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International Journal of Economics (IJEC)
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International Journal of Economics (IJEC) E-ISSN. 2961-712X is a refereed publication that comes to address the Economic and Administration challenges that economic units of various nature face in today’s rapidly changing international economic environment. It is designed to publish original and high quality research work that will cast light in contemporary issues and will pave the way for the application of mould-braking solutions. IJEC’s general scope is to stimulate, promote and disseminate contemporary research that will have a significant impact on the theory and practice of Businesses, Public Organizations and other Institutions. IJEC’s aims to bridge the gap between theoretical developments and applied, policy-oriented research, becoming the ideal vehicle of advancing innovative ideas in the framework of entities’ economic management and general administration. In this context, the International Journal of Economics (IJEC) is bound to have a distinctive interdisciplinary profile, destined to cover a wide variety of topics spanning from Business Economics to Management, Finance, Accounting, Insurance, Risk Management, Auditing, Banking, International Economics, and Social Science. The ultimate mission of the International Journal of Economics (IJEC) is to constitute a valuable resource of scientific knowledge and applied research results for academics, practitioners and policy-makers becoming an indispensable ally in tackling modern economy’s challenges.
Articles 22 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): July-December 2022" : 22 Documents clear
Analysis of the Effect of Halal Awareness, Subjective Norms, Attitudes and Intentions on Consumer Interest and Use of Halal Cosmetics Ade Khadijatul Z. HRP; Rahmat Azahar Siregar; Muslim Marpaung; Rahmat
International Journal of Economics (IJEC) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): July-December 2022
Publisher : PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (322.786 KB) | DOI: 10.55299/ijec.v1i2.102


Every Muslim-majority country, including Indonesia, has a growing Muslim population accompanied by rising Muslim incomes. As a result, the demand for halal goods has increased, both in Indonesia and in other countries where the majority are Muslim. Causal association strategy and quantitative approach were used in the research design. Causal relationship means a causal relationship. The quantitative approach is a research method that examines the relationship between variables using numerical data. Halal awareness is the ability to understand, feel, and be aware of events and objects or products that are categorized as halal. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant positive effect of halal awareness on consumer interest, with the obtained value of cr between the effect of halal awareness on consumer interest is 2.423 and p-value = 0.039. Because the value of cr is greater than 1.96 (2.423 > 1.96), and the p-value is less than (0.035 < 0.05). Halal awareness of the Mandailing Natal community is driven by the high religiosity of the community. There is a significant positive influence regarding the effect of halal awareness on consumer interest in the Mandailing Natal community. There is a significant positive effect on the influence of the subjective norm variable on consumer interest in the Mandailing Natal community.
The Effect of E-WOM, Brand Awareness and Prices on Interest in Buying Mama Perfum Products in Bandar Labuhan Village, Tanjung Morawa District Deli Serdang Regency Aina Anjani; Adrial Falahi
International Journal of Economics (IJEC) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): July-December 2022
Publisher : PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (254.65 KB) | DOI: 10.55299/ijec.v1i2.156


This study aims to determine the effect of E-WOM, brand awareness and price on interest in buying Mama Parfum products in Bandar Labuhan Village, Tanjung Morawa District, Deli Serdang Regency. The data analysis method used in this research is descriptive and quantitative. This research was conducted in Bandar Labuhan Village, Tanjung Morawa District, Deli Serdang Regency. The population in this study was the people of Bandar Labuhan Village with the age criteria of 16 - 56 years with a total of 2,166 men, 2,484 women and a total of 4,650 people with a tolerance limit of 10% which was calculated by the slovin rule, the total sample size was 98. respondents with a sampling technique using the simple random sampling . Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and questionnaires. The results of the multiple linear regression test obtained the equation Y = 0.486 + 0.40 7 X1 + 0.460X2 + 0.218X3 , meaning that the variables E-WOM, brand awareness and price have a positive effect on buying interest. The results of the coefficient of determination (R2 ) show that R is 0.857, R Square ( R2 ) is 0.726, Adjusted R Square is 0.726 or 72.6%, while the remaining 27.4% is explained by other variables not included in this study
The Effect of Learning Orientation and Digitalization of MSMES on the Implementation of MSME Internationalization Iva Chandraningtyas; Sudarmiatin; Imam Mukhlis
International Journal of Economics (IJEC) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): July-December 2022
Publisher : PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (407.76 KB) | DOI: 10.55299/ijec.v1i2.169


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the variables of learning orientation, the digitization of SMEs and the implementation of the internationalization of SMEs. This research uses quantitative research. Data were collected from 82 respondents using a survey. Respondents of this study were SMEs engaged in handicrafts and accessories. The SEM_PLS data analysis technique uses the SMART-PLS application. The results of the hypothesis test show that (1) there is a significant effect of the digitization of SMEs on the implementation of the internationalization of SMEs. (2) There is a significant influence of the learning orientation variable on the digitization of MSMEs. (3) There is no significant effect of learning orientation variable on the implementation of MSME internationalization.
Determination of Entrepreneurial Knowledge and Locus of Control Through The Family Environment In The Interest of Entrepreneurship Students STMB MULTI SMART Medan Ferry Hidayat; Angelyn Veronica
International Journal of Economics (IJEC) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): July-December 2022
Publisher : PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (307.488 KB) | DOI: 10.55299/ijec.v1i2.175


This study aims to examine the interest in entrepreneurship, which is determined by entrepreneurial knowledge, family environment, and locus of control in STMB MULTISMART students in the development of entrepreneurial learning patterns that are very important to do because each college has different characteristics of students. The causal associative research approach was conducted through descriptive quantitative techniques with a population of 74 people and the entire population sampled. The research instrument used a questionnaire with a Likert scale. The data analysis technique used in this study is the Partial Least Square (PLS) method, assisted by SmartPLS 3 software. Based on the results of the study, which showed no effect of entrepreneurial knowledge on entrepreneurial interest; there is a positive and significant influence of locus of control on the interest of entrepreneurship; there is a positive and significant influence of the family environment on the interest in entrepreneurship; there is a positive and significant influence of entrepreneurial knowledge on the interest in entrepreneurship through the family environment; and there is a positive and significant influence of locus of control on the interest in entrepreneurship through the family environment. A more realistic approach to teaching entrepreneurship courses is needed by prioritizing practice, such as testing the manufacture of products that have differences from similar products and trying new ideas in a service. In addition, students need to be included in entrepreneurship competitions at local and national levels. This is certainly intended for students to get empirical learning.
Green Accounting Analysis Based on Triple Bottom Line Theory for Sustainability Development Goals in Districts Bireuen Murni; Imam Malik
International Journal of Economics (IJEC) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): July-December 2022
Publisher : PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (234.205 KB) | DOI: 10.55299/ijec.v1i2.181


Phenomenon global warming or global warming has Becomes issue warm in various parts of the world so environment the company has also Becomes center attention. This thing because of the business world is one perpetrator active development through something form organizations that do activity use source power limited for reach goals that have been set. Study this aim for analyze implementation of green accounting based on triple bottom line theory for sustainability development goals in the district Bireuen. This thing conducted because existence phenomenon pollution environment in the form of garbage, flood, pollution air, poverty and unemployment. Method analysis in study this use approach qualitative, researcher collect data via documentation and interviews structured to part finance, CSR, and also part environment in the company manufactures in the district Bireuen 12 samples company . Data analysis performed by qualitative. Research results show that company manufacturing in District Bireuen has Secrete related costs with preservation environment in report finance, however still by conventional so that not yet reflects green accounting.
The Effect of Skills, Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment Against Employee Productivity PT. Indomarco Prismatama Medan Branch Area Tanjung Morawa Fadhilul Roji Nasution; Adrial Falahi
International Journal of Economics (IJEC) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): July-December 2022
Publisher : PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (388.385 KB) | DOI: 10.55299/ijec.v1i2.212


This study aims to determine the effect of skills, work motivation and organizational commitment on the productivity of employees of PT. Indomarco Prismatama. This research uses a quantitative descriptive method, the population of which is the employees of the Indomaret store. The sampling technique for this research uses a Saturated Sample, so that the research sample is set at 100 people. The results of this study indicate that the multiple linear regression equation is obtained by the equation Y = .563 + 0.621 X 1 + 0.355 X 2 + 0.532 X 3 . The results of the t test obtained the value of t count = 8.545 > t table = 1.660 and a significance of 0.000 < 0.05, then Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, which means that the Skills variable (X 1 ) partially has a significant effect on Employee Productivity (Y) PT. Indomarco Prismatama. The value of t count = 7.343 > t table = 1.660 and a significance of 0.004 <0.05, then Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected which means that the Organizational Commitment variable (X3) partially has a significant influence on Employee Productivity (Y) PT. Indomarco Prismatama. The results meaning that the variables of skills, work motivation and organizational commitment simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on Employee Productivity (Y).
The Effect of Brand Trust on Brand Loyalty of Dodol Bestory Study of PD. Bestari Diamond Garut Taopik Hidayat; Suca Rusdian; Ima Apriliani
International Journal of Economics (IJEC) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): July-December 2022
Publisher : PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (437.854 KB) | DOI: 10.55299/ijec.v1i2.231


This research is motivated by the loyalty of the dodol bestory arrowroot brand loyalty to PD. Intan Bestari Garut who is experiencing sales instability. This is caused by several factors, one of which is brand trust. The purpose of this study was to find out how the effect of brand trust on brand loyalty on dodol bestory products in PD. Diamond Bestari Garut. Based on the results of data processing obtained using SPSS version 24, the instrument has been tested for validity and reliability and the results are valid because each item produces an r value of more than 0.30 and a reliability of 0.753 for brand trust and 0.744 for brand trust. Brand Loyalty. And it is known that the effect of brand trust on brand loyalty is 0.678, which means there is a unidirectional (positive) relationship which is included in the strong category, with a contribution of 35.2% to brand loyalty while 64.8% is influenced by other factors. not discussed in this study. . And the last is hypothesis testing using the t test where it is known that the t value is 6.027, which means 6.027 > t table 1.996 and the sig value is 0.000 <0.005, so it can be concluded that the hypothesis in this study Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means Brand Trust (X ) positive and significant effect on Brand Loyalty (Y) on PD. Diamond Bestari Garut. So, the hypothesis proposed can be accepted.
Empowerment in the Pandemic Era: The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Industry Survive in Indonesia Andina Nur Fathonah
International Journal of Economics (IJEC) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): July-December 2022
Publisher : PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (136.748 KB) | DOI: 10.55299/ijec.v1i2.240


The Covid-19 pandemic which began at the end of 2019 has not yet passed, several industries are still surviving, namely food, pharmaceuticals and hospitals, technology, financial services and education. This is what encourages companies to carry out Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategies and maybe even change the plans that were planned the previous year. The research method used is qualitative with analytical description. There are 20 companies engaged in the Food and Beverage sector in 2020 which report CSR reports from 26 companies in their Annual Reports. Only 4 companies that do not specialize in CSR for Covid-19, the remaining 16 companies have taken concrete actions for employees and the community.
The Ratio of Activity and Profitability to Capital Structure of Mining Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Vicky Rosalia; Yusnaini
International Journal of Economics (IJEC) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): July-December 2022
Publisher : PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (315.288 KB) | DOI: 10.55299/ijec.v1i2.243


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the Activity Ratio as measured by Total Asset Turn Over (TATO) and Profitability as measured by Sales Growth on Capital Structure as measured by the Debt to Equity Ratio. This type of research is causality research. The population in this study used 58 Mining Sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the 2018-2020 period using a purposive sampling technique to obtain a sample of 49 companies whose observation period was 3 years with a total of 147 data observations. Testing research data using panel data regression analysis. The results showed that the Activity Ratio (TATO) partially had a positive and significant effect on Capital Structure (DER). Meanwhile, the Profitability Ratio (SG) partially has no significant effect on Capital Structure (DER) in Mining Sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2018-2020 period.
Marketing Strategy in Increasing Sales of Muslim Clothing Products at the Petisah Market in Medan City Atika Aini Nasution; Aryani Sairun; Sugito
International Journal of Economics (IJEC) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): July-December 2022
Publisher : PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (236.022 KB) | DOI: 10.55299/ijec.v1i2.246


The level of competition in the business world requires every seller to be able to carry out his marketing activities more effectively and efficiently. This study aims to determine the marketing strategy for Muslim fashion products at the Petisah Market in Medan City in increasing sales, and to find out the obstacles encountered in marketing Muslim fashion products at the Petisah Market in Medan City. This research is a field research ( field research ) which is descriptive qualitative in nature. The results of the study show that the marketing strategy carried out by Muslim clothing traders at the Petisah Market in Medan City is to do good segmentation , targeting and positioning , by carrying out a marketing mix related to product , price , place , promotion , people , process , and physical evidence. The obstacles faced in marketing Muslim fashion products at the Medan City Petisah Market, including the lack of capital, delays in the arrival of goods ordered from suppliers, lack of employees and minimal promotion, namely only relying on social media which also has various limitations.

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