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Program Studi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bone Watampone - Sulawesi Selatan
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Palakka : Media and Islamic Coummunication
ISSN : 27464687     EISSN : 29619017     DOI :
Palakka: Media and Islamic Communication is published twice a year, June and December by the Communication and Islamic Broadcast Study Program at the Bone State Islamic Institute. This journal is a publication of scientific papers for academics and practitioners. This journal publishes articles from the results of field research (research reports) as well as library research (literature studies), conceptual study articles, scientific book references related to the actual problems and problems of media and Islamic communication. This journal focuses on the field of media and Islamic communication with the scope of mass communication / communication of social change and innovation / communication of Islam / popular culture and new media.
Articles 56 Documents
Persuasive Communication in an Educational Perspective Akbar Syamsuddin; Samsinar S
Palakka : Media and Islamic Communication Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : State Islamic Institute of Bone, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (141.81 KB) | DOI: 10.30863/palakka.v2i2.2300


This study discusses the concept of persuasive communication from an educational perspective, the importance of persuasive communication in education, the obstacles experienced by teachers in applying persuasive communication and persuasive communication models in education. This research is library research with descriptive-qualitative approach. The method and analysis used is inductive qualitative analysis. Inductive qualitative data analysis is an analysis based on the data obtained, then developed into answers to the problems in this study, and searched for data repeatedly so that the data collected can be known to be accepted or rejected. The results of the study indicate that persuasive communication in education is a communication interaction that occurs between teachers and students in an educative and humanistic manner with the aim of changing the attitudes, behavior and views of students so that learning activities run well and achieve the learning objectives that have been set. There are several teacher barriers in persuasive communication, namely biological, psychological, and gender barriers, both from the teachers themselves and from students. Furthermore, persuasive communication is very important for students because it will improve students' cognitive and social abilities, generate learning motivation and students' self-confidence and provide benefits, maintain and improve positive relationships and attitudes between teachers and students. Teachers can apply this persuasive communication by adjusting to learning situations and conditions through various models, both equation models, separate balanced, unbalanced separately, monopoly, linear, interactive and transactional. 
Polite Questioning in Students’ WhatsApp Group Discussion (A Research on Discourse and Communication) Herman Resyadi; Ainun Suraidah
Palakka : Media and Islamic Communication Vol 2, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : State Islamic Institute of Bone, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (616.423 KB) | DOI: 10.30863/palakka.v2i1.1424


This research is under the discipline of Discourse Analysis. It focused to investigate the politeness used by students in social media, especially WhatsApp application. This research was consist of 20 students in one class at the Graduate Program of State University of Makassar. To collect the data, the researchers transcribed students’ chat and discussion from the students’ WhatsApp group discussion. This researcher was analyzed by using discourse analysis approach based on the politeness theory by Brown and Levinson (1987). The result of this research showed that students only use positive politeness in questioning to show closeness and respect to the other students in the WhatsApp group discussion.
Building Regional Language Awareness Through Personal and Social Communication As An Acculturation Efforts A. Dian Fitriana Eka Putri; Muhammad Sahid
Palakka : Media and Islamic Communication Vol 1, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : State Islamic Institute of Bone, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (99.264 KB) | DOI: 10.30863/palakka.v1i1.685


AbstractAdjustment is one step taken by someone to be able to survive in a new place. An immigrant (nomads) make adjustments when in a new culture, and that is known as acculturation. Acculturation efforts are certainly supported by the existence of communication between immigrant and indigenous communities, both personal and social communication. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Persona Communication and Social Communication Against Language Culture Awareness. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. The sampling technique is a purposive sampling technique. Data collection is done by Interview, Observation, and Literature Study. The results of this study indicate the effectiveness of communication both personal and social in nature which is quite a big influence and is carried out by overseas students from South Sulawesi to the local community in the city of Bandung. The communication carried out both persona and social has an impact on the acculturation that they do in their overseas locations. Key Words : Communication; Awareness; Regional Language.
Psychological Interaction between Da'i and Mad'u Against the Da'wah Process Samsinar S.; Sapta Wardana; Ayu Aspila
Palakka : Media and Islamic Communication Vol 3, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : State Islamic Institute of Bone, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (216.905 KB) | DOI: 10.30863/palakka.v3i1.2731


This study discusses the concept of the psychological interaction of da'i and mad'u, forms of psychological interaction of da'i and mad'u, the process of da'wah and the effect of psychological interaction of da'i and mad'u on the da'wah process. This research is library research with descriptive-qualitative approach. The method and analysis used is an inductive qualitative analysis. Inductive qualitative data analysis is an analysis based on the data obtained, then developed into answers to the problems in this study, and searched for data repeatedly so that the data collected can be known to be accepted or rejected. The results showed that the concept of psychological interaction between the da'i and mad'u is a process of interaction carried out between the da'i and mad'u with the aim of influencing attitudes and behavior so that changes occur in honey which are carried out both consciously and unaware. There are several forms used by da'i in psychological interaction with mad'u, namely providing motivation in behavior, social interaction, communication and leadership. This interaction takes place in the da'wah process through several stages, namely the stage of receiving da'wah material, processing da'wah material, storing da'wah material and producing da'wah material again. With this psychological interaction, it will have a positive influence both da'i and mad'u on the da'wah process so that da'wah runs effectively and efficiently.
Misunderstanding and Offense in the Digital World as Impacts of Community Low Level of Language Literacy and Communication Skills Herman Resyadi
Palakka : Media and Islamic Communication Vol 3, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : State Islamic Institute of Bone, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (488.844 KB) | DOI: 10.30863/palakka.v3i1.2709


AbstractCommunication is part of social interaction that acts as a means of exchanging information, meeting individual needs and development. However, such social interaction activities may fail and create interaction problems, including misunderstanding and offense. Misunderstanding occurs when the listener thinks he or she has understood or misinterpreted what the speaker meant while offense occurs when the listener is unable to accept, is annoyed and disturbed by what the speaker is saying. Since entering the digital era which began about 10 years ago, misunderstandings and offenses have become increasingly common. The rapid flow of information exchange where everyone is almost free to speak and respond to speech makes these two issues even more unstoppable. Responding to these, as the main concern of this paper, the author invites the readers to discuss about misunderstanding and offense as results of individual low level of literacy and communication skills.Keywords: Misunderstanding and Offense, Communication, Language Literacy
“Sacrifice” As Form of Dakwah (Case Study Of Tabligh Religious Thought) Harifuddin Halim; Ahmad Usman; Asmirah Asmirah; Muhammad Masdar
Palakka : Media and Islamic Communication Vol 2, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : State Islamic Institute of Bone, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1199.737 KB) | DOI: 10.30863/palakka.v2i1.1481


This study aims to reveal the forms of sacrifice as a model of preaching carried out by members of the Tabligh group. They do this as a manifestation of their belief in the Islamic religion that they profess. This study used a quantitative method with a survey approach to the Tablighi group. This approach is appropriate in expressing one focus of study, namely sacrifice as a model for group da'wah. The data was collected using a questionnaire to 25 members of the Tabligh group related to the 'sacrifice' da'wah model they carried out. The results showed: the form of sacrifice as a model of da'wah in their beliefs in the form of sacrifice of time, sacrifice of work, sacrifice of family, sacrifice of wealth, sacrifice of self, and sacrifice of feelings. They think all of these things are material that must be sacrificed to get a reward from Allah SWT.
The Virtual Dakwah In Pandemic Covid-19 Era Kurniati Abidin; Rasyidah Zainuddin
Palakka : Media and Islamic Communication Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : State Islamic Institute of Bone, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (362.862 KB) | DOI: 10.30863/palakka.v1i2.1124


This research intends to reveal the process of dakwah through the virtual world (internet) during the Pandemic Covid-19 period. It is not really felt the difference between the virtual propaganda model during the pandemic with the previous period, but there are several variants that can be observed as these differences. This research is qualitative descriptive with a focus on the process of virtual preaching. Data is collected from prosecutors (da'i) through semi-structured interviews accompanied by observations, and literature studies. Existing data were analyzed using Cresswell's approach such as data categorization, reduction, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that virtual propaganda took place in the form of the use of online video, the use of online text messages and images (online massage), the use of voice messages (MP3), and the use of online streaming. The dakwah model still uses platforms that are already available in the virtual world (the internet), both existing ones such as Webex, and the latest versions such as Zoom, Google Meet, and so on. The conclusion of this study is that the virtual dakwah model follows the use of the existing platform and the preachers adapt to the characteristics of the platform. Even so, the virtual world always has both positive and negative sides.
The Influence of Online Learning on Students' Level of Understanding in Courses of Quantitative Research Methods KPI2 Class Ramadhani Ramadhani; Ika Fitrah Dayanti; Annisa Nur Ramadhani; Putri Hidayani; Andi Dian Fitriana; Sulvinajayanti Sulvinajayanti
Palakka : Media and Islamic Communication Vol 3, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : State Islamic Institute of Bone, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (536.753 KB) | DOI: 10.30863/palakka.v3i1.2531


This study aims to determine the understanding of students during the online lecture learning (online) in the quantitative research method of the KPI2 Class IAIN Parepare. Meanwhile researchers use ex post facto research design which is part of the quantitative method. As for getting data used the primary data collection techniques in the form of questionnaires and documentation. With a population of 40 KPI class students of the quantitative research method course and the sample number of 28 students. Based on the results of research that has been collected through the spread of questionnaires, (1) 60.7% of respondents answeredthat they do not like online learning, while 39.2% of them like online-based learning, (2) 71.4% agree that online courses facilitate the lecture process, while 28.5% disagree with the statement, (3) 60.7% disagree with online courses for quantitative research method courses, while 39.2% agree with the statement, (4) 57.1% agreed with the use of Zoom and WhatsApp apps, while 42.8% agreed. So it was concluded that the influence of online lectures on students' understanding in the quantitative research method courses of KPI2 classes entered the moderate category. Keyword: Online, Understanding, Quantitative Lectures
Gojek: The New Face of Transportation in the Digital Age Fathiyah Jamil; Muhtar Muhtar; Suherianto Suherianto
Palakka : Media and Islamic Communication Vol 1, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : State Islamic Institute of Bone, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (833.465 KB) | DOI: 10.30863/palakka.v1i1.702


The digital age was born as a result of the development of information and communication technology. The sophistication of digital media provides space for the birth and development of a startup business and it is considered has provided many benefits and conveniences for the community, including in the field of transportation. Gojek is an online transportation business platform that can be well received by the community because it can provide solutions to transportation problems, especially for urban communities. Innovations that combine communication and information technology affect and change people's lifestyles and even shift the existence of online transportation because it is considered more practical. The success of Gojek at the same time proof that now the community is ready to switch into a new lifestyle, an all-digital lifestyle.Keywords: Technology, innovation, Gojek, lifestyle
Students' Perceptions of the Jamaah Tabligh Community Da'wah Model Harifuddin Harifuddin; Rasyidah Zainuddin; Muhammad Masdar
Palakka : Media and Islamic Communication Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : State Islamic Institute of Bone, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (511.16 KB) | DOI: 10.30863/palakka.v2i2.2301


This study aims to describe student perceptions regarding the model of the Tablighi Jamaat. To achieve this, this study uses a quantitative descriptive method with a survey approach. The population of this study was 500 students of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Bosowa University, and the sample was determined to be 60 using quota sampling technique. The data collection technique used a research instrument with a Likert Scale technique. The data analysis technique used is frequency tabulation with percentage technique. The results showed as follows: (1) The perception of FISIP students at the University of Bosowa towards the Da'wah model of the Tablighi Jamaat group was categorized as 'bad/low'. (2) The effectiveness of the da'wah model was classified as poor/low. The conclusion of this study is that the da'wah model of this group is bad, so it is suggested that this group should change their da'wah model and adapt to the current socio-cultural conditions.