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Suluh: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya
ISSN : 26153289     EISSN : 26154315     DOI : -
Core Subject : Art,
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Articles 85 Documents
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 4, No 1 (2021): SULUH: JURNAL SENI DESAIN BUDAYA
Publisher : SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya

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Reading Putu Sutawijaya's painting entitled "Single Energy" portrays the body as a central focus, through documentation, and direct observation through his painting which is then analyzed using Roland Barthes's semiotic approach, genealogy of body Foucault, Phenomenology ponty, Heidegger's Existentialism, and Freud's Psychoanalysis. Roland Barthes's semiotic approach divides signs in denotation and connotation. At the level of denotation, Putu is describing the movements of figures with the burden that surrounds them. At the level of connotation explains that the burden on social systems and value systems, binding and not dehumanizing people. Then Foucault explained the body as a soft body. Putu shows that there is no aspect of freedom possessed by free humans in their own bodies. Phenomenology Ponty, the world has been available for individuals. So human relations and their world are never truly distant, but are dialectical. Heidegger's existentialism, saw the relationship of the body with his world. In his paintings, Putu sees culture as always constructing a person, showing the form of one's relationship with his world. Freud's psychoanalysis of libido, as a form of individual freedom to actualize itself, but is always limited by rules, values and norms, Putu's work illustrates that there are efforts to escape, but are still charged by social considerations. With the study of this painting it is hoped that it can stimulate enthusiasm in creating art and enrich new discourses in the world of Indonesian art.
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 5, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya

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Garudamukha Lancana merupakan cap atau lambang Kerajaan Kadiri pada masa Pemerintahan Raja Airlangga. Pada karya ini akan diwujudkan dengan  teknik tenun ikat menggunakan pewarna indantren dengan teknik pewarnaan tutup celup. Untuk teknik batik tulis menggunakan pewarna remazol dengan teknik colet. Metode yang digunakan dalam perwujudan karya ini yaitu tahap eksplorasi, perancangan dan perwujudan. Luaran karya ini antara lain artikel (jurnal ilmiah), katalog serta karya busana casual wanita dengan judul Karyaning Jiwa Mardika (Kajika), dan menghasilkan motif yang berjudul Garudagni. Motif batik dan tenun disajikan dengan abstraksi objek garudamukha lancana yang menjadi sumber ide penciptaan dengan finishing menggunakan cat akrilik, sehingga menghasilkan karya yang bernilai dan estetis
The Iconic Stilation of Molioboro Street Furniture Prasetiyo Yunianto
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 1, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya

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Malioboro street furniture becomes an important part in Yogyakarta’s pedestrian zone and the tourists’ activities there. The interesting part of the object is the unique identity which comes in the form of various motifes which are implemented in certain part of the several furniture objects like out door chair, and the pedestrian border line. The implemented motifes are chosen based on the iconic cultural object of Yogyakarta like Merapi Mountain, The Tree of Beringin Kurung, pedicab, carriage, and gunungan. Those motifes will be analyzed semiotically by elaborating the existed visual signs. The analysis is conducted to see how far the stilasi process occurs on the real object till it turns to be a motif. The analysis is also aimed to explore the meaning of the implemented motif by seeing its detail form. The result of the analysis shows that the stilasi process is done by simplifying the form of the chosen iconic cultural object which still exposes the main element of the object as the motif pattern. The process is completed by adding an ornamentic touch on the secondary object. The stilation  process is presented with decorative nuance on the detailed part of every motif. Overall, the created motifes are sucessfully becoming an iconic representation and succeeding in giving informative values about Yogyakarta’s cultural object to the visitors.
Pengembangan Desain Komunikasi Visual Melalui Motif Ukir Klasik Pesisir Berbasis Arsitektur Untuk Publikasi Wisata Pantai Eko Darmawanto; Mochammad Qomaruddin; Sholeh Fandi Hendriyono
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 1, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya

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Hingga saat ini motif ukir masih menjadi karakter yang kuat dalam mitologi di wilayah Jepara yang perlu dikokohkan dengan bentuk yang berbeda dan terintegrasi dengan dunia wisata sebagai pintu gerbang dalam memperkenalkan ikonik ukir kepada dunia luar. Kegiatan publikasi dengan unsur seni dan budaya saat ini belum menyentuh ranah unsur motif, sehingga desain yang bersifat ketimuran saat ini telah pudar dari yang seharusnya. Upaya penelusuran data berdasarkan realitas lapangan pada penelitian awal menunjukkan setidaknya terdapat sebaran wisata pantai Jepara yang memiliki potensi kuat dalam pengembangan desain publikasi dengan balutan motif. Dengan data yang komprehensif setidaknya diperoleh manfaat dalam penelitian ini yaitu: (1) perancangan desain melalui motif ukir sebagai penunjang publikasi wisata pantai dalam bentuk desain ikonik; (2) hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan masukan kebijakan untuk perubahan perbub no. 10 tahun 2014 di wilayah kabupaten Jepara terkait cakupan bangunan ikonik yang tidak hanya di lingkungan pemerintah semata melainkan juga objek wisata. Metode penelitian dengan menggunakan metode glass box, yakni desain yang terukur, sistematis, dan rasional dengan pendekatan budaya lokal dan analisis data menggunakan alur Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely (SMART).
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 3, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya

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Along with the times and the busy routine of humans every day humans will not be separated from the desire to pamper themselves or refresh or seek entertainment so that they are free from both physical and entertainment tensions, seeing from that also develops places for humans to just relax and find a refreshing atmosphere. diatana these places in the form of a cafe or mini restaurant To create a comfortable atmosphere so that cafe or mini restaurant visitors get the comfort of a cafe or mini restaurant manager, it is necessary to design a space or location in such a way, including furniture for customers to relax, including a set of cafe tables that must be comfortable to occupy and create a pleasant atmosphere.After seeing and paying attention to the conditions desired by visitors, then the writer carried out the design process by utilizing Jepara ornaments as a form of cafe table so that new designs emerged to compete in the growing furniture industry and created a different cafe or miniresto concept.
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 5, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya

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The spread of the Covid-19 virus has now spread throughout the world and has affected various fields, one of which is experiencing this influence, namely the field of work where many companies reduce the number of employees and changes in office work systems, such as companies doing remote work systems where workers do office work. from their homes without having to always come to the office. One of the jobs that use the system is a copywriter. In dealing with this, the author took the initiative to design a desk to support this and give the impression that the office stays focused on doing work and can increase productivity at work, with a design that remains comfortable when used and still pays attention to ergonomic values. Using qualitative research techniques with data expressed in the form of words, sentences and pictures, (Sugiyono, 2006; Pratiwi, 2017) designing a minimalist home office desk form that uses a modern style and additional features as support. A product needs to be adapted to the user and the place where the product is placed. This desk product with a minimalist home office desk concept is intended for students, students, and workers. Apart from being a supporter of this desk activity, it can be used as a complement in interior design.
Karakter Seni Kriya Karya M. Chody Sebuah Kajian Estetika Anang Pratama Widiarsa
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 1, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya

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M.Chody putra Jepara, dengan karyanya yang menarik untuk di cermati mempunyai karakteristik seni kriya khususnya di Jepara. Beliau adalah putra daerah yang dilahirkan di Bumi Kartini sebagai sebutan kota Jepara yang terkenal dengan kota ukirnya. Ikhwal munculnya karya–karyanya yang unik menjadikan dirinya seorang kriyawan yang terlihat menonjol dalam hal ide-ide kreatif. Ide kreatif kriya karya M Chody ada berbagai kreasi yang digunakan dalam melandasi penciptaan karya – karyanya. Ide- ide kreatif yang terdapat pada karya cipta M Chody banyak yang diadopsi dari seni primitif Nusantara seperti dari seni primitive Meksiko, Mesir, dan daerah daerah lain. Keuletan dan kejelian dalam menangkap ide untuk menggabungkan seni patung dengan karya fungsional, tampak jelas terutama pada bentuk bentuk mebel, penekanan karya M Chody tertumpu pada tuangan ekspresi jiwa yang berupa ide, yang diwujudkan dalam sebuah karya. Sedang harapan untuk mendapatkan uang hanyalah sebuah dampak dari apresiasi terhadap karya oleh para kolektor atau pembeli. Dengan kata lain kepuasan batin melalui penciptaan karya lebih utama dari pada yang lainnya.
Ragam Hias Motif Tenun Troso Sebagai Desain Komunikasi Visual Kukuh Dwi Wijanarko; Buang Budi Wahono
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 1, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya

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Tenun Troso merupakan kerajinan Tenun ikat tradisional khas Jepara. Industri Tenun Troso kini makin berkembang, produknya tersebar di berbagai kota seperti Jakarta, Lombok, Nusa  Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, dan Bali. Namun para pengrajin Tenun Troso kini lebih mengutamakan aspek dagang, yang mana motif tenun dibuat sesuai dengan permintaan konsumen, sehingga bentuk motif selalu berubah dan tidak memiliki ciri khas yang identik dengan wilayah Jepara. Oleh sebab itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan motif Tenun Troso yang sesuai ciri khas potensi wilayah Jepara dengan pengolahan komputer grafis. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan penciptaan seni yang terdiri dari tahap eksplorasi, perancangan, dan perwujudan karya. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah motif yang dihasilkan dapat gunakan sebagai acuan bagi para pengrajin Tenun Troso.
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 2, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya

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When the body feels tired after work, it needs a place to rest and relax, the terrace chair as a relaxing facility needs a comfortable and functional design, in this case the lotus flower structure is the basic idea for creating a terrace chair that emphasizes function and aesthetic value.Lotus is the common name for the genus Nymphaea which is an aquatic plant. The lotus is characterized by flowers and leaves floating on the surface of the water. Several types of lotus have important influences in art including white lotus (kumuda), blue lotus (utpala), red lotus (Padma). According to Hindu and Buddhist beliefs, the lotus flower has a high spiritual level, namely as a symbol of purity. Meanwhile, the Islamic religion of the lotus is only an ornamental motif.The lotus flower as a form structure in the creation of a terrace chair is a creative and innovative design. The main function of providing relaxing comfort in the terrace room, a shape that resembles a lotus adds to the decorative value of the terrace space.
KURSI TUNGGU MULTIFUNGSI Nurul Hakim; Muhammad Choiru Zulfa
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 3, No 2 (2020): SULUH: JURNAL SENI DESAIN BUDAYA
Publisher : SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya

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The waiting chair is an important tool and is used in public places in a room. The function of the waiting chair itself is for a place to wait. especially during waiting activities. In general, everyone likes the many functions and purposes that can be obtained in one item or product at a time. Apart from providing many advantages and also the ease with which multi-functional products can be used for various purposes, of course this is something extraordinary. combining various functions and purposes in one piece of furniture can save space while increasing the level of comfort. Based on this, the problems raised in this case are (1) How to make a multifunctional waiting chair design with burlap as an upholstery application, (2) What is the form of a multifunctional design in a waiting chair design to make it comfortable to use, (3) How to add value to the design waiting chair with burlap application.