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International Journal of Public Health Excellence (IJPHE)
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International Journal of Public Health Excellence (IJPHE), ISSN 2809-9826 (online) has a subject area as follows, but is not limited to the following health areas that are reproduction health, medical service, health statistics, health management, oral hygiene, medical bio, civilized environmental health, universal health, nursing, health care provider, health entrepreneur, health research, health innovation, infectious diseases and their treatment, medical insurance, medical neuroscience, occupational health and safety, public health science and midwifery.
Articles 31 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): February-May" : 31 Documents clear
Effect of Papaya Decoction (Papaya Carica L.) on Increasing Breast Milk Production in Breastfeeding Mothers Lola Pebrianthy; Mutia Sari Lubis; Yusnina Maisyaroh
International Journal of Public Health Excellence (IJPHE) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): February-May
Publisher : PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (195.612 KB) | DOI: 10.55299/ijphe.v1i2.33


Breastfeeding in postpartum mothers often encounter obstacles due to late release of breast milk or less milk production. Efforts to improve the nutrition of nursing mothers by providing nutrient-rich foods that can stimulate milk production, namely papaya fruit stew. This study aims to determine the effect of boiled papaya on increasing breast milk production. This research was conducted at the Independent Midwife Nelly Harahap Panyanggar, North Padangsidimpuan District on 27 breastfeeding mothers. Analysis of the data used is the Wilcoxon test. The results of this study showed the p-value = 0.001, (p <0.05). The conclusion is that there is an effect of papaya decoction on increasing breast milk production in breastfeeding mothers in the Independent Practice of Midwife Nelly Harahap, Panyanggar, North Padangsidimpuan District in 2021. Suggestions are expected for breastfeeding mothers to improve their understanding of breast care and the benefits of consuming boiled papaya fruit regularly so that milk production remains increased so that mothers can exclusively breastfeed.
The Effect of Self Hypnosis on the Reduction of Anxiety of Pregnant Women in Trimester III Practice Midwife Anni Rizkiah Nurelilasari Siregar; Rini Amalia Batubara; Sakinah Yusro Pohan
International Journal of Public Health Excellence (IJPHE) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): February-May
Publisher : PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (204.201 KB) | DOI: 10.55299/ijphe.v1i2.34


The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics of pregnant women in the third trimester, identify the anxiety of pregnant women before and after self hypnosis and to find out the effect of self hypnosis on reducing anxiety in third trimester pregnant women, this research method is a quasi experiment, with a one-group pre-test and post-test design. The samples taken were 15 pregnant women. Sampling in this study using the Total Sampling method . Data was collected through a check list observation sheet and analyzed univariately and bivariately with the Wilcoxon test and presented in the form of a frequency distribution table. Results of this study the value of is 0.01 ( ρ < 0.05). The conclusion of this study states that there is an effect of self hypnosis on the anxiety of pregnant women in the third trimester at the Midwife Anni Rizkiah Practice, Sitampa Simatoras Village, South Tapanuli. Researcher Suggestions It is hoped that the midwives who drive the practice will make policies related to self-hypnosis to be taught to every pregnant woman who visits. Throughout the pregnancy process, the mother will remain calm and relaxed. Mother and baby are healthy with normal delivery.
Factors Related to Willing Mom for Post Placenta IUD Installation Yulinda Aswan; Sri Sartika Sari Dewi; Iin Wahyuni
International Journal of Public Health Excellence (IJPHE) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): February-May
Publisher : PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (296.971 KB) | DOI: 10.55299/ijphe.v1i2.35


The most ideal contraception for postpartum mothers childbirth and breastfeeding is not suppressing the production of breast milk, namely the Intra Uterine Device (IUD). The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with the mother's willingness to insert a post-placental IUD. This research is a quantitative research using the dynamics of correlation between phenomena with a cross sectional study design . The population in this study were all pregnant women over 30 weeks in April. The sample of this research was 47 pregnant women with gestational age above 30 weeks which were taken from the total sampling technique . Based on the results of the chi square statistical test with a 95% confidence level (α = 0.05) it was found that there was a significant relationship between knowledge (P 0.000), attitude (P 0.002), husband's support (P 0.001), mother's interest (P 0.001) , the support of health workers (P 0.001) with the mother's willingness to insert a post-placental IUD. It is hoped that mothers will be able to participate in the use of contraceptives.
Relationship Between Diet and Physical Activity with the Event of Anemia in Pregnant Women Sri Sartika Sari Dewi; Darma Afni Hasibuan; Yulinda Aswan; Meilani Harahap; Wiwik Anggraini
International Journal of Public Health Excellence (IJPHE) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): February-May
Publisher : PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (212.324 KB) | DOI: 10.55299/ijphe.v1i2.36


The prevalence of anemia in pregnant women is 41.8 % . The causes of anemia in pregnancy include gravida, age, parity, education level, economic status and compliance with Fe tablet consumption, diet and physical activity. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between diet and physical activity with the incidence of anemia in pregnant women at Batunadua Health Center, Padangsidimpuan City in 2021 . The type of research is quantitative research with a cross sectional approach study . The population in this study were all pregnant women at Batunadua Health Center Padangsidimpuan City as many as 229 people. The sample in this study were 70 pregnant women at Batunadua Public Health Center, Padangsidimpuan City using random sampling method . The analysis used is Chi Square and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test . The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship between diet ( p=0.000) , and physical activity ( p=0.000) with the incidence of anemia in pregnant women. The conclusion is that diet and physical activity have a relationship with the incidence of anemia in pregnant women. Suggestions for pregnant women to increase antenatal care visits and find out about the incidence of anemia in pregnancy.
Analysis of the Relationship of the Characteristics, Knowledge And Attitude of the Midwife With Completion of Partograph Filling in Normal Delivery Care Ayu Ulfah Nur Lubis; Desi Handayani Lubis; Seri Wahyuni Harahap
International Journal of Public Health Excellence (IJPHE) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): February-May
Publisher : PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (241.353 KB) | DOI: 10.55299/ijphe.v1i2.39


Partograph used for early detection of problems and complications in childbirth. Results of preliminary study through interviews obtained 80% of midwives who apply partograf,midwives who apply 30% for claiming the cost of labor by social asurance filling properly, 20% apply partograf by in complete filling, 30% apply partograf but filling is wrong, and 20% is not filling the partograf. The population is all midwives in health centers totaled 84 Padangmatinggi midwife, sampling technique was total population. The data was collected by using a validated questionnaire, secondary data from public health center, partograf sheet documenting data of health centers of Padangmatinggi. Analysis of the data through univariate analysis and a bivariate analysis using Chi-square test and logistic regression. There is correlation between work period (p=0.008;RP=1,504), employee status (p=0.013;RP=1,487), knowledge (p = 0.000; RP = 5.667), attitude (p = 0.000; RP = 7.222) with a completeness filling of partograf in normal delivery care. Attitude (p=0.001;RP=67.019) was the variable most strongly correlation.
The Relationship of Respondent Characteristics With the Implementation of Public Infection Prevention by Private Practice Midwife in the Work Area Fatimah; Maryam Latifah Harahap; Elvi Suryani
International Journal of Public Health Excellence (IJPHE) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): February-May
Publisher : PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (417.137 KB) | DOI: 10.55299/ijphe.v1i2.40


The purpose of this study to determine the relationship between the characteristics of respondents with the implementation of postpartum prevention by Private Midwives Practice in the work area. The type of this research is descriptive correlative with cross sectional approach. Researchers used totally sampling technique. Analysis of data used chi-square. Based on the results of the study, 40 respondents were 22 - 39 years old, 23 people (57,5%), D - I midwifery education 22 people (55%), work experience 14 - 26 years old as many as 27 people (67,5 %), and less knowledge as many as 24 people (60%) .The results of data analysis of age relationship with the implementation of postpartum prevention obtained p value = 0.002 and OR = 11.40 means there is a significant relationship. Education with the implementation of postpartum prevention obtained p value = 0.032 and OR = 5.343 means there is a significant relationship and work experience with the implementation of postpartum prevention obtained p value = 0.063 and OR = 5.923 means there is no significant relationship. From the results of this study is expected to midwives as health workers to further improve the experience, knowledge, quality of service in prevention of infeksinifas.
The Relationship of Learning of ASKEB II Course Practicum Laboratory With the Achievement of Level II Students' Competence Elvi Suryani; Maryam Latifah Harahap; Rahmah Juliani Siregar; Ihram Kurnia Agusta
International Journal of Public Health Excellence (IJPHE) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): February-May
Publisher : PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (194.55 KB) | DOI: 10.55299/ijphe.v1i2.41


Practical learning is a process to improve the skills of participants by using various methods according to the skills provided and the equipment used. This type of research is descriptive analytic with a cross sectional approach. Data analysis was performed using the chi square formula. The results showed that from the results of the cross table between laboratory practicum learning and competency achievement, the majority of both categories were good, namely as many as 22 people (39.3 %), the majority category was sufficient, namely 15 people (26.8%). And the less majority category is sufficient, namely 2 students ( 3.6 %). The results of statistical tests with the Chi-Square test showed that the value of X 2 count (22.485) > (9.488) and the value of p = 0.000 < 0.05 . It means that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, so that there is a relationship between laboratory practicum learning for the Askeb II subject and the achievement of competence level II students. The conclusion of this study is that bivariate analysis with the Chi-Square test is known to have a relationship between laboratory practicum learning for the Askeb II subject and the achievement of competence level II students.
The Relationship of Mom's Knowledge about the Importance of Measles Rubella (MR) Immunization with Compliance with Immunization Yulinda Aswan; Farida Utaminingtyas; Helmy Apreliasari; Yusnina Maysaroh; Teti Kurniasih
International Journal of Public Health Excellence (IJPHE) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): February-May
Publisher : PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (183.73 KB) | DOI: 10.55299/ijphe.v1i2.65


Measles and Rubella are kinds of infectious diseases through the airway that cased by virus of measles and Rubella (MR) and the immunization of measles and rubella (MR) will be one immunization to avoid the disease . This research is taken to know the correlation of mothers knowledge about Measles and Rubella Immunization in Hospitalized local government clinic of Gunungtua, North Padang Lawas Regency in the year 2021. Type of this research is quantitative research with descriptive correlation design and it is taken by cross sectional study approaches. This research is taken place at the local Government clinic unit Hospitalized Gunungtua, North Padang Lawas Regency. The population and sample of this research are coming from the mothers who have child on 9 months age until <15 old years, that are about 122 people. The results of this research show that got about p-value 0.000 <0.05, Its means that there is a significant correlation between knowledge with subservience in having Immunization of Measles Rubella (MR) int the Local Government Clinic Unit Hospitalized Gunungtua, North Padang Lawas Regency. The suggestions is the Healthy servant should give information as well as education for the society about the immunization of Measles Rubella (MR).
Factors Which Influence Incident Hypertension on Pre-Elderly Rahmah Juliani Siregar; Rya Anastasya Siregar
International Journal of Public Health Excellence (IJPHE) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): February-May
Publisher : PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (143.822 KB) | DOI: 10.55299/ijphe.v1i2.66


The type of research used is an analytic study with cross sectional design. The population in this study were all pre- hypertension suffering as many as 55 people. The sample is the entire population number used as the sample that is as much as 55 people. Data were obtained from Angkola Muaratais Health Center and through interview results using a questionnaire. The results showed statistical test results of independent variables eating habits obtained means there is a significant influence of independent variables with the dependent variable. Physical activity obtained Sig value means there is a significant influence independent variables with dependent. Smoking habits obtained means there is a significant influence independent variables with dependent. Gender obtained indigo means there is no significant influence of independent variable with dependent. Variables that affect the incidence of hypertension. Based on the results of the study concluded there is a lifestyle influence on the incidence of hypertension in the elderly and expected the patient is able to maintain a healthy lifestyle so US to further improve the health status.
Description of Women's Knowledge about Menopause Complaints in Simbolon Village Padang Bolak District Ica Fauziah Harahap; Nurhidayah Harahap
International Journal of Public Health Excellence (IJPHE) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): February-May
Publisher : PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (129.191 KB) | DOI: 10.55299/ijphe.v1i2.90


Menopause is the last phase where a woman's menstrual bleeding stops completely. Menopausal syndrome is experienced by many women almost all over the world. In women who will experience menopause, they will experience symptoms or signs such as depressed mood, anxiety, decreased well-being and sleep disturbances. Factors causing menopause are caused by changes in the production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, age at menarche, parity and contraception. The purpose of this study was to determine the knowledge of women about menopause complaints in Simbolon Village. This type of research is quantitative in nature using a descriptive research design. The population in this study were all women aged 45-55 years who lived in Simbolon Village totaling 56 people with a total sampling technique, where the entire population was used as the research sample. The results showed that the majority of respondents had sufficient knowledge about menopause complaints as many as 22 people (39.3%) and a minority of less knowledge as many as 16 people (28.6%). Respondents are expected to actively seek information about complaints during menopause.

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