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Jurnal Bhuwana
Published by Universitas Trisakti
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Jurnal Bhuwana menerima materi dengan focus tema Lingkungan dan Kota namun tidak terbatas pada sosio-spasial lingkungan dan permukiman, urban design & planning, konservasi, preservasi dan revitalisasi kawasan, pengelolaan lingkungan, energi baru terbarukan, bioteknologi, transportasi, pengelolaan limbah, green/eco city serta keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja.
Articles 45 Documents
Lahan Basah Buatan dengan Tanaman Paku Air (Azolla Microphylla) Nadaa Puspitasari; Melati Ferianita Fachrul; Ratnaningsih Ratnaningsih
Jurnal Lingkungan dan Kota VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1, MEI 2021
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (675.179 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/bhuwana.v1i1.9272


The aim of this research is to calculate density and growth rate, efficiency of COD, BOD, BOD5/COD ratio and values (r), (kA), and (kV). The research method used a horizontal flow type artificial wetland with Azolla microphylla plants and gravel and sand media. Wastewater comes from mixed wastewater from the inlet point. The reactor used consists of 3, namely, R0 (control), R1 (25% wastewater; 75% clean water), R2 (50% wastewater; 50% clean water). Acclimatization of plants with a load of 25% and 50% of the wastewater of each reactor with 40% initial cover area. The discharge of artificial wetlands is 51,84 m3/day. The results showed that the artificial wetland system with a load of 25% resulted in growth rates ranging from 0,1145 gr/day-0,1682 gr/day at a density of 37,04–118,52 ind/m2, the growth rate with a load of 50% between 0,1030 gr/day–0,2653 gr/day at a density of 37,04 ind/m2–103,70 ind/m2. COD efficiency at plant density with a load of 25% ranges from 15,89%-56,16%, BOD 14,26%-24,33% at a density of 37,04-118,52 ind/m2, COD efficiency with a load of 50% water waste 20,18%-29,55%, BOD 15,52%-22,65% at a density of 37,04-140,74 ind/m2. The removed organic load in COD parameters is 8294-20373 kgCOD/ha/day in reactor 1 and 15759-32348 kgCOD/ha/day in reactor 2, BOD is 7393-12612 kgBOD/ha/day in reactor 1 and 8046-18483 kgBOD/ha/day in reactor 2. Average COD in reactor 1 value (R) 6102 gr/m2/day, kA 38,58 m/day, kV 0,10/day. The average value of COD in the reactor 2 values (r) 8858 gr/m2/day, kA 53,41 m/day, kV 0,14/day. The value of BOD in the reactor 1 value (r) 3754 gr/m2/ day, kA 38,77 m/day, kV 0,10/day. In reactor 2 the average (r) was 4148 gr/m2/day, kA 44,09 m/day, and kV 0,11/day.
Analisis Kualitas Air Situ Citayam dan Situ Pladen di Kota Depok Menggunakan Indeks Pencemar Satria Mandala Widya Sakti; Diana Hendrawan; Rositayanti Hadisoebroto
Jurnal Lingkungan dan Kota VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1, MEI 2021
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (705.392 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/bhuwana.v1i1.9273


The research objective is to determine the potential activities that cause pollution, to analyze the water quality and to determine the quality status of Citayam and Pladen lake. From the data ini 2017-2019, water quality of Citayam lake had pH ranging from 8.18 to 8.52, BOD ranging from 20.2-12.5 mg/L, COD ranging from 46.9-48.56 mg/L, DO ranging from 2.21 to 4.78 mg/L, Phosphate ranging from 0.0088-0.51 mg/L, Nitrate ranging from <0.1-2.55 mg/L, Fecal Coliform ranging from 79-160,000 MPN/100 ml, Total Coliform ranging from 240-300,000 MPN/100 ml, fatty oils ranging from <1,000-500 µg/liter, detergents ranging from <0.14-37.3 µg/liter. As for the water quality Pladen lake in 2017-2019, pH ranges from 7.17-9.00 mg/L, BOD ranges from 11.7-150 mg/L, COD ranges from 27.3-361.1 mg/L, DO ranges from 2 , 1-3.51 mg/L, Phosphate ranges from 0.25 to 0.95 mg/L, Nitrates ranges from 0.5-2.54 mg/L, Fecal Coliform, ranges from 210-220,000 MPN/100 ml, Total Coliform ranges 1,600-160,000 MPN/100 ml, oils and fats ranges from 300-2,000 µg/liter, detergents ranges from <0.014-70.3 µg/liter. The parameters which exceed the quality standard is caused by the activities around it. The value of the Citayam lake Pollutant Index in 2017 was 3,850, in 2018 was 3,763, in 2019 was 8,761. The quality status of Citayam Lake in 2018 is in the lightly polluted category, meanwhile, it is moderately polluted in 2017 and 2019. The Pladen lake Pollutant Index value was 7,888 in 2017, 6,948 in 2018, and 9,902 in 2019. The quality status of Pladen lake is moderate.
Analisis Kualitas Air Tanah di Sekitar TPA Bagendung, Cilegon Tri Fatma Agustina; Diana Invindianty Hendrawan; Pramiati Purwaningrum
Jurnal Lingkungan dan Kota VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1, MEI 2021
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (809.217 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/bhuwana.v1i1.9274


This study aims to determine the quality of groundwater content at the residents around the Bagendung landfill including physical, chemical and biological qualities. Data analyzed using the Pollutant Index Method on groundwater to determine the quality of well water with the distribution of pollutants in residential areas around the Bagendung landfill and also determine the quality of ground water. This study focused on several aspects, such as physical quality of water, the distance of well water from pollutants, the physical condition of the well, drainage, and analysis of the physical condition of the latrine. BOD ranges from 3-6 mg/L while the class 1 quality standard is 2 mg/L. The results of heavy metal measurements, Fe and Mn at the TPA Bagendung are still below the quality standard. The content of e. coli in the resident’s well at point 4 in December 2019 was 230 MPN/100 ml, which seems to have exceeded the quality standard. Sampling in January 2020, all resident wells were contaminated with e. coli where the content of e. coli ranged from 1300 MPN/100 ml-2800 MPN/100 ml while the quality standar of e. coli was 100 MPN/100 ml. The water quality status of well range from 4.30-6.07 (light-moderate pollution). The pollutant distribution pattern of the leachate landfill is seen from the parameters BOD5, Fe, Mn, nitrite and fecal coliform influenced by elevation, slope and contour. The distribution of pollutants leads from TPA Bagendung to the northwest. The public perception states that well water were smells and tastes.
Perubahan Aktivitas Ekonomi dan Pemanfaatan Lahan di Koridor Jalan Pantura Setelah Beroperasi Jalan Tol Cipali Khairunisa Safira; Willy Arafah; Sugihartoyo Sugihartoyo; Marselinus Nirwan Luru
Jurnal Lingkungan dan Kota VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1, MEI 2021
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (553.646 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/bhuwana.v1i1.9275


The existence of Pantura road as a physical facility is to support the daily needs of the people surrounding the Pantura Eretan Kulon Road. However, the operation of the Cikopo-Palimanan (Cipali) toll road in June 2015 caused the movement switch from Pantura Road to the Cipali toll road given a change in economic activity and land use in Pantura Eretan Road Corridor. The purposes of this study are to identify changes in economic activities and land use after the operation of the Cipali toll road by comparing the economic activities and land changes in the year of 2014 and 2019. Spatial analysis method and descriptive statistical analysis method were used in this study. The results of the analysis show that the operation of the Cipali toll road have led to a decrease in the number of business activities, especially the food business, a decreased income in the Pantura Road Corridor which is still below the Regency Minimum Wage (UMK) Indramayu and based on BPS is still low, changes conversion of the widest land use function in trade and services to become yard land which has no economic value, and a decrease in land use based on the function of buildings in the corridor of Jalan Pantura which is dominated by restaurants. On the other hand, the operation of the Cipali toll road results in a decrease of traffic volume on Jalan Pantura due to the reduced traffic generation so that the traffic congestion is reduced.
Kajian Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan di Kawasan Malioboro Amelia da Conceicao da Costa; Willy Arafah; Herika Muhamad Taki; Sugihartoyo Sugihartoyo
Jurnal Lingkungan dan Kota VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1, MEI 2021
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1468.728 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/bhuwana.v1i1.9276


Yogyakarta city implies the city image and in the center of the city, is a tourist places. This is an increase in the number of tourists or demand accommodation, restaurant,the stores of all tourists needs.Thus, The goals of this research is to Identified the land use conversion in Malioboro Area by taking comparison in three years (2010, 2015, 2019) and to identified the factors that influence land use conversion in Malioboro Area. This research will use Spatial and Descriptive Statistics Methods to find out the scale of Land Use Conversion in three years (2010, 2015, 2019) and Factors that influence Land Use Conversion. The Result of this Research indicate the increase land use conversion from Residential Area to Commercial Area which in 2010 there is 140.60 Ha of Residential Zones however in 2019 there is a degradation of Residential Zones to 91.65 Ha, On the other side there is a improvement of Commercial Area which in 2010 there is 97.04 Ha of Commercial Area and in 2019 there is a 150.73 Ha of Commercial Area that exceed Regional Spatial Plan. Thus, there is a land use conversion in Malioboro Area which influence by demand of Amenities that cause by the increase of Tourist Visitation in Malioboro Area. The Land Use Conversion occur because of increase of quantity of Hotel and Amenities that cause demand of Amenities in Malioboro Areas. The conclusion of this research is Increase of demand for Tourist Visitation will increase the demand of space for commercial area, because there is an increase of Tourism Activities in Malioboro Area that influence Land Use Conversion in Research Area
Analisis Sebaran Tingkat Kebisingan Di Bagian Produksi Industri Perakitan Komponen Otomotif Amirah Puspitasari Nurhusna; Margareta M Sintorini; Melati Ferianita Fachrul
Jurnal Lingkungan dan Kota VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1, MEI 2021
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1164.161 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/bhuwana.v1i1.9285


PT XY is a company engaged in the production of compressors and automotive components that require precision in their manufacture. Noise in the work environment is a potential hazard for employee health. The purpose of this study was to analyze the noise level at PT XY using manual visualization mapping and noise distribution patterns with the 11 surfer program. This study used secondary data on noise level measurements in March and October 2018 and June and October 2019 from PT XY. with the SNI 7231-2009 method concerning the Noise Intensity Measurement Method in the Workplace which is taken for a moment for 1 hour with an interval of 6 minutes. The noise level measurement tool used is the SL-4011 Sound Level Meter. The data from the measurement of noise levels are compared with the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 2018 concerning Occupational Safety and Health in the Work Environment. From the analysis results obtained are described in the mapping and distribution patterns. From the overall results of the measurement of the noise level of production activities at PT XY, only 3 points exceed the quality standard. The noise level at PT XY ranges from 74 dB (A) - 88 dB (A). Noise level mapping with a visual basic of all noise level measurements, noise sources that exceed the quality standard are in the gasket ring, horn press, and sp part machining work areas. The controls that have been done are limiting noise sources and workers, rotating working hours, and making rules for the use of ear plugs
Penetapan Status Mutu Air Situ Jatijajar dan Situ Gadog Kota Depok, Jawa Barat Menggunakan Indeks Pencemar Denis Ergi Septyan Permana; Diana Irvindiaty Hendrawan; Melati Ferianita Fachrul
Jurnal Lingkungan dan Kota VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1, MEI 2021
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (697.338 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/bhuwana.v1i1.9286


The purpose of this research is to determine the potential activities that cause pollution in Situ Jatijajar and Situ Gadog, analyze the water quality and the status of water quality Situ Jatijajar and Situ Gadog. This study uses secondary data on water quality from Situ Jatijajar and Situ Gadog in Depok City, West Java year 2017-2019 from the Environment and Sanitation Office of Depok City. 10 parameters were analysis, pH, COD, BOD, DO, Phosphate, Nitrate, Fecal Coliform, Total Coliform, fatty oil, and detergent. Situ Jatijajar water quality in 2017-2019, pH ranges from 7.16, -7.33, BOD 7.33-9.43 mg/L, COD 15.4-21.1 mg/L, DO 2.44-5.25 mg/L, Phosphate 0.18-0.0043 mg/L, Nitrate 3.02-0.37 mg/L, Fecal Coliform 1600-9200 MPN/100 mL, Total Coliform 160.000-35.000 MPN/100 mL, Fatty Oil 200-300 mg/L and Detergent 45.4-20.7 mg/L. The results of measuring the quality of Situ Gadog water in 2017-2019 for pH parameters 9.55-7.24, BOD 4.29-5.36 mg/L, COD 10.3-12.41 mg/L, DO 3.50 -4.55 mg/L, Phosphate 0.064-0.0055 mg/L, Nitrate 2.76-0.37 mg/L, Fecal Coliform 2200-2400 MPN/100 mL, Total Coliform 2,080-5,400 MPN/100 mL, Fatty Oil 100-400 mg/L and Detergent 35.7-44 mg/L. The water quality status of Situ Jatijajar in 2017 was 6.197, in 2018 was 3.290 and 2019 was 4.312. The water quality status of Situ Gadog in 2017 was 2.618, in 2018 was 1.646 and 2019 was 2.161. The water quality status of Situ Jatijajar and Situ Gadof is classified as lightly polluted.
Potensi Destinasi Wisata Geopark Gunungsewu Segmen Geoarea Wonogiri Muhammad Irham; Endrawati Fatimah; Anindita Ramadhani
Jurnal Lingkungan dan Kota VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1, MEI 2021
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (579.572 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/bhuwana.v1i1.9287


Geoarea Wonogiri has many tourist objects and a large area, it needs integrated management, therefore it is necessary to study the potential of tourism, so this research aims to analyze the potential of these locations, therefore an analysis of the potential attractiveness in each district is needed. The research method used is Qualitative research after that used the analysis of scoring techniques. Based on the results of this study, Pracimantoro District is the most potential for the Development of Tourist Destinations in Geoarea Wonogiri because it has the advantage of potential analysis based on the 4A aspect (attraction, amenities, accesibitily, ancillary).
Konsep Penataan Tanaman pada Perkampungan Budaya Betawi Setu Babakan, Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan Ardana Reswari; Qurrotu Aini Besila; Eko Adhy Setiawan
Jurnal Lingkungan dan Kota VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1, MEI 2021
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (464.595 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/bhuwana.v1i1.9288


To keep and maintain the values of Betawi community cultural arts and environment, the Regional Government of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta felt the need to realize the Betawi Cultural Village, namely through the Governor’s Decree Special Capital Region of Jakarta No. 92 of 2000, concerning Environmental Arrangement of Betawi Cultural Village in Srengseng Sawah Village, Jagakarsa District, South Jakarta Municipality. Several types of tourism potential developed in the Betawi Cultural Village covering an area of approximately 165 hectares are cultural tourism, agro tourism and water tourism, given the presence of Setu Babakan and also Setu Mangga Bolong in the area. Agro tourism itself is a form of tourism activity that utilizes agriculture (agro) as a tourist attraction. The attraction and uniqueness of agro tourism in the Betawi Cultural Village, the plantation location is not in a special area, but is in the yard of the Betawi Cultural Village Setu Babakan and in the yards of residents' houses. To prioritize Betawi nuances in yards and various other green open spaces, it is necessary to arrange plants that are capable of depicting the faces of the yards, gardens and green open spaces of the Betawi people in the past. It is necessary to investigate the types of plants commonly used by the Betawi people in the past, as well as their composition and cropping patterns, as well as data collection on the latest conditions in the Betawi Cultural Village. The comparison between the two will be the basis of reference for establishing the concept of planting as an effort to preserve culture and plants so that their existence can still be enjoyed by the current community and in the future.
Perencanaan Teknis Operasional Pengelolaan Sampah Di Permukiman Padat Penduduk (Kelurahan Kota Bambu Selatan) Mayang Nuur Ervani; Dwi Indrawati; Pramiati Purwaningrum
Jurnal Lingkungan dan Kota VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1, MEI 2021
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (793.769 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/bhuwana.v1i1.9289


In 2019 the West Jakarta Administrative City was recorded to be able to produce 700 tons of waste per day. The existence of a high level of population density causes problems in waste management operations to also increase. Especially in the procurement of land, facilities and infrastructure for waste management. The purpose of this planning is to plan an effective and efficient waste management system through the 3R concept (Reuse, Reduce, Recyle) in densely populated residential areas. The method used is based on SNI 19-3964-1994 concerning Methods for Taking and Measuring Samples of Generation and Composition of Municipal Waste. Waste management planning which includes packaging, collection, removal, processing, and final transportation will be planned for 20 years (2020-2040) through three stages of planning. Based on the sampling results, the amount of waste generated in Kelurahan Kota Bambu Selatan was 152 liters/day with a waste generation rate of 1.5 liters / person / day. The composition of the waste consists of 64.97% organic and 35.03% non organic. The planned waste reduction potential is 70% with a target of 30% of the amount of waste entering the TPST. The main components in 3R-based planning are reducing waste at the source and increasing the potential for waste reduction through waste banks and 3R TPS.