in himself, and tends to be ignorant of others. The tendency of attitudes possessed by an introverted person makes him a careless person in the face of his outside world. The actions carried out by a person with an introverted personality tend to benefit himself and do not attach importance to how others are. Introverted personalities are formed by several things that are done or happen, one of which is Internet Addiction. Seeing the number of things that can be used on the Internet makes use by some people in an excessive way. Individuals who are actually able to interact well in the real world tend to choose to interact through the virtual world because of the convenience offered. As a result, the individual's ability to interact and socialize becomes dulled. The method used is a literature study. As for the purpose of this discussion, in order to be able to anticipate something that has a bad effect on blackness. From the discussion and research results, it can be concluded that there is a relationship or influence between Internet Addiction on Introverted Personality.

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