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Journal of English Education Program (JEEP)
Published by Universitas Galuh
ISSN : 24604046     EISSN : 28300327     DOI :
Core Subject : Education,
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) focuses on English Teaching and Learning research. This journal includes the following topic areas: 1. English Language Pedagogy 2. ELT Materials Development and Evaluation 3. English Language Assessment 4. Teaching English to Young Learners 5. Language Policy and Planning
Articles 134 Documents
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Journal Of English Education Program
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v4i1.111


ABSTRACTThis research presents regarding the analysis of flanders interaction in analyzing teachers students interaction in EFL classroom based on 2013 curriculum. This study aimed at describing the kinds as well as analyzing the characteristic of teacher-students interaction in EFL classroom that implements 2013 curriculum. This study employed a qualitative approach, descriptive research design in particular. In analyzing the data, this study was analyzed by means of Flanders Interaction Analysis. Flanders Interaction Analysis is a system that aims to measure the classroom interaction which has 10 ctegories, namely accepting feeling, praising and encouraging, accepting or using ideas of students, asking questions, lecturing, giving directions, criticizing or justifying authority, student-talk response, student-talk initiation and silence (Walsh, 2011). To obtain the data, the researcher conducted classroom observation in two English classess of Peminatan program (Optional program) at the tenth grade in one of Senior High School in Ciamis which implements 2013 curriculum. The findings of this study revealed that the kinds of teacher-students interaction occured in both classes were teacher talk, student talk and silence. Due to teacher talk gained highest percentage in all classroom observation of both teachers, classroom interaction was dominated by teacher talk through emphasizing on asking question. In case of teacher A, from the total of teacher talk (72.29%), teacher A used asking question (27.56%). While in the case of teacher B, from the total of teacher talk (64.93%), teacher B used asking question (25.97%). In term of characteristic of teacher-students interaction, the characteristic in both classes was content-cross Based on the finding above, it could be inferred both teachers used asking questions and lecturing to interact with the students.Key word: Flanders Interaction Analysis (FIA), EFL classroom, 2013 curriculum 
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 3, No 1 (2016): Journal Of English Education Program
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v3i1.1866


This study investigated the differences of students’ methods and techniques in translating poem “White Eyes” by Marry Oliver. This study used case study with qualitative data. Qualitative data were obtained from a translation test and questionnaire that consisted of the poem “White Eyes” by Marry Oliver and the questions about that translation. Translation test and questionnaire were designed to analyze the differences of students’ methods and techniques in translation and then what problem the translation do the translator face in translating poem “White Eyes” by Marry Oliver from English into Indonesian. The analysis was done through the following phases: (1) students’ translation of poem was identified, (2) analyzed and compared the methods and techniques they used and (3) classified the methods and techniques. The population of this study was the fourth grade students of English Education Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Sciences at Galuh University in Ciamis who took Translation class at 8th term. The writer selected 5 students as the samples of this study. The writer used the purposive sampling techniques to select the sample. The result of this study shows that almost students used more than one technique, there are literal translation technique, adaptation, transposition, modulation, reduction, established equivalent, and the writer concludes that almost students used adaptation method  in translation that poem. Based on the result of this study, the writer concludes that there are some differences of students methods and techniques in translation, but the differences are not significant.  
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 9, No 2 (2022): Journal of English Education Program (JEEP)
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (543.579 KB) | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v9i2.8548


The present study was aimed to investigate how teacher teaches creative writing by using Canva and what are student‟s perception on the use of Canva as media in learning writing. The present study used qualitative design with the type of case study. The data were obtained through several sources such as observation which was conducted once to observe how teacher used Canva as media in teaching creative writing. The two others were questionnaire and interview that were employed to collect data about student‟s perception on the use of Canva as media. Eighteen students from 8th grade and one English teacher participated in this study. The observation data and interview were transcribed, coded, interpreted. Meanwhile, the questionnaire data was analyzed using Likert Scale measurement. The findings revealed that, to implement Canva in teaching writing, the teacher used constructivism.Moreover, from interview and questioner about student‟s perception showed that the use of Canva as teaching media could make them more motivated in learning and also enrich their knowledge in using media. Based on the findings,the writer suggested that teacher should use media, especially Canva in their teaching activity, to motivate their students and enrich their knowledge on using various digital media.
An Interpersonal Metafunction Analysis of Some Political Advertisements Lu’lu Atul Maknunah
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 5, No 2 (2018): Journal Of English Education Program
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v5i2.1890


This study presents the interpersonal metafunction analysis of some political advertisements. The advertisements consist of nine selected political advertisements and they contain of 31 clauses to analyze. This study is conducted to find out the result to the research question this study, which is saying “how is interpersonal metafunction represented in political advertisements”? In this study, the writer uses textual analysis with use the Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) as the research instrument. The analysis of all political advertisements in this study consists of mood system, to which two kinds of mood system belong which consist of declarative, represented 22 times (70%) and Imperative used 9 times (30%). There is no interrogative mood system found.  Besides, there are three modalities found in the data analysis consisting of modal “will”, “may” and “should”. The first modal is “will” represented two times. The second modal is “may” which is used once and the last modal is “should” which is also presented once.
Teachers’ Reciprocal Teaching Strategies in Teaching Reading Descriptive Text Reni Puji Ayu Lestari
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 2, No 2 (2015): Journal Of English Education Program
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v2i2.1857


This research examines teachers’ reciprocal teaching strategies in teaching reading descriptive text. The writer wanted to investigate whether reciprocal teaching strategies used by teachers gives the effectiveness of student learning in reading comprehension especially in reading descriptive text, and increase students’ independence in learning, discussing, prevents cognitive failure, and able to provide arguments with critical thinking. In this study, the writer used Case Study. Population are all English teachers in SMPN Satu Atap 1 Bantarsari. Instrument used to collect the data that are observation (non-participant), and interview. The findings of the study based on classroom observation, the teacher did some stage in the reciprocal teaching strategies, namely, predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing. Based on personal interviews, the reasons of the teacher used the reciprocal teaching strategies are students become more active in response to the contents of the text and to build students’ thinking process so that students can be more creative, the students became more serious in the discussion so the learning process can be carried out effectively, students are motivated to be able to read and understand the text well, and train students to learn more independently, students can build a mental, and to dare to give their opinion. In addition, the teacher is able to prevent cognitive failure when learning takes place. Keywords: Teaching Strategy, Teaching Reading, Text Type (Descriptive Text), Reciprocal Teaching.
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 9, No 1 (2022): Journal of English Education Program (JEEP)
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (538.881 KB) | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v9i1.7569


This research discusses teachers’ meaning negotiation strategies in constructing speaking skills through Google Meet. Meaning negotiation can show how well the teacher interacts with students. This study was aimed at finding out how the teacher negotiate meaning in constructing speaking skills and the students’ perceptions when the teacher used to mean negotiation strategies. The present study used a qualitative Case study design. Twenty students from 1A in Speaking for information Function and an English lecturer have participated in this study. The data were obtained through observation to research how do teachers’ meaning negotiate in constructing speaking skills in speaking class through Google Meet, interviews to collect data what the students’ perceptions towards meaning negotiation used by the teacher in speaking class. The observation data were analyzed based on 4 components from Pica (1991) namely trigger, signals, response, and follow-up. To analyze the interview data, the researcher first transcribes the data and then interprets it. The findings show that the 4 components of meaning negotiation used by the teacher were well-implemented. It also indicates that the teacher can provide more explanation. Furthermore, a teacher can help the students in understanding a new word and its meaning and making the conversation in the speaking class run well. This research concludes that meaning negotiation used by the teacher is a good tool and effective in the real situation. The teacher encourages them to practice solving communication problems occurring among them through meaningful negotiation. The researcher suggests that the teacher is expected to be more well organized in delivering material to construct a better conversation in their speaking skill.
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 7, No 2 (2020): Journal of English Education Program
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (228.003 KB) | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v7i2.4243


This research discusses about using Hypnoteaching technique to empower students’ courage in speaking skill. This research gives enlightenment to help empowering students speaking skill through Hypnoteaching technique. The objective of this study was aimed to figure out how Hypnoteaching technique empower students’ courage in speaking skill, and what are the students and teacher’s perceptions towards Hypnoteaching technique. The present study used qualitative Case study design. Twenty-eight students from eleventh grade and an English teacher were participated in this study. The data were obtained through observation to observe how teacher implemented Hypnoteaching as a technique in teaching speaking, questionnaire and interview to collect data about students and teacher’s perceptions towards Hypnoteaching technique. To analyze the observation data and interview, the researcher first transcribed and then made interpretation from it. The questionnaire data was analyzed using Likert Scale measurement. The findings revealed that the teacher implement Hypnoteaching in teaching speaking, and she also uses constructivism learning model in teaching activity. In addition, Hypnoteaching technique can make them more motivated and courageous in speaking English. Based on the findings, the researcher suggested in any case of their subject, teachers should implement an effective, easy and enjoyable technique especially Hypnoteaching in their teaching activity, not only to motivate the students but also to empower their courage and knowledge particulary in speaking class.Keywords: Hypnoteaching, Technique, Speaking.
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 4, No 2 (2017): Journal Of English Education Program
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v4i2.1880


In recent years, the use of presentation software in classroom instruction has significantly increased globally. The purpose of this study was to find out the teacher’s way of using presentation software in teaching English speaking skill, the teacher’s reason for using presentation software to teach English speaking skill, and the students’ perception teaching learning English speaking skill through presentation software. The sample in this study were an English teacher in Junior High School and 30 eighth grade students of that school. The study was conducted in a cyclic process starting from classroom observation, interview to the teacher, and questionnaire for the students. The study employed a qualitative research design, embracing characteristic of a case study. The results showed that teacher used presentation software by using Laptop and LCD projector. In addition, she included several media in her slide such as pictures, songs, audios, and script dialogue. Moreover, data from interview showed that the teacher’s reasons for using presentation software in teaching English because presentation software provided many advantages for her. Furthermore, the data from questionnaire showed that students’ perception teaching learning English speaking skill by using presentation software were agree. Teaching  learning English speaking skill through presentation aspects which has been rated good is  “Saya suka jika guru mengajar speaking  menggunakan presentation software” (80.00%, 24 students). Almost students choose agree rather than strongly agree because as the teacher said in interview that teaching learning English speaking skill through presentation software was not something new for them. Thus, there were less of students who choose a neutral and no students choose disagree or strongly disagree. This study concludes that the use of presentations software can be implemented in the teaching learning English speaking skill.
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 2, No 1 (2015): Journal Of English Education Program
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v2i1.1848


This research investigated the English teachers’ perceptions about the pedagogical contents of an EFL textbook ‘English in Focus’. This descriptive study was conducted to investigate teachers’ perceptions about the pedagogical contents of an EFL textbook ‘English in Focus’ of a Junior High School in Cimanggu. Two English teachers of a junior high school in Cimanggu were selected as a sample of the research. A questionnaire was chosen as the research instrument to answer the first and the second research questions. To analyze the data, exploratory data analysis was used in this research which was adapted from Cohen, et al. (2007, p. 98). The research findings showed that the pedagogical contents of an EFL textbook ‘English in Focus’ was taught by the English teachers to junior high school students. Besides, the research findings also showed that the English teachers perceived the materials of an EFL textbook ‘English in Focus’ could fulfilled the criteria of the pedagogical contents. Furthermore, the results of this research may give a broader knowledge about teaching learning process to readers. Keywords: teachers’ perceptions, the pedagogical contents, an EFL textbook.
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 8, No 2 (2021): Journal of English Education Program
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (177.868 KB) | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v8i2.6428


This study deals with the development of authentic materials in teaching reading recount text in literacy-based teaching. This study was aimed at 1) observing how the teacher develops recount text by using authentic materials in the literacy-based teaching, and 2) figuring out the students’ responses on authentic materials in recount text developed in the literacy-based teaching. This study employed a qualitative method with the type of case study design. By using purposive sampling technique, this study involved 23 students of class VIII-D and the English teacher is the sample of this study. The research instruments used in this study were the classroom observation, interview, and questionnaires. This study used the triangulation to analyze the data. The result revealed that the teacher used only five of seven principles of literacy in developing authentic materials in teaching reading recount text. They are interpretation, collaboration, problem solving, reflection and self-reflection; and literacy involves language use. Furthermore, the use of authentic materials in reading recount text improved the students’ motivation and reading comprehension. Meanwhile, the use of authentic materials also helped them to overcome their difficulties in learning reading, improving students’ vocabulary, and enhancing the students’ attention in learning reading. It can be concluded that the use of authentic materials by using some principles of literacy has given positive effect to the student’s motivation and reading comprehension. Authentic material is one of media which can help and facilitate the students in a reading text. Keywords: Literacy based teaching, reading, recount text, and authentic materials.

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