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Program Pascasarjana Universitas Warmadewa, Program Studi Magister Rekayasa Infrastruktur dan Lingkungan Jalan Terompong no 24, Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia
Kota denpasar,
Jurnal Abdi Daya
Published by Universitas Warmadewa
ISSN : 27760863     EISSN : 27762548     DOI :
Core Subject : Engineering,
ABDI DAYA (Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan) merupakan jurnal IPTEK Infrastruktur dan Perencanaan Wilayah yang diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun oleh Magister Infrastruktur dan Teknik Lingkungan, Universitas Warmadewa. MRIL merupakan program studi terbaru program pascasarjana di Universitas Warmadewa dengan konsentrasi pada sanitasi dan air bersih, infrastruktur dan material mutakhir, serta mitigasi bencana dan pengelolaan wilayah pesisir. Sehingga konsentrasi inilah yang menjadi ruang lingkup jurnal ini.
Articles 21 Documents
Rancangan Penataan Estetika Jl. Akasia Guna Meningkatkan Kenyamanan Pengguna Jalan I Ketut Sugihantara; A.A. Ayu Dewi Larantika; Agus Kurniawan
JURNAL ABDI DAYA Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Maret

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Warmadewa University is a large university in Bali which has faculties, study programs, and postgraduate programs with a total of 7 active students. Currently operational Univ. Warmadewa is still centered on Jalan Terompong Number 24, Denpasar and has 3 exits, namely the main Akasia Street, Jalan Akasia XVI, and Jalan Akasia which is Ex IKIP / Paud Erlangga. Development of Univ. Warmadewa, which was founded in 1984, has brought quite rapid changes to the surrounding lands, which were formerly agricultural land, now become densely populated settlements, boarding houses for students and traders, photocopying, laundry, and others which are a significant impact as a result. the Warmadewa University campus. The condition of economic development around Warmadewa University can be seen from the proliferation of stalls and shops where you can sell which has an impact on the crowded parking and traffic around it. At night, this condition is getting denser without being accompanied by improvements in road facilities being the main problem in this PKM. Furthermore, the solution that can be offered is to carry out data collection on traffic facilities on the main Akasia Street and XVI Acacia in the hope that it can raise awareness and participation of the community to care more about the surrounding environment and Warmadewa University as the center of economic awakening can also help the surrounding community.
Manajemen Lalu Lintas Di Jalan Akasia Guna Menghindari Kemacetan I Made Suniastha Amerta; Luh Putu Sudini; Ni Made Widya Pratiwi Widya Pratiwi
JURNAL ABDI DAYA Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Maret

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Warmadewa University is a large university in Bali which has faculties, study programs, and postgraduate programs with a total of 7 active students. Currently operational Univ. Warmadewa is still centered on Jalan Terompong Number 24, Denpasar and has 3 exits, namely the main Akasia Street, Jalan Akasia XVI, and Jalan Akasia which is Ex IKIP / Paud Erlangga. Development of Univ. Warmadewa, which was founded in 1984, has brought quite rapid changes to the surrounding lands, which were formerly agricultural land, now become densely populated settlements, boarding houses for students and traders, photocopying, laundry, and others which are a significant impact as a result. the Warmadewa University campus. The condition of economic development around Warmadewa University can be seen from the proliferation of stalls and shops where you can sell which has an impact on the crowded parking and traffic around it. At night, this condition is getting denser without being accompanied by improvements in road facilities being the main problem in this PKM. Furthermore, the solution that can be offered is to carry out data collection on traffic facilities on the main Akasia Street and Akasia XVI in the hope that it can foster awareness and participation of the community to care more about the surrounding environment and Warmadewa University as the center of economic awakening can also help the surrounding community.
Pangempon Pura Pajinengan Gunung Tap Sai Kabupaten Karangasem – Bali, untuk Desain Konservasi Mandala Pura I Wayan Runa; I Nyoman Warnata; I Nyoman Nuri Arthana Nuri Arthana
JURNAL ABDI DAYA Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Maret

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Pura Pajinengan Mount Tap Sai is located in Puragai Hamlet, Besakih Traditional Village, Pempatan Village, Rendang District, Karangasem Regency - Bali, hereinafter referred to as Pura Tap Sai. Tap Sai Temple is located on the northwest slope of Mount Agung. People who Tangkil come to the temple to ask for safety and grace. Tap Sai comes from the word matapa sai sai (daily meditation or meditation). On the main page (utamaning mandala) of Pura Tap Sai, there is also a shrine of the Lingga Yoni wrapped in tree roots (natural) which the people believe is a place to ask for children or offspring, mate, all health problems, ask for medicine, and also fortune. After praying at the main mandala, each devotee / pemedek will be given a bundle (11) of incense to make a special wish at the natural Yoni Lingga. The existence of this temple is in the middle of the forest so that the natural atmosphere is calm, peaceful, and sacred. Therefore, this temple is also a public attraction both for spiritual activities and for traveling. With the increasing number of community members visiting Pura Pajinengan Mount Tap Sai, it is necessary to organize the main temple's mandala so that it is able to accommodate the number of visitors optimally and of course it is also safe for people with disabilities, given the high condition of the temple mandala such as terraces due to the contours of the ground. that's tilted. Based on the above problems, the method of implementation is through the design of the mandala pura conservation. Data collection was in the form of exploration to Pajinengan Temple Mount Tap Sai to obtain data in the design process. The design of the temple mandala to be more unique or distinctive, including the design of buildings and pelinggih and circulation materials for people with disabilities. In addition, it also conducted opinion polls and socialization to optimize the design of the mandala conservation at Pura Pajinengan Mount Tap Sai. The final output in the first year of the Community Partnership Program or this service for the community of Pajinengan Temple Mount Tap Sai people is preliminary data for the design of the mandala and temple shrine conservation. The preliminary data consist of the area of ​​land / temple area, the area of ​​the temple mandala, the existing main palinggih buildings, the existing supporting palinggih buildings, the sacred trees that need to be preserved, and the unique potential for the concept of temple development.
Rekayasa Sosial Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Mematuhi Ketertiban Umum di Jalan Akasia Denpasar Mirsa Umiyati; Toto Noerasto; Ida Ayu Cri Vinantya Laksmi
JURNAL ABDI DAYA Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Maret

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Perkembangan kawasan pemukiman disekitar Jalan Akasia berdampak pada terjadinya kemacetan dan kepadatan jalan. Perilaku parkir sembarangan, penggunaan bahu jalan sebagai parkir, serta pemanfaatan bahu jalan untuk berjualan menyebabkan timbulnya hambatan yang berdampak pada terjadinya kemacetan. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan bentuk studi kasus dan analisis kualitatif-deskriptif. Pemilihan metode ini didasarkan atas data dilokasi yang tidak berupa angka numeris.Metode perolehan data dengan melakukan wawancara dan sosialisasi. Hasil wawancara dan sosialisasi awal yang dilakukan pada masyarakat sekitar Jalan Akasia, menunjukkan bahwa peran masyarakat dalam upaya ikut menjaga ketertiban umum khususnya berlalulintas masih kurang. Masyarakat masih berasumsi bahwa upaya ketertiban umum berlalulintas adalah tugas dari aparat desa dan keamanan. Masyrakat belum memahami tentang penggunaan badan jalan yang dilarang ataupun diperbolehkan. Hasil dari sosialisasi dan FGD adalah masyarakat sekitar Jalan Akasia bersedia mengikuti ketentuan hukum mengenai batas sempadan jalan serta aturan pemasangan reklame. Hal ini merupakan hasil yang positif sebagai bukti adanya peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat dalam ikut menjaga ketertiban umum dan mematuhi peraturan yang berlaku. Sosialisasi yang dilakukan dengan para pemilik toko/warung menghasilkan kesepakatan bahwa dalam proses berjualan agar parkir pengunjung ditata sehingga tidak menimbulkan hambatan jalan yang dapat berdampak pada timbulnya kemacetan.
Program Kemitraan Masyarakat Dengan Pengempon Pura Pejinengan Tapsai Dalam Penataan Infrastruktur Perkuatan Lereng Untuk Areal Persembahyangan dan Areal Parkir I Nengah Sinarta
JURNAL ABDI DAYA Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Maret

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Dusun Puragae, Desa Pempatan memiliki topografi dengan kemiringan lereng diatas 45o kerena berada di lereng Gunung Agung, di desa ini terdapat Pura Pajinengan Gunung Tap Sai yang menjadi bagian dari Pura Besakih. Pura ini sebagai tempat pemujaan atas kemakmuran yang diberikan Tuhan dengan manifestasi Dewi Saraswati, Dewi Sri, dan Dewi Laksmi atau disebut Tri Upa Sedana. Program kemitraan dilakukan dengan kelompok pengembang Pura Tap Sai, yang secara bersama-sama melakukan evaluasi untuk perluasan kawasan Pura Tap Sai, khususnya pembangunan tembok penahan tanah. Setiap hari masyarakat makin banyak melakukan persembahyangan sehingga diperlukan penataan areal persembahyangan dan areal parkir pura agar dapat menampung pengunjung dan kendaraan secara optimal dan tentunya aman terhadap bahaya longsor. Identifikasi permasalahan terhadap pengguna dengan metode wawancara, selanjutnya dilakukan kegiatan teknis dengan penyelidikan lapisan dan jenis tanah dengan uji lapangan (CPT) dan analisa numerik angka aman. Hasil analisa ditransformasikan ke dalam bentuk desain penataan kawasan utama mandala dan jaba pura khususnya areal parkir. Output akhir dari layanan ini adalah output kepada pengelola Pura Tap Sai yaitu desain penataan area persembahyangan dan area parkir yang aman terhadap ancaman longsor dan nyaman bagi pengunjung.
JURNAL ABDI DAYA Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): November 2021

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Belantih Village, which is located in the western part of the Kintamani tourist area with beautiful scenery and landscapes and fertile soil, is a dominant center for producing horticultural products, coffee and citrus plantations. Most of the people of Belantih Village still rely on working in the agricultural sector as their main source of income. Taking advantage of the development of tourism, farmers can fill tourism needs by cultivating plants properly. Until now, in Belantih Village, the most developed plants are beans, tomatoes, cabbage, eggplant, chilies covering 11.13 ha, while for citrus fruits it is 175 ha and coffee plants are 282 ha. To support the growth and development of plants in addition to using inorganic fertilizers, most farmers still use organic fertilizers derived from cow and chicken manure which are easily available in large quantities and can meet the needs of a fairly large planting area from outside the Belantih Village area. Until now, the source of organic fertilizer that can actually be utilized from coffee rind waste from the rest of the wet processing or other processing from factories around Belantih Village is still not processed further in order to improve the quality of the waste as a source of fertilizer. This opportunity can actually be used by women farmer groups as an opportunity to supply organic fertilizer from solid coffee husk waste. The nutrient content contained in coffee husk waste when given a touch of technology will be a source of nutrients for plants. The purpose of this PKM activity is to increase the knowledge and skills of partners in coffee cultivation and after post-harvest the use of coffee husk waste as organic fertilizer in substituting the use of inorganic fertilizers in partner areas. In addition, it can be an alternative that solid coffee husk waste for communities around partners can be used as organic fertilizer in fertilizing cultivated plants in addition to organic fertilizers from cows and chickens that have been used today. The touch of technology in the processing of coffee skin waste is expected to add value to the fertilizer produced. Activities are carried out with counseling, discussions, direct practice in the field. This PKM program was carried out in a women's farmer group "Merta Sari Sabang" in Belantih Village, Kintamani District - Bangli Regency, Bali Province. From this activity, the output target to be achieved is that partner groups are independently able to utilize solid waste properly into "solid organic fertilizer" (POP) so as to increase the income of partner groups.
Perencanaan Jalan Setapak Pemedek dan Fasilitas Umum (FASUM) di Pura Pajinengan Gunung Tapsai Kabupaten Karangasem, Bali A.A Gede Sumanjaya; A.A Rai Asmani K; Ida Ayu Cri Vinantya L
JURNAL ABDI DAYA Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): November 2021

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Karangasem Regency is one of 8 regencies in Bali Province which is located in the eastern part of Bali. Adjacent to Besakih Temple, in Pempatan Village, Rendang District, there is a temple called Pajinengan Gunung Tap Sai Temple. To increase and support the enthusiasm of the pamedek to the temple, it is necessary to improve facilities and infrastructure in the form of good road access, directions for the order of prayer, and public facilities such as toilets and washtafel for the pamedek. The method of data acquisition in this planning is by collecting data by interviewing the Pangempon Pura Pajinengan Gunung Tapsai and the observation method to see the original condition of the planning location so that the data is obtained is valid to facilitate planning for parking area arrangements and the layout of public facilities. Based on the results of interviews and observations at the location, the results obtained related to the inhibiting factors in this activity were the desire of the Pangempon to increase the area of ​​the temple, because the Pangempon wanted to maximize the provision of public facilities and arrangement of merchant stalls around the temple area. Based on the results of the previous discussion, it can be concluded that there is a need for structuring parking areas, public facilities, and merchant kiosks for which 2 (two) alternative plans are made. Alternative 1 is planned for 73 merchant kiosks measuring 4 x 5 meters, 124 four-wheel parking areas, 221 two-wheel parking areas, and 5 toilet units. Alternative 2 is planned for 47 merchant kiosks measuring 4 x 5 meters, 152 four-wheel parking areas, 287 two-wheel parking areas, and 5 toilet units
JURNAL ABDI DAYA Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): November 2021

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Tourism plays a role in accelerating the process of economic transformation in rural areas. Village communities who initially worked as farmers were gradually able to learn to develop services to support tourism in a village. The momentum of tradition, culture and environmental exoticism can be packaged as village tourism products attractive to visitors from outside the region. Efforts to increase the number of tourist villages as an effort to move the village economy are also carried out in several villages in Bali Province. One of the village plans that will be developed as an ecotourism-based village is Besang Kawan Village which is included in the administrative area of ​​Semarapura Kaja Village. The problems faced by Partners in this case the village development team in Semarapura Kaja Village are the lack of tourism supporting infrastructure and the not yet maximized potential of Besang Kaja Village as an ecotourism village. Based on the initial survey and discussions conducted with the leaders and community of Besang Kawan Village, it is known that the village has potential in the form of religious tourism objects (Tirta Celempung Temple) and landscapes in the form of rice fields. Based on the documentation of the survey results above, information is obtained that currently, in Besang Kawan Village, there is tourism potential, and the existing infrastructure is still relatively minimal. As an initial step in the development of Besang Kawan Village as a tourist village, a jogging track is proposed that crosses the potentials of Besang Kawan Village. This jogging track will cross residential areas and rice fields. The length of the jogging track is 1878m. The design of this jogging track is paving block pavement which enhances the aesthetics of the track. At a distance of every 300m will be equipped with a rest area so that visitors can rest.
JURNAL ABDI DAYA Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): November 2021

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The development of settlements in urban areas is getting higher, causing complex problems to arise. Population growth also affects the need for land. This condition occurs in a residential area on Jalan Akasia, Kesiman Village. There have been regulations in the form of Perda Perda No.27 of 2011 concerning Spatial Planning of Denpasar City of 2011-2031 and Perda of Denpasar City No. 5 of 2019 concerning buildings. The regulation regulates the Basic Building Coefficient (KDB) so that infiltration areas and canal boundaries are available to prevent construction that reduces the canal's dimensions. The current condition of settlements does not comply with these regulations so that the lack of infiltration areas impacts the occurrence of floods. As well as a reduction in the dimensions of the channel due to development by the community. To overcome these problems, it is necessary to socialize the application of development rules in the study area to obtain a picture of the problem from the regulatory side. Meanwhile, from a technical point of view, this PKM reviews the condition of the channel and flood points, which is then outlined in a map of the channel and flood area on Jalan Akasia, Kesiman Village. In terms of regulations, socialization needs to be carried out so that people are aware of the importance of implementing KDB and channel boundaries in correlation to flood events.
Perencanaan Penataan Jalan Akasia Guna Meningkatkan Kinerja Simpang Jalan Akasia - Jalan Akasia XVI Putu Ika Wahyuni; Putu Ayu Sriasih Wesna; I Wayan Muliawan
JURNAL ABDI DAYA Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): November 2021

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Warmadewa University is a large university in Bali which has 7 Faculties, Study Programs and Postgraduate Programs. Warmadewa University has tens of thousands of active students from all existing Study Programs. Currently Warmadewa University operation is still centered on Jalan Terompong Number 24, Denpasar and has 3 exits, namely the main Akasia Street, XVI Akasia Street, and Akasia Street which is Ex IKIP / Paud Erlangga. Development of Univ. Warmadewa, which was founded in 1984, has brought rapid changes to the surrounding lands, which used to be agricultural land, now a densely populated settlement, boarding houses for students, shop, photocopying, laundry, and others which are significant changes due to the Warmadewa Campus. The condition of economic development around Warmadewa University can be seen from the increase in the number of stalls and shops which has an impact on the density of parking and traffic around it. Increasingly, this condition is getting denser without being accompanied by improvements in road facilities which are the main challenges in this PKM. Furthermore, the solution that can be offered is to carry out the physical arrangement of Jl. Main Akasia and Akasia XVI with the hope of creating a smooth flow of traffic at the intersection of the Akasia road with jl. Akasia XVI so that Warmadewa University as the center of economic revival can also help the surrounding community.

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