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Geminastiti Sakkir
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Core Subject : Education, Social,
JoEELE: Journal of Excellence in English Language Education is an international peer-reviewed and open-access journal in language education. The aim is to publish conceptual and research articles that explore the application of any language in teaching and the everyday experience of language in education. Its scope is international in that it welcomes articles from academics, researchers, graduate students, and policymakers. All articles should be in English. The scope of the journal: assessment and testing in language learning and education; applied linguistics methodologies and issues; classroom language teaching issues; culture and power in language education; language curriculum development and implementation; effective methods for language teaching; diversity, multiculturalism, and language education; gender, language and higher education; language skills, development, and issues; language learning and identity; literacy, bilingualism, and bilingual education; and teacher training, gender and equality in language education.
Articles 90 Documents
The Effect of Clustering Technique to Students’ Writing Ability in MA Pi DDI Mangkoso Barru Azizah Jamal Passolowongi; Nurdin Noni; Samtidar Samtidar
Journal of Excellence in English Language Education Vol 1, No 3, July (2022): Journal of Excellence in English Language Education
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FBS UNM

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The goal of the objectives of this article was to see how far some of the clustering can improve students' writing skills. In this work, a quasi-experimental approach was adopted. the method with a sample size of 40 people, 20 from 20 participants in the experimental group from the control group. The research came to the conclusion that students a part of the experimental group who were taught using the clustering method were better than the control sample of students who were taught the conventional way. This is evidenced by the as an alternative (Ho) is accepted, while the absence of a hypothesis (HI) is rejected after applying the post-test when higher than or equal to the t-table value, the test is t-tested formula is used. The meaning of the application of grouping has a significant impact on students' writing skills at MA Pi DDI Mangkoso.
An Analysis of Character Education Values in Year 11 Highschool English Textbook Nurindah Purnama Sari; Maemuna Muhayyang; Chairil Anwar Korompot
Journal of Excellence in English Language Education Vol 1, No 2, April (2022): Journal of Excellence in English Language Education
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FBS UNM

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This study aims to describe the values of character education in the English textbooks of Class 11 Senior High School. The data in this study are in the form of texts containing the value of character education. The data source of this research is the class XI senior high school English books curriculum 2013. There are two data collection techniques used in this study, namely the reading technique and the note-taking technique. Then, the data analysis technique in this study went through three stages, namely (1) reduction, (2) presentation, and (3) drawing conclusions. In addition, the data validity checking technique was carried out, namely discussions with experts in assessing the results of data analysis so that all findings in this study can be justified. The results of this study found that there are 14 values of character education, namely the values of religious, honest, disciplined, diligent, creative, independent, nationalism, appreciation, communicative, peace-loving, intellectual, beauty, sympathy, and loyal character values which are implemented through text sentences and images. It can be concluded that the 11th-grade high school English textbook only has 14-character education values. There are 4 values that are not found in the textbook, which include the values of tolerance, curiosity, democracy, and love for the homeland.
Benefits and Difficulties in Using Learning Management System (LMS) in Paragraph Writing Class: A Study of a Lecturer’s and Her Students’ Perception Muhammad Nurul Multazam; Chairil Anwar Korompot; Munir Munir
Journal of Excellence in English Language Education Vol 1, No 1, January (2022): Journal of Excellence in English Language Education
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FBS UNM

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The objective of this research was to find out benefits and difficulties in using learning management system (LMS) in paragraph writing class: a study of a lecturer’s and her students’ perception.  This research employed a mixed method research called a convergent parallel mixed method design with qualitative and quantitative data. The population of this research were a lecture and 30 students from class A and 34 students from class B of English department at UNM in academic year 2019. The data were collected through questionnaire for the students and in-depth interview for the lecturer. The findings showed that the benefits of LMS perceived by the lecturer are it is complete, easy to use, has good features, effective to design the meetings and assignments, reducing the use of internet quota, and extensive time to do the task. While her difficulties are it is not socialized well, difficult to create a video, poor signal, and there is no feature for correcting paragraph writing. Meanwhile, the benefits of LMS perceived by the students are accessible material, well-organized, easy assignments submission, fun quiz, helpful video explanation, less paper, not time consuming, and improving skill in technology and punctuality. In contrast, their difficulties before Covid-19 pandemic are technical problem in paragraph writing, sometimes it was inaccessible due to bad network, and there was no enough credit for the internet. Likewise, their difficulties during Covid-19 pandemic are LMS was often error, cannot ask the lecturer directly, bad network to open the video, and sometimes it took the answers wrong even they are already correct. It is suggested that it is significant to preserve the benefits and overcome the difficulties in using LMS especially in paragraph writing class.
The Correlation Between Self Confidence and Speaking Ability of the Tenth Grade Students’ of SMAN 3 Enrekang Arya Priyangga Sumardi; Syarifuddin Dollah; Syarifah Farahdiba
Journal of Excellence in English Language Education Vol 1, No 4, October (2022): Journal of Excellence in English Language Education
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FBS UNM

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The purpose of this study is to ascertain whether those two factors significantly correlate with one another. With a total of 315 students in the tenth grade at SMAN 3 Enrekang, the population of this study was composed of 32 of those students. Purposive sampling was used to choose the sample. This study uses a quantitative correlational research design. The Sirchi (2021) questionnaire was used to obtain the data on self-confidence, while the monologue exam was used to collect data on speaking skills. The SPSS 25 program was used to analyze the data for this study. The study's findings suggest that there is a strong relationship between students' self-confidence and speaking ability because the correlation analysis between the two variables indicated a significant value (0.00) and a Pearson correlation (+0.55). The conclusion of this study is that students should be encouraged to pay more attention to their self-confidence because it can impact their ability to talk.
The Use of Humor Stories in Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students of Mts Negeri 1 Sidrap Hudzaifa Afifah Hamka; A. Muliati; Amra Ariyani
Journal of Excellence in English Language Education Vol 1, No 3, July (2022): Journal of Excellence in English Language Education
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FBS UNM

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The objective of this research was to find out whether or not the use of humor stories in teaching reading improves students’ reading comprehension. This research took place at MTs Negeri 1 Sidrap. The population of this research was the third-grade students of MTs Negeri 1 Sidrap. The researchers used cluster random sampling technique in selecting samples. These researchers used pre-experimental design. The instrument of this research was a reading test which administered as a pretest and posttest. Based on the result of mean score, the researchers found that the use of humor stories in teaching reading comprehension improves because it was found that the post-test score is higher than the pre-test (78.2 > 85.0). So, it can be concluded that the use of humor stories improves students reading at MTs Negeri 1 Sidrap academic year 2021/2022.
The Effectiveness of Flashcards Media Strategy in Improving Young Learners’ Vocabulary Nur Aeni; Nisa Amalia Rachmadi; A. Muliati; Nur Aeni
Journal of Excellence in English Language Education Vol 2, No 1, January (2023): Journal of Excellence in English Language Education
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FBS UNM

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This study aimed to identify the effectiveness of flashcards media strategy in improving young learners’ vocabulary in the 7.2 class of SMPN 30 Makassar as a sample of this study. The method of this study used a quantitative method and a pre-experimental research design. The instrument of this study was a vocabulary test. The given tests to the students were pre-test-post-test vocabulary tests. The tests contained 50 items of each digital and non-digital flashcards, those included 3 association flashcards which were Animal, Fruit, and Transportation. It was formulated in multiple-choice and matching items to find the words or picture meaning, true or false to identify the use of words in a sentence, and essay to write the words correctly. As the result of this study, the first null hypothesis (H01) was rejected and the first alternative hypothesis (Ha1) was accepted, the value of Sig. (2-tailed) P = 0.000 less than α = 0.05 was obtained for both pre-test-post-test of digital and paper flashcards media strategy. Otherwise, the second null hypothesis (H02) was accepted and the second alternative hypothesis (Ha2) was rejected, the value of Sig. (2-tailed) P = 1.000 higher than α = 0.05 was obtained for both post-test-post-test of digital and paper flashcards media strategy. To be concluded, the flashcards media strategy was effective to improve young learners’ vocabulary for both digital and paper flashcards media strategy. Both of them were equally effective to improve young learners’ vocabulary in the 7.2 class of SMPN 30 Makassar.
The Relationship between Vocabulary Knowledge and Reading Comprehension Ability of Junior High School Students Andi Fitri Rahmasari M; Sultan Baa; Chairil Anwar Korompot
Journal of Excellence in English Language Education Vol 2, No 1, January (2023): Journal of Excellence in English Language Education
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FBS UNM

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This research aimed to discover the relationship between students' vocabulary knowledge and their ability to comprehend text. The researchers in this study employed a quantitative approach. Students from SMPN 1 Liliriaja's ninth-grade class participated in this study. Purposive sampling was used to collect the data. The correlation between the two variables was determined by comparing the obtained data. Students' vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension were found to have a strong correlation. The possibility of the correlation value. (2-tailed) becoming 0.000, which is below the significance level, can be verified (0.05). As a result, the researchers can rule out the null hypothesis (H0) and accept the alternative hypothesis (Ha). Because the value is 0.698, it can be concluded that students' vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension have a significantly strong correlation (0,61-0,80).
Level of Students Writing Apprehension of the English Department at Muhammadiyah Sidrap University Nurul Fadhilah Suardi; Baso Jabu; Geminastiti Sakkir
Journal of Excellence in English Language Education Vol 2, No 1, January (2023): Journal of Excellence in English Language Education
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FBS UNM

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This study aimed to determine students' writing apprehension levels with a Descriptive Quantitative Design. The researchers used a questionnaire to ascertain the degree of students' writing apprehension. The study's target population was the Muhammadiyah Sidrap University's English Department. In addition, cluster sampling was employed by the researchers to choose the representative sample to represent the population. To conduct the analysis, the researchers chose one class as a sample. A total of 35 students from the third semester made up the sample. In this research, out of 35 students enrolled in the English Department's third semester, 0 (or 0%) were identified as having a high degree of writing apprehension, 28 (or 80%) as having an average level, and 7 (20%) as having a high level.
The Effect of Vocabulary Mastery on Students’ Reading Comprehension Nur Rahmah; Muh. Tahir; Ahmad Talib
Journal of Excellence in English Language Education Vol 2, No 1, January (2023): Journal of Excellence in English Language Education
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FBS UNM

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This study aims to decide the impact of vocabulary mastery on the reading comprehension of junior high school students. This study utilized a quantitative strategy with simple linear regression analysis. This research data was collected through a test consisting of vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension. The sample of the research was determined using random sampling. There are 59 students from SMP Negeri 2 Pangkajene and 16 students from SMP Negeri 4 Pangkajene. The aftereffects of this study show that there is an impact of vocabulary mastery on students’ reading comprehension. It is clear from the consequences of the computation of the correlation (R) is 0.573 with a coefficient of determination (R Square) of 0.329 which infers that the impact of the independent variable (vocabulary mastery) on the dependent variable (reading comprehension) was 32.9%. This shows that i 0.000 < 0.05. The conclusion is (Ho) is dismissed and (Ha) is acknowledged.
Students’ Difficulties in Writing Thesis Background Thahirah Thahirah; Maemuna Muhayyang; Amra Ariyani
Journal of Excellence in English Language Education Vol 2, No 1, January (2023): Journal of Excellence in English Language Education
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FBS UNM

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The aim of this research is to find out the students’ difficulties, the most common difficulties faced by students, and how the students overcome the difficulties in writing thesis background. The participants of this research were eight students in the English education study program of UNM in the academic year 2018. The method of this research was a descriptive qualitative design with interviews and documents as the instrument for collecting data. The result of this research showed three points as follows: 1) The difficulties encountered by the students of the English Education study program at Universitas Negeri Makassar are: a) writing and organizing ideas, b) Novelty, c) Importance, d) lack of vocabulary and e) Grammar. 2) The most common difficulties encountered by the students are writing and organizing ideas. This difficulty arises because there is still a lack of ability to write and understand what should be included in the background. 3) Their way to solve the difficulties they faced when writing a thesis background was three events namely; a) working independently, b) developing or joining a community of practice, and c) working with the supervisor.