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ISSN : 02151421     EISSN : 28291573     DOI : 10.20885/unisia
Unisia publishes research articles devoted to social sciences and humanities. The journal publishes current research on a broad range of topics, including religion, law, political science, sociology, psychology, economics, history, language, social work, geography, international studies, and women studies. The journal features articles illustrating the use of quantitative or qualitative methods to empirically analyze current issues in social sciences and humanities to solve society problems. The journal emphasizes research articles concerned with multidisciplinary studies in social sciences and humanities.
Articles 9 Documents
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Implikasi Ruu-BHP dan Perpres 77/2000 Sofian Effendi
Unisia Vol. 31 No. 67 (2008)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/unisia.v31i67.150


Pendidikan nasional pada esensinya bukan bidang usaha jasa untuk menghasilkan tenaga kerja terdidik, yang satu kategori dengan industri pertambangan, perdagangan dan jasa. Pendidikan nasional adalah upaya Pemerintah dan semua unsur bangsa untuk to preserve national identity, to transfer norms and values, to sustain and develop the intellectuial and cultural base of the society, to give inspiration and pride to citizens, dan to promote dialoge for the respect of cultural and social diversity.Salah satu tugas utama pendidikan nasional, terutama pendidikan dasar dan menengah, adalah mentransfer nilai-nilai luhur bangsa, menanamkan semangat kebangsaan, menanamkan identities bangsa, dan melestarikan serta mengembangkan budaya bangsa. Tugas mulia tersebut adalah tugas Pemerintah dan merupakan tanggung-jawab bangsa Indonesia sehingga tidak mungkin dialihkan menjadi tanggungjawab para pemilik modal usaha jasa pendidikan. Liberalisasi jasa pendidikan tinggi dan sub-sektor pendidikan lainnya haruslah dilaksanakan dengan sikap nasionalisme yang kuat.Kata-kata kunci: Implikasi, pendidikan, liberalisasi, perdagangan, jasa.
Membangun Daya Saing Institusi Pendidikan Berbasis Kompetensi Dasar Organisasi Edy Suandi Hamid
Unisia Vol. 31 No. 67 (2008)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/unisia.v31i67.167


This article is intended to oversee some experiences of the Islamic University of Indonesia (Universitas Islam Indonesia abbreviated by UII) in developing its core competences as the main source of competetiveness to face higher education changes and challenges. As the first Islamic and national university in Indonesia, UII faces the fact that developing high quality in academic atmosphere and services to all stakeholders is no longer gained merely by its famous name as the oldest university in the country. As many universities especially state and government-funded universities and higher education institutions grow faster, UII has realised that to be a noticed part and important contributor in higher education in Indonesia, extra efforts must be accomplished. And UII started it by defining its core compteneces in several areas of educational services.As this article finds, UII has developed its core competence mainly in the arts of management and government of university. UII introduced a more simple highest level management in all units to reduce cost of activities and to fasten decision making proccess. More simple management introduced by UII has transformed it to be smaller and slimmer in structure but with more flexibility in implementing its policy. The new simple management has became one of the most interested issues by many other higher education institutions. Using this simple management, UII has developed its main activities based on its mission to promote Islamic values as blessing for all creatures.Concluding from the empirical findings obtained in the field, this article suggests several important points to universities, especially islamic ones, to develop their core competence based on management and government issues. Firstly, highest level management of university needs to take a deep look at the real world challenges faced by university that required several adjustment in internal body of university. Secondly, as changes in internal structure of university are accepted, unlimited commitment by stakeholders and higher management in a university must be taken into account and becomes the main power of internal changes. And thirdly, as Islamic values become important part of Islamic education institutions, their implementation requires more consideration by all university stakeholders.
Prospek Pemberantasan Korupsi: Perimbangan Kewenangan KPK dengan Institusi Penegak Hukum Jawahir Thontowi
Unisia Vol. 31 No. 67 (2008)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/unisia.v31i67.168


This study repeals that thet law enforcement on corruption crime carried by the Corruption Committee (KPK) cannot effectively control to minimize it from happening. It is important to take into account to propose that KPK still maintain to be established, but it role needs to be reduced in order to make a balance authority in handling corruption case between KPK and other legal institutions. In order to avoid conflict interest between involved parties police, public prosecutor and judges at district government level have their own jurisdiction to proceed corruption crime which are carried out by  public civil gervants. Hence, the establishment of Police Task Force inrespect to investigate corruption case is a vital role to take into consideration.
Perencanaan Pembangunan Berwawasan HAM Menuju Pembangunan Berpusat Pada Rakyat Dardiri Hasyim
Unisia Vol. 31 No. 67 (2008)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/unisia.v31i67.169


Perencanaan pembangunan yang berwawasan HAM merupakan perencanaan pembangunan yang menjadikan nilai-nilai HAM sebagai rambu-rambu dalam perencanaan pembangunan. HAM harus dipatuhi oleh negara atau pemerintah dalam menjalankan misinya sehingga tidak menjadikan pembangunan sebagai tujuan dengan mengorbankan manusia demi pembangunan, melainkan sebagai alat untuk mencapai tujuan penegakkan hak atas pembangunan. Dari sisi pembangunan hukum, hukum yang relevan untuk dikembangkan sejalan dengan nilai-nilai HAM adalah model humanis partisipatoris. Manifestasi dari model pembangunan hukum ini adalah memberi perhatian pada aspek dan dimensi manusiawi sebagai tujuan utama pembangunan yang memberi akses kepada warga negara untuk ikut serta dalam pengambilan keputusan di berbagai bidang kehidupan. Hukum memberi alokasi wewenang yang lebih besar kepada warga negara untuk menentukan realisasi dirinya sebagai subjek, bukan objek yang dibentuk dan dikontrol oleh subjek lain. Kata-kata kunci: Pembangunan, Hak asasi manusia, hukum, pendidikan.
Mensiasati Ideologi Neoliberal dalam Pendidikan Ilyya Muhsin
Unisia Vol. 31 No. 67 (2008)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/unisia.v31i67.170


When globalization put in education, cultural and economic, it was expansion to instile western ideology and brain washing for people in the underdeveloping countries like indonesai. Ironically, the goverment legitimed foreign higher education in Indonesia. There was dillemating choice that the present of foreign higher education in Indonesia, at the one hand make education more competitive riching quality, and the other hand, occure an indoctrination of ideology neoliberalism. Western life standart to be the complete opposite of produce civilization in the nation without balancing of local culture must be permanent. This article trais to discuse the fight of westren ideology wich developing in education, exacly for currents issues. Kata Kunci: Komersialisasi Pendidikan, Perguruan Tinggi Asing, Globalisasi
Industrialisasi Pendidikan Tinggi M. Imam Zamroni
Unisia Vol. 31 No. 67 (2008)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/unisia.v31i67.171


This article aims to decribes that the commercialization and industrialization of state of higher education are some dilemma of government policy’s in the liberalization era. There are challenges and opportunities. At the one hand, industrialization increasing education expenditure, so that the poor people can’t acces it, and the other hand, can deliver advantages in the form of welfare for civitas academics and several investors as conducted by developed countries. On the contrary, high education expenditure contrast with ambitions to realize of Education For All (EFA).Key word: education, industrialization, and commercialization,
Menuju Sistem Pendidikan Global Ananta Saputra
Unisia Vol. 31 No. 67 (2008)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/unisia.v31i67.172


The liberalization means as the application and cultivation of some strategic initiatives in the educational field, the writer believes that the majority of educational experts will agree with the purpose of the liberal paradigm. But, if it is intended as a free trade, and the cultural commodity of education is the same as the economic one, some of them will refuse it. In the field of education, there are still some centralistic and ceremonial practices, so that there wouldn't be any creativity. Consequently, the quality of Indonesian education is far from any other countries like Malaysia.  In order to catch up the backwardness in education, the experts are expected to bring about the process of autonomy, decentralization, to consider culture of excellence and social welfare as the most important by developing 4 intelligences. Finally, the social prosperity could be obtained under the frame of global education.Keywords: Education, globalization, liberalization, culture, challenge.
Hak Asasi Manusia Kaitannya dengan Struktur Sosial Masyarakat Habib Adji
Unisia Vol. 31 No. 67 (2008)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/unisia.v31i67.2686


Human rights are universal, granted by God to all humans since their birth, and have been recognized by nations as written in the United Nations Charter and in other multilateral treaties. However, every state has its own characteristics and values in relation to social structures, religions, and geographical condition. Therefore, it is difficult to make the point of view of states about human rights similar, in the sense that human rights problem in a state is impossible to resolve in the same way as that in others. If the problems of human rights are resolved without considering social structures, the society will be detached from their own social structures, and will be difficult to develop values living in the society. Keywords: human rights, treaties, states, social structures
Keikhlasan Survivor Bencana Tsunami dan Gempa Aceh Fuad Nashori
Unisia Vol. 31 No. 67 (2008)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/unisia.v31i67.2687


This article aims to elaborating the results of study on the consciousness of the survivors of the earthquake and tsunami disasters in Aceh. The study, using interview and observa- tion methods, reveals that the survivors have some such consciousnesses as: spiritual conciousness; psychological readiness; self reliance to shoulder any life burden; God forgiveness seeking; life meaning seeking; positive thinking; regretting of the past; sur- rendering to God and seeking God help. The study also shows some factors affecting the consciousness of the survivors, such as: faiths, knowledges, experiences, and family supports. Keywords: Consciousness, disasters, survivors

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