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Indonesian Biodiversity Journal
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International Biodiversity Journal (IBJ) is an international peer-reviewed and open access journal that publishes significant and important research from all area of biological science fields such as biodiversity, biopharmaca, DNA barcoding and molecullar biology, ecology, physiology, behavior, and biotechnology. All life forms, ranging from microbes, fungi, plants, animals, and human, including virus, are covered by International Biodiversity Journal (IBJ).
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): April 2022" : 5 Documents clear
The Effect Of Combination Of Technology Of Planting And Control Of Weeds On The Dominant Value Of Weeds And Rice Productivity Yuriko Kasim
Indonesian Biodiversity Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Manado

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The problem currently arises in lowland rice cultivation is the presence of nuisance plants, namely weeds which can reduce crop yields by up to 90%. Therefore, it is necessary to find a way out by testing several weed control technologies that farmers can use. The objectives of the study were (1) to determine the effect of technology for planting methods, namely Tabela in arrays, evenly spaced tables, and evenly distributed tables, on the growth and production of lowland rice, (2) To determine the effect of weed control technology using herbicides with active ingredients metsulfuron-methyl and 2,4 -D on the growth and production of lowland rice and (3) To determine the effect of the Combination of planting technology and weed control technology on the growth and production of lowland rice. The experiment was carried out using a Randomized Block Design (RAK) as the environmental design. The treatment design was a split-plot design: Main Plot, Planting Method Technology (T): T1 = Array Tables, T2 = Distance Tables, T3 = Tables Spread Evenly. Sub-plots, Weed Control Technology (G): G1 = Herbicide with active ingredient mtsulfuron methyl, G2 = Herbicide with active ingredient 2,4-D, G3 = Combination of mtsulfuron methyl and 2,4-D. Thus there were nine treatments, each treatment was repeated three times, so there were 27 experimental units. One experimental plot measuring 4 x 6 m. The placement of all treatments in the experimental plot was done randomly. The dominant weed species observed were Paspalum disticum, Fibristylis litoralis, Marsilea crenata, Cyperus iria and Echinochloa colonum. The dominant weed species in all treatment combinations observed at 21 DAP were Paspalum distichum, Echinochloa crusgalli, Marsilea crenata, Lersia hexandra and Fimbristylis litoralis. There was no difference in rice production in all treatment combinations. The difference in production only occurred in the average planting method, where the highest production occurred in the T1 treatment.
ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF PGPR FERTILIZER USE ON GROWTH ACCELERATION OF CHERRY TOMATO (Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme) Genade Kojongian; Orbanus Naharia; Helen Lawalata
Indonesian Biodiversity Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Manado

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Cherry tomatoes are a type or commodity of horticulture that has a very relatively high economic value compared to ordinary tomatoes. Cherry tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum var,. cerasiforme. It is one of the local plants that is neglected and not used and is often considered as a wild plant. This study aims to determine the effect of PGPR fertilizer application on the growth of cherry tomato plants. This research was carried out in the urban village). Rerewokan, West Tondano sub-district starting from August to November 2021. The method used is a quantitative method with the type of experimental research in the form of a Randomized Block Design (RAK) with five types of treatment, each repeated four times. P1 = without using fertilizer, P2 = 100ml, P3 = 200ml, P4 = 300ml, P5 = 400ml, so there were 20 treatment combinations, and the data obtained were then analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). From the results of this study, it showed that good plant height growth was found in treatment P4 with the application of a mixture of PGPR fertilizer concentration of 300ml / 2 liters of water, because there was the most effective growth, while the growth in the number of leaves and the number of fruits was very good in treatment P2 with the addition of a mixture. PGPR fertilizer concentration 100ml / 2 liters of water.
Indonesian Biodiversity Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Manado

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The Girian watershed with a length of 17.5 km is the longest river in Bitung City which flows through a densely populated area as well as various industries such as smoked fish, tofu and tempeh, animal husbandry, agriculture, and industrial fish factories whose waste goes directly to the Girian watershed. The great deal of population activities can have an impact on water quality and the Girian watershed ecosystem. This study aims to analyse the water quality of the Girian watershed caused by domestic waste. This study uses a quantitative descriptive approach and the method used in this study is the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) according to the water quality parameters that have been determined. The results of the analysis of water quality upstream to downstream show that there is a decrease in water quality. Upstream is classified as good when compared to the parameters that have been determined. Densely populated areas begin to experience a decrease in water quality, namely with DO and Oil and Fat that exceeds the predetermined quality standard. As well as estuaries that have concentrations of TSS, NH3-N, Oils and Fats, COD, and BOD that exceed the specified quality standards. The results of the calculation of the pollution index show that station point 1 upstream is classified as good in 4 groups, station point 2 in densely populated areas shows lightly polluted results in group 2, and The Station 3 estuary shows moderate pollution results in group 3
Indonesian Biodiversity Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Manado

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Bakteri dari pupuk organik sistim biopori masih perlu ditentukan kedudukan dalam klarifikasi bakteri. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan identfikasi pada tingkat spesies menggunaan analisis sekuen gen 16S rRNA. DNA bakteri dari pupuk organik sistim biopori di ekstrak untuk di identifikasi secara molekuler menggunakan gen 16S rRNA. Isolat yang diperoleh berasal dari sampel pupuk organik sistim biopori. Bakteri di isolasi pada media NA dengan metode tabur dan di inkubasi pada suhu kamar selama 2x24 jam. Isolate yang tumbuh pada media NA diekstrasi menggunakan Presto Mini gDNA Bacteria KIT. Amplifikasi gen 16S rRNA dengan metode PCR, visualisasi amplikon gen 16S rRNA dengan metode elektroforesis, Amplifikasi DNA target dilakukan dengan menggunakan primer 16sA dan 16sB2. Amplicon-amplikon dielektroforesis menggunakan gel agarose 1,6 dengan DNA Ladder 500-1500bp. Sekuensing menggunakan jasa sekuensing First Base Singapura. Hasil analisis penyelarasan menggunakan program BLAST ( 16S rRNA urutan isolat bakteri pupuk organik bp4 sistim biopori menunjukkan kemiripan 98% dengan Bacillus cereus strain MH19 (nomor tambahan CP039269.1). Hasil rekonstruksi filogeni dengan Neighbour Joining, urutan gen 16S Rrna isolate bp4 menunjukkan hubungan terdekat dengan Bacillus cereus strain MH19 (nomor tambahan CP039269.1).
BIOAKTIVASI LARVASIDA NYAMUK Aedes sp. DARIiEKSTRAK DAUNiECENGiGONDOK (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms) DARI DANAUiTONDANO Jonathan Polandos; Revolson Alexius Mege; Yermia Mokosuli
Indonesian Biodiversity Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Manado

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Nyamuk Aedes sp. adalah vektor utama penyakit demam berdarah dengue yang mempunyai kiprah besar pada terhadap penyebaran penyakit DBD di Indonesia. Pengendalian penyebaran vektor nyamuk dibutuhkan agar dapat menurunkan populasi vektor nyamuk Aedes sp. sehingga dapat menurukan masalah penyebaran DBD. Salah satu pengendalian vektor penyakit DBD yaitu mengunakan larvasida yang berasal dari tumbuhan. Ekstrak alkohol daun eceng gondok (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms) diduga memiliki pengaruh larvasida Aedes sp., sebab mempunyai kandunan flavonoid, saponin dan tanin yang mengganggu perkembanan larva nyamuk Aedes sp. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efetivitas ekstrak (crude extract) alkohol 70% daun eceng gondok (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms) terhadap mortalitas larva nyamuk Aedes sp. Penelitian eksperimental dilakukan dengan subyek dari penelitian yaitu 150 larva nyamuk Aedes sp. instar 3. Subyek penelitian dibagi menjadi lima grup pelakuan, konsentrasi kandungan yang digunakan di penelitian adalah 1000 ppm, 1500ppm, 2000 ppm, 2500ppm dan untuk kontrol positif adalah abate 1%. Pengamatan dilakukan 1x24 jam di ke 24 jam setelah perlakuan, perlakuan dilakukan replikasi sebanyak 3 kali. Data dianlisis serta dilakukan penghitungan nilai Lethal consentration mengunakan analisis probit. Berdasarkan analisis probit tidak ditemukan nilai dari LC50 di seluruh konsentrasi. Ekstrak (crude extract) alkohol 70% daun eceng gondok (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms) tidak mempunyai efek larvasida nyamuk Aedes sp. Kesimpulan ekstrak (crude extract) alkohol 70% Daun eceng gondok (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms) tidak mampu membunuh nyamuk vektor penyakit DBD nyamuk Aedes sp. di seluruh tingkat konsentrasi sesudah dilakukan pengamatan selama 24 jam.

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