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Muhammad Taufiq Fathaddin
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Program Studi Magister Teknik Perminyakan (Master of Petroleum Engineering) Fakultas Teknologi Kebumian dan Energi Universitas Trisakti Gedung D Lantai 5 Universitas Trisakti, Jalan Kyai Tapa No.1 Grogol, Jakarta Barat, 11440, Indonesia.
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Journal of Earth Energy Science, Engineering, and Technology
Published by Universitas Trisakti
ISSN : 26153653     EISSN : 26140268     DOI :
Core Subject : Science,
This journal intends to be of interest and utility to researchers and practitioners in the academic, industrial, and governmental institutions.
Articles 90 Documents
Calculation of Limestone Reserves in the East Biluhu Region, Gorontalo district, Gorontalo Province Widya Annisa; Muhammad Kasim; Intan Noviantari Manyoe
Journal of Earth Energy Science, Engineering, and Technology Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): JEESET VOL. 4 NO. 2 2021
Publisher : Penerbitan Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (575.595 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jeeset.v4i2.9008


Indonesia is a country that has a lot of natural resources. Natural resources are widely used in various areas of human life. One of the resources that is often used is limestone. Limestone is a non-metallic mining material that has considerable potential and reserves and spreads across almost all parts of Indonesia, but the exact amount of reserves is not yet known. The research aims to predict the amount of packstone-type limestone reserves using geophysical methods. This research was conducted using the geoelectric method with the Schlumberger configuration, where the resistivity geoelectric data obtained variations in resistivity and layer thickness. From this data, it is then interpreted to determine the type of rock in the surface area, and making a 3D model to determine the distribution of limestone in the study area and to calculate the amount of limestone reserves in the study area. Based on the research results, it is known that the research area is dominated by packstone with a resistivity value of 16.6 Ωm - 1.3x105 Ωm. The calculation result of packstone reserves in the study area is 73,629,403tons.
Post Treatment Acidizing Study on Carbonate Rock with Wormhole Radius Method Ageng Warasta; Ratnayu Sitaresmi; Pri Agung Rakhmanto; Esaim Mustafa Abrahim Omar
Journal of Earth Energy Science, Engineering, and Technology Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): JEESET VOL. 4 NO. 1 2021
Publisher : Penerbitan Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (446.045 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jeeset.v4i1.9059


The problem that generally occurs in production activities is that wells in producing conditions has a low production rate. This could be due to the low permeability value of the reservoir or the increase of the skin factor of the reservoir due to formation damage. This matrix acidizing stimulation method is considered as an effective method in terms of activity costs and the success ratio in carbonate rocks. One of the successes of increasing the permeability around the well area depends on how far the wormholes are formed around the well. The results showed that the fractal dimension and wormhole radius model approach can be used to analyze the post treatment skin effect after validating the field data. Further analysis was carried out by involving limestone and dolomite reservoirs which have different characteristics in terms of porosity, permeability and fractal dimensions. The two reservoirs require different volumes of acid injection to produce the same reduction in skin factor. In this research, it is found that the parameters of permeability ratio, fractal dimensions, acid concentration, rock porosity and type of lithology affect the post treatment skin factor.
Application of Pressure Type Curve Matching for Characterizing the Naturally Fractured Reservoir Sri Feni Maulindani; Doddy Abdassah; Taufan Marhaendrajana; Suryo Prakoso; Muhammad Taufiq Fathaddin
Journal of Earth Energy Science, Engineering, and Technology Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): JEESET VOL. 4 NO. 1 2021
Publisher : Penerbitan Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1875.102 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jeeset.v4i1.9060


Naturally fractured reservoirs have an important role in the production and reserves of hydrocarbons, where more than 40% of the oil and gas reservoir production comes from this reservoir type. There are two systems that affect the production mechanism in this reservoir, namely the matrix as a fluid source and fractures as a fluid transfer network to the wellbore. This study discusses the characterization of naturally fractured reservoirs using curve type matching. In this study, the Warren and Root model is applied to create a reservoir model that applies the fluid flow mechanism from the matrix to the fracture with pseudo steady state interporosity flow. Pressure transient analysis is commonly known and widely used by reservoir engineers as a tool to identify reservoir characteristics, where there are two important parameters that influence reservoir productivity, namely the ratio of the storativity coefficient (omega) and the interporosity flow coefficient (lamda). Based on the results of the analysis, it is found that the coefficients are strongly affected by the values of porosity fracture and permeability fracture also the productivity of the reservoir.
The Effect of Non- Ioic Surfactant in Gravity Drainage Processes in the Reservoir to Increase Oil Production at a Laboratory Scale Nanda Josenia Sainuka; Sugiatmo Kasmungin; Dwi Atty Mardiana
Journal of Earth Energy Science, Engineering, and Technology Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): JEESET VOL. 4 NO. 1 2021
Publisher : Penerbitan Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (499.623 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jeeset.v4i1.9061


Chemical flooding is one of the methods used to increase oil recovery. One of the chemical flooding used is alkaline surfactant, where the alkaline and surfactant function is to reduce interface stress and form microemulsion . In this study, a screening of surfactant was conducted in order to determine which surfactants were compatible and then injected to increase oil production. The surfactants used in this study were non-ionic surfactants namely Poly Ethylene Glycol Monooleate (PEGM), Nonyl Phenol Ethoxylate (NP-6), Poly Ethylene Glycol Diolate (PD) and Sodium Dodecyl Benzene (SDB) with surfactant concentrations of 0.3 %, NaCL concentrations of 0%, 2% and 5%, and alkaline concentrations (NaOH and Na2CO3) of 0.05%, 0.1% and 0.5%. The result obtained from the measurement of Interfacial Tension (IFT) surfactant PEGM 3% at the brine concentration of 2% was 0.012638 Dyne/cm. After that imbibition testing was performed to perceive the ability of surfactants to bind oil in rock pores, the highest oil recovery was 75.7% in PEGM surfactant concentration of 0.3%, salinity of 2%, and NaOH alkaline of 1.2%.
Determination of Suitable KCl Polymer Mud Properties for POK Field Puri Wijayanti; Bayu Satiyawira; Andry Prima; Arinda Ristawati; Foggie Sciorra
Journal of Earth Energy Science, Engineering, and Technology Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): JEESET VOL. 4 NO. 1 2021
Publisher : Penerbitan Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (592.16 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jeeset.v4i1.9078


Most oil and gas wellbores are drilled using water based mud (WBM), but this is the case when drilling through non-reactive formations that does not contain swelling shale. In reactive shale formation, KCl Polymer additive should be added to the mud. It will provide a source of potassium ions which will help stabilizing the reactive shale. So that the swelling process is minimized. The basis of the KCL polymer mud system is the polymer used as a wrapper for rock pieces during borehole cleaning process. In the wells in the POK Field, the use of polymer KCL mud is evaluated on trajectories of 17½", 12¼", and 8½ ". The evaluation process uses parameters that aim to find the suitable mud properties that result in the best drilling performance in each trajectory in the POK Field well. The determination of the best drilling performance is based on drilling time. The parameters used in this research are: rate of penetration, trip time, yield point (YP), K+ content, mud weight (MW), viscosity (m), plastic viscosity (PV), and gel strength (GS), mud cake, pH, and additional parameter (excess cement). Based on analysis and investigation, the best drilling performance for trajectory of 17½" occured in POK 1075 well, while the best performance for the trajectories 12¼” and 8½” occured in POK 1058 well. Therefore the KCl polymer mud properties used in these wells can be used as a reference and basis for planning mud systems for the next wells.
Laboratory Study of Copper Nanoparticle Effect on Scale and Corrosion Rate in the Oil Field Reno Pratiwi; Lestari Lestari; Muhammad Burhannudinnur; Syamsul Irham; Lukas Lukas
Journal of Earth Energy Science, Engineering, and Technology Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): JEESET VOL. 4 NO. 1 2021
Publisher : Penerbitan Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (213.792 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jeeset.v4i1.9094


The occurrence of corrosion and scale on production equipment is an obstacle that often occurs in oil and gas exploration activities. Physical and chemical properties of formation water that come out with oil from production wells are the main variables causing corrosion and scale. In recent years, developing nanotechnology provides many benefits in various industrial activities. One product that is becoming widely known is Copper Nano Particles (CuNPs) which have anti-biotic, anti-microbial, and anti-fungal agents which are soluble in water and can be used to protect / coat metals (superficial conductive coatings of metal and non-ferrous metal). The use of nanoparticles in oil and gas exploration activities is still very limited. Specifically, the CuNPs material, its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties have never been researched on the possible use in the oil field. In this study, it was observed the influence of the presence of CuNPs in formation water on the potential for scale formation and corrosion. Formation water obtained from production wells in the Wonocolo region, Cepu, Central Java, is used as a sample to test the effect of CuNPs on the scale and corrosion trends. Observations have shown that the CuNPs content test at various concentrations did not have a significant effect on formation water for its tendency to form scales. While the corrosivity of water seems to be quite influenced by the presence of CuNPs, where the addition of nanoparticle material is optimal at 0.01 ppm which can reduce corrosion rates up to 95%.
Analysis of the Quality of Mixed Coconut Shell Waste Briquettes with Various Biomass Additives as Alternative Fuels Yusraida Khairani Dalimunthe; Sugiatmo Kasmungin; Listiana Satiawati; Thariq Madani; Teuku Ananda Rizky
Journal of Earth Energy Science, Engineering, and Technology Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): JEESET VOL. 4 NO. 2 2021
Publisher : Penerbitan Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (256.959 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jeeset.v4i2.9118


The purpose of this study was to see the best quality of briquettes from the main ingredient of coconut shell wastewith various biomass additives to see the calorific value, moisture content, ash content, and volatile mattercontent of the biomass mixture. Furthermore, further research will be carried out specifically to see the quality ofbriquettes from a mixture of coconut shell waste and sawdust. The method used in this research is to conduct aliterature study of various literature related to briquettes from coconut shell waste mixed with various additivesspecifically and then look at the best quality briquettes produced from these various pieces of literature. As forwhat is determined as the control variable of this study is coconut shell waste and as an independent variable,namely coffee skin waste, rice husks, water hyacinth, Bintaro fruit, segon wood sawdust, coconut husk, durianskin, bamboo charcoal, areca nut skin, and leather waste. sago with a certain composition. Furthermore, thispaper also describes the stages of making briquettes from coconut shell waste and sawdust for further testing ofthe calorific value, moisture content, ash content, volatile matter content on a laboratory scale for furtherresearch. From various literatures, it was found that the highest calorific value was obtained from a mixture ofcoconut shell waste and bamboo charcoal with a value of 7110.7288 cal / gr and the lowest calorific value wasobtained from a mixture of coconut shell waste and sago shell waste with a value of 114 cal / gr, then for the valueThe highest water content was obtained from a mixture of coconut shell waste and rice husk with a value of37.70% and the lowest water content value was obtained from a mixture of coconut shell waste 3.80%, then for thehighest ash content value was obtained from a mixture of coconut shell waste and coffee skin with a value of20.862% and for the lowest ash content value obtained from a mixture of coconut shell and Bintaro fruit waste,namely 2%, and for the highest volatile matter content value obtained from a mixture of coconut shell and coconuthusk waste with a value of 33.45% and for the value of volatile matter levels The lowest was obtained from amixture of coconut shell waste and sago skin waste with a value of 33 , 45%.
Analysis of Siphon String Application to Optimize Gas Lift Injection Sofani Muflih; Silvya Dewi Rahmawati
Journal of Earth Energy Science, Engineering, and Technology Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): JEESET VOL. 4 NO. 2 2021
Publisher : Penerbitan Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1988.072 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jeeset.v4i2.9297


B-X well is an oil producing well at Bravo field in Natuna offshore area, which was completed at IBS zone using 5-1/2 inch tubing size. However, after several years of production period, the well’s production rate decreased due to reservoir depletion, and experienced gas lift performance problem indicated by unstable flowing condition (slugging flow). In year 2020, Siphon String installation is applied to the well in order to give deeper point of gas lift injection and better well’s production. The additional advantage by having smaller tubing size (insert tubing) is to reduce the slugging flow condition. The analysis of this siphon string installation at the B-X well, technically will be performed by evaluating gas lift performance and the flow regime inside the tubing using a Well Model simulator. The simulation was developed based on the real well condition. Several sensitivity analysis were done through several cases such as: variation in depth of gas lift point of injection, and the length of the siphon string. The simulation was required to evaluate the effectiveness of the existing installation, and to give better recommendation for the other well that has the same problem.  The result indicates that the depth of the current siphon string installation has been providing the optimum production rate, while the slugging flow condition will still be occurred at any given scenario of the siphon string depth due to the very low of well’s productivity. The similar procedure and evaluation can be implemented to other oil wells using gas lift injection located either in offshore or onshore field.  Keywords: Production Optimization, Siphon String, Flow Regime
Effect of Sand Grain Size on Spontaneous Imbibition of Surfactant Solution Pri Agung Rakhmanto; Listiana Satiawati; Rini Setiati; Asri Nugrahanti; Sonny Irawan
Journal of Earth Energy Science, Engineering, and Technology Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): JEESET VOL. 4 NO. 2 2021
Publisher : Penerbitan Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (534.91 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jeeset.v4i2.9419


In spontaneous imbibition researches, surfactant has been employed to control interfacial tension (IFT) and wettability. In this paper, the evaluation of grain size effect on spontaneous imbibition of surfactant solution is presented. In this work, the synthetic porous media (sand packs) with uniform and non-uniform grain size from 30 mesh to 100 mesh were made. The porous media were initially saturated by oil. Then they were immersed in brine with salinity of 62 to 40,000 ppm for 24 hours. After that, the porous media were immersed in surfactant solution with concentration of 0.2% for another 24 hours. The total oil recovery during these treatments was measured. The experiment was separated into three parts in order to investigate the effect of uniform grains, non-uniform grains, and salinity in spontaneous imbibition. The results show that grain size and porosity were proportional to oil recovery. In the case of porous media with uniform grain size, the effect of grain size on recovery factor is stronger than that of porosity. Meanwhile the salinity has an the optimum condition for a maximum recovery factor. In this study, it happened at salinity of 20,000 ppm. Oil recovery factors observed in this study ranged from 66.7% to 91.1%.
Steam-Propane Injection Simulation for Heavy Oil Astra Agus Pramana; M. Ilham Ramdhani
Journal of Earth Energy Science, Engineering, and Technology Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): JEESET VOL. 5 NO. 1 2022
Publisher : Penerbitan Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (605.837 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jeeset.v5i1.9461


This research is about Steam-Propane Injection Simulation for Heavy Oil with the aim of simulating steam-propane EOR to increase oil recovery, then knowing the effect of different injection rates and being able to describe the best scenario of each different injection. The method used is reservoir modeling using CMG STARS software. The results show that for production that only relies on natural depletion (primary recovery) for 10 years of production, only 7% recovery from OOIP is obtained and when steam-propane injection is added, oil recovery is 60-70%. For the use of different injection rates, it is known that the higher the injection rate, the faster it will reach peak production and an increase in oil recovery. The best recovery method in this case is scenario case 4 with steam-propane injection with horizontal production wells. The advantage of using additional propane injection is to accelerate peak production and increase the recovery factor.