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I Gusti Ngurah Made Wiratama
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Jurnal Ecocentrism
ISSN : 27753220     EISSN : 28071085     DOI : -
Jurnal Ecocentrism adalah sebuah wadah yang memuat artikel-artikel lingkungan dari para akademisi, praktisi, dan penggiat lingkungan. Istilah Ecocentrism diambil dari sebuah teori etika lingkungan yang lebih luas. Semoga jurnal ini dapat dijadikan pedoman dan solusi dalam menjaga keseimbangan alam di Indonesia bahkan dunia.
Articles 30 Documents
Studi Teknik Bioremediasi Tanah Tercemar Logam Berat Dengan Menggunakan Eco-Enzyme Ni Luh Widyasari; I Gusti Ngurah Made Wiratama
Jurnal Ecocentrism Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Ecocentrism
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Lingkungan Unmas Denpasar

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The technique of remediation of heavy metal contaminated soil can be done biologically with the help of microorganisms. Bioremediation is a soil remediation technique that uses enzymes from microorganisms in an effort to rehabilitate soil. The bioremediation mechanism occurs when enzymes derived from the activity of microorganisms interact with heavy metals in the soil and then convert them into uncomplicated chemical structures so that the level of heavy metal toxicity decreases. Among biological agents, enzymes have great potential to effectively convert and detoxify pollutant substances because enzymes have been recognized to be capable of converting pollutants at detectable levels and are potentially suitable for restoring polluted environments. Eco-enzyme is a fermented liquid produced from the composition of fruit/vegetable organic waste, water and brown sugar, which is an alternative product in helping the process of soil biodegradation. Eco-enzymes contain hydrolytic enzymes that can increase soil fertility and can be used as an effort to degrade heavy metals in polluted soil.
Pengelolaan Limbah Medis Rumah Sakit Rujukan Covid-19 Di Provinsi Bali Shinta Enggar Maharani
Jurnal Ecocentrism Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Ecocentrism
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Lingkungan Unmas Denpasar

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Since the World Health Organization declared the Covid-19 outbreak a global pandemic on March 11, 2020, life has improved and economic activity around the world has been disrupted. The impact of covid is widespread and has an impact on all sectors of life in Indonesia. Covid was first reported in Indonesia on March 3, 2020 and then spread rapidly to all 34 provinces on April 9, 2020. Since then, Covid has been declared a national health and disaster emergency. Management of hospital medical waste in conditions of the covid pandemic is a major part that must be taken seriously by all parties. Research on waste management with the aim of identifying the volume of waste generated during the pandemic and evaluating the management of medical waste carried out by the hospital. The research used descriptive qualitative method. Researchers analyzed the management of medical waste before the pandemic and during the pandemic. This research uses purposive sampling. Waste management has increased in quantity along with the increase in the number of Covid patients being treated. The handling of the waste has met the standard operating procedures issued by the hospital and in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.
Dari Antroposentrisme Menuju Ekosentrisme: Diskursus Pengelolaan Lingkungan dan Tata Ruang Bali Wahyudi Arimbawa; I Kadek Ardi Putra
Jurnal Ecocentrism Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Ecocentrism
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Lingkungan Unmas Denpasar

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This article presents a critical discourse on environmental management and spatial planning in Bali. Using Foucault's (1973) theory, this article presents an empirical discourse on environmental degradation in Bali as a breakthrough in thinking awareness. Through an in-depth literature review, this article begins with (1) describing the construction of ideas on environmental management and spatial planning, and (2) presenting Balinese philosophical values and views in building awareness of ecocentrism. This study is expected to provide a systemic perspective on how the value system that is believed to be the socio-cultural view of the Balinese people is translated into spatial planning and its environment. This discourse then leads to the context that in the sociocultural view of the Balinese people, everything that exists in nature is interdependent as a unified ecosystem that must be maintained and preserved. At the ecocentrism level, the Balinese people's philosophy of life believes in the values of deep respect for all aspects of life, starting from the biotic-abiotic components, animals, plants and everything on earth as a manifestation of the concept of tat twam asi.
Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation (Anammox) Pada Penyisihan Nitrogen Air Limbah Domestik I Made Wahyu Wijaya; Putu Eka Dharma Putra
Jurnal Ecocentrism Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Ecocentrism
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Lingkungan Unmas Denpasar

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Domestic wastewater effluent is the main contributor to diverse water pollution problems. The contaminants contained in the wastewater lead the low quality of water. The presence of ammonium and nitrate along with phosphorus are potentially cause eutrophication and endanger aquatic life. It increases the growth rate of algae and pressing down the dissolved oxygen which is highly corresponding to the death of aquatic animal due to anaerobic condition. Excess nutrients, mostly N and P is main cause of eutrophication which is result in oxygen depletion, biodiversity reduction, fish kills, odor and increased toxicityAn advance biological nitrogen removal process called anammox is a sustainable and cost effective alternative to the basic method of nitrogen removal, such as nitrification and denitrification. Many research have been conducted through anammox and resulted promisingly way to remove nitrogen. In this process, ammonium will be oxidized with nitrite as electron acceptor to produce nitrogen gas and low nitrate in anoxic condition. Anammox requires less oxygen demand, no needs external carbon source and low operational cost. Based on its advantages, anammox is possible to apply in domestic wastewater treatment with many further studies.
Penentuan Status Mutu Air Tukad Mati Dari Kuta Utara Hingga Kuta Selatan Berdasarkan Metode Indeks Pencemaran I Kadek Widiantara; Pramana Eka Putra
Jurnal Ecocentrism Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Ecocentrism
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Lingkungan Unmas Denpasar

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This study discusses the water quality of Tukad Mati which occupies the area of Badung Regency in the upstream and downstream parts that stretch from North Kuta to South Kuta while the middle part crosses Denpasar City in terms of physical, chemical, and biological parameters and classifies the water quality of Tukad Mati with the Pollution Index method. The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of Tukad Mati water in terms of several parameters such as temperature, dissolved residue, suspended solids, pH, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), phosphate, fecal coliform, and total coliform. The results of the measurement of water samples are compared with environmental quality standards and environmental damage standard criteria based on Bali Governor Regulation No. 16 of 2016. The results of the analysis show that there are several parameters whose values exceed the threshold of class II water quality standards, namely TSS, BOD, and phosphate. The result of the Tukad Mati Pollution Index value in the upstream area has a value of 4.86 in the middle has a value of 3.02 and downstream has a value of 3.48 which is categorized as lightly polluted.
Keanekaragaman Jenis Mangrove Pada Tahura Ngurah Rai Sekitar PLTD/G Pesanggaran Ni Luh Putu Mahendra Dewi; Shinta Enggar Maharani
Jurnal Ecocentrism Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Ecocentrism
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Lingkungan Unmas Denpasar

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Mangrove forest as a tropical coastal vegetation community is dominated by several species of mangrove trees that are able to grow and develop in muddy coastal tidal areas. This ecosystem has ecological and economic functions. Indonesia has the highest mangrove area, which is 3,112,989 ha or 22.6% of the world's total mangrove area. The majority of mangrove forests in Bali Province grow in the Ngurah Rai Taman Hutan Raya (TAHURA). This study aims to determine the condition and diversity of mangroves in The Ngurah Rai Tahura which borders the PLTD/G PT Indonesia Power UBPB Pesanggaran Denpasar. Types of Mangroves found in The Ngurah Rai Tahura Around PLTD/G Pesanggaran totaled 18 species, dominated by 6 species of mangrove with high importance (INP > 20%) respectively: Rhyzophora apiculata INP = 63.221%, Rhyzophora mucronata INP = 52.433%, Sonneratia alba INP = 30.323%, Sonneratia caseolaris INP = 28.670%, Xylocarpus granatum INP = 25.320 %, and Bruguiera gymnorrhyza INP = 22.421%. The results of the analysis of the Important Value Index as a whole are 298.342. This indicates that the mangrove community at the research site is quite stable, dense and stable, while the diversity index is 1.9546.
Kestabilan Lereng Model Tridatu Berkolaborasi Dengan Hydroseeding Berbasis Masyarakat (Studi Kasus: Desa Songan A dan B Kintamani) I Made Nada; Ida Bagus Suryatmaja; I Gede Oka Darmayasa
Jurnal Ecocentrism Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Ecocentrism
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Lingkungan Unmas Denpasar

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Landslide disaster is one of the events that often occurs on the island of Bali, especially in Songan A and B Kintamani villages as happened on February 9, 2017 which claimed lives. One way ti characterize soil properties is to use geotechnical methods. Five slopes that have the potential for landslides in Songan A Village (dsa1, dsa2) and Songan B Village (dsb1, etc2, etc3) were characterized by physical soil properties such as cohesion, shear angle, density and slope geometry analyzed for slope stability using the Fellenius method manually. This study uses a quantitative approach, to determine the value of the factor of safety factor generated for each existing slope is 1.45, 1.35, 1.36, 1.13, 1.20 for the five slopes (FK < 1.5) if a landslide occurs, the landslide will piled up roads and houses. From the results of the characterization, mitigation is carried out in the form of slope arrangement of the Tri Datu Model in collaboration with community-based Hydroseeding 0.93 and 16.40 m3, 2.34 and 3.18 m3, 1.65 and 9.19 m3, 1.52 and 9.8 m3 all values of the factor of safety of slopes (FK > 1.5).
Pembuatan Batu Bata Dengan Memanfaatkan Abu Sisa Pembakaran Limbah Kayu I Gede Oka Darmayasa
Jurnal Ecocentrism Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Ecocentrism
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Lingkungan Unmas Denpasar

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The wood processing industry in its production process will produce a waste or waste in the form of residual ash as a result of combustion in reducing the volume of waste that occurs. However, in the combustion process will produce a residue in the form of ash. The rest of this ash if not managed properly will cause pollution to the surrounding environment. One of the efforts made by utilizing the ashes from the combustion of wood waste as building materials is by using materials in a mixture of bricks. The research was conducted by mixing the remaining ash and clay in the proportions of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%. From the results of the mixture tested the characteristics of the mixture such as compressive strength and water seepage. The results showed that the ash from the combustion of wood waste can be used as a material for making bricks as seen from the results of the physical characteristics test of the mixture.
Implementasi Pengomposan Dan Eco Enzyme Dalam Pengolahan Sampah Rumah Tangga Di Kelurahan Abianbase Shinta Enggar Maharani; Ni Luh Putu Mahendra Dewi
Jurnal Ecocentrism Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Ecocentrism
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Lingkungan Unmas Denpasar

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Lack of public knowledge on waste sorting and processing waste from the source causes air, water, and soil pollution to be unavoidable. Pollution is also evident in the landfill itself, where the landfill is overloaded due to irregular waste disposal. Reflecting on the existing problems, the solution offered is a community assistance program to sort and process household waste using the 3R concept and programs for making compost and eco-enzymes, which can be used to fertilize vegetable crops in their respective homes. Counseling on health care and environmental sustainability is the initial activity to make people aware of the importance of protecting the environment. Furthermore, residents are trained and continue to be assisted to be able to sort and process household waste into things that are more useful and have economic value. It is hoped that this activity can continue in a sustainable manner so that residents can get positive results such as picking organic vegetables in their own gardens and reducing the cost of transporting waste. If the activities in Kelurahan Abianbase can continue to run well, then the Village can be used as a model for other areas, in terms of household waste management.
Evaluasi Aspek Finansial IPAL Komunal (Studi: Kota Malang Provinsi Jawa Timur) I Made Satya Graha; Edya Pitoyo; I Kadek Ardi Putra
Jurnal Ecocentrism Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Ecocentrism
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Lingkungan Unmas Denpasar

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In this study, samples will be taken from 6 Communal WWTP locations in the City of Malang. Based on the review of Communal IPAL by DEWATS, the majority of IPAL Communal is not monitored, so it is necessary to evaluate evaluation on the ability and willingness of the community to care for WWTPs Communal with operating costs according to SOP. Based on the results of the evaluation of the financial aspect, the willingness of residents to pay fees between 2000 rupiahs to 5000 rupiahs and the ability of residents to pay at the Tlogomas Communal IPAL is Rp. 11,150, Oro - Oro Dowo Rp. 7,125, Jodipan Rp. 8,900, Kota Lama Rp. 8,750, Mergososo Rp. 6,150, and Gadang Rp. 8,900.

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