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Suluh: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya
ISSN : 26153289     EISSN : 26154315     DOI : -
Core Subject : Art,
Jurnal ini berisikan tentang keilmuan yang berada pada rumpun seni budaya. Harapan kami tim redaksi jurnal suluh, semoga penerbitan jurnal ini dapat dipergunakan sebagai salah satu acuan, petunjuk maupun pedoman untuk berbagai penulisan di bidang seni budaya.
Articles 85 Documents
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 3, No 2 (2020): SULUH: JURNAL SENI DESAIN BUDAYA
Publisher : Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34001/jsuluh.v3i2.2413


Yin and Yang describe the properties that are interconnected, opposite, and complementary to each other. Yin is more to the black side and yang is the white side of the opposite color side. The tiny black and white dots that are on Yin and Yang represent the sides that complement each other. The table is a piece of furniture that we often encounter inevery home, be it a dining table, a guest table or a terrace table, because of its function which has many roles as a support for human activity, we find lots of unique and creative table models and shapes. Based on this, the problems raised in this case are (1)How to make a terrace table design, which is able to support human activities, (2) How to apply the Yin Yang form to modern-style patio table products. (3) How to make an innovative patio table.
PERANCANGAN RAK MULTI FUNGSI RUANG TAMU Prasetiyo Yunianto; Adi Winarno; Dwi Agus Susila; Noor Nailie Azzat
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 4, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya

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“Perwujudan Desain Rak Multifungsi Bergaya Minimalis Untuk Ruang Tamu” hadir sebagai sebuah karya cipta produk mebel di tengah-tengah produk-produk rak buku yang ada di pasar, karena jenis produk tersebut masih banyak diminati oleh konsumen terutama yang berdesain minimalis. Terdapat permasalahan yang timbul adalah 1) Bagaimana mendesain produk rak multifungsi bergaya minimalis agar tercipta desain yang harmonis 2) Bagaimana proses produksi rak multifungsi yang mampu mendukung aktivitas ruang tamu.Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, dokumentasi dan teknik analisis data yang bertujuan mengumpulkan informasi tentang produk tersebut. Kemudian data-data dianalisa dengan direduksi, disajikan, dan diverifikasi atau diambil kesimpulan. Berdasarkan kesimpulan di atas dapat dibuat sketsa desain alternatif untuk mencari bentuk yang unik dan sederhana tidak rumit agar lebih mudah dalam perawatan.
Kreasi Bentuk Bulu Merak Sebagai Motif Dalam Fashion Delfita Yeni
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 1, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya

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This study aims to develop creativity in the work of art that is inspired by peacock feathers, the shape of peacock feathers made with embroidered techniques, batik and sequins. The method used in the process of making works through three stages of craft art creation. The first is an exploratory stage that includes exploration activities exploring the source of ideas with the step of identification and problem formulation; searching, extracting, data collection, reference, and data analysis on which to base the design and stage of the work embodiment. Second, the design phase based on the results of data analysis in the form of alternative sketches and sketches selected. The work of shirt and shawl that serves for fashion show and can be used for certain events. The technique used in making the work is by combining the technique of embroidery chain, embroidered stems, embroidered, flat embroidered, embroidered nail leaf, embroidery thorns, and embroidery chains for the embroidery section, while in the whole work combine embroidery on cloth that has been in batik then in sequins.
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 2, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya

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The existing sofa has a function only as a means to sit back and relax.When users sit reading newspapers, books, magazines or novels, people sitting on the sofa often stand up from their seats just to change feathers or reading, most people are sitting reading lazy to do it, because it is in a comfortable position. Likewise with bookshelves, most of the shapes are large and difficult and less mobile so that more people place them in corners of the room which are quite difficult to reach The development of the sofa is increasingly diverse, as now the sofa is no longer just a comfortable sitting facility but also functions as a furniture to decorate the room, one of which is a reading sofa, designed as a means of sitting while displaying other functions, namely the existence of a place to put books and magazines .A sofa that is equipped with a bookshelf is a collaboration between a sofa and a bookshelf where bookshelves are placed on both sides of the sofa which allows users to reach it easier. This design also has another function, namely the footrests that have been installed with the gas spring hydraulic system to increase sitting comfort.
RANCANG UNIK PRODOK KERAMIK Dwi Agus Susilo; Arianto Arianto; Aurel Maylana Azhar
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 3, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya

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Today's modern lifestyle is very influential on human activities, as well as the facilities and infrastructure used to assist their activities. In general, people want something that is simple, practical and comfortable. This can be seen when humans do activities at home.The terrace is one of the rooms that is currently experiencing additional functions, which is usually only for receiving guests, currently there are many things that can be done on the terrace, such as sitting back, chatting, gathering with family, friends or relatives, playing. The terrace is currently located not only in front of the house, it can be on the side, behind, above (balcony).The combination of wood and stainless materials is an option in making patio chairs and tables, with a simple design, which is one of the products that humans need for their patio space. Chair and table designs can be placed in any type of terrace, creative and new designs make these chairs and tables a point of interest on the terrace.
PERANCANGAN KURSI SET TERASDENGAN IDE DASAR BIJI KOPI Achmad Zainudin; Ariyanto Ariyanto; Hamdan Muftian
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 4, No 1 (2021): SULUH: JURNAL SENI DESAIN BUDAYA
Publisher : SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya

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The terrace is one part of the house that serves to connect the living room and the yard. Designing unique and different patio furniture is a good solution. This final project aims to design creative and innovative, unique, and suitable furniture designs in accordance with today's millennial needs.The design study begins with a qualitative research method with data collection techniques using literature study, observation and interviews. The next process is the design stage of analyzing data, conceptualizing, design sketches, work drawings, product processing and finishing processes.The design results of the patio chairs are the uniqueness of the shape of the chairs and tables with the coffee bean shape transformation technique, namely by changing the style, position, volume and dimensions of the shape elements but without leaving the original elements of the shape of the arabica coffee beans. In addition, the chairs and patio tables are designed using modern-style furniture products.
Perancangan Hiasan Dinding Berbahan Dasar Limbah Tektile Untuk Interior Kafe Dengan Teknik Tapestri Annisa Khafsul Jannah
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 5, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya

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Perancangan hiasan dinding berbahan dasar limbah tekstil untuk interior kafe dengan teknik tapestri pada pelengkap interior kafe adalah upaya dalam pengurangan limbah  tekstil dengan menambahkan nilai baru, sekaligus memanfaatkan ketertarikan masyarakat dalam mendokumentasikan suatu momen untuk kemudian di upload kesosial media. Hiasan dinding untuk interior kafe dikarenakan kafe merupakan ruang public dengan peningkatan penyebaran jumlah kedai diseluruh Indonesia yang berkembang paling pesat antara tahun 2019-2020. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode perancangan dengan teori Gustami, metode penciptaan seni kriya dengan carapendekatan metodologis melalui tiga tahap dan enam langkah dalam penciptaanseni kriya. Berdasarkan tahapannya, terdiri dari eksplorasi, perancangan, dan perwujudan. Tema untuk konsep karya hiasan dinding recycle ramah lingkungan ini yaitu kekayaan Indonesia dalam kekurangannya, tema ini mengangkat penggambaran keindahan dan kekayaan alam milik Indonesia sekaligus menyampaikan penyebab yang menjadikannya juga suatu kekurangan bagi Indonesia.
Ukiyo-E : Seni Cetak Cukil Kayu Asli Jepang yang Telah Mendunia Sigit Purnomo Adi; Sayid Mataram; Tristan Alfian
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 1, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya

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Ukiyo-e merupakan seni cukil kayu asli Jepang yangmelegenda, menggambarkan kenikmatan hidup sehari-hari.Sampai saat ini tradisi membuat karya cukil kayu (ukiyo-e)masih berlangsung dan sangat dihargai, padahalperkembangan ipteks dewasa ini semakinmengesampingkan nilai-nilai budaya tradisi. Ukiyo-eberasal dari kata ukiyo yang berarti duni adane yang artinyalukisan. Kata ukiyo diambil dari istilah dalam agama Budhayang berarti dunia fana, penderitaan yang fana, kemudianberubah arti menjadi kesukariaan yang fana. Ukiyo-emerupakan seni tradisi khususnya salah satu bagian dariseni grafis yang telah diturunkankan secara turun-temurundan masih terpelihara cukup baik.
Ideologi Di Balik Candi Sukuh Desa Ngargoyoso Kabupaten Karanganyar Eko Darmawanto
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 1, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya

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Candi Sukuh merupakan salah satu obyek wisata yang menarik. Tetapi, hanya sebagian masyarakat Indonesia yang mengetahui keberadaan candi ini. Letaknya yang jauh di lereng Gunung Lawu menjadikan obyek wisata ini menjadi salah satu alasannya. Candi Sukuh merupakan candi yang unik. Bentuknya yang lain dari candi hindu pada umumnya dan masih banyak sejarah dari Candi ini yang belum terungkap. Ada pula yang mengatakan bahwa Candi ini merupakan salah satu peninggalan Suku Maya di Amerika Serikat. Dan masih banyak lagi misteri yang disimpan oleh Candi ini.
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 2, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya

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Dining chairs as complementary facilities need a comfortable and aesthetic design, in this case the Jepara ornament as the basic idea of creating a dining chair that emphasizes function and aesthetic value. The purpose of making this final project is to create a dining table with Jepara ornaments as a form idea to create creative and innovative dining chairs.The purpose of making the design is to create a dining table with Jepara ornaments as a form of idea to create creative and innovative dining chairs. The dining chair is a complementary facility for the house in the dining room The Jepara ornament is a stylization of the wuni fruit shape which has a characteristic with the fruit located between the leaves. The Jepara ornament as an ornamental element in the creation of a dining chair is a creative and innovative design. The main function of the dining chair is, as a means to eat and as a complement to the dining room